Adult How To

The New Management

Louise's Adventures get more complex.

May 2, 2024
17 min read
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The New Management
The New Management

The New Management

A tale can be relished separately; yet, it would have a stronger impact if one reads the first eleven chapters sequentially, excluding a month's gap, which is a single narrative.

The New Administration

The following morning after their visit to the Cinema, Louise was scrolling through some clothing websites when an email alert popped up on her screen. She was about to disregard it before she noticed the title "Crimson Rooms: New Management." Her heart skipped a beat.

She had not heard from the Crimson Rooms or Nicolai since their unforgettable weekend at the Lodge. Abandoning the online shopping, she clicked on the alert, and the email opened.

Upon reading the first line, she realized something significant had happened, as it outlined all staff members should report to the Crimson Rooms at 3 p.m. on Saturday for a briefing about the club's future following a shift in leadership. The message provided no additional information, leaving her perplexed. She also found no relevant news online about the club, aside from certain forums discussing potential additional services.

Louise was puzzled as her partner, John, entered the living room from the kitchen. "What's up?" he asked, noticing her demeanour.

"Something strange happened. I received an email about the Crimson Rooms being under new management, and they've requested all staff to attend a meeting today," she shared.

"I thought that whole situation was over since you hadn't heard anything from them for weeks," he responded.

"You're right, it's odd. It only states that the Crimson Rooms have new managers and staff should attend today at 3 p.m. for more details. It's curious because there's no mention of Nicolai whatsoever," she added.

"Interesting. Given his dubious past, are you still keen on working there?"

"I'm undecided. I liked the thrill and the expenditures, but it all depends on what these new managers have planned. However, I'll go and see for myself," she replied.

"Because I just started a new photography club myself, I can't drive you," John said. "Also, Mike is coming over. I'll pick him up if you don't mind. We're heading to some seascape locations. You'll be safe since it's broad daylight and you're near the industrial estate."

"John, it's just a briefing. I'll drive myself and park in the main industrial estate. Besides, I still need to earn my own money."

"Of course, I understand. Let me know what happens if anything changes," he requested.

When John departed an hour later, he was heading to a photography group and afterward, he would pick up Mike, their friend. Louise assumed Mike was a nice guy, considering what John had said, although John whispered about some risqué photography being involved in this club, more than seascapes. Louise wondered how long it would be before John made an invitation for her to be a part of the club.

A few minutes later, she was driving toward the industrial estate. The place felt much different in broad daylight compared to the thrilling evenings. Various people entered bathroom showrooms, and numerous tradesmen entered and left the estate for supplies. "What a change the night brings to a place," she thought. She parked 50 yards from the entrance and out of sight, in case any of the mechanics from the nearby garage recognised her from her previous encounter.

It was close to 3 pm when she securely locked up and headed toward the club. The front door was ajar, and she noticed the club's security team standing in the foyer. Upon seeing her, they smirked, reminding her of the two of them that had taken her pleasure. She walked past them, noticing a cluster of staff in the main bar area of the club. She recognized the bar attendees, more security, and a few female escorts. Some were new faces, implying frequent staff turnover.

While they waited, she overheard the staff chatter in a language she couldn't understand but was familiar due to their accents and the security team. They suddenly fell silent as a tall gentleman strode up the main staircase.

Louise couldn't help but do a double take. The man resembled Nicolai, but he was significantly taller, extremely muscular, and sported dark stubble. His skin held a swarthy hue, and his eyes were mesmerizingly captivating just like his brother. He wore a well-cut dark suit with a fitted waistcoat and shiny black leathers shoes.

The man sauntered through the group, entered the VIP area next to the bar, and shouted to the group, "Those who haven't had the pleasure of meeting me, I'm Rudaj. While Nicolai is away, I will be running the club. We've got some changes on the horizon, and for those who want to work, you're welcome." He paused, and then resumed, "You all familiar with Marco? He'll be managing front of house, security, and the bar. Please, all staff, follow Marco for a briefing on the new operation schedules."

A majority of the staff members split off after Rudaj's instruction. The eight escorts remained with him in the VIP area. They settled into various seats and leaned against the raised poles.

In a noticeably authoritative manner, Rudaj spoke up again. "Nicolai is out for several months, so until he returns, I'm taking over the club to make some changes." His words had the escorts' attention, 'how would this affect their jobs' they wondered.

"We have twelve girls on our records, but only eight of you are here. Those not in attendance are unreliable and are fired. Failure to show up results in loss of employment."

Nods turned into acceptance, sensing Rudaj was a far more intense individual than Nicolai. He continued, "The club has seen a decent turnout, but it can do so much more. We'll be introducing theme nights - two per month. These nights have a theme where we will provide gorgeously enchanting women to entertain up to a hundred men."

The women's confusion was evident. Rudaj clarified, "Greedy Girls' nights involve two to eight of you entertaining any men who choose to attend these events. What's more, these men pay £50 to attend and £100 to play with you." He glanced around the group assessing their confusion.

Louise was working out the numbers, fifty men meant working the event, leaving her with two greedy men to have sexual encounters with. Fearful of the challenge, she was about to rise but he continued, "You ladies would earn £50 per man, hence up to £2500 per night!" Confusion gradually transformed into arousal.

"In addition to Greedy Girls' nights, we'll have a couples-only night. It's recommended for couples who want to experience each other and other women, and you will be those ladies. Each couple you host and service will earn you £100, and on average, expect to meet with four couples per event." The women were all visibly aroused while processing the lucrative potential of four couples night. "The club will continue to hold regular open events, allowing you to provide private entertainment to individual customers. Any inquiries?"

A brunette who Louise didn't recognize spoke with a foreign-sounding accent. "What about attending these Greedy Girls events?"

Rudaj responded. "Liliana, my cousin, you don't have to if you don't want to. The rest of you will not be needed all the time, but you're expected to take part in at least one of the four events every two months. Got it?"

Liliana nodded, and so did the other ladies. Louise found herself nodding as well, curious about the type of man Rudaj truly was.

"All right, tonight's just a regular club night, and I'd appreciate seeing the ones I've already spoken to here. The rest of you, pay attention to your emails and messages," Rudaj got up and headed towards the stairs, with Louise promptly following. She couldn't help but wonder what he wanted to discuss with her.

As they approached the end of the hall, Rudaj opened the door for her to enter, leading her into a familiar-looking room with a large desk and a bare wall which held the spot where she'd been photographed earlier. He sat down at the desk, inviting Louise to stand in front of him. He carefully examined her, an evident visual assessment that gave Louise an exciting sensation as she was being appraised by this bold, strong man.

He broke the silence. "I have a task for you, Louise."

Louise startled, wondering what repugnant deed this man might require of her next. "What exactly is it you want me to do?"

"My younger brother Nicolai has been caught committing crimes in your country. He's now in prison. I need you to carry something for me. This is a micro-SIM card." He showed her a tiny piece of plastic. "He already has a phone, but this piece will permit silent conversations."

Louise was taken aback and confused. This was serious, what if she were caught and penalized for having ties to serious criminal activity. How would she even manage it? Management searches were routine, and these always made the news. "How do I do it? How can I deliver this to him?"

"You'll be his lawyer. It'll be an ordinary visit for legal appeal discussions. You should have access to him. Now, give me one of your high heels," she handed him one shoe. Rudaj unfolded the shoe's liner, placed the tiny card beneath, then folded it back. "Put it on. You should be unable to feel it." He then returned her shoe. "Once you've passed through the security, find a way to get this to him. It's very important he receives it."

"Okay, I'll do my best," Louise agreed.

"I can understand why Nicolai highly regarded you, you're both professional and attractive. And do you know what? From what I've seen, you're fantastic at your job."

Louise blushed at the comment on her occupation, but was struck by how unkindly it was said. "Yes, I've performed for him several times before."

"Strip," he demanded, breaking the silence.

She hesitated, but then began unbuttoning her blouse. She slipped it off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. He instructed her to remove her skirt, which she quickly unzipped, sliding it down her legs and letting it fall. She slid her skirt off and turned to undo her bra, her nipples swelling.

Rudaj kept staring at her, and she imagined he'd seen many women undress just like this. A brief glance at the wall behind him told her she'd been photographed many times here.

"Bend over and remove your thong," she began unclasping it, when she was ready, she dropped it and began working on her bra, undoing it and letting it fall from her body. Only in her heels, hold-ups, and thong, Louise stood in front of him, a hot, wet spot forming between her legs from his gaze alone.

He instructed, "Behind you and remove your thong." She complied, and he looked over her like he was sizing her up for auction. "Now raise your arms and bend over, arch your back." She followed his orders, revealing her now exposed buttocks. "Take off your hold-ups. Now, while you're bent down, kick them off. You look entirely compliant."

Reaching for her hand, he then stood her back up. "So, do you think you can manage?"

Butterflies in her stomach, she nodded. "Anything you need."

Sighing, he rose up off his chair, observing her for a moment. "Girls like you were made to please." Before she could respond, he ordered, "Dress."

Slowly, she obeyed, re-dressing herself. "Then, leave."

Hastily, Louise followed his instruction, stepping out of the room..

Louise knew what he truly desired, she slipped her fingers into the minuscule thong's waistband and gradually lowered it. As the thong descended over her hips, the crotch clung for a moment, revealing a visible trail of vaginal fluid from her lips to the thong. If there was any doubt, it was now abundantly clear that this woman was highly aroused at the prospect of being exposed to him. As she moved the thong down her legs, she subtly spread her legs, granting him an uninterrupted view of her drenched pussy.

She heard him growl as she discarded the thong, which fell to the floor as she stood up straight, her legs remaining slightly apart. She remained motionless, facing away from him, allowing him to appreciate her body without any hindrance. She heard movement and felt his presence hovering over her.

He placed a hand on her lower back and propelled her towards the bare brick wall at the back of the office. She mildly stepped forward, making sure she was a foot away from the wall. As she stared at the wall, she observed two fresh additions, two metal rings set into the wall above head height, a few feet apart.

She continued to gaze forward as she sensed something soft looped around her left and right wrist. The loops tightened, and she caught a glimpse of each wrist being yanked taut as the leather straps were clipped onto the rings. Her arms, now taut and horizontal, were suspended in a crucifix-like position, completely exposing her to any potential onlookers or players.

Rudaj moved away and removed his jacket before unzipping his trousers and pulling out a large, thick erection that was rapidly growing as he beheld the naked woman in front of him. With a stealthy advance, he kicked her legs farther apart and positioned himself behind her.

Louise realized his presence behind her and pushed her bottom back to align with him, instantly feeling a thick, hot, hard dick pressing between her thighs. He was well-endowed and rigorously stiff, sending shivers down her spine. She moaned at the imminent penetration. A large hand suddenly encircled her throat and began to squeeze, pushing her towards the wall. Simultaneously, he used his other hand to guide the head of his massive erection to her waiting pussy.

Her wetness soaked her lips, and he marveled at how tightly she embraced his cock, making her a noteworthy possession in his collection of lovers. He thrust into her, impressed by her tightness; most whores were not this tight. He quickly withdrew his hand from her throat and lined up his cock with her entrance before he unleashed both his grip on her throat and his thrusting, yanking on her hips to drive even deeper into her cunt.

She gasped as he entered her and commenced to enter her, her moans intensified as she experienced his complete dominance. She had previously enjoyed Nicolai, but her brother-in-law outperformed him that day, playing with her for several minutes, steadily building her arousal to unbearable levels as he fucked her harder and faster, disregarding her barely contained orgasms.

He became even harder as his cock became a blur inside of her. She felt her channel clenching and releasing him, sending him over the edge, shooting streams of cum into her bare pussy. As he withdrew, she slumped against the wall, her breathlabored.

He released her wrists, and as she rubbed them and collected her underwear, he spoke. "Keep an eye out for your emails; we're expecting to smuggle you into the prison later this week. We can't pass up this opportunity. You may now leave, Louise."

"Okay?" she inquired.

"You're good in bed; your husband is a fortunate man, a rare find in your profession. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the first Greedy Girls event."

As she exited his office, she couldn't help but wonder why he brought up her husband. She also knew he was toying with her by mentioning the Greedy Girls event and her husband, topics she hadn't the slightest desire to broach with her spouse.

As she left the club and drove home, she mulled over the past hour. She had gone under the impression there would be a new manager, but not that the club had turned into a full-blown sex club or that she would be asked to engage in gang bangs and potential lawbreaking. Life was never dull, she mused as she cranked the car's engine.

Louise approached her home, noticing a large, dark grey BMW parked behind her. As she pulled into the driveway, the car doors opened, and three men emerged; she immediately recognized DCI Thorne. Two bulky officers in uniforms joined him.

What the hell did they want with her, she wondered, fumbling with the keys in her hand. "Afternoon, Louise," said Thorne.

When she turned around, she said, "Hello, DCI Thorne. Is there a problem?"

"It might be better if we go inside and talk. I don't want to cause a stir with your neighbors."

Louise opened the door and walked into the kitchen. "Do you want some coffee?" She asked, placing her keys and phone on the counter. She noticed there were no new messages.

"No thanks. This should not take long. My colleagues are Sgts Black and Graves." He replied.

"We haven't had a talk in a while, so I thought we could catch up. You've been busy, I see you were at the club today. Anything we should know?" Thorne continued.

"It's just that the place has new management," Louise answered.

"Louise, we already know all that... and we're aware of your connection to Nicolai. We suspect he may have been involved in sex trafficking and illegal migration. The links are tenuous, but we hope his arrest can reveal more about his network. We also want to know if you've been given anything to pass on to him. So, are you sure you haven't been given anything?" Thorne asked, his voice turning more serious.

Louise considered her response carefully. If she told them about the Rudaj and the Albanians, she could be in deep trouble. If she didn't, she could be in even more trouble with the police. "I'll let you know if they ask me to do anything."

"Louise," Thorne pressed, "you're going to have to trust us. You know Nicolai was close to you, and we know Rudaj would try to use you to get information. We have no choice but to search you for anything you might have been given. So, I'll ask again, have you been given anything to pass on to him?"

"No, I don't have anything, and you don't have permission to search me. Please leave."

"Okay, so you want it like this." Thorne said. "Cuff her boys."

Louise prepared to step back as the two Sgts approached her. Realizing the futility of any resistance, they had her cuffed in seconds. Black spoke as he led her towards the living room. "Where do you want her searched, boss?"

"In the living room. Pull the curtains so we don't have an audience."

Louise was overwhelmed as she was pushed forward and made to stand in front of the sofa. Two huge men held her tightly as Thorne settled into an armchair across the room. She wondered what was happening as one of them spoke. "Give her a thorough body search, boys."

Thorne watched with hunger in his eyes as they tried to remain professional, but the sight of her exposed breasts, hidden nipple piercings, and shaven pierced pussy was impossible to ignore. He outright said, "Even her nipple piercing is bulging like a bullet."

Louise couldn't help but feel aroused, despite the humiliation and fear. Their unprofessional stance and remarks were only adding to her arousal.

Black looked at Thorne, uncertain, but Thorne noticed and said, "Black, don't be a prude. This girl has had more lovers than you've had days. She knows exactly what's happening."

She nodded, even admitting in her mind that his remarks were making her wetter.

Graves spoke again, "BCS, boss?"

"Yes, be thorough." Thorne answered, grinning.

Louise was humiliated as Graves started to pull at her clothes. He slashed her blouse open and removed it, along with her bra. Thorne saw her pierced nipples stand out and said, "Her breasts are obviously pierced. You might need to be careful not to poke yourself with them."

Black made a pretense of searching her bodily cavities while Graves struggled to remove her thong. "Lubricant? No one needs any here. She's as wet as she's ever been."

"Search thoroughly," Thorne repeated.

Louise could not hide her arousal as the two officers tore off her clothes and searched her thoroughly. "BCS," she thought, a ridiculous acronym for "body cavity search".

Graves stared at her pierced pussy and reached for a knife to slice off her thong. She was torn between anger and arousal. To her surprise, she found herself wanting to please Thorne and his officers.

She complied as Graves slid his fingers between her legs, and she moaned as he rubbed them back and forth against her lips. Teasing her opening, she moaned with bliss.

Graves voiced, "She loves it, boss."

"Alright, move her onto the edge of the sofa so you can do it right."

Graves and Black maneuvered her onto the sofa, pushing her chest back and spreading her legs further so Thorne could view the investigation. Graves was really into it now as he inserted two then three fingers into Louise, feeling around inside her pussy. Louise saw all three men now sporting rigid erections as she moaned beneath Graves fingers.

Black grew bolder, "Let me have a go."

Graves withdrew his fingers, and Louise felt Black begin to explore her, openly finger-fucking her. She felt her orgasm nearing. As her moaning increased, Graves said, "Boss, she's already full of cum, see for yourself." He displayed his fingers drenched in cum and her fluids.

Thorne grunted, "Lick them off."

Graves nodded and pushed them into Louise's mouth, her tongue greeted them, and she tasted Rudaj and her own juices. Graves observed her hunger. "Boss, we might need specialized equipment to search her thoroughly."

Thorne nodded, giving them the go-ahead to do as they wished. "Out of the way, Black." Graves instructed as he moved between her legs.

Louise watched as Black removed his hand from her pussy, and Graves unzipped himself, revealing a thick erection pressed against his black uniform. Without hesitation, he pushed her hips forward, the cuffs tightened on her wrists behind her back as she was relocated. With a single thrust, he drove into her, she cried out as he fucked her hard. Her cunt stretched passionately around his hard cock. His balls emptied after a few minutes, and he pulled her up. Then he directed her mouth to his cock, she opened wide and cleaned him, licking over his head and sucking to remove the remaining moisture.

He zipped up, retreating into his uniform. Black decided it was his turn, but he had a different plan. Instead of entering her immediately, he pushed her up and turned her over, positioning her on her hands and knees with her ass in the air and her head shoved into the sofa cushions.

Thorne was now openly masturbating while watching his officer's play with Louise. She groaned as she felt a fresh erection being pushed into her pussy. Black was not as thick as Graves, but his length made up for it as he neared her cervix. He began rhythmic fucking her and teasing her, his hand pushing her down firmly, clearly reveling in his dominance.

Black said to Graves, "This whore looks amazing. Take pictures. I want to remember."

Graves pulled out a small camera and began photographing the scene, capturing Black spreading her and holding her in different positions, thrusting into her cunt while making her moan with pleasure.

Increasing his pace, Black passionately thrust into Louise, calling her a "filthy slut" and "a fucking whore." It only increased her desire.

Black ceased thrusting, pulling back and wiping himself on the back of her stockings. Graves snapped a few more pictures, capturing cum dripping from between her swollen lips and down her inner thighs, a long white string dangling from her piercing.

Thorne stood. "Well-done boys, but we've only explored one orifice."

Graves grinned at Black when they both realized what Thorne had planned. Thorne knelt behind Louise and guided his erection to her ass. Rubbing the head and shaft between her legs until it was slick, Louise moaned.

Thorne pushed the head of his cock against her ass, maintaining pressure to breach her resistance and enter her. She moaned as he penetrated her, treating her like a cheap whore, fulfilling her desires.

Thorne fucked her roughly, not allowing her time to adjust. Her senses aroused again, she cried out, "Fuck me right, you bastard."

Thorne responded, gripping her hips tightly and driving himself as hard as possible into her, causing her to moan. Graves knelt beside her head, frantically wanking over her face. As Thorne released his orgasm, groaning loudly, he filled her ass.

Finally, he wiped himself using her torn blouse. Thorne stood up, "Where's John?"

Louise hesitated before replying, still lying face down and dripping with the three men's cum from her orifices. "He's at some gathering; should be back by 5 pm."

"Excellent, gentlemen, bring her into the kitchen."

The men handled her up from the sofa and moved her back into the kitchen.

"Cuff her to the kitchen sink so John can get a pleasant welcome home." Thorne stated.

"And give me her heels."

Louise considered if she had been tricked. She observed as Thorne positioned himself directly in front of her while her arms were taken from behind her back and reattached to the sink unit, her bare bum and vagina now visible to anyone entering the home, perverted creatures she concluded. Clearly attempting to create more problems in her relationship with her husband.

Thorne removed the liner from her right stiletto and raised the small Sim card. "Interesting, Louise, not everything remains in its original spot, it appears. If you don't wish to end up in a cell, I advise you to heed my instructions. You'll receive another Sim card tomorrow, which you'll deliver to Nicolai. If we suspect you've told anyone about the Albanians and the actual purpose of this Sim card, you'll be charged. Do you comprehend?"

Louise nodded, realizing she had been outplayed and penetrated by Thorne and his men. For the time being, she had to cooperate.

"Glorious, we hope you have an amusing evening; it's been quite an eye-opener and entertaining. As always." With that, Thorne placed the key for the cuffs in front of Louise on the other side of the sink and departed.

The men chuckled as they left. Louise heard the door close and the distant sound of their vehicle leaving. Shit, she thought, things were becoming convoluted, and she had a lot to clarify to John, hoping he would return around 5 pm as predicted and the timer on the oven indicated 4:50 pm.

As she pondered her predicament and alternatives, her phone began to vibrate. She could see the screen, and it was John, but she couldn't reach the phone. The phone rang and a text appeared on the screen, along with a voicemail notification. She could see the message and read it with horror.


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