The Consummate Cuckold Ch. 04

Jolie prepares Paul for his cuckolding with Carl.

Jul 30, 2024
43 min read
anallesbianbisexualheterosexualfemdomThe Consummate Cuckold Ch. 04bondage
The Consummate Cuckold Ch. 04
The Consummate Cuckold Ch. 04

The Consummate Cuckold Ch. 04

The Consummate Cuckold - Chap 4


This story is about a husband's willing decent into cuckoldry. Paul is a married, sexually inadequate man unable to satisfy his gorgeous young wife, Jolie, in bed. Although he is good looking and has a slim but muscled physique, he has a small penis and prematurely ejaculates. She loves him, but has become sexually frustrated and her stunning friend Kylie has become her lover and moved in with them. They have discovered that Paul is a submissive and that he is excited by female domination, tease and denial and has become their cuckold. The three of them have befriended Lucy, a student and chair of Paul's Fan Club. Lucy stayed with them for a while after falling out with her parents and has submissive sex with them. Lucy has now moved into Kylie's empty house which she shares with Kylie's sister, Lola. Jolie's colleague, Tamsin, has confessed that her huge weightlifter husband, Carl, is desperate to fuck her. Jolie has admitted she wants to take his huge, black cock and has persuaded Kylie and Paul to let her. In this episode Jolie prepares Carl for his cuckolding. Confused? Read the Compliant Cuckold and Chaps 1 to 3 of this series and all will become clear!

This story contains the following sexual activities - please don't read it if they offend you. Heterosexual, bisexual, lesbian, femdom and anal. All characters involved in sexual activity are 18 or older.

Chapter 4

Preparing Paul


As I drove the girls home on Sunday afternoon Lola was pressing Lucy for details of her afternoon tryst with Paul, but she was being coy.

"Stop teasing her Lols, I want to ask you both a favour. Will you be extra nice to Paul for the next couple of weeks?"

Lucy twisted in the passenger seat to look at me.

"I let him do me up the bum three times this afternoon, how nice do you want me to be?"

Lola burst into a fit of giggles, but I tried again,

"Please girls, I'm being serious. He might be a bit fragile this week, and especially after Saturday."

Lola stopped giggling and put her hand on my shoulder from the back seat.

"Why, what's happening on Saturday K?"

I heaved a sigh.

"Its complicated. Lets just say that I have concerns."

"Then you're coming in for coffee. You can't leave us hanging now, we care about the three of you."

I found myself with a mug of coffee untouched, sitting on a barstool in their kitchen pouring out the story so far.

"On Wednesday evening we're going to Carl and Tamsin's for drinks and to see where the deed will take place, then on Saturday Paul and Jolie are going back and Carl is going to fuck her whilst Paul watches."

A single tear rolled down my cheek and in a flash Lola's arms were around me from behind as Lucy knelt in front of me, her hands on my thighs.

"God K, can't you speak to her? She loves you, I'm sure she wouldn't go through with it if you asked her not to."

"I know, but I don't want her not to do him because I've ask her not to. I want her not to want to," I wailed miserably, knowing I sounded childish.

Lucy held my hands in hers,

"What does Paul think of all this, is he happy?"

"I'm not sure happy is the right word, but he's a submissive beta male and he craves the humiliation of an alpha taking what should be his. He's excited at the thought of seeing this big black bull fuck her with his massive cock. But it's the effect on him psychologically I'm worried about. It might prove to be a step too far. We need to make sure that he feels loved and valued. Lols, I know I've warned you off him, but feel free to follow your feelings, I know you've got close to him recently. I'm sure Lucy won't mind."

"I've already told her it's fine with me - I only borrow him sometimes."

Lola looked at me with a smirk,

"Are you pimping me out big sister?"

She made me smile and I wiped the moisture from my cheek.

"Don't act all coy. You've been wanting to ride his little soldier for weeks! Or has Ally turned you full lezzer already?"

Lola hung her mouth open and it was Lucy's turn to giggle as I bantered with my sister. I stood to go and Lucy hugged me,

"Come round on Saturday evening Kylie. Lola is out with Ally so you can paddle my bottom and make me yelp as loud as you like."

I kissed her cheek,

"That would be lovely, but come to me instead. Then I'll have the full range of painful accoutrements available."

Lola followed me out to the car. As she hugged me goodbye, she murmured in my ear,

"You know he'd be my first don't you?"

I pulled away, open mouthed and noticed her cheeks were pink.

"Are you surprised that I'm not the slut you thought I was, or shocked that I'm a prude?"

"Neither sweetheart, it's just I know you've had a few boyfriends and I just assumed......."

"I'm not a prude K, I've wanked a few willies and swallowed my share of semen, but I've been saving my cherry for someone special. I'm just not sure he's special enough yet. Lucy likes it up the bum though, so maybe I could try that seeing as he's small."

I smiled at her and stroked her cheek. I didn't let on that Paul had already told me that he'd had a finger up there while she masturbated on his lap.

"I can't even stand the thought of doing that. Not after what happened with Dad."

She sighed,

"You know I'll never forget what you did for me. It's because of what you did that I'm able to decide who my first will be."

We hugged again and I got in the car and backed out of the drive. Unpleasant memories flooded back as I drove home. My mother's death when I was just ten and Lola was four. My stepfather 'noticing' me when my little buds started to puff on my flat chest. I was 12. Him leering down or up my big t-shirt that I wore for bed with nothing underneath as he insisted. Him masturbating next to my bed when he thought I was sleeping. His heavy body on mine as he took my virginity at 14. Him threatening to do the same to eight year old Lola unless I gave him my bottom too. The feel of the kitchen knife going into his naked back as he broke our bargain and tried to take her. Nearly 11 years later the scars on my soul still bled when disturbed.


When I got home supper was almost ready. We ate and as Jolie cleared away I made coffee. I took it into the lounge where Paul was sitting on one of the sofas with Jolie in his lap. I snuggled into Paul's side pulling his arm around me. We watched a movie but I was subdued and didn't really pay attention, my thoughts elsewhere. Jolie had noticed and as Paul switched off the TV at ten pm she slid along to me, burying her face in my neck.

"Where are you my love? You're not here with us tonight are you?"

I took a deep breath,

"You remember a few weeks ago I said there was this issue in my past?"

She nodded, "When you freaked out when we tried to bind your wrists."

"Well, most of the time I can keep the memories buried deep, but occasionally something happens to trigger them again. Its a testament to how happy I am here that it hasn't happened as much as it used to, but a conversation with Lola today has brought them to the surface again. I just need to put them back in their metaphorical box."

She kissed my cheek and took my hands in hers.

"What can we do to help?"

"It might sound a bit weird, but I need to sleep in the spare room tonight. I'd like Paul to come and tuck me in, and then lie outside the covers and hold me until I fall asleep."

Paul searched my face,

"I can do that for you sweetheart, are you sure you're OK. Do you want us to call Lola?"

I shook my head,

"Just come up when I call."

I kissed Jolie goodnight and went up to rummage for my old Paddington Bear T-shirt. When I pulled it on it no longer covered my knickers but it still had that familiar smell and feel. I climbed under the crisp linen and called for Paul. He straightened the duvet, tucking it under my chin, then climbed onto the bed pulling me into little spoon in front of him. Even though he was outside the covers I could feel the warmth and strength of his presence. He kissed me goodnight then buried his face in my blonde hair and held me. I lay awake for a while, but eventually drifted off lulled by his strong arms and gentle breath on my neck. My sleep was troubled and dream filled. I woke up panting, my heart racing. The red clock digits said it was ten past one. A strong arm hugged me and Paul's voice was soft in my ear,

"Its OK baby you're safe. It was just a bad dream, go back to sleep. I'm here."

For a second or two I was ten again, in the arms of a father who loved me as his little girl, not his little slut.

In the morning I was awoken by Jolie crawling under the covers. She was wearing a T-shirt and knickers like me, only her T-shirt covered her bottom and was new. She pushed her bum back into my tummy and pulled my arm around her.

"Five minutes then I have to get up for work."

Paul's sleeping form was still spooned behind me on top of the covers, but a single blanket had been laid over him. Jolie must have checked on us in the night. I whispered in her ear,

"Thank you for last night. It was just what I needed."

"Then it was worth missing you for a night. Now cuddle me please, we have three minutes before I have to get up."


On Wednesday morning I was sitting up in the bed I shared with my girlfriend and her husband, listening to him in the shower. I was excited about the prospect of seeing Tamsin again this evening, but this was tempered with my misgivings over Jolie and Carl. I was on late shift at the gym where I work as a personal trainer and physio, so I was enjoying a lazy start to the day. I was supposed to be working twelve until eight, but I had managed to arrange to leave an hour early so I could go straight to Carl and Tamsin's to meet Jolie and Paul. Jolie had left for her office over an hour ago and Paul had brought me coffee after seeing her off. I sighed in bliss and wriggled my toes under the duvet before the peace was broken by my mobile vibrating on the bedside table. I snatched it up and disconnected the charging cable, seeing Lucy's pretty face on the screen.

"Hiya sweetie not at uni this morning?"

Lucy's voice was tense,

"Dad's coming at eleven and Lola is going in to uni to prep for a class she has this afternoon. Are you able to come over, at least until I know he won't be weird?"

Lucy's Father had imprisoned her and confiscated all her tech a few weeks ago, apparently to protect her from the lascivious attentions of men. Paul, Lola and I had rescued her and she had moved into my empty house with my sister who was also at uni. Things had calmed down, and her Dad was doing an anger management course. He seemed to be coming to terms with his daughter's independence, but Lucy was still wary of him and was worried he would try and drag her back home again if she was on her own with him.

"I have a shift later so I can't stay long. Tell Lola I'll drop her at uni on my way to work as he should meet your housemate and landlord properly anyway."

I showered and dressed and was at Lucy and Lola's by 10.45. I demanded toast and coffee as I had forsaken breakfast and would probably miss lunch. We were sitting at the breakfast bar when Lucy's father arrived. He recognised Lola and I immediately,

"Ah, the other two thirds of the rescue squad." He looked at Lola, "A fine diversionary action on your part young lady."

Lola grinned sheepishly,

"Hello Mr Pascoe, I'm Lola, Lucy's friend and housemate."

She nodded towards me,

"And this is Kylie, my big sister and our landlord, so to speak."

He took the mug of coffee from his daughter, but I noticed his eyes linger on her chest.

"Well ladies, I hope you can let bygones be bygones and we can make a fresh start."

Lucy was wearing her most conservative bra and top. Her girls were strapped down tight as in the past her father had accused her of flaunting them. In fact the reason he gave for locking her up was to protect her from men who might want to take advantage of her 'obvious assets'. Today he was pleasant and chatty, asking how her studies were going and if she had enough money. Lucy asked him about his anger management and he said he was still attending. But as she collected up the coffee cups I saw where his eyes went. I knew his type, what he was. Constant furtive glances at his daughters breasts. But it was when Lola bent to load the dishwasher and her top gaped that I noticed him subtly adjust his position to try and look down it to catch a glimpse of of the tops of her little braless breasts. Lucy was telling him about her latest exam results, expecting him to be pleased, but his attention was on trying to peek at Lola's breastlets. She looked up and caught him gawping. He didn't even notice she had seen. She flicked a glance at me and I nodded. She interrupted Lucy,

"Mr Pascoe, are you trying to look down my top?"

He looked away quickly, his face reddening,

"Of course not, I was just watching you load the dishes."

"Because if you wanted to see my little boobies you only had to ask."

Lucy's father half rose from his chair spluttering,

"They're not big and bouncy like your daughter's but if you come with me to the bathroom I'll let you see them if you promise not to touch."

She held her hand out but Pascoe was clearly mortified and rushed out of the house slamming the front door behind him.

Lucy and I looked at each other astounded before we all burst into hysterical laughter. Lucy was the first to get her breath back,

"Lola!!!! Would you really have shown my Dad your boobies?"

"Of course not. Your Dad's a pervy old git Luce and he just needed calling out on his letching."

We were still giggling as I dropped Lola off at uni.



When Kylie left I went up to the office and did a couple of hours on the new novel, Short Staffed, writing the outline for chapter three and finishing fleshing-in Chapter two, for which Lucy had written the outline. I then had an hour in the garage on the multi-gym before making some lunch. Jolie phoned to say that as Kylie would be coming straight from work, she wouldn't have time to eat, so Tamsin was going to make a chicken casserole and I was not to make any dinner. I showered and changed into cargo shorts and a short sleeved shirt to leave the ensuite free for Jolie. She arrived home at 5.30 having left work on time for once. After excitedly hugging and kissing me, she rushed upstairs to shower and change. She emerged from the bathroom naked and as she bent to step into her knickers I hugged her from behind. She turned in my arms and reached up to kiss me,

"Tonight is just to see where it will happen and for you and Kylie to get to know them a bit more. He won't be getting in my knickers tonight sweetie, so try to relax a little. Just remember I love you and this is just me scratching an itch. Are you OK?"

"I guess I'm OK. I get that my cocklet isn't enough for you, but I can't help feeling jealous that Carl is going to have you."

"Its true that your little willy can't satisfy me, but you are so much more than your trigger happy cocklet. You are handsome, kind, loving and loyal and a gifted and successful author. To say nothing of your very talented tongue. Remember, you're our beta male and Kylie and I love you."

She hugged me again and gave my caged willy a fondle before peering into her closet. She chose a tight, pale green cap sleeved top that emphasised her flat chest and hollow tummy. Her tight jean shorts showed a little of the under-curve of her pert little buttocks. She applied a clear lip gloss and pulled her hair into a ponytail and when she pouted at me I growled and reached for her. She laughed and fended me off,

"This isn't for you sweetie, this is to get Carl's motor running. You can have some fun when we get home this evening after he's had chance to paw me a little."

Then we were in the Range Rover heading across town. The gate was open when we arrived at the posh period residence and I drove straight in. Tamsin came out to meet us, hugging Jolie and surprising me with the warmth of her embrace and a kiss on the lips that left me wanting more. She was braless in a pale blue T-shirt and tight jeans that clung like a second skin to her gorgeous arse. We passed through a large hallway with an impressive staircase into a sleek and spacious kitchen, a modern extension to the victorian property. A couple of steps led down to a seating area that looked out through large glass doors onto a patio and well manicured garden. Carl was huge and handsome in a nice polo shirt and khaki shorts. His predatory expression when he saw Jolie's outfit had her smirking at me and his subsequent hug had her feet kicking in the air. His handshake for me was warm and firm without being painful. Tamsin opened the bottle of Pinot that Jolie had brought but Carl asked if I wanted to try some of his home brewed ale. I eagerly accepted and he led me through into a utility room behind the garage. A batch of IPA was brewing in a large plastic tub and a pressurised keg of bitter was ready for drinking. He drew off a little into the bottom of a pint glass for me to taste. I nodded enthusiastically as it was very good. He filled both glasses and handed me one, before leading us back into the kitchen where Jolie was seated at the island chatting to Tamsin as she cut a french stick into hunks. She looked at Carl as we set our glasses down.

"Baby, why don't you show Paul your new gym setup?"

I caught her meaningful look and followed him through a short glass passageway into an impressive area with a large floor to ceiling mirror on the back wall and wide windows looking out over the garden. Paul explained that it had originally been a granny annex but he had knocked down a couple of internal walls to create the current space, just leaving the shower room and a toilet in one corner. Running, rowing and stepping machines faced the windows and a large multi-gym occupied the centre of the space. A free weights area was at the rear of the room against the large mirror. I looked up at him as he rubbed the back of his neck, he seemed to hesitate.

"Paul, I've never done this cuckold thing before and I've no idea what the rules are. I really like you both and I don't want to cross any hard lines. Tamsin says Jolie wants me to be dominant and forceful, but I need to know what your limits are, and if you're still OK with this."

I sat down on a weights bench and sighed,

"We've never done this before either, not with another man. I guess Kylie cuckolds me, but she does it in a way that includes me somehow and I know she loves me. But this is new and although the thought of seeing my wife writhing on a really big cock is exciting, the reality might be too much."

I leaned forward with my head in my hands. The bench creaked as he sat next to me and a big arm went around my shoulders.

"Buddy, just use the safeword at any time and no one will think the worse of you. It just stops."

"Jolie might think worse of me if she's having a good time."

"Maybe for a moment, but everyone has to get something from this. I get to fuck your beautiful wife whom I've got the crazy hots for, Tamsin wants to see her husband being the big dominant stud taking another man's wife, hopefully Jolie gets her brains fucked out, but you have to get something out of this too. If this submissive, beta male humiliation thing gives you a hard-on then fine, but if it freaks you out, stop the show Paul, seriously. How is Kylie with all this?"

"She's not thrilled about it, but she's adamant she won't stop her if its something she really wants."

"Tamsin is going to check in with her when she gets here, she got to know her a little last week."

I sat up and he looked at me as his arm slid from my shoulder.

"So tell me what she likes and what is off the menu for you."

"Tamsin is right, she likes to be dominated. She'd prefer to be taken rather than offer it up if you get me. She likes her hair pulled and the odd slap on her bottom, but no visible marks please. She's OK with oral and will tolerate cum in her mouth, but its not her favourite thing. She's on the pill so you can cum inside her, but absolutely no anal."

I caught the flash of disappointment on his face so I repeated,

"Seriously Carl, no anal. That's a hard line."

He stood and offered a hand to pull me to my feet,

"Got it, buddy. No anal. Let's go join the ladies shall we?"

When we got back to the kitchen Tamsin had gone to the door to let Kylie in. I peeked around the kitchen door to see them kissing in the hallway. Kylie spotted me watching and grinned at me sheepishly.

"Hi handsome."

She came to kiss me and gave me a hug. Her eyes searched my face.

"You OK?"

I nodded and pulled her tight against me, her fingers caressed the short hair at the back of my neck. I whispered into her ear,

"I love you."

She pulled back and looked up at me with a slight smile,


She went to hug her girlfriend but stopped short and looked her up and down,

"Really? For dinner?"

She shook her head and pulled her into a hug.

"Bull baiting has been illegal in this country since 1835."

Jolie coloured but the rest of us grinned at her discomfiture. Tamsin announced that dinner would be ready in a few minutes so we moved to the dining area. Jolie was next to Carl with Kylie between Tamsin and I opposite. Dinner was tasty and simple with Tamsin's lovely casserole augmented with hunks of fresh bread. Desert was raspberry cheese cake with vanilla ice cream. Tamsin had made some lemonade as Kylie and I were driving and we drank a couple of glasses whilst the others finished the wine. I could tell from the way that Jolie closed her eyes occasionally that Carl's hand was caressing her thighs and maybe more under the table. Her eyes followed him when he got up to make coffee. Tamsin suggested that we go upstairs to see where play would take place on Saturday evening. We left Carl playing with the barista machine and followed her up the staircase into a large bedroom with a high ceiling. A superking bed with a large leather headboard was against the rear wall with a small window on either side above oak side tables. To the left was a large sofa and a door, presumably to an ensuite. To the right was a large french door to a balcony looking out over the garden. Facing the bed was a dressing table above which was a large flat screen TV. Tamsin linked an arm through mine,

"I thought Carl could fuck her on that big bed and you and Kylie could watch from this sofa. The bed is big enough if the three of you wanted to stay over."

"I won't be coming," Kylie muttered, "Lucy is coming to ours to keep me company."

She looked at Tamsin and then at me,

"Will you stay with him Tamsin? While Carl takes her?"

Tamsin's arm squeezed mine,

"Would you like that Paul? Shall we sit together on the sofa and watch my man fuck your wife?"

I nodded, my mouth too dry to speak as images danced in my head and my cocklet strained against the bars of my cock cage. She led us through the door on the left into a wet room with a WC and a big walk-in shower.

"There's a bath in the main bathroom off the landing if you prefer. Is this OK?"

Jolie nodded enthusiastically,

"Yes, its perfect, you have a beautiful home Tams."

"Thanks Jolie. Kylie, will you stay and talk to me for a minute?"

Jolie and I went back downstairs to find that Carl had set the coffees out in the seating area. He was sitting on a sofa, but I was pleased when Jolie snuggled into a large armchair with me. I noticed her looking at him and I could tell she was aroused by his presence. I whispered into her ear,

"Go to him if you want."

"No sweetie, this evening I'm just letting him have a good look at what could be his on Saturday, but tonight I'm just yours - if you want me."

I nodded, unable to speak and she kissed me gently.

"Now take me home to bed please, because I'm horny and I want my husband to make me cum."

We finished our coffee and thanked Carl for his hospitality, promising to be at his again on Saturday at seven. Kylie was still upstairs with Tamsin and Carl was unsurprised.

"Tamsin wanted a chat with her about something, I'll tell her you've headed off when they come down."

I shook Carl's hand at the door and went to open the car, expecting them to have a snog and grope on the doorstep, but Carl got a quick peck on the cheek and then she was climbing into the car with me. Jolie asked me if I knew what Tamsin wanted to speak to Jolie about but I confessed I didn't know. Her hand slid over the console to caress my thigh.

"Don't kill us both but don't hang about husband. My kitty wants out of these knickers and is pining for your kisses."



As Jolie and Paul went downstairs I looked at Tamsin. She was a few inches taller than me and as slim as a rake. Her pert half orange breasts sat high on her chest and the skinny jeans clung to her gorgeous little arse. And she was so pretty with her dark curls and long eyelashes. If Carl was going to fuck my girlfriend then I was absolutely going to try to get in his wife's knickers again. She came to me and took my hands in hers.

"Kylie I need to know that you're OK with this whole cuckold thing on Saturday. I'd hate to upset you or spoil things between you and Jolie."

"I have to admit that I would prefer it if she didn't want this, but she does and so does Paul in his twisted way. I'm determined not to try and stop her if she wants this. I just wish she didn't want it, not so much for me, but because I think Paul might find it more than he bargained for. I don't want to be here to watch, so promise me you'll stay and hold his hand through this Tamsin. Promise me you'll look after him if he gets upset."

"Of course I will. I'll even stroke his little willy for him if you want."

I gave her a wan smile,

"I think Jolie will have his cocklet caged when we get here, so ask her for the key she has round her neck before they get started."

She still had hold of my hands and her thumbs were caressing my knuckles. She looked down at her feet,

"There's something else I............"

I stopped the flow of words by leaning in and kissing her gently. I let go of her hands and my arms went around her waist pulling her to me. She melted into me and I felt her hands in my hair as the kiss deepened. When I broke the kiss her nipples were hard and poking at her t-shirt.

"Kylie I've tried to be straight and I love my husband, but when you made Jolie kiss my kitty at the hotel I realised I'd forgotten how gentle a woman's mouth is, how lovely it feels. And watching you dominate her was so exciting. You took such care of her, and when you gave her that lovely gentle orgasm to send her to sleep, I realised I wanted that so very much. Then when you took me I was so, so ready. You were firm but gentle and you made me orgasm twice before you let yourself cum. I want that again Kylie, with you. Will you be my mistress sometimes please? Please Kylie?"

In answer I leaned forward and kissed her hard nipples through her t-shirt and her breath caught. I pulled at the hem of her top.


She quickly pulled it over her head and her elastic boobs bounced back to their half orange shape, the big, rubbery teats even darker than her ebony skin. I opened my mouth and waited until she realised what I wanted and pressed a breast to my mouth. She groaned as I suckled first one, then its twin. I pulled back to hear her whimper of disappointment.

"On your knees Tamsin."

She knelt in-front of me and I let my skirt and knickers slide down my legs to pool at my feet. I stepped out of them and widened my stance.

"Ask me again Tamsin."

She looked at my exposed pussy then up at my face.

"Please, will you be my mistress Kylie? Please?"

"Kiss your mistress properly, then. I want to cum on your pretty face."

She knee walked to me and placed a kiss on my shaven mons before tilting her head back to look into my eyes as her mouth closed over my oozing crease. I sighed loudly in counterpoint to Tamsin's muffled moans of excitement as she unsnapped her jeans and a hand burrowed inside. He other hand went to my bottom to pull me firmly against her. Her tongue flickered up and down my labia as I tangled a hand in her hair.

"That's it sweetie, just like that."

My other hand slid down my tummy to pull back on my clitoral hood to let the trapped little shaft pop free. I closed my eyes and nudged it from side to side with a fingertip as my arousal grew. I pushed her away for a second.

"Are you sure this is what you want? I can be mean as well as gentle. And I'm going to want to smack your bottom hard sometimes."

She nodded and reached for me again but I pushed her away.

"Get your hand out of your jeans then. You don't have permission to touch yourself."

I had caught a movement through the bedroom door and I looked up to see Carl standing at the top of the stairs. To his credit he met my gaze and didn't look away. I knew I was his type - skinny little body with an almost flat chest. I moved a little to face the open door and let him see my shaved pussy. We both knew it would never be his. I held his gaze as I tightened my grip on his wife's hair and pulled her face to my pouting crease,

"Now your tongue inside sweetie, thats it."

I bucked my hips gently against her face as he watched, her long tongue plunging in and out of my slippery tunnel. I kept my eyes fixed on Carl's as she pleasured me, ensuring he knew from my gasps and moans what an excellent service she was providing. As my excitement peaked I pushed her away slightly and my fingers worked my swollen clit until I came noisily, squirting into her upturned face. My knees buckled, but she held me up, her mouth eagerly pressed against me again as she worshipped at my gushing pussy. Although she sensed my orgasm was winding down, her arms were still around my thighs and her mouth remained sealed against my crotch, her tongue caressing me gently. I eased her away and she looked up at me, her eyes questioning. I smiled down at her,

"That was more than adequate for a first attempt."

I pulled her to her feet and kissed her, not minding the taste of my own pussy. I slid a hand into her still unfastened jeans finding her knickers sodden and her nether lips flooded with her nectar. She whimpered into my mouth as I slipped my middle finger into her oily folds. Her hips began to move, humping my finger. I inserted a second and pressed my palm against the hard bump of her clit. She was used to Carl's big cock so I inserted a third finger and she became more vocal, panting encouragement into my neck. When I sensed she was close I murmured into her ear,

"Cum for your mistress, Cum for me now."

I locked eyes with Carl again as she bucked frantically on my hand. Then her movements lost rhythm as her pussy spasmed, clutching at my wriggling fingers. As her cry announced her orgasm I watched his face for any signs of anger or jealousy, but he smiled and nodded. My arm around her back pulled her to me and took her weight as she bucked and jerked through her orgasm, until she was still, panting in my arms. I saw Carl turn away and go downstairs.

"Thank you mistress."

"Don't expect an orgasm every time. Sometimes it pleases me to deny my submissive - it makes them more responsive next time."

We washed our hands and faces in the ensuite before joining Paul downstairs. Paul had reheated our coffees in the microwave.

"Jolie and Paul have gone on ahead. So she said yes then."

I looked at them both in surprise. Tamsin explained,

"I told him about the hotel and that I wanted to ask you to be my mistress sometimes. He's OK with it."

"But what if I want to deny you orgasms, how will that work?"

I regarded Carl over the rim of my coffee mug.

"That's no problem if I know. It turns me on to fuck her and leave her high and dry. I just won't let her wank afterwards."

I looked across at Tamsin who mouthed " Selfish pig" to me behind her coffee mug. I finished my coffee and they walked me to my car. I thanked them for dinner and they kissed me goodbye. I got into the car and wound the window down.

"Have fun, but I want them both back undamaged on Saturday. They're mine and I love them."

I didn't wait for a reply as I pulled away.



When we got into the house my wife asked me to pour us a nightcap and went upstairs. Some 10 minutes later she reappeared and threw back the whisky I had poured her.

"Bottoms up," she grinned and pulled me by the hand up the stairs to the bedroom. There she pressed herself against me, kissing me hungrily. She tugged at my clothes and I undressed as she watched. When I was naked she pulled me to her again and kissed me, reaching down to where my cocklet strained to erect in its cage. I groaned as she fondled my caged appendage, the skin sensitive where it bulged through the bars of the cage. I pulled at the hem of her T-shirt and she lifted her arms to let me pull it over her head. I loved her undeveloped chest, the way her hard little nipples and puffy areolae stood proud on her ribs. She wriggled out of her little shorts, her knickers dragged down at the same time. She kicked them free and I growled and reached for her naked little body, but she pushed me back with a palm in my chest.

"Wait." She husked.

She backed to the bed and sat on the edge. Moving back slightly she pulled her knees up, resting her heels on the edge of the mattress and flopping her thighs wide. My eyes widened as her pussy gaped, the labia already swollen and glistening. God she was beautiful and I wanted her so much, but I knew to stay where I was as she made us wait, heightening the anticipation. She reached both hands down over her tummy to her mons, pulling up on the skin above her clit to unhood the erect little shaft.

"I've been so horny all evening baby."

"I rather think its him thats got you in that state not me."

"Even so, its your mouth I want tonight, not his big cock. Do you want me?"

I nodded, my mouth watering at the sight of her drooling pussy and my cocklet raged against its cage.

"Pleasure me then baby, kiss my little kitty."

I knelt at the edge of the bed and slid my hands up the backs of her silky thighs, pushing them back and further apart. Her scent filled my nostrils as I leaned forward and blew on her wet folds. She sighed as I murmured,

"You have such a pretty little pussy. I can't believe his big cock is going to fit inside her."

"She needs your mouth tonight baby, kiss her if you love her."

With a groan I sealed my mouth over her pouch and kissed her pussy as if it was her mouth, licking her folds gently and mouthing her pouting labia. She sighed contentedly as I pleasured her, one hand caressing the back of my head as the other stayed pulling at her clitoral hood to keep the little bud exposed.

"Oh thats perfect my darling, she loves your kisses, just like that."

Although my cocklet throbbed painfully in its cage, I felt all the tension of the evening leave me and I relaxed into my task. I realised I was where I was meant to be. I wasn't trying to bring her to orgasm yet, I was just content to give her pleasure as her hips undulated gently beneath me. The scent and taste of her and the texture of her coral folds beneath my mouth was heavenly and the loving caresses of her hand in my hair as she purred with delight filled me with happiness. This was what sex for a beta male like me should be; my mouth and bottom used for the pleasure of others. After several blissful minutes she began to buck against my tongue when I pressed it to her tunnel. I thrust my tongue deeper into her, alternating with licks up her crease to swipe over her exposed bud. She began to pant and her caresses of my head became a fistful of my hair as she pulled me tighter to her. Suddenly her back arched and her hips stilled. She ground my nose against her clit as I plunged my tongue in and out as fast as I could.

"Oh baby yes, that's it." She hissed, gasping her delight as wave after wave of bliss swept over her.

Her heels dropped to the floor on either side of me and my arms pushed under and around her waist hugging my face to her abs to kiss and nibble before I relaxed and laid my head on her flat tummy. I sighed contentedly and listened to her breathing and her slowing heartbeat as her hands stroked my hair and face.

"Sweetheart, that was lovely, you are so good at that. Come up here so I can kiss you."

I moved up her body and she kissed me thoroughly, seemingly oblivious to the fact that my face and mouth were covered in her pussy juices. Her hand reached down to find my willy still trying to burst out of its cage. She fondled me and I winced a little as the pain increased.

"I think we better let you out before you hurt yourself."

She pulled the key from her neck and I came to my knees so she could unlock me. I gasped with relief as I surged to fully erect, my four inch shaft criss crossed with red marks from the bars of the cage. She pulled open her bedside drawer and extracted a bottle of lube and proceeded to gently apply some to my sore willy. She placed the lube back on the bedside table leaving my glistening little shaft nodding with my heartbeat. She moved back up the bed and beckoned me with a crooked finger.

"Come here than handsome."

I climbed over her into missionary position as she lay back, grateful that I was going to get a cuddlecum and not a simple jerk off. Cuddlecums were treats where I would be allowed lie on top of her in missionary position with my willy gripped tightly in her fist. She would kiss and cuddle me as I humped her hand until I ejaculated onto her tummy. Very rarely, she would do this in doggy position, which I loved, but it was a nuisance for her as my copious ejaculation would mean the bed covers needed to be changed.

"OK sweetie, what would you like to do?"

I was taken aback,

"I thought you were going to give me a cuddlecum."

"You can have one of those if you like. But are you sure thats all you want?"

"Can I cum inside you?"

"You can cum in my pussy if you like, but what would you really like to do to me? What do you do to me in your dirty daydreams because I know all men have them?" She smiled at me.

I coloured slightly, worried I was about to ask for too much and ruin her mood. I murmured,

"I'd absolutely love to put it in your cute little bottom."

To my surprise she smiled sexily,

"I thought so. Lets try then."

I looked at her astonished - she'd always refused Kylie and I any sort of anal penetration in the past.

"But you don't like anal. You've never liked your bottom played with."

"Darling I want to do something special for you - I love you and I want to try and give you what you'd like most."

She grabbed a pillow and tucked it under her bottom, pulling her knees up either side of her chest and I got into missionary position above her. As I prepared to enter her she grasped me to guide my tip to her little star and with a cry of disappointment I ejaculated, splattering the backs of her thighs and tummy with ropes of semen. I wailed with frustration as my cocklet bucked in her hand and tears stung my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Jolie, I've ruined everything again haven't I?"

"Shhhhh, its OK sweetheart, come here."

She pulled me down onto her cum spattered tummy as her fist stroked the last spurts from my traitorous cocklet. She kissed my cheeks, her eyes filled with affection, not the disapproval I expected.

"Just cuddle me for a bit, we can try again I promise. You can always get it up again, you randy bugger, especially if I show you my bottom doggy style."

"Oh please, I'd love to do you like that."

"Wouldn't you rather me on my back so you can see my pretty face and kiss me?", she pouted.

I hesitated for a second and she giggled, "I'm teasing you sweetie."

She was correct in that after a few minutes of mouthing her flat chest and her playing with my cocklet, it was rigid and pressed hard against my tummy. She gently pushed me off her and rolled onto all fours, before dropping her shoulders to the mattress and parting her thighs wide. She arched her back lifting her bottom higher than her waist and my breath caught. It was my favourite view of her body. Her cute little buttocks parted to reveal the little pink star between and the coral petals of her pussy peeked from between her labia. Below that her concave tummy curved away to allow a glimpse of of her flat chest and the baby pink nipples on their puffy areolae. I was frozen to the spot, captivated by the sight of her. She turned her head to smile at me and wiggled her hips.

"Come get me tiger, don't you want me?."

I knee walked up to her rear, my hands settling on her hips.

"Oh my darling, you have no idea."

Unable to resist, I slid my hands up her sides to kiss what she was displaying to me. She groaned as I mouthed her gaping pussy, flicking her clit with my tongue and trapping it between my lips. I moved upwards to the previously forbidden area and swirled my tongue around the crinkles of her little star. I licked along her perineum to plunge into her pussy again before returning to her bottom. This time I laved her rear hole getting it wet before pressing against it with the tip of my tongue. Each time I pressed I received an 'Oh', but she didn't pull away. I brought my arms back to hug her thighs to pull her against my busy mouth, before sliding one hand around her thigh to cup her pussy, fingers splayed on either side of her pouting crease. Squeezing my fingers together I pinched her labia and trapped her little nub, giving her another sensation to process. She whimpered but this time when I poked her little star with my tongue she didn't tense and I managed to penetrate a little. She husked at me,

"Oh, thats so naughty, you dirty boy."

Gradually her 'Oh's turned to 'Ah"s and she began to push back when I pushed into her most intimate entrance. It hadn't been my intention to tease her but after a few minutes she wailed,

"Please Paul, either put it in or make cum, you're driving me crazy."

I leaned forward over her back to nuzzle her ear, my cocklet resting between her bottom cheeks.

"Sorry baby I was just getting you ready."

"I am so fucking ready, give it to me or I'm going to wank myself off."

I supported myself on one arm whilst the other reached back to guide my cocklet to her little star. She hissed at me,

"Yes, yes there. Slowly baby."

I eased forward feeling my tip enter to be met by the tight ring of her sphincter. She flinched and I slid my hand back under her tummy to her clit.

"Breath out and push out a little sweetheart."

I felt her anus flower open slightly and with a little pressure my glans popped through her sphincter and she froze.

"Stop, stop," she gasped, panting, her hand reaching back to grab my thigh.

"Its OK baby, I'm in now, just relax, the hard part's done."

After a few seconds she relaxed and her hand moved to the back of my thigh to urge me forward. I eased in feeling the grip of her impossibly tight ring slide down my shaft until with a sigh my tummy touched her bottom. I held still, enjoying the soft velvety grip of her tightest passage and giving her time to get used to the feeling of cock in her bottom.

"There, you have it all, how does it feel?"

"It feels so naughty, so rude, it has to be illegal."

I grinned,

"It is in several countries. But does it feel nice?"

"I feel so full, your willy feels huge. I want to cum with it in me. Fuck me you dirty, naughty pervert."

One hand reached under her to roam her flat chest whilst my other sought her pussy. At the same time I eased out of her a couple of inches and sank back into her buttery depths to feel her push back against me. After a couple of dozen thrusts I was getting close and began to worry about ejaculating before she was ready to orgasm. I slipped two fingers into her pussy whilst flicking her clit with my thumb and she began to hump my fingers as I struggled to keep my willy relatively still inside her tight tunnel. My free hand mauled her flat chest and I pinched her nipples and rolled them between my finger and thumb. She began to pant whimpering on each thrust onto my fingers until on impulse I grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her head back arching her spine.

"Oh God yes, fuck my arse you dirty bastard."

I reared up on my knees pulling her up by her hair. I expected her to come to a kneeling position but she remained arched, her weight taken by my fist in her hair. I used my fingers embedded in her pussy to hold her where I wanted her as my thumb pressed the hard nub of her clit.

"Yes, yes," she gasped, "Use me. Cum in me baby."

I forgot about my beta male role as she goaded me to take her hard and I fucked her bottom like a man possessed, my tummy smacking against her buttocks as she grunted beneath me. As my orgasm arrived my whole world shrank to just trying to ram my cocklet into the tight little body beneath me as hard as possible. I shouted loudly,

"Take it you gorgeous little bitch."

She reared up, one arm going behind my neck whilst the other reached back to urge me on. I spurted into her bowels, gasping at the intensity of the contractions.

"Oh God I can feel you cumming, don't stop baby I'm gonna cum too."

I gritted my teeth and forced myself to keep thrusting until she cried out and her anus clenched repeatedly around my plunging shaft. My arms went around her, pulling her back against me as we spasmed together, gasping for breath. I bit her neck gently, my arms crossing to caress her flat chest.

"I see you started without me."

I looked up to see Kylie undressing. We kissed as we got our breath back, then Jolie edged forward gently disengaging.

"Go wash your willy Paul. Let me talk to Kylie for a moment then we can have a cuddle."

When I came back they were in bed kissing. I climbed under the covers and Jolie turned to face me, pulling me to her. Kylie's arm snaked under our pillows as she spooned her girlfriend from behind. Jolie lifted a thigh over my hip and I knew she was giving Kylie access to her pussy from behind. She pulled back to look at me,

"Was that what you wanted sweetie? Was it nice for you?"

I nodded, "I've dreamt of doing that to you so many times. It was my favourite fantasy. But did you like it too?"

"I think I could be persuaded to do that again sometime, especially if it means I get to coax out of hiding the little alpha buried under all those layers of beta angst."

Jolie's breathing had deepened and her eyes kept closing momentarily. The occasional wet, sticky sound, and the slight hip movement indicated that Kylie's fingers were keeping my wife entertained. Kylie nuzzled her neck,

"Does this mean your bum is available for penetration as well as spanking now? 'Cause you know, I've been wanting to get my little feeldoe in there."

"No Kylie, like Lucy, I'm keeping that place just for my lovely husband. No other willies allowed and that includes plastic ones!"

"Awww," she pouted, "Not even my widdle fumb?"

Jolie suddenly gave a huge groan. Kylie giggled,

"That'll be a thumbs up then."

Jolie and I erupted into laughter, which totally killed the mood. Kylie wasn't done killing the sex vibe yet.

"Important lesson here Joles. Do not laugh when you are being anally stimulated and you already have a bottom full of your husband's spunk. Because most of it is now in the bed."

It was almost midnight by the time we had stripped and changed the bedding and got ourselves cleaned up. We went to sleep with me sandwiched between my two girls. I was back in my cockcage and back in beta male mode, where I belonged.


I was home alone on Friday morning as both girls had gone to work. Kylie would finish at two and was bringing home some nice sausages for me to put with some mashed potato for dinner. Lucy called me from uni in the morning to tell me that her dinner with Helen had gone well despite her concerns. She had a shift at the coffee shop in the afternoon and Helen was going to pop in for a coffee on her way to work as she was on lates. Lucy had written an article for the website, which she wanted me to proof read and approve, but also surprised me by completing the outline for chapter four of 'Short Staffed', which was normally my job. I downloaded her documents from the secure server and read through them. The outline was clear and succinct and I noted that she had switched the order of a couple of things from the main outline and made notes to say why. I followed her logic and felt a twinge of resentment that she had done a better job than I probably would have done. I immediately felt ashamed of myself and sent her a glowing email praising her efforts and approving her article for the fan site.

I was still working on the prose for chapter three when I heard Lola let herself in and shout up the stairs,

"Hey Paul, I've come to bum a coffee and some lunch, you're not having pervy sex with Alex are you?"

I grinned to myself - last time she had caught me humping my Alex doll,

"I'll be right down - have a look in the fridge."

I saved my work and then trotted downstairs. When I got into the kitchen she was peering into the fridge. She was wearing her signature little cropped t-shirt and when she turned to greet me her nipples were hard and pushing at the thin cotton. As she came towards me she noticed where my eyes went and grinned,

"That's not you that's the fridge, although I am very happy to see you."

She stood on tiptoe to peck me on the lips and give me a hug. I turned to start the coffee machine as she pulled ham, tomatoes and butter from the fridge,

"Do you still want to borrow the Alex doll? You can have him for the weekend if you promise to tell me what you get up to together."

"No thanks, I was only kidding. I'm a virgin and he's hardly starter size."

I turned to look at her and the surprise must have shown on my face.

"My sister had that same look on her face when I told her. You must think I'm a slut too."

She was perched on a barstool slicing tomatoes and I went to hug her from behind,

"Not at all sweetheart, its just that when you and I have been - er - intimate, you seemed so confident."

I kissed the top of her head and she swirled the stool around to face me,

"I think that says rather more about the way you make me feel."

She looked down at her lap. I lifted her chin with my finger,

"How do I make you feel?"

She was biting her bottom lip again and something big moved in my chest.

"Like this," she whispered and reached up to me, her lips finding mine. I melted and we kissed until the coffee machine beeped to remind me I was halfway through a cycle. When we disengaged she was looking down again.

"Sorry," she murmured, "I know I'm just a kid and you already have three beautiful girls in your life."

"Four," I interrupted, "I have four beautiful girls in my life and you're making it very hard for me not to have a favourite."

She looked up at me smiling and her cheeks were pink,

"Now you're teasing me."

I looked down at her, my face serious,

"Oh Lola sweetheart, you have no idea."

She eeped as I picked her up off the barstool and her legs went around my waist. I turned and sat on it myself holding her in what had become our favourite hugging position. I kissed her again and then we sat, her head snuggled into my neck as I held her until the coffee machine beeped at me again.

Later as we were eating our ham and tomato rolls I asked her how things were progressing with Ally and with Lucy.

"Not great from my perspective. I've told Ally that I'm not looking for a relationship at the moment but I'm enjoying exploring my sexuality with her. I really want her to be my FWB and I still want to hang with her."

"How did she take that?"

"She was lovely. She said she understood and that I had been clear from the beginning. She's enjoyed our little fumbles so far and wants to go further when I'm ready. She says she likes me but she hasn't allowed herself to get too attached. We're still going skating on Saturday evening but she's bringing another couple of friends too."

"That's good - how are things with Lucy?"

"She came home last night really happy. Things seem to have gone well with Helen and they're meeting up for coffee this afternoon before Helen goes to work. I'm trying to be happy for her but I feel a bit sad. By the time I work out if I'm really bisexual it will probably be too late."

I struggled with my conscience, wanting to help but not wanting to interfere.

"Have you spoken to her, given her any idea of how you feel?"

" I thought about it but what if I ruin things between her and Helen and then I find I'm not really bi after all?"

"Sweetheart have you considered that she might be holding back because she thinks you're not ready, not sure."

"I don't think that's it. The night we moved in I used the fact that it was my first night in a new house to get in her bed for a cuddle. She didn't make a move on me and she's never come to my bed to ask for a cuddle."

She looked so forlorn that I held my arms out and she hopped off her stool and clambered back into my lap. I hugged her and rubbed the soft skin of her exposed back and she made the purring noise I loved. Despite my best application of will power my cocklet was hard in its cage and she felt it against her crotch.

"Paul, is your willy trying to get hard in its cage?"

I nodded, my face colouring.

"Sorry Lols, my head and heart are trying to be supportive, but he knows you're beautiful and I want you."

She gave me a watery smile and kissed me again,

"I want you too and I seem to have my sister's and Lucy's blessing now. You know what you did to me last time I was here?"

I nodded and my hand drifted down to her bottom.

"Do you think you might like to try and put him in there sometime?"

My heart thumped in my chest and I had to take a breath,

"If you're sure, Lola, I would really, really like that. But you don't have to have me inside you sweetheart, I'd be happy just to love your gorgeous little body and make you feel good. But lets wait until after you've been out with Ally and her friends and Lucy has seen Helen again. You might feel differently after the weekend."

We chatted a little more about the new book but I refused to divulge any secrets and directed her to Lucy's new article shortly to be uploaded to the fan site. Then I was kissing her goodbye and watching her pedal off home on Lucy's mountain bike.


On Saturday I spent most of the day alone and trying to work, but I was both nervous and horny thinking about the evening to come, especially as I hadn't been allowed out of my cage since Wednesday night, and I was finding it hard to focus. The girls had decided that Jolie's makeshift anime schoolgirl uniform wasn't up to scratch and had gone shopping. I went to have lunch at Lucy's coffee shop hoping to gain some focus and to get the latest on her progress with the lovely PC Dinsdale. I was skiving, I knew, but I grabbed the keys and hurried out, keen to see our little blonde bombshell. It was raining again as I locked the car and I cursed my decision not to wear a jacket, I dashed between the traffic and into the cafe. Her warm smile across the room elicited a grin from me in return. She held up five fingers twice, but I knew her break started in 10 minutes. The owner spotted me and although he didn't smile, he nodded and came out to clean a table for me by the window.

"She never stops talking about you mate and how much you've done for her. I'm still trying to decide if you're a saint or a really determined pervert. I'm Pete by the way."

"Hi Pete. I'm Paul. Can we go with the former until proven guilty?"

"I guess so - flat white isn't it?"

"Yes please - and the menu."

"She's fixing you both something to eat now. If you take advantage of her I'm going to come after you for all the sneaky freebies you've had - thats after I've flattened your nose."

I grinned at him but he still didn't smile. He was in his sixties and at least twice my body weight.

"Fair enough, but I'm happy to pay my bill."

He turned his large bulk to walk back to the counter,

"You're good for now."

I was still smiling when Lucy brought over a Tuna Mayo ciabatta with a side order of fries for us to share. Her boss followed with two flat whites. He finally smiled when Lucy thanked him with a hand on his arm.

"So, your date with Helen. Spill."

"It was nice and she was lovely. It turns out the partner she was referring to was her police partner not a life partner. Doh! Stupid me. She thinks her course went well but she won't hear the results for a few days. If she passes she might have to move to take up a detective post, so thats another worry. When I tried to plan another date she stalled a little and said that her home life is complicated at the moment, but she would meet me for coffee before she starts her shift today. She changed the subject then asking about the book and we got talking about my new job. At the end of the date she hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, so no snog."

"Seems to me she's trying not to rush you. And sometimes the slow build up is nice and makes the main event more enjoyable."

"I get enough tease and denial from Kylie, I just want Helen to kiss me. Interestingly, she didn't ask me about my relationship with the three of you."

"I think she has guessed that you're having sex with us. Be patient Lucy, you know the saying about all good things. How are things with Lola?"

"I think I might have scared her off. The night we moved in she crawled into my bed for a cuddle as it was the first night in a strange house. I spooned her and it was lovely to hold her like that. When I thought she was asleep I said I hoped it was her who was the gentle one when I did the 10 minute forfeit thing, but after I said it she mumbled goodnight and I think she might have heard me.

"For what its worth she did ask for a turn with you that night. I don't know what she did to you but she was the one just before me at the end."

Lucy's cheeks coloured,

"It was her then. She was so gentle, it felt like she was exploring me, trying to see how it felt to touch me. Anyway, she didn't run screaming from my bed, but in the morning she'd gone and she's not been back for another cuddle."

I took a breath and then took a chance,

"You know she said the same thing about you - that she'd come to you for a cuddle but you'd never asked her for one. I think she might like it if you did."

I stood to leave, worried that I might say too much if I stayed longer. I thanked her for lunch and she walked me out, mindful of her boss's dislike for staff showing displays of affection to customers. I hugged her In the alley next to the shop and she kissed my cheek,

"You think I should make a move on her?"

"I didn't say that Lucy. I said she might like it if you asked her for a cuddle in her bed one night. Baby steps sweetheart. And don't forget Helen is also in the mix."

She waved from the shop door as I drove away, wondering if I'd said too much.


Hi friends. I hope you like this latest instalment of the Consummate Cuckold series.

I work on the stories when I can and when I feel inspired. Sadly the two do not always align. I'm very much an amateur and I have a demanding day job. Please rate the story anonymously using the stars below and feel free to let me know what you think via the comments box and every inch the powerful alpha male, or by sending me a direct message. Thank you.


In this chapter, Kylie asks Lucy and Lola to be extra nice to Paul due to his potential fragility and recent events. She mentions that Lucy had performed anal sex with Paul multiple times during their tryst. Later, Lola expresses interest in having sex with Paul, suggesting that she's not as immoral or prude as people might assume.

Read also: