The Code of the Sith

Femdom story about a sith lord femdom in a hotel.

Aug 8, 2024
12 min read
femdomThe Code of the Sithfacesittingknife playnoncon
The Code of the Sith
The Code of the Sith

The Code of the Sith

Non-Con stuff ahead.

Also a weirdly large amount of Star Wars content. I was not expecting this when I sat down to write this one, but what can you do.

Traveling for work is kinda great. I love being on the road, being in a different town every few nights, meeting new people, and being exposed to new cultures and ideas about the world. You legitimately have no idea what you are going to see next and who you might be talking to that night. I dig that, but I also recognize it can be exhausting. Everything is new, you may be sleeping in a situation that means you get shit sleep. Some people don't get excited by the joy of having to deal with new situations every day, I can respect that, but it's definitely not me.

I usually don't stay in hotels, I don't have that kind of money most of the time, but sometimes I do treat myself well, usually in the form of a nice dinner. When you keep the hours I do or travel to smaller cities the best place to get a bite to eat is usually in hotels, a little nicer than your fast casual restaurant but nothing too fancy. Well this was one of those nights. I was in the Mid-Atlantic in one of those towns that is ancillary to DC or Baltimore, the name was something like River Springs or Burton. It was around 11PM or so and I was fucking starving. I just wanted something to eat after a long day of travel. I was in town to see some friends after a conference for work. After looking on google for something that was still open and wasn't gonna make me travel 20 miles out of my way, I fount a Hilton with bar that was still serving food.

I walked in to the restaurant. Clearly displayed at the front was the usual sign you see at one of these places, a bronze placard with black lettering advocating for my patience while I waited for somebody who worked there to see me. I stood there for a few minutes getting caught up on emails or whatever non committal thing I could do on my phone as I waited. As I continued to stand there a voice emerged from the dimly lit dining room from somebody I hadn't noticed before.

"You can wait there all night, but I don't think you are gonna get what you want."

I looked up from my phone to find the source of the voice, looking around the lobby of the hotel and the dining room to try and find its owner.

"At the bar. Come in!"

I slowly swept my eyes over to the bar and saw a single figure sitting on a stool, leaning against the bar casually in their seat, a glass of something bright pink in their hand. They were dressed in pretty formal attire for the hour, some flowy soft pants of an unspecified fabric, a blouse that looked like silk, and a blazer that hung loosely over them. Clearly they had been there for a while, though their voice didn't sound slurred or like they had been imbibing the entire time they had been there. I began walking towards them.

"Did everybody go home or something? I assume the kitchen is closed?"

"Yeah, they decided to close up shop a little early tonight, I guess I wasn't enough of a draw for them to keep people around."

"Huh. A little weird, but I am fucking starving? If the kitchen is closed do you know if there is anything else near by? I am not super picky, I just need food. At this point a fast food place will work, I just need to eat."

"Oh gosh, come help me with this plate of fires. I know it's not a real meal, but at least it's something and you can like take a moment to sit down and figure out where you are actually gonna get food."

This sounded like a plan that was too good to be true.

"Are you sure? Kinda a weird offer to make a stranger?"

She laughed warmly and beckoned me over.

"I promise. I just can't finish it. I will say that they have gone a little cold, if that's a deal breaker, I totally get it."

"I mean it will have to do, besides, I don't think attempting to lead me down the garden path with a plate of half warm fries is really in the creep's playbook. Especially not at a hotel bar at 11 in a fairly suburban area."

"You can never be too careful in a hive of scum and villainy."

I sat down in the stool next to her and idly picked up a handful of fries.

"Are you talking about the DMV generally or are you making a direct comparison of this bar and the Mos Eisley Cantina?"

Her eyes lit up, clearly not expecting to be questioned about Star Wars. I took a moment to eat the cooling fries which were passable. I took another few into my hand and idly munched away.

"I wasn't thinking that far ahead to be honest. I guess this bar is kinda shaped like the cantina. Now all we need is some music, maybe some light jazz"

I snickered at her mention of the music from the cantina.

"Isn't it called Jizz music?!"

She laughed again. This time much louder and fully filling the room with her presence.

"I think you might be right on that one. Gosh I was not expecting this conversation to be this nerdy. I'm gonna need coffee if you are planning on playing like that."

"I'll stop making you engage in Star Wars discourse, I promise. One last question though... Should I be worried about you shooting me?"

"Are you casting me as Greedo?"

I looked at her blankly as long as I could, then cracked a smile and began to laugh myself.


"I detest that you think of me as some sort of common bounty hunter. I will have you know I am a Sith Lord."

"Whatever, your highness."

She laughed once again and placed her arm on my shoulder gently.

"Be careful calling me that. Don't wanna excite me too much here."

I looked at her and leaned back in my stool.

"Um. Either you are a total fucking cook or super hot right now and I'm not quite sure which it is."

She smiled at that, letting go of my shoulder.

"Which do you think? I am flirting with you, to be clear."

I looked at her out of the corner of my eye, no longer comfortable with eye contact. I swallowed deeply. She looked at me, taking a moment to look me over, up and down, trying to read my body language. A look of concern flashed over their face.

"Did I misread the vibe?"

I looked at her confused.

"Gosh, I am too thick skulled to even have realized that was the vibe. I dig it, just wasn't expecting it. You are after all, um, way too fucking hot.

She leaned back again, regaining her composure and letting the relief show on her face.

"Oh thank fuck. Okay."

She reached over and grabbed my shoulder again.

"Here is my idea. How about you actually find yourself something to eat here and then..."

She pulled a room key out of her bag after a few moments of searching.

"You come meet me in my room and we can talk about Star Wars a little more."

I eyed her. Not sure if I was being invited to a movie night, a hookup, or a legitimate discourse on the merits of the Skywalker Saga. Who knows, if I was extra lucky, the holiday special could be in my future.

The elevator raced up at a speed I wasn't quite expecting. I guess I have a certain expectation that hotels in suburban towns are all old and rickety, but I guess I was thinking of small town, not really like airport commuter town. Whatever the case, riding the elevator up to the 4th floor made a pit in my stomach. Not entirely certain if this was from the excitement of what I was about to do, the divey bar food I had found to feed myself, or the actual speed of the elevator, but regardless, it had me feeling a little anxious about what I was getting myself into.

The doors of the elevator opened and I began wandering around the floor looking for the right hallway. I don't know what it is about hotels, but I can never quite figure out how the hallways are labeled. It makes no sense, but eventually I did find the correct room and knocked. There was no response. Deja Vu. Well. She did give me a key... I tapped it against the lock and waited for the green light. It flashed and I opened the door.

The lights were off in the room. I stumbled around trying to find the light switch. Maybe they had gone to bed? As I pressed further into the room, I flicked on the light in the corner. There was nobody in either of the beds. Suddenly I felt somebody press against my back.

Her fingers wrapped around my shoulder and her arm encircled my throat. Her breath was hot against my neck and I felt her move to be next to my ear. Her hot breath echoed in my head. I stood there transfixed by my predicament, unable to move, or say anything, or think.

"Not going to fight back? A fucking pity."

She threw me to the floor, against the bed. I fell to my knees and bent over the bed. Once again she snaked her arms around me and bound me in my position. Her hot breath driving me insane yet again.

"You really are pathetic. I thought you might be a worthy acolyte. Instead, you're just a braindead mess."

She grinded against me, clearly taking pleasure in having me so easily immobilized. She planted a kiss on my cheek, and then pulled away. A moment later, she grabbed me by the ear and turned me around so I was sitting at the foot of the bed, leaning against the boxspring, her imposing figure standing over me.

What I saw nearly took my breath away. Gone were the casual business clothes. They had been replaced with a vibe that could only be described as holy shit. A black cloak covered their head, a leather harness and bra clasped together with silver loops and rivets spiraled down their body. Leather garters that fastened around spiked cuffs around their thighs. Long stiletto heeled boots. A small scabbard was clipped around their waist holding what looked like a ritual athame. In their right hand an honest to god prop replica red lightsaber.

I didn't know if I should be aroused, impressed, or scared. I decided to split the difference on all three and sat there is a stupor that would impress any potential partner. A few moments later I finally managed to choke out a few words.

"So. I guess we aren't going to be watching the Phantom Menace."

She quirked a smile at me from beneath her hood, though she showed no teeth. This gave me a look at her bright red lipstick that had already been a little smudged. I reached my hands up to touch my face, my fingers coming away red.

"No. That's not my plan. I think I was going to go more with Revenge of the Sith."

With that, she slid the knife out of its sheath and pressed it against my throat quickly.

"Now stop talking and listen to what I have to say. If you cooperate this will be so much more pleasant for you."

I shut the fuck up.


She idly slid the point of the knife away from my throat and slid it down my chest, cutting the buttons off of my shirt easily as she did so.

"If I cannot train you as a fellow Sith, I will have to find a use for you that is more appropriate for your... position."

With the last word she popped the last button off of my shirt.

"Do you know the code of the Sith?"

I shook my head urgently.

"Oh? Really now? Well I guess I will have to teach you then."

She leaned over, grabbing my chin with her hand, making me look into her eyes. They were practically on fire. She held me there for a moment, before leaning into a kiss that could have melted me into the floor. It was long, deep, and patient. There wasn't a hint of inhibition in it at all. It felt so fucking good to kiss somebody again. I kissed back as hard as I could.

She placed her hands on my shoulders again, pulling away from the kiss, pressing me against the bed.

"Through Passion, I gain strength..."

I looked at her wide eyed. She didn't let up with the pressure, though one of her hands did slide up to the bed to grab a small strip of leather. She wrapped it around my throat, holding me into place as she did so. I didn't resist very hard, but I don't think I could have gotten up if I had tried.

"Through strength, I gain power..."

She took a leash from the bed and clipped it into the collar she had fastened around my neck and wrapped it around her hand so it was taught. Her hands shifted on me as she grabbed my hair and made me get up onto the bed, pressing me down into the mattress. She stood over me, kissing down my chest as she gripped the leash and began tracing the dull side of the knife from before over my skin.

"Do you think I'm going to hurt you?"

I didn't know how to respond. I didn't know.

She tugged at the leash harshly.


I shook my head.

She wrapped her hand around my neck suddenly her other hand still on the leash, the knife discarded somewhere on the bed.

"I asked you to use your words. You will use your words in the presence of your better when asked. You will not speak unless otherwise spoken to. Am I clear?"


"Yes, what?"

I looked at her blankly. She looked at me suddenly realizing what I was waiting for.

"Sir will be suitable for you tonight, I think."

I gulped.

"Yes, sir."

She smiled and loosened her grip.

"I will ask one more time, do you think I will hurt you?"

"I very much doubt it, but at this point I really don't know."

She leaned back down to be right in my ear, her hand leaving my neck and beginning to play with my hair.

"I would never hurt a devoted subject..."

She snapped my head up grabbing my hair suddenly to look at her again.

"...but if you so much as disobey me in a way that is sincere or you show me anything other than complete respect and understanding that I have total supremacy over you..."

Her voice trailed away as she relaxed her grip on me and reached for her knife again, dragging back over my skin. I shuddered as she did so.

"Do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Just give into your passion. Feel me against you. Understand what a gift I am giving you here tonight."

She began to circle me in the bed, attaching me to the bedframe with one of those under the bed rigs, locking me into place. She admired her work a moment later, and sat down on the bed, her head near my feet so we were facing each other. She draped her boots across my body and lay there for a few moments, pressing against my body and clearly just taking a moment to appreciate the predicament she had me in.

"You look so good like this for me, you know that."

Her weight shifted around on the bed as she put one of her boots in my face.

"Lick me clean."

I began to lick the bottom of the boot as I was instructed, making sure to take long slow sweeps of the sole of the boot, feeling the point of the heel against my chin. Slowly she dipped it into my mouth and commanded me to suck. We stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, her eyes blazing as I worked her boots, occasionally letting out a moan and running her fingers around my torso, or giving my leash a yank just to make sure I knew that she was still watching with greed. I was so lost in my task that I don't think I noticed when she started rubbing herself over her underwear.

After a while, she crawled up the bed and startled me.

"You have been doing an awful good job with that moth of yours and I think you are ready."

I felt the wetness of her underwear slide down her legs as she pressed it against my face.

"Feel my power. Smell it. Take it in deeply."

I drank every sensation in. Unable to get enough. She laughed an evil laugh and slid further up so that she was above my face. The knife had returned to her hand at some point and as she lowered herself down onto me, she pressed it against my throat. I was completely unsure of what to do, so I began drinking her in like I had the underwear. Completely and without reservation.

"...Through power, I gain victory..."

She began grinding against my face and moaning softly as I continued to press into her. I was unable to do anything else. I couldn't think, I couldn't breath, I couldn't speak. I could only taste. I kept in time with her rhythm as she rode me. Matching her moans.

"Don't you dare stop. Follow your betters."

I did not relent. She didn't either.

Several minutes later we lay in a daze on her bed, my face covered in her, both of us exhausted and satisfied. Neither of us really knew what to say for a long moment. I was still bound in my position and she took advantage of this to wrap her arms around me, this time without malice or power.

"Did you just cum to the end of the Sith code?"

She looked at me and smirked lazily.

"No. I never actually finished it."

"There is more, actually, the last line is '...Through victory my chains are broken"

I looked at here out of the side of my eyes.

"So in this situation does that mean if I make you cum, I get to go free? Is that what you were getting at with all this?"

"I mean I guess that's kinda what I was going for."

I lay there, still brain scrambled from what had just happened.

"So like, we did that... are ya gonna let me out?"

She laughed deeply.

"You haven't yet... and I have no intention on letting that happen any time soon."

She yanked on my leash and kissed me on the cheek again.

In the dimly lit dining room, the mysterious figure introduced themselves as a potential source for food, mentioning 'fires' - potentially referring to 'fries'.

In the Sith Lord's dominatrix attire, they displayed a weapon, hinting at potential 'knife play' in their interactions.

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