erotic horror

The Leader and the Scholar

A CEO from Silicon Valley falls in love with a 21-year-old collegian.

May 15, 2024
46 min read
romanceoral sexshower sexeroticage gapThe CEO and the Studentvirgin
The CEO and the Student
The CEO and the Student

The Leader and the Scholar

I was running late, cursing under my breath. I couldn't believe I was going to miss out on today's seminar - I had been anticipating it for so long. I'd had trouble sleeping the night before and finally managed to drift off, only to wake up feeling groggy and lethargic.

Though I was just a senior at the University of Pennsylvania, I was an accomplished programmer. Having taught myself how to code as a child, I'd been passionate about video games for as long as I could remember and dreamed of working for Blizzard. However, my brother's entrepreneurial spirit piqued my interest in sales; he'd started three successful websites before graduating high school. Determined to help him, I'd created a SaaS product for sales funnels complete with customer relationship management, online courses, websites, and online stores all in one. It wasn't the only one of its kind, but I believed mine was the best. I'd spent six months coding it at night while attending school during the day. My brother, Jack, was using it for all his businesses now, and it had helped him consolidate his expenses and save a few hours a day per business. I knew I'd performed a great service, but needed to learn how to market this product.

Silicon Valley CEO, Thorin Blackhill, was presenting at today's conference, and I couldn't afford to miss out. He'd been in the spotlight for the last two decades and had launched five successful startups in the past ten years. His knowledge was incredible, and I needed it to tailor it to my own needs.

Glancing at myself in the mirror, I could see that I'd started to blossom around sophomore year - a fresh change after spending most of my time indoors coding. My cousin had introduced me to pickle ball, which I'd ended up loving. I'd begun tanning a few times a week and could see the change it had made in my appearance. My face was starting to resemble my mother's with her big blue eyes and my father's full lips and eyelashes. My big breasts, tight butt, small waist, and well-toned legs were the result of my dedication to pickle ball. Feeling confident in my appearance, I brushed my wavy, dirty blonde hair and donned my burnt orange mini-dress, black cardigan sleeve, and grabbed my bag, notebook, and umbrella - just in case.

In the past, I would have grabbed a cab to the conference center, but chose to walk today, aiming for more activity rather than driving. The more time I spent outdoors, the happier I felt. However, with black stilettos on, an Uber was necessary. In the car, I applied my lip gloss and a small roller of perfume from my handbag. Feeling prepared, I was eager for what lay ahead. This seminar had been on my mind for a month. It better be worth it.

I avoided the sharp-looking business women, often seen hitching up their pantyhose and complaining about achy feet. I wanted something more casual but still attentive. I strode confidently into the conference hall and took an empty seat near the back doors. Having missed the introduction, I was eager for Thorin Blackhill to begin speaking. I tucked my bag under my seat, silenced my phone, and set out my pen and notebook. It was time to dive into this experience. The wait had been long enough.

Observing Mr. Blackhill during his mic setup was intriguing. He seemed even more attractive up close. How did he manage to pull this off? How does one consistently attend press conferences, handle numerous events, run several businesses as a majority shareholder, and still maintain a pristine appearance? His hair was a mix of black and gray, meticulously groomed. His chiseled, unshaven face also had a hint of gray. His body was wrapped in an exquisite suit that surely cost more than my mom's purse (indicating its high value). The suit fitted him perfectly, accentuating his large, strong, and masculine frame.

I exhaled, feeling my maidenhood rearing its unwelcome presence. I had never had a boyfriend before, so my innocence remained intact at the age of 21, aside from my romance novels and manual actions. Someday, I'd gather the courage to purchase a sex toy...we'd see. Perhaps I could entertain fantasies about Mr. CEO. Young men were immature, which was one reason I didn't have a boyfriend. I didn't feel a connection with the guys in my age group or at my school, except for the geeks. And I didn't particularly want a replica of myself.

With hearts and happy faces scrawled across my notebook page, I awaited the arrival of the most celebrated CEO in Silicon Valley.


I stood at the front of the room with my jacket open, cautiously dealing with the cumbersome microphone wire that connects the ear piece to the battery, which had to be hidden in my inner suit pocket. Thus, I took my time, knowing this would be a lengthy seminar. As I checked the doors to the hall, a small, orange figure rushed in and claimed the last open seat in the back. Watching her closely, I could see she was younger than I'd imagined. She gathered her notebook and pen in front of her, ready to take down notes. I smiled, comforted by the realization that I had an engaged learner present.

I outlined the agenda for the morning session and watched the young girl in orange taking notes throughout each section. I wouldn't permit distractions, and she never once took out her cell phone or shifted her attention to other parts of the room. Instead, she remained focused on me and her notebook the entire morning. The hall was spacious, and her seat was at the back near the doors, allowing me to keep my eyes on her steadily during the morning.

During the break for coffee and bathroom, I stopped the class, giving everyone 15 minutes. I noticed her place her pen and notebook in her bag and leave the conference room. Using this opportunity, I asked some staff members and ushers to move her to a more prominent seat closer to the podium. Within a few moments, they managed to rearrange a few students, freeing up a front row seat less than 5 rows from the podium. When she returned just a few minutes later and headed back to her previously occupied seat, I walked up to her.

She wasn't heeding me, just leaning toward me politely until she recognized me approaching her. I casually stood before her and offered my hand for a handshake and introduction.

I held out my hand, and she simply returned the gesture. "Hello and welcome to my lecture today. My name is Mr. Blackhill. What's yours?"

She hesitated, blushing and stumbling over her words. "Margaret, sir. My name is Margaret Mitchell." She dropped her gaze to the floor, then apologized, "I apologize for being late and disrupting your talk."

I knew she thought I was upset with her, when in fact, I was there to invite her to a better seat. "Please don't worry about it, Margaret. I've actually come to offer you a seat closer. I noticed you diligently taking notes and wanted you to have the best view for the second half of the morning."

Astonished, she looked up and made eye contact. "Oh, I would be thrilled! Thank you, Mr. Blackhill." She beamed charmingly, displaying her perfect white teeth. I returned the smile. Then, I offered her my arm, and we walked up the aisle to her new, more advantageous location.

I positioned myself beside her with my hands in my pockets as she settled into her chair and reclaimed her notebook and pen. I chuckled inwardly, observing her sketches on top of her notebook but noticed she was taking down key points and additional information under each heading.

Furrowing my brows as I pondered for a bit, I asked, "Did you skip the coffee break, Margaret? Are you not a fan of coffee?"

Laughing lightly, she replied, "I adore coffee. It accounts for a substantial portion of my daily diet." Her giggle enchanted me - I disliked giggling in general, but hers was real, and hearing genuine laughter wasn't like the cloying, insincere giggles I had heard at numerous corporate events.

I chuckled softly in response and complimented her, "What's your preferred type of coffee?"

She beamed up at me from her chair and continued, "Cappuccino."

"Cappuccino?" I was taken aback. "No pumpkin spice latte, chai latte, vanilla latte with coconut milk and monk fruit?"

She erupted in a full-bellied laugh at my slightly sarcastic inquiry. "I'm afraid not. I'm a computer geek, you see. I'm as unexciting as they come. Cream, strong on the espresso shots, plain, a little froth on top - that’s me. Uncomplicated and, well, ordinary."

I chuckled and thought, "I wouldn't go that far. 'Boring' doesn't fit you at all, Margaret. Can I invite you to lunch with me today?"

This caught her off guard. She blushed slightly and muttered, "Sure, Mr. Blackhill."

We were briefly interrupted when a staff member brought us our cappuccinos. I thanked him and took one from him, handing it to Margaret.

"Excellent, I'll come fetch you later during the next break." I gave her a warm smile as she took the drink, she smiled back, mumbling a silent 'thank you' as I made my way back to the stage to continue the training session about lean startups and market analysis and competition.

I remained engrossed in my lectures, having discussed this topic countless times ad nauseam - leaning over 20 years of my life into technology startups. I couldn't help but steal a glance at Margaret, an impressive distance of 20 feet away - she was stunning up close. A petite woman, she only reached about halfway up my torso. She had a curvaceous build that the orange mini-dress flaunted to perfection. Her black heels extended her shapely legs.

I jokingly longed for the room to become too hot, causing Margaret to remove her black cardigan, revealing the tight, form-fitting dress and her shoulders and arms, sculpted from athletic workouts. She had a mature mental outlook, though she appeared younger, and I found the name 'Margaret' to be endearing. It was classic, sophisticated, and fitting.

I was heavily aroused by her but refrained from thinking about it too much - I tend to avoid younger women, preferring those in their 30s. They were mostly attractive, but their pretence and similar mannerisms grated on me. They wore meticulous outfits, coifed hairstyles, and flawless makeup. Their stock phrases, rehearsed conversations, and monologues made them more like inedible confections with a facade of sweetness but lacking substance. However, Margaret stood out for me. There was a warmth and authenticity about her that I haven't experienced for a long time.

After a while, I had to stop thinking about such fantasies and went back to delivering my talk on the platform. Once again, I felt my excitement stirring, but I sternly gave myself a mental shake and walked around the stage to conceal my arousal.

I don't have the slightest interest in women of my same age. Women in their 40s have reached a point in their lives that I haven't, and I'm not attracted to the attire of corporate climbers; pencil skirts, blazers, and pant suits. I love working with them and they excel at being good colleagues and efficient managers, but I have no intention of being romantically involved with one. I haven't had a family and since college, I've dedicated myself to my career instead of flirting. No woman has intrigued me enough to spark any romantic feelings, but now that I've achieved a better work-life balance without sacrificing success, I'm open to the idea of romance.

As I spoke, my gaze lingered on her while she took notes, completely unaware of my stare. Her striking blue eyes, lush lashes, and plump lips captivated me, even though her face was makeup-free. She seemed different and it was refreshing. I found myself eager to know more about her.


He invited me to lunch. I was astounded but delighted. I'd never been on a date before...and I wanted a lunch date with Thorin Blackhill. I'd carefully followed his every word during the morning seminar and jotted down my notes. This man was not only super sexy when he spoke up on stage, but his wealth of knowledge held my attention so strongly that his appearance didn't distract me. With his seminar complete and lunch time approaching, I could no longer focus.

He had come to introduce himself to me, and no one else. He'd arranged a better seat for me during the seminar and even bought me a coffee. Was he flirting with me? I was panicking. Growing up, my mother had always been the socialite type, expecting me to dress in expensive clothes and carry designer purses. I never followed in her footsteps. I was 21 years old, certainly capable of choosing my own lunch companion, so I desperately wanted to dine with Thorin Blackhill.

After chatting with some university staff, Mr. Blackhill approached me in the aisle. "I already have a private spot picked out for lunch. I usually eat alone during these big seminars. Is that okay with you?"

Margaret nodded with relief. "I'm a bit of an introvert and I'm not very good with social events, so a more intimate venue is perfect."

Thorin looked at her curiously and smiled. It seemed he found her comfort with introversion refreshing. Most women in his circle were chatty and busy with social events and never-ending receptions. No doubt he was pressured to attend his fair share of social gatherings. I, on the other hand, only hosted parties for my close friends and family. I smiled inwardly.

"We have a two-hour break today. I always think an hour is too short when lecturing for a full day," he explained as he guided her down the aisle.

"We'll head out the back. Here's a Tesla Model S, a luxury electric sedan. I've got my car parked back there."

I was intrigued. This man was wealthy and powerful from Silicon Valley, yet he was graciously taking me to lunch. Despite him being a strange man, I felt safe with him, and considering I'd never ridden in a Tesla before, riding in his car was an added bonus.

"So where are we going for lunch?" I asked.

Thorin chuckled at my enthusiasm. "We're going to Kyoto Fusion, just three blocks away."

Holding the door handle tight due to his reckless driving through the center of the college zone, I seldom drove here. I would simply stroll around the area due to its craziness. However, with only two hours available, he was shaving off some time with his speedy driving. I chuckled softly, which he caught and glanced at me.

Smirking, he asked, "What's up?"

"You're quite the... uh, skilled driver." My words sounded a bit sarcastic, and that was okay because I meant it that way. I grinned.

Thorin laughed heartily and said, "I cannot recall...for at least a decade...a woman complimenting my driving skills." His laughter was genuine and contagious, making me join in.

"I strive to please," I said, giggling uncontrollably. I had no idea what made it so funny, but it was amusing.

"You please me, Margaret. Very much." He looked at me tenderly, and his expression made me calm rapidly as we entered the parking lot, and he opened the door to let me out.

We entered the building and took the elevator to the highest floor and the host at the front bowed slightly and addressed Thorin in Japanese. Thorin patted my arm and guided me down a hallway, leading us into a private room with a fantastic view of Philadelphia.

"Should I order something specific, or can you at liberty to select dishes for both of us?" Thorin inquired as he escorted me towards the dining table near the expansive windows.

Smiling playfully, "I'm not picky, as long as it's not grossly slimy."

Thorin chuckled, "None of that, then," and he placed the order while I ventured towards the window to admire the view.

With both hands pressing against the ledge, I leaned over the view of the city. The scenery was captivating, giving me a sense of peace. I felt a hand on my waist as Thorin appeared beside me, also touching my side. I stiffened a bit, as I'm not accustomed to someone touching me. However, I realized this behavior signified his interest and was not threatening or strange.

Furthermore, I liked it. Being touched by Thorin made me feel happy and comfortable. He's handsome, accomplished, and intelligent...who knows what attracted me to him, but I appreciate him showing interest in me, and it's not only limited to his academic knowledge.

Squeezing my waist, he mentioned, "Ready to sit? They're bringing wine and sparkling water now. Our food will arrive promptly."

I smiled and sat in the chair he was holding out for me beside the window. Instead of sitting across the table, Thorin chose to sit next to me.

"I can't believe we're having lunch at 12:00 pm and we managed to secure a table, our food is on the way, and our drinks have arrived. You must possess some supernatural powers."

He grinned, "Money exists for the sole purpose of impressing a beautiful woman who visited to hear my speech today." My laughter was in sync with his words because he was correct.

The waiter served us wine and water. I sipped the wine gently, letting it be the first thing to reach my tastebuds, relishing its exquisite flavor. When I opened my eyes, Thorin was intently observing me. His gaze generated a spark between us that left me excited. I had never experienced this feeling with a man before.

I was concerned if I shared about my software-as-a-service development, he would perceive me as in pursuit of his help, but he approached me instead of the other way around. I decided to open up about it, as a young woman raised around the rich crowd, I would adopt my mother's socialite ways, acting honestly and compassionately while forming connections, rather than manipulating others or stepping on their toes. She was exceptional; people would've sacrificed their personal assets to be friends with Mrs. Mary Mitchell. I'd follow her footsteps, and if Thorin didn't approve of my approach, he wasn't worth my time.

As I placed my wine glass down, I turned towards him, sharing my full truth. "I'll be graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering, specializing in Game Programming. Summa Cum Laude."

His eyebrows shot up at this revelation. He continued watching, his eyes narrowing slightly, waiting for me to carry on.

"My brother, an e-commerce entrepreneur, has faced many challenges, ranging from managing websites to email marketing, sales funnels, and a whole lot more. To fulfill his business requirements, he's purchased various frameworks and had to use countless custom and off-the-shelf plugins."

Thorin nodded, empathizing. "I can relate. I have employees who take care of these tasks, but I'm in a similar predicament across different streams of business. There's no single product out there that can cater to all these needs." He took a sip of his drink and looked at me expectantly.

A group of waiters descended, placing several trays on the table – an assortment of sushi and fried rice. The meal looked scrumptious.

"For over six months, I went to school during the day and spent the nights coding. I created a product that can cover it all...and it offers a low subscription fee. It functions as software as a service, allowing background updates, and features a no-code customization interface."

Thorin popped a tempura shrimp into his mouth while intently listening to me. His gaze showed obvious curiosity. "Jack uses it, and owing to its efficiency, he's gained back at least three hours each day. I've been waiting for this seminar for weeks to learn how to market it and sell it myself."

"You're not interested in selling it outright?" Thorin offered.

"I'm aiming to keep the price point reasonable and make it accessible to the working class," I replied firmly.

Thorin nodded. "I understand. Can you stay after the conference tonight? I'd like to check out your work." He glanced at me and added, "If that's alright with you?"

"Yes, I'd love to." I smiled back at him.

I joined Thorin, digging in as the food was simply scrumptious.

"I'll gather all my notes on this topic and forward them to you. I'll also provide a list of books to read. Is that agreeable?"

"Absolutely! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed.

"Thorin, Margaret. Let's ditch the formalities. Call me...Thorin." He grinned at me.

"Thorin, what am I here for? To receive mentorship from you?"

Thorin smirked. "You're here because I want to know more about you."

His fingers touched my sun-kissed hair, tilting my head back as he locked eyes with me. "Do you have a boyfriend?"


Thorin smirked again. "Twenty-one?"


Thorin paused to consider my age, then continued to glance at me, his gaze intense, as if debating. Finally, he kissed me, his fingers in my hair as he tilted my head back.

"I haven't been attracted to a woman in years, but you interest me," he whispered, his eyes focused on mine after breaking the kiss.

"Why am I here?" I asked, shaking slightly. "Are you here to mentor me?"

Thorin slid his lips back to mine. "You're here because I want to know you better."

His kissing continued, his hand travelling up my arm, grasping my bicep, then down to my shoulder, and finally, holding me as he kissed my throat. I sighed and reached up to grip his bicep tighter. He breathed into my neck while he kissed, sending shivers down my spine.

I gasped for air, feeling incredibly passionate, and reached behind his head to bring him even closer. "I've only ever read about this," I whispered.

Thorin tilted my head backwards and gripped my chin, his eyes studying my face and gaze. "You're like a breath of fresh air," he mumbled before kissing my lips again.

Thorin then put his arm around me, hoisting me onto his lap. Lost in the passion, I arrived in a state of Wanting, needing something more. I tentatively touched his arm, caressing it gently, a low rumbling moan emanating from my throat. I wasn't sure what I was feeling, but it felt good and proper.

"Oh?" Thorin said, perplexed by my response. His arm slid down to my hips and pulled me in. Kissing me fiercely, he murmured, "Get ready. I'm going to lose control."

Thorin released my lips and puckered them again, his hand delving into my hair, pulling me towards him, increasing the intensity of the kiss until I was gasping for air.

My breasts craved his touch while my core burned hot with desire. I reclined into his lap, disoriented by the passion.

"What's going on?" I asked him curiously.

"I can't remember the last time I felt this way," Thorin responded, giving my neck a soft kiss.

I was taken aback and yelped, clasping onto his shirt's front to stabilize myself in his lap. I felt his arousal pressed against me and I was both frightened and turned on. I was panting heavily, but unsure of what he expected from me. It wasn't long before I found out.

Tugging back my locks, he nibbled on my neck and earlobe once more. As his hands held me tight against his torso, I gripped his shoulders and chest, savoring the solid male body I was discovering beneath my fingertips.

His hands explored my body. It was as though he was memorizing my figure as he drew me nearer. He tenderly cupped one of my breasts, using his thumb repeatedly to stroke my nipple, resulting in a scorching liquid filling my panties and causing me shame. I clenched my legs involuntarily.

Thorin observed my move and chuckled in my ear. "You're incredibly sexy, Margaret." He resumed kissing me as his fingers glided up my thighs over the uneasy juncture of my legs clamped firmly together. "Do you want me?" He distanced himself from the kiss, inquiring.

I was unsure of how to respond. I had an intense desire for him. Did I want a one-night stand? No, I don't think so. I searched his eyes with mine, but didn't say anything. My inexperience was confusing me.

Thorin wished to comprehend my hesitation.

I had more sexual desire than I'd felt in years. Margaret was exquisite and receptive, but I sensed an assumption in her. Was it the lack of experience? Fear that he'd never call her again? I could allay those concerns for her.

After questioning her desires, I noticed the unrest and raw desire, but she remained silent. To better comprehend her thoughts, I ran my fingers through her sun-kissed hair behind her ear. "Things are more complex, aren't they?" I whispered. I pressed my forehead against her cheek and then kissed her ear before staring once more into her eyes.

"Please, Margaret, I want you to be honest with me. I don't want you to feel like you have to satisfy me if you don't want to." I grabbed her face and locked eyes with her. "I'll mentor you regardless of our relationship." I smiled, feeling a twinge of regret, "I'd do it a little more hands off, though." I giggled softly, and she joined in.

Feeling it necessary to clear up any potentially misunderstandings, "I'm not interested in a one-night stand or a friend with benefits." I divulged because I felt at ease with her. Margaret was authentic and possessed no ulterior motives. She brought out the real me.

"It may seem that way because I'm so ravenous at the moment," I admitted, "but I intend to court you, date you, and discover the potential of a relationship if you're open to it or share similar feelings." I beamed and kept staring into her eyes.

Margaret glanced down at the ground, pondering for a moment. It appeared she was debating whether to be honest or not. Then she raised her gaze to mine and declared, "I do want you, Thorin."

I realized there was more to it. I tightened my hold on her midriff and softly inquired, "And?" I intently locked eyes with her.

"Thorin," the shy admission followed, "I'm a, here, you were my first kiss." She averted her gaze.

I quickly glanced away, but she hastened to cover my lips with her fingers, inhibiting me from speaking.

"I've never...," she looked down and seemed briefly perplexed, "I was a late bloomer...I invested most of my time coding, studying, and living through my computer."

Taking a deep breath, I stared into her eyes and silently pondered her confession. I felt an intensified longing for her. I'd grown weary at 45, but here I felt young and enflamed. My casting as her first kiss and knowing no one else had passionately touched her warmed me. "I love that, Margaret. It doesn't bother me in the least."

Surprise crossed Margaret's face at my response.

Margaret looked at me with a tender expression, like a young dog in love, and after just spending a short time with her, I felt that same affection. The pressure in her body eased, and I drew her towards me for another kiss. Once I figured out that her hesitance was due to inexperience, I swept her off her feet with my kiss. She tightly grasped the front of my shirt and moaned softly against my mouth, hearing the gentle sounds of a virgin woman aroused me immensely.

I permitted a little growl to escape my chest and detached myself, laughing softly. She blushed prettily, and as her alarm clock reminded us that we had half an hour until class began, she hastened back to her chair. With amusement, I realized she was just good company.

The waiter appeared, and I paid the bill and requested two cafe lattes to go for the ride.

I turned to her and said, "Instead of remaining after the conference, can I pick you up at your home afterwards and take you to my place? I'll organize for take-out to be delivered to my house, and we can discuss your work while seated at my kitchen table. It's a suite in the Rittenhouse, in the heart of the city center." I tossed some money onto the table as a tip. "Let's return to our classes and go through the afternoon's obligations first. May I have permission to shower and change into some casual clothes while we chat about business?"

She wore a pleased expression and nodded. "I anticipate it." Her cheeks flushed as she looked up at me, "Thank you...for lunch and the conversation." She giggled to herself.

I grinned, "Is that the only thing for which you're expressing gratitude?" I peered down at her, amused. She flushed with embarrassment at my words, which made it entertaining to tease her yet I didn't want to go too far. So, I stored a kiss on her lips and said, "Let's rejoin our lessons and get this day over quickly."

"Certainly," she murmured, a little shyly, as we collected our to-go lattes from the waiter.

In my usual manner, I sped towards the conference facility on campus. As I guided her out of the car and helped her, I suddenly remembered, "When is your graduation?"

"June 20th," she replied, sipping her latte.

"Are you aiming for a master's or doctorate degree?" My curiosity was piqued by her plans.

"I've not made up my mind completely. I believe I might pursue a Ph.D. in the future, and study computer science at Stanford remotely while I launch my SaaS venture. Then I'll start working on infographics for game design contract jobs." She beamed at me. "I'm not interested in the 9-to-5 grind. Perhaps independent life is the answer."

I was momentarily puzzled, "Stanford? Your graduation GPA is 4.5??"

She smirked at me. "A 4.5, yes. I had the same professor for several classes in the past two years, and when he fell ill for 16 weeks this year, he approached the Dean asked me to substitute for those courses in exchange for some extra credit."

Astonished, I remained where I was, able to only express my surprise through my expressions. "You were selected to fill in for the Doctor of Software Engineering in an Ivy League school?"

Her smirk expanded. "Yes, indeed."

"So, of your 4.5 GPA, only.5 points were from the extra credit?" I inquired further.

She acknowledged me calmly. "Exactly."

I stood gaping, astonished. Not only had she graduated from an Ivy League university with a near-perfect GPA of 4.5, but she had earned a perfect 4.0 without the added.5 points from teaching?

"Why did you give up the coveted position of Valedictorian?" I asked, my curiosity leading me to bombard her with questions that were really none of my concern, yet I was unable to halt myself.

She laughed at my inquiry. "Because I honestly don't care, Thorin. I'm introverted most of the time but am cordial when social commitments demand it. I have no desire to address a room full of students who are graduating with comparatively less thorough degrees in arts and literature while as an engineer I'm deemed superior by grades alone."

I paused at her answer, "Your academic success has been quite exceptional. Your parents are wealthy, you've won a scholarship, and you never had to juggle work and school, but you have never been spotted partying. The high levels of dedication you've displayed amazes me. And what's surprising is that you handed over the position of Valedictorian without any animosity."

She chuckled at my astonishment and tugged my arm to walk with her as we progressed towards the building's doors. "Because I have no reason to care about graduation - just give me my diploma and let me start living my life."

I awoke from my daydream and ushered her indoors, but there was one more inquiry on my mind. "But why Stanford when you could attend any Ivy League for your advanced and doctoral degrees?"

Looking up at me while we strolled, she responded, "Easy...I can obtain my master's and doctorate on the internet. You can take online classes at an Ivy League institution, but you can't receive a degree for internet-based coursework. And I've had enough of in-person classes, study groups, and college life. If they offered online degrees, I'd choose MIT, but I'm not devoting another two years to campus life for credentials I likely won't need. I don't really require them."

I nodded and escorted her back to her chair before heading back to the podium for the afternoon lecture on scalable infrastructure, streamlined operations, financial strategy, and strategic alliances.

Once again, I monitored her while I taught. That woman is extraordinary. She may be 21 in appearance, but she possesses wisdom, manners, and is intellectually brilliant. It was difficult for me to comprehend that she is graduating with a 4.5 GPA in a STEM subject. I planned to query the Dean about this later. She's incredible. Attractive. All I could've desired 20 years ago. Was it too late to have her in my life now? I hoped not, and I was prepared to try.

I added the final topic of strategic partnerships on a whim, and we discussed it spontaneously. I hadn't seen her software yet but I had a hunch it would be something remarkable. Establishing a company is challenging, but if I invested in her venture and helped her build it, this could provide her with the time for other pursuits like coding and spending time with me.

I didn't want her to follow the path I'd been on for the past 20 years. I desired for her to have free time, a relationship with me, and potentially more. I sounded completely insane. I'd just met her, I'm 45 years old, and I'm a well-known Silicon Valley CEO...but when you know, you know. It was time for me to step back and enjoy my life, and I wanted her to enjoy it with me.

Following the last hour, I wrapped up the Q&A and glanced at Margaret. She was beaming genuinely as she examined her notes. It was evident that she was satisfied with the information she gathered today, and I hoped she was gratified for a more private reason as well.

Upon dismissal, I conversed with UPenn's Dean for a few minutes, and he verified everything Margaret had told me. This was unbelievable. The Dean wished for Margaret to obtain her PhD and return to teach. He asserted that Margaret was the sole STEM student in her graduating class to receive a Summa Cum Laude designation, and their GPAs were 3.7 and 3.8. No one else came close to her. I prepared some seminar dates for the future and observed Margaret as she meticulously packed her notebook into her inexpensive bag and retrieved her cell phone. I excused myself and strolled over to her.

I noticed some male students in suits watching me engage with Margaret with interest, and several women in severe business attire glaring at her because I greeted her, provided her with a coffee during intermission, and accompanied her back to her seat. They were aware that she'd returned with me on my arm from lunch. I laughed because Margaret was entirely oblivious to the needles being thrown her way. She was blissfully unaware and merely living her life, which was amusing.

I presented my iPhone to her, and she transferred her contact information, then passed me her device.

"7 o'clock sounds good?'I inquired. "Does that give us enough time? Do you have classes tomorrow?"

She shook her head. "No. I'm done until baccalaureate and graduation."

I was exhilarated about this, perhaps even considering bringing her to California with me for a couple of weeks. "May I take you home?"

"Sure, if you want to drop me off at my place, can my roommate drop me off at yours?" She questioned.

"No, I'll fetch you," I offered, extending my arm.

She wrapped hers through mine, and I closed my other hand on hers on my arm. This felt excellent and not at all obligatory as many of my recent relationships had been.

"Mr. Blackhill-," a young male voice called out as I was departing with Margaret. I grinned and waved goodbye but declined, continuing to walk with Margaret. A lady in a purple pencil skirt and a black blazer followed us out the door.

"Mr. Blackhill-," she began, but I cut her off while she was still attempting to speak. "No, you can talk if you wish," thy jerked my arm to halt me.

"I do not." I chuckled and yanked her along to my vehicle.

I have a meeting to attend, so I hurried along and helped Margaret into the car. While fastening her seatbelt, I leaned over and kissed her lips playfully, causing her to laugh before slapping my hands.

Ignoring a displeased woman on the sidewalk, I entered my vehicle, dismissing her as one of many people attempting to consume my time. Interacting with Margaret brought out a different side of me. Never before had I growled, kissed a woman casually, or helped someone with their seatbelt. But, it simply felt natural with her.

"Do you consider yourself rude for disregarding others in this manner?" she inquired curiously.

I sighed, "I'm a Silicon Valley CEO, and though it may be a bit rude to those unfamiliar with business, I need to safeguard my time. Otherwise, I'd never have any peace."

"All the time, people believe they must converse with me or I'll provide the necessary guidance. However, I believe they should invest time in learning and acquiring hands-on experience rather than relying on me for secretive knowledge that would save them the effort. As I did in my own life."

Seeing the understanding in Margaret's eyes, she said, "Based on my upbringing as a socially polished lady in Philadelphia, I'm unaccustomed to Silicon Valley CEOs' behavior. I apologize; it won't be an issue for me."

I flashed her a confident smile, "You're correct. Politeness is less important in California, particularly in my work circle. The majority of people are phony and impolite out of need, so I only value genuine connections and avoid unnecessary social graces with strangers to protect my time."

Margaret giggled, "That resonates with me."

I entered my address into the GPS and leaned into the luxurious leather seat. "It's tiring being center stage during conferences," I admitted.

"You only participate in Ivy League events, and they pay handsomely for your appearance."

"Correct. I'm not motivated by lecturing the younger generation," I shared.

"Do you think you'll recover in under an hour for tonight's event?"

"Definitely. Lounge clothing and a brief update on my laptop are all that's necessary."

I was anxious to wash, dress appropriately, and prepare my laptop for me and this man who just made any sexual activity between us feel casual and fun. Petite, curvy, and well-tanned, I wore minimal body hair and was confident in my appearance.

In the large mirror, I evaluated my body; I was toned, tight, and shapely. I dried my hair, applied mascara, and glossed my lips before slipping on a touch of my expensive perfume.


"I'm showering and getting ready," I informed him. "Lounge attire?"

"Aye, attend to your needs. I'll return after freshening up."

My heart pounded as I applied soap several times, brushed my teeth, and ensured my body was perfectly smooth. My stomach churned, wondering if the evening would materialize into something physical. I divided my time between drying my hair, plucking my brows, and applying mascara and lip gloss. Upon completing my routine, I waited for his arrival.

Deeming it essential to prepare for the potential encounter, I exchanged my daywear for comfortable, stylish loungewear, gathered essentials like my laptop, and carefully considered the night's course. As I freshened up, my thoughts drifted towards tomorrow's events and the possibility of intimacy with this man who had normalized playfulness.

I flung open the closet and grabbed a minuscule, ridged, white tank top with no bra. My breasts were ample but I was a youngster and they still had a bounce. I went for a white thong that complemented my tan and black leggings and topped it with a snug, supple black hoodie.

Taking my MacBook, I annexed it into my bag along with the charger and my mouse. After brushing through my unruly locks and applying lotion on my feet and slip-ons, I was all set to venture forth. I was panicky about Thorin witnessing my work and also nervous about the prospect of intimate moments.

Deeply yearning for a physical connection with Thorin but being anxious and a little afraid. I had lived my life adhering to my parents' view on purity but now, as an adult with heightened sexual desires, Thorin was an irresistible attraction. I wasn't certain of how my parents would react to the age difference, yet Thorin embodied all I had ever dreamt of in a partner...and he was a hottie. It was astonishing that we had met just hours feels like I had known him forever.

There was a knock on the door and I moved to answer it, only to find Thorin patiently waiting on the front step in a form-fitting black shirt and snug gray track pants with sneakers on his feet. Glad I had selected the outfit now.

"Hey," I said as I opened the door. "Feel like checking out my place real quick?"

He beamed back at me with a massive grin and stepped inside. "Certainly, how long have you been living here?"

"Four years," I chortled and shut the door. "My roommate is my cousin, Adam. So we got the place together, knowing we could look out for each other. My brother, Jack, drops by often too."

"That's great that you had somebody you could count on while living together." He glanced around the sumptuous townhouse, which was spotless thanks to our weekly deep cleaning.

It was a townhouse located in a neighborhood owned by my parents. "Real estate investing is one of my mother's hobbies. We could've each had our own unit but my mom and dad preferred having me live with Adam so I'd not be alone."

"Yep, family is important, I understand." He seemed approving.

I gave him a guided tour of our comfortable townhouse, chuckling at my memories, and then we hopped in his vehicle to go to his hotel.

It was dusk and once inside his car, Thorin reached over and placed his hand on my knee, his driving. It felt soothing and fitting. I placed my hand atop his and warmed his knee with a smile as he tenderly squeezed my leg. He lifted our hands up and dropped a kiss on my knuckles, afterward, before retreating his hand to my knee once more.

We engaged in placid chatter about his sojourn in Philly as we headed toward the upscale section of the central city and parked at The Rittenhouse Hotel. I had been there before for banquets with my father and it was a resplendent hotel. Thorin pulled up and handed his key fob to the valet. I turned and squealed with delight.

Rather than putting my arm in Thorin's, I sprinted up and embraced the elderly valet. "Franklin, how's it going?!" I held him at arm's length and regarded his cheerful countenance.

"I'm doing alright, miss Margaret." He beamed back at me sincerely.

"Thought you had retired for good, Franklin." I reflected on the kind face looking at me.

"Of course I did, miss Margaret, but old men get bored easily."

"True, Franklin, you certainly did pass the time." I rummaged through my bag for a $20 and handed it to him. "Say hi to Alice for me and take care, my friend."

Refocusing on Thorin, I took his arm and rejoined him. He grinned down at me and gently removed his arm from mine and placed it around my shoulders. He snuggled me to his chest while swiping his key card and we ascended to the third floor in the lift.

"An old family acquaintance?"

"Franklin had served my Dad as the facilities manager of the estate for twenty-five years when he retired for the final time last year." I giggled softly. "Franklin has been around even before I was thought of."

Thorin chuckled in response to my comment and I could discern he was pondering our age gap.

He activated the door to the exquisite suite and it was a splendid accommodation. The nameplate on the entranceway read "Premier Park Suite." It was opulent and resembled a small apartment. I could understand why he wanted to stay there. It was marvelous and afforded complete privacy as the windows offered a magnificent view either of center city or the park.

I ambled over to the round dining table and deposited my sack down. I took out my MacBook and my mouse and established myself. "Hey, Thorin, what's the Wi-Fi password?"

"I'm not sure, but I can give the front desk a call to find out." He was browsing through takeout menus on his phone.

I chuckled, "Alright, hold on," and got up to grab the remote from the side table near the couch. There was a drawer, which contained a Gideon Bible, a channel guide, and a network information card with the wifi password. I displayed it proudly.

"Impressive," he said, as he was grinning at me. "Which dish would you like for lunch? I've already ordered for both of us. You can choose dinner."

I glanced at him and smiled. "Let's go with cheesesteaks. You're in Philadelphia, Mr. Silicon Valley. Nothing fancy tonight...and I want fries. And Dr. Pepper."

Thorin laughed and seemed pleased. "Your wishes are my command," he said while placing an order for delivery, but also added brownies. I gave a sarcastic eye roll and giggled.

At the kitchen table, I opened two cloud servers. The first one was my test server and the other was my brother, Jack's, live instance. He had allowed me access to his production environment for a demonstration, knowing I could restore it quickly if anything went wrong. My test server was fully capable of making changes without impacting anything in production, and I could easily restore it from my personal backup.

Thorin had made a phone call to the lobby that I wasn't listening to. Once he was done, he approached and placed his hands on my shoulders. He gently kneaded my neck, slid up to the back of my head, and I moaned quietly. I then looked at him and noticed his intense gaze before glancing at the screen.

I showed him the test tab and let him know he could explore any customizations he wanted. I also showed him Jack's live tab so he could view the reports and see how the system handled three years' worth of data. I got up and moved my chair back, letting him take my place, and he quietly started going through Jack's live instance. I went to the window to admire the view of the park, which was illuminated by the charming street lighting. It was pitch-black but looked magical.

Thorin stayed silent as he examined my work and, after about 15 minutes, he said, "Margaret, this is incredible. This is going to be a huge success."

I couldn't help but smile broadly and feel the excitement welling up within me. "Hearing that's exactly what I needed."

Thorin was astounded. "This software is incredible. I can't believe this was created in her brain and not by an agile team...especially working on it while teaching and attending class during the day for six months. She's amazing, and even more of a genius than her GPA suggests."

"I want to help you with this, Margaret. I want to invest in you and assemble a team. This is the next big thing." She looked surprised by his statement.

A knock sounded on the door, announcing our food's arrival. I fetched the food, which included cheesesteaks, fries, ketchup, a box of freshly baked brownies, and a six-pack of Dr. Peppers.

"Let's discuss this while we eat." I was genuine and serious.

"Okay," she replied, taking a handful of fries. She looked intently at me.

We talked about what being an investor entailed and how it would aid her growth, along with the benefits of having my support and guidance for the journey. I explained my standard practices for returning my investment and how I typically operate.

"I'd also like to discuss your brother, Jack, if you don't mind." I was aware of her surprise.

"I understand that it's strange, but I just looked through his production instance with all that live data, and now I'm also considering investing in his health and wellness business. I think it has excellent potential to scale rapidly." She began to comprehend.

"I believe you two have immense intelligence and are on the right path, and I'd like to invest in both of you." I had glanced through the last three years of data that Margaret uploaded when she launched Jack's instance, and it was a strong company. My own SaaS looked promising as well.

After talking for a while, the mood felt right. The food was delicious. Margaret had removed her black hoodie, exposing her petite white tank top that didn't conceal her beautiful, perky breasts. I was reminded of the time I had passed her talking to the valet earlier. She was kind, sweet, and genuine. She was perfect.

I stood to answer the door, welcoming the sweet Italian champagne and glasses that the hotel had delivered. I tipped the staff at the door and noticed her with the valet earlier.

I brought the champagne to the coffee table in front of the couch and uncorked it. Margaret sat beside me, and I handed her a glass.

Abandoning her shoes at the table, she rested her petite, tanned feet on the coffee table while I removed my sneakers, placing my stocking feet next to hers. We both indulged in the flavors of champagne, filling our third glasses and finishing the entire bottle.

We snuggled closely on the sofa, me turned toward her, as she nestled against my chest. I observed the alluring cleavage standing out above her shirt, and the outline of her erect nipples. Setting down my glass, my hand caressed her cheek, and we shared an intense kiss with light touches.

Maintaining the cautious approach, I explored her body with one hand in her hair and the other manipulating her sensitive nipples beneath her clothing, drawing her periodic breaths. This sweet pleasure suddenly caught her in a powerful yet vulnerable way, rendering her speechless with lustful pulses.

Holding her with me on the sofa, we adhered body to body, separated only by our garments. Her vibrant spirit amalgamated with mine, as I embraced her; she pressed her intimate body to my firm bulge. Lucky for me, our state of inebriation made it easier to disrobe. Carefully, she disposed of my glass, returning to our previously intertwined positions.

She stood up, discarded her shirt, and returned to me. There, her faultless figure appeared, glowing in the lamplight. Her generous breasts, with small and pink nipples, sent quivers through my body.

With an intimate kiss to each nipple, I discovered her sensual and boundless passion and proceeded to stimulate and awaken her erogenous hotspots. Quickly, my hand lingered above her chest, willing to savor every fiber of her delicate body. My right hand stayed in her hair, and the left made its rounds, first rubbing and squeezing, and lower, forcefully tweaking her nipples. Fondling her in this manner, her nipples stiffened and quivered, feeding into my demanding touch.

Sitting up, I gently lifted her off my lap, immediately seating her so she straddled my laps. I shuffled and rubbed, allowing her yearning body to be embraced by my hard cock, imbuing my body with each nestled hope for revelation. Enthralled by the feeling, I desired to reveal her for all to see.

Moving behind her, Margaret's discarded shirt was the first object to accumulate dust. My eyes feasted on her breathtaking body, and I felt my senses heighten further. Instructionally bringing her shirt up and casting it aside, I froze in astonishment, rightly captivated by her flawless frame. I couldn't help but imagine what lay beneath.

Cupping her chin in my hand, my lips sought hers, crushing the passionate embrace between us. I brazenly left to confirm and explore her desires. Reaching for both of her nipples, I enclosed them with my lips and then pasted wet kisses on them. Her cries became louder, announcing that the touch of another man produced a heightened level of pleasure. She begged silently, maintaining her rhythm over my now rapidly thrusting hips.

Struggling to retain my composure, I pulled back, sitting once again. My hands traced her body feverishly, lingering in the lifting of her panties. Wilfully, I slid away from seduction, hoping to keep in control. Meanwhile, her quivers intensified and deprived her of the ability to think keenly. She furiously arched her back, allowing her body to passionately rub my worn, straining jeans. My feet were undone by the sensual ecstasy.

While I admired the transformation of her demeanor, I curved my fingertips around her inviting curves, pushing between her thighs. My cock, imprisoned by a defensive thin cotton barrier, throbbed painfully at the contact.

Unable to contain my efforts, I leapt up and led Margaret to the bedroom, cradling her around me, knelt intimately, and watched our tongues duel passionately. Tearing my eyes away from her glorious countenance, I fleetingly caressed her enticing posterior. Shifting Ernestine's body, knelt between her legs, exploring this untouched treasure.

Removing her leggings, I saw her miniature, modest underwear. My dick throbbed with desire and internal pleading.

Carefully, I maneuvered Ernestine onto the bed with her legs wrapped around me. In my demise, she seemed untouched. To avoid that first agonizing act, I studied her, exquisitely confident in my self-restraint. The irony lay in the extraordinary experience threatening to upend me. I calmed myself, in awe of the beauty before me. Her brunette hair, blossoming figure, and milky white panties soon met a gracious halt. Had it been my bidding, the thong would've sailed to the floor, but sadly, it did not.

I pushed her legs up, savoring their curvatures, and showered her with lingering kisses. Glaring down at her uncovered body, intending to quench the quenched thirst of my roaming hands. We melted, drunk in our pre-foreplay ecstasy, despite our mild intoxication.

She reached her hand out, grabbing my shirt hem, and urging me to take it off. As I did, tossing it to the floor alongside her thong, she explored my naked chest and abs with her fingers. When I leaned over her on the bed, she ran her hand over my muscles, then found my lips, giving me a soft, tender kiss. Simultaneously, her fingers discovered my sex, sliding in and out of her wetness as I pushed one of my fingers into her. Her cry of pleasure mingled with my kiss as my thumb teased her clitoris, eliciting even more moans and squirming.

I journeyed further down her body, planting open mouth kisses on her stomach, her belly button, her hips. My mouth continued traveling, reaching her most treasured private spot. I was relishing this moment, experiencing a virgin's sweet pussy for the first time. I moved my tongue between her lips, licking her clitoris, sending her over the edge. I stopped when she asked if I wanted her. I nodded, admitting that I did, and proceeded to lap and suck her clitoris. She tasted of a sweet innocence that I savored as she bucked beneath me and cried out my name, "Thorin."

With her hands wrapped up in the locks of my hair, she moaned while I continued torturing her clitoris. She cried out loudly when she climaxed and my fingers explored her pussy, which was immediately soaked and began pulsating around my two fingers. I couldn't wait any longer. I inhaled deeply, avoiding my need to release, then started kissing her once more and buried my mouth in her gorgeous breasts.

Her hands moved to my waist, slipping my joggers off then unveiling my bulge. This was my first time witnessing a virgin's response to my cock and I was eager to make her feel my pleasure. I bent over her once more, kissing her neck with passion. Each kiss was accompanied by a strangled moan and instant wetness as I traced my tongue across her pubic mound and slipped it between her lips - tasting, teasing, and satisfying.

I sat back and grabbed her arms, pulling them above her head, "Margaret, do you want me? You need to say no if you don't." Her voice was laden with eagerness as she whispered, "I want you, Thorin," and I leaned back down to kiss her once again. The sensations were otherworldly as I trailed my tongue down her stomach and tasted her pussy. I couldn't resist going further; I inserted my tongue between her lips and ran it around her clitoris repeatedly. Her legs tangled together and she squeezed my hand while she stroked my cock with her other hand, pushing it between her legs.

She slid her hands out from underneath me and replaced them with my fingers, stroking my cock as I continued to tease her body with my tongue and thrust my fingers in and out of her. Nearing the edge of climax, she released her grip, thrusting her hips wildly as I added a third finger and finally slid my pulsating member out of her before gently slipping my cock into her, taking her virginity. A soft whimper escaped her when I breached her cherry, but I held her face and we exchanged intense stares. Determined to conquer her, I entered her as deeply as possible, feeling a closeness unlike ever before in my life.

As she recovered, I began stroking within her slowly, intensifying my rhythm. She began to move with me, hungrily thrusting at my body as my entire being became enraptured by the sensations in my pores. I told her how sexy she was while she rode my cock, her nails clawing into my back and driving me into euphoria. In a rusty voice, she begged, "Stay within me," as her hips rocked even harder with each stroke.

I leaned over her, kissing her with all the love I had, as I alternated between licking, sucking on her lips, and murmuring affirmations before biting her earlobe and kneading her breasts. The physical sensations, coupled with the satisfaction of her shrieking orgasms, exacerbated the misery of my desperate lust. I drove her to the edge by thrusting as hard as I possibly could into her churning spasms, desperate to stay within her forever.

I bowed my head as she seized my hair while I found her nipple and nursed it intensely. She teetered on the brink and climaxed around my hard, agonizingly engorged member. I kept plowing into her mercilessly as her slender, untouched pussy contracted around me and milked me interminably. Her delightful cries filled my ears as I buried my face in her hair and my groinrelaxed and released my semen deep within her radiant body while her sweetness pumped my erection until I exhausted.


My body felt as limp as ever. Thorin and I clung to one another while our heart rates returned to normal. He kissed me tenderly on the lips and sniffed my nose affectionately and hugged me and made me feel treasured and consoled. He was tendering me after stealing my virginity and it was an exceptionally precious experience. I knew when I met Mr. Thorin Blackhill, fashionable Silicon Valley CEO...that he would know how to accomplish it...and he absolutely...Did. IT. Perfectly. Wow.

Propping himself beside me on the bed with his elbow, he watched me. "Are you okay, darling?"

I grinned slightly mischievously, "I'm far more than fine," and sniggered.

Thorin smirked, "it's not often you lose your virginity to a guy you met just now." He leaned over and kissed my lips off. "But I'm so pleased you did. You're incredible." He interlocked his fingers with mine and kissed me.

I faced him, "I'm brilliant, Thorin...that was incredible and absolutely worth the wait."

He beamed widely, and remarked, "I strive to please, Margaret."

And I responded, "You do please me, Mr. Blackhill," and I leaned down and shared between his lips and kissed him extensively.

"Come on, let's make ourselves're staying with me tonight, right?" he whispered to me.

I groped back to him, "please, yes."

I went into the luxurious marble restroom while Thorin spotted the bright red stain on the bed where he had taken me. I was chagrined and I didn't know how to even react.

He observed my eyes in the dim light and said, "come on, should take a shower, and I'll attend to it...don't stress, it's entirely normal."

I nodded silently, still ashamed, and proceeded to the spacious marble shower. I hesitated, considering the beautiful bathtub, but I wanted another sweltering shower. I turned on the scorching hot tap to the highest pressure in the shower and stepped into the deluxe conveyance that had space for 4. It was equipped with luxury items and even though I'd taken a shower just before arriving, I went for it and cleansed up and used the hand sprinkler to massage hot water into my precarious tuft and comfort my womb after its first expedition.

The hot water felt comforting on my sensitive epidermis and the spray was exhilarating on my clitoris. I felt pangs of restlessness again and I permitted myself to enjoy the hot water on my clitoris for a few moments. Giving my neck and shoulders a hot water massage eased my strained muscles and I pondered what Thorin was thinking of the blood-stained blanket. He didn't appear concerned at all about it.

A few minutes later, Thorin sauntered into the bathroom and stepped into the shower with me and started stroking my back and shoulders. I moved toward him so my back was against his chest in the shower and he tossed my hair out of the way and fastened his lips around my neck and kissed and sucked it until I felt wet heat gush out of my core and moaned as I rested my head on his shoulder while he adored my neck and caused me to moan in rapture. He relocated his palms from my waist to my boobs and he clasped them and squeezed them, ferociously fondling my nipples while he suckled and kissed my neck. I could sense the satisfaction in his caresses. I smirked against his neck.

Thorin turned me so my back was to his chest and he brush my hair out of the way and locked his lips over my neck and kissed and sucked it impassionately. I could feel his hard cock pressed against my ass and I pushed against it and rubbed it up and down his phallus.

Thorin growled angrily in my ear. My pussy hurt and it desperately yearned for something to touch it and massage it. It was sore and sensitive, but I didn't care. The relief was even more enjoyable than the misery of being denied. I longed to come once more and come on Thorin's cock. From today on, I learned you can't top a full vagina over an empty one and my sex craved his penetration...again. I gripped his substantial manhood and commenced rubbing it the way he had taught me...tightlier and his lips sealed around my neck and groaned ecstatically, delirious with pleasure, jerking his dick against my ass...ravishing my neck.

Thorin gently guided me towards the window sill in the shower. He held my hands and placed them there, bending me over so I could admire the view of the city. He continued his investigation of one of my breasts, moving his hand to touch my moist core and slid two fingers inside me from behind.

"Thorin, that feels amazing," I whispered breathlessly. "Oh...oh..." I moaned.

"I'll always make you feel good, sweetheart," and he returned to kissing my neck and running his hands on my back. He continued to finger me while fondling one of my breasts. I squirmed and couldn't keep still.

The sensation of pleasure intensified in my body, and I longed for Thorin's cock inside my hungry womanhood. "Thorin-," I moaned softly, and he caught the yearning in my voice.

Standing up, Thorin positioned himself behind me, pushing his cock against my opening. He used his hand to lubricate his head before entering me, ensuring it wouldn't hurt me. He grabbed my right leg and placed it on the shaving stand, held me tightly around the waist, and thrust his enormous cock deep into me.

I cried out, both in pleasure and pain. He paused, pushing against my womb with his broad head, waiting for the pain to subside. Eventually, the discomfort disappeared, and I began to rock back against him, soothing the pain and revealing the ecstasy that replaced it.

I moved carefully, soothing him, switching from subtle rocking motions to stroking his cock slowly, and finally clenching my womb around him. Moaning, he grabbed my breasts and pinched my nipples, making me moan even more.

The pleasure was now building and rush of desire overwhelmed me. He thrust deep into me, pushing hard, causing some pain as he struggled to maintain his rhythm. I cried out in sheer pleasure, riding him as the intensity grew.

"Fuck, Marg," he begged urgently.

As the speed increased, my ass pressed against his loins, sending little shocks of pleasure to my loins, and he gripped my breasts, tugging and pinching my nipples, sending sensation ripping from my nipples straight to my clit.

Suddenly, the pleasure amplified immeasurably, and I closed my eyes and cried out in the shower. Multiple orgasms overflowed my body and I ground back onto his cock, desperately needing more. Thorin growled in frustration.

I moaned heavily as he spun me around, lifted me into his embrace, pressing me against the marble wall and thrusted into me, resting his forehead against mine and looking deeply into my eyes.

The aftershocks of orgasm pulsed through my body as he held me against him and thrust into me frantically, my legs wrapping around his waist.

Thorin thrust hard into me, three times in a row, followed by a deep, loud groan. Clutching me tightly to his chest, we both shuddered from the intensity as he emptied himself inside me. Benign exhaustion washed over me.

Thorin held me as we caught our breath, relishing the sweet Mediterranean air, and smirked as he saw my glistening moistness. I murmured in embarrassment and Thorin chuckled softly, leaned in to tenderly kiss me.

"You're a little messy," he grinned.

"This view certainly engenders passion," I giggled, noticing the semen oozing out of me.

He leaned in and kissed me tenderly on the lips, taking my apology playfully, then grabbed the hand sprayer in the shower and gently cleansed between my legs.

Thorin's touch made me shudder, and he laughed. "I suppose it does."

With a look at my pussy, he began to clean me with his hands and then pressed his lips to mine, first with a teasing kiss, increasing his intensity as he ran his hands over my body. I tingled with anticipation as he inspected my small opening, grinning.

My pussy was sensitive, and I could feel him observing it closely while giving me lively kisses. "Too small for one to see everything," he teased, making me blush.

Hesitant, I opened my eyes, expecting to see my red and swollen pussy, but I saw only calm expressions. He gently toyed with my clit, turning his kisses more passionate.

"You're really getting into this, aren't you?" I asked, feeling shy.

Taking a step back, Thorin looked at my pussy before touching my clitoris and licking it, smirking. "Yep."

I giggled and looked at him, raising my eyebrows in curiosity.

"I like it when it's small and swollen," he said provocatively.

"I'm getting the feeling that you're happy with how I look right now," I said, feeling self-conscious.

"Of course," he responded confidently.

"You're such a handsome man, and it wasn't just my body that pulled you here," he smiled.

I blushed, examining the inside of his lips before kissing him again, speechless. "Okay, that's it," he chuckled as he regained control of the conversation, leaping from petting to more intense kisses.

Gasps of delight escaped me as his hands explored my body, careful not to apply too much pressure. After rinsing and cleaning me, Thorin satisfied my cravings, cuddling with me and murmuring softly just before falling asleep.

The man was cautious to avoid slicing his tongue on my vaginal slit as he licked and sucked on my clitoris perched at the top of my sex. In no time at all, I was panting and moaning while he tugged on both nipples simultaneously and licked my clitoris again, causing another orgasm to break out for me under his skilled and practiced hands and mouth.

I hoped that Thorin was experiencing the same level of pleasure as he was giving me.

Thorin then stood up and planted kisses on my lips before he went back to the shower to clean himself. His well-endowed penis stuck out in front of him, resembling a sword. I knew my vagina could not take any more penetration now, but I wanted to satisfy him as much as possible.

I remained seated on the shower bench while Thorin stood in front of me, using the shower hose, carefully washing his torso. I grabbed the shower gel and pulled Thorin by the hand until he was standing in front of me, his erect penis just inches away from my face.

Scooping out some shower gel in my hand, I washed his testicles and then concentrated on his penis. I used the shower gel as lubrication and stroked his erection firmly. Afterward, I rinsed it with the shower hose.

As I gazed into Thorin's face, I saw raw lust and curiosity. He was unsure of what I would do next. I had previously seen this action in a movie and had decided to replicate it. I kept looking into his eyes then leaned forward and licked the tip of his penis. I pushed it into my mouth as far as it could go and continued sucking.

Thorin's husky breaths, the guttural sounds, and his rigid body language all guided me as I maintained a gentle thrusting action on his penis. I slid his hands in my hair and pulled him towards me as he barely resisted. He was clearly trying not to take charge of my movements.

By watching his anxious movements and the stimulated sounds he was making, I was compelled to keep going. I inched him closer to me, held my breath, and pushed the head of his penis further down my throat. I swallowed and dragged up and down his length, satisfying his pleasure.

I held his balls with one hand and stroked his shaft with the other, following through with my mouth by paying special attention to his glans. His control started to unravel as he lost it, thrusting himself into my mouth. He growled and I knew he was restraining himself.

Finally, Thorin gave in and erupted within my throat when he climaxed. For a moment, he leaned on the shower wall behind me while I carefully pulled his member out of my drained mouth. I had given him incredible pleasure and was completely content.

In his opinion, she was divine. Although he thought he had used up all his energy, the pleasure he got from licking her conch-shaped pleasure button had him aroused once more. When she took his penis in her mouth, he wondered if she had done that before, but when she handled him with precision and gave him a fantastic blowjob, he stopped worrying.

I had never experienced such a sublime blowjob. I supported her head with both hands and gazed down at her. I could see traces of my cum on her lips and tears forming from her strained efforts in holding back. Astonished by the intensity of her efforts just to please me, I wiped her lips clean and removed the tears with my thumb.

I escorted her to the bed and unwrapped her in a towel, covering the bed with a clean comforter. She smiled when she noticed the new comforter and I was pleased that she appeared comfortable.

We exited the bathroom and continued to warm ourselves in the shower before we headed to the bed, where I gently caressed the sore flesh between her legs and kissed her. When she fell asleep on my chest, I held her tightly and whispered, "I love you. Sleep soundly, baby."

I had discovered my soulmate that day...and my heart was filled with love. I could feel my sleepy eyes glazing as I drifted into a deep, sexually satisfying slumber.

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