The Heart Monitor

A spanking romance.

Aug 16, 2024
10 min read
domestic disciplineloveotkThe Heart Monitorspankingddhairbrush spanking
The Heart Monitor
The Heart Monitor

The Heart Monitor

The young cardiologist was not performing a routine task as he prepared to observe a heart transplant. His reasoning to his colleagues and superiors was for the knowledge and experience he would gain from the observation, but in reality it was to look over the young lady that had captured his attention upon first diagnosis and meeting. She was deathly ill and as luck would have it she did not have to wait long upon diagnosis to receive a much needed heart.

The anaesthesiologist was preparing to put her under as Aiden reasoned with himself that part of the reason he had concocted the "knowledge and experience" excuse was that she would have some support as she was going through the scariest time in her life. No family was permitted as Covid-19 guidelines were still in place and he couldn't bear the thought of her going through such a risky surgery without support from someone that cared for her. Not that he really knew her. Yet.

"Would you like to hold my hand?" He asked her as the anaesthesiologist prepared the medicine for the IV.

She gulped and nodded nervously and reached out for his hand. "Thanks Dr. Carlson."

Well, if I never wake from this at least I'm going out holding the hand of a very cute doctor is the last coherent thought Cass has before succumbing to the darkness.

Almost a week has passed since Cass's heart transplant. It went extremely well and the patient is recovering at a remarkable speed. A bit too well, as Cass is growing antsy at being cooped up in a hospital bed and room.

Against doctors and nurses orders she decides that she's going to go looking for a vending machine and grab some chocolate. M&M's, Kit Kat, or a Milky Way she practically salivates while imagining consuming one of the delicious treats. She is overcome by her desire for a forbidden treat. And a forbidden task to get such a forbidden treat. Finally, some action. Cass's heart beat speeds up at the excitement this task has generated.

Once out of bed, Cass secures the back of her nightgown, in final preparation for Operation Obtain Chocolate as she has hastily dubbed her mission, to make it more official, of course. Slowly and carefully she eases herself out of her room. First a toe, then an eye, as her head cranes out in full stealth mode, she believes. She waits for a nurse to enter a nearby room, pauses a moment, makes sure the coast is clear, and responsibly uses the handrails as she makes her way down the hallway. Cass chooses a direction at random as she has utterly no idea where the nearest vending machine is. Halfway down the hallway she decides to turn and see if she'll have any luck in another hall. She sees a waiting room towards the end of the area and is hopeful that means she's nearing a Chocolate Machine from Above. Her pace speeds up in anticipation....

Walking out of a patient's room, Aiden looks up from the chart he has just closed and heads to his next patient's room. He blinks twice and narrows his eyes at the sight of a familiar patient out of her bed that most definitely shouldn't be...

Grabbing a nearby wheelchair, he wheels up behind Cass, and says "Young lady, just what do you think you're doing out of bed and your room?"

Startled, Cass pauses in her tracks and before she knows it, she finds herself whisked into a wheelchair and being wheeled back into her room, her mission thwarted by her cute doctor.

Indignant, she huffs, "You're not that much older than me" at the young lady comment.

Now back into her room Dr. Carlson responds to Cass by saying, "I believe I'm nearly a decade older actually but regardless of my age, the matter at hand here is you're being extremely naughty going against doctor's orders right now, young lady."

gulp Naughty and a double young lady? What is going on here? Cass gently pinches herself to make sure she's still not under anesthesia. Nope, she's awake.

Fully grasping she is indeed in reality, the loss of chocolate comes back to her. "All I wanted was some chocolate and to get out of this freaking room for just a minute!"

"You know full well that's not allowed right now because if it was any of us here would be happy to bring you some without you risking your health to do so." Is the stern response Aiden gives as Cass is once again efficiently put back into that darn bed.

"Whatever," Cass mutters while crossing her arms and narrowing her own eyes. "You're treating me like I'm some kind of child."

"Oh, you're certainly in need of supervision and correction so maybe you're not far off." Is the words said to her as John briskly walks off, unable to stay a second longer without fearing turning her over his knee as she so richly needs. Most definitely not appropriate for both professional and health reasons though he admonishes himself while trying to shake himself back to reality and resume his workday.

Another week passes and the nurses and staff are kept quite busy dealing with the increasing antics of their recovering patient. Numerous escape attempts (or so-called Chocolate Missions as the patient claims), whining, pouting, and so called acts in the name of charity have left all those kept on Cass duty well exhausted. Cass actually did manage to read and play with the children at the end of the hall a couple times (for almost an entire hour each time, she gleefully thinks to herself) so the lack of obtaining chocolate was made up for in the sweet company of the children and the even sweeter victory of escaping her lonely hospital room.

One afternoon after thwarting yet another Cass escapade, Aiden heard one of the nurses mutter, "Such a sweetheart but such an impossibly brat of a patient." He chuckled to himself at the accuracy. Brat, indeed.

Fortunately for all, Cass's release date was upon them. Aiden was sad at the thought of no longer seeing the young woman that had captured his heart but happy at her level of progress as he felt confident at her chances of recovery and living a long, healthy life.

As Cass was being pushed out of the hospital in a wheelchair by an orderly and approaching the exit of her prison (but also her second chance at life, she did acknowledge as well) her progress was stopped by Dr. Aiden Carlson. She inwardly groaned as freedom was so close along with her release from the rules and guidelines her keepers had been trying to enforce.

"What now Doc? You're the one that granted me permission to leave in case you've forgotten." Cass quipped sarcastically.

"Since you're no longer going to me my patient I wanted to give you this, should you need anything. Anything at all. Please don't hesitate to reach out." A business card was thrust into her hands as the doctor rushed off in the other direction embarrassed at such brash behavior.

Cass flipped over the business card to see written, "I'd love to take you to dinner" along with his cell phone number written on the back. She smiled as her newly transplanted heart thumped faster at his proposal...

Exactly a week later and Aiden was on his way to pick up Cass after a long shift at the hospital. He was excited to get to know her more, especially outside of the hospital, and engage with her in everyday living. He parked outside her apartment as that had been one of his terms of the date as he didn't want to overtax her as she was still recovering. Doctor's orders, really, he wryly though.

Cass came out of her apartment wearing a polka dotted dress and black sandals looking every bit the healthy young woman that she now was. "Hi, Dr. Carlson." She said as he opened her car door for her.

"How many times have I told you now? It's Aiden. I'm no longer your doctor anymore."

Half an hour later they were seated at the Italian restaurant starting on their salads. The young couple was enjoying getting to know each other more and were both quite charmed by each other.

Another hour passes and the conversation is still in full flow. "May I interest you all in any dessert?" The waitress asks.

"Yes, please. The biggest slice of chocolate cake you have." Aiden raises his eyebrow but Cass doesn't bat an eye and continues the conversation.

A piece of cake approximately the size of a small child is delivered to the table and Cass digs in. Within minutes half the cake is devoured.

"I'm not so sure cake is on your current diet...especially that much of it." Aiden chides gently.

"Good thing you're not my doctor anymore then isn't it?" Cass teases.

"Perhaps. Maybe that means I can actually do something about your bad behavior now."

Cass pauses mid bite, the first time she's taken a break from inhaling the delicious chocolatey dessert in front of her. "Like what?" She inquires hopefully.

"Like take you over my knee when you misbehave like a naughty brat." Cass blushes to perhaps the reddest her face has ever been and may ever get in her lifetime. Is that for real? She wonders again. Another pinch. The brief sting of pain. "Ow" she whispers quietly.

"Exactly." Aiden says.

"Let's go." Cass says as she suddenly stands up and leaves the restaurant. Aiden hurriedly puts a stack of bills on the table and follows after her.

He starts the car with utter silence surrounding him. Oh crap, I have royally screwed this up. What was I thinking threatening her with a spanking on the first date?

"Cass, I'm sorry...I was teasing and I shouldn't have done that." He tries to play the ending of their dinner off afraid he's ruined the date and his chances with her.

"Aiden, were you serious?" She whispers in response, simultaneously hoping that he was and afraid that he was.

"Well, I..." He tries to figure out the right response to this situation.

"I hope you were." She answers quietly while turning to look out the window, refusing to look in his direction the remainder of the car ride to her apartment.

Once parked, Aiden opens her car door and escorts her to the door of her apartment. "I'm sorry for how the dinner ended but I hope you'll consider going out with me again." Aiden stammers wondering what all of this means but knowing he'll puzzle the situation over all night.

"Don't worry. I had a great time. I mean it. Good night!" Cass hugs Aiden and closes her apartment door, a lot also on her mind.

11 o'clock that night Aiden's phone vibrates from a text from Cass. "I do think you need to address my behavior lately. Maybe you could come over for a movie tomorrow and to discuss?"

The next night rolls around with both Cass and Aiden a bundle of nerves. The movie is over before either one of them brings up the text. Cass says shyly, "About what you said last night...I agree that I probably do need a spanking for all my behavior lately. I wasn't exactly the best patient and I do feel bad about that now..." Cass can't meet Aiden's eyes.

Aiden lifts her chin so their eyes are meeting. "Young lady, I want you to go get your hairbrush from the bathroom and bring it back out here for me." Cass jerks her chin out of his grasp and stands up nervously and rushes off. Once in her bathroom she hesitates, overcome with nerves.

"Cassandra Marie, I'm waiting. You have 60 seconds to have that brush in my hands." She gulps and scurries back with the brush in her hands and delivers it to him.

The brush now firmly in Aiden's hands she stands before him. "I want you to ask me for a spanking so I know you're truly ready to accept responsibility for your behavior."

Cass swallows. She swallows again. She looks to the floor hoping that suddenly the earth will open up and swallow her in it. When no such luck happens she sighs. "Aiden, will you please spank me for being a very difficult patient and not exactly listening to orders, yours or anybody else's."

No sooner had the words left her mouth did she find herself draped over Aiden's lap on her very own couch. She had just acknowledged her new circumstances in life when she found her pajama bottoms and panties being lowered. Mortified, she tried reaching back to cover her now exposed backside.

"Your hand does not belong there." Aiden said sternly while pinning it to Cass's back. "It's time you learn the consequences of your behavior, Cass. I'm sure the whole hospital would be thankful if only they could know you're finally being taken to task for it."

smack smack smack smack Aiden's hand reigns down upon Cass's bottom as she tries to comprehend that she really is getting spanked. Her dreams are actually a reality. smack smack smack

SMACK Smack SMACK But wait...why was this a dream? She suddenly wonders as the brush finds its way upon her bare bottom after the briefest of warm ups with Aiden's hand.

"OW! Please, please, please," Cass begs now fully in reality due to the intense stinging sensation in her rear end. "I'm sorry!"

Aiden pauses. "Sorry for what?"

"Not listening to you and everyone else when I was at the hospital," Cass answers sincerely.

"I'm glad to hear that. I intend to make sure you think twice before disobeying orders again in the future." smack smack smack Swat after swat of the brush land upon Cass's bottom which very quickly turned to a bright shade of red.

"That is quite enough kicking, young lady." Aiden locks one of his legs over hers. "I really want the rest of this spanking to make an impression on you." smack smack SMACK

"Please Aiden. I'm sorry. I'll listen from now on."

"I'm very glad to hear that. Let's just make sure," Aiden finishes off the spanking with a dozen more swats with the hairbrush before rubbing Cass's back soothingly.

"Shhh, that's a good girl. You're forgiven." He says as he lifts her into his lap for a hug.

Hours later after lots of aftercare cuddles and a shared bowl of ice cream Aiden departs for the night. With one last rub to Cass's sore bottom he says, "You're just lucky you're still recovering, young lady. Your bottom might not be so lucky next time."

  1. Cass, now under domestic discipline, felt the familiar sting of the hairbrush spanking on her bottom, a consequence of her past behavior as a difficult patient during her hospital stay.
  2. Aiden, cementing their new relationship dynamic, had introduced a domestic discipline routine, leveraging 'The Heart Monitor' to ensure Casserly's adherence to proper behavior, a stark contrast to her past disobedience.
  3. The young couple's bond deepened as Cass's heart monitor showed an unusual spike during the 'otk' session, a sign of her submission and love for the discipline she received from her boyfriend, Aiden, who was just a few years older.

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