Celebrity Sex Stories

The New Quest of Wonder Woman: Part 2

The superhero Wonder Woman remains devoted to a fallen comrade.

Jun 12, 2024
17 min read
sphpeeWonder Woman's New Mission Pt. 02small peniswonder woman
Wonder Woman's New Mission Pt. 02
Wonder Woman's New Mission Pt. 02

The New Quest of Wonder Woman: Part 2

In the recent days of Jaime's training, his routine remained unchanged. Diana, as a dedicated guardian, adhered to the guidelines of parenting books for his bathroom routine. She became apprehensive about his motionless schedule, causing her to move his potty progressively farther away from the bed. Slowly lifting his body, she assisted him in taking steps on the floor, supporting most of his weight. Jaime unconsciously moved his legs, unaware of the action.

Diana addressed him affectionately, "Wake up, little one. We need to make you stronger."

While assisting him in his bodily functions, her gentle guidance directed his aiming.

Jaime's consciousness gradually emerged from a dreamlike state. His communication evolved to short phrases, such as requesting water or warmth. Diana engaged him continually during daytime hours, adhering to a set time regardless of the celestial location. As he ordinarily exhibited responses rarely, Diana observed the clock religiously.

On the seventh day, as she entered his room, she noticed a significant change in Jaime's state. He was partially propped up, his eyes fully open, and even glanced at the doorway.

"Morning, my dear," she sang sweetly, similar to the tone of the previous week, "How do you feel?"

Unexpectedly, Jaime asked, "Where am I? Am I dead? Are you an angel?"

Diana was taken aback by Jaime's questions. His return to lucidity overwhelmed her. Simultaneously, she felt for his predicament.

Diana's perspective:

He appeared frightened, assuming he had passed on. Although he recognized her face, his inexperienced mind misunderstood her identity. Aghast, she vowed to make him feel secure.


Diana swiftly approached the bed and held Jaime in her arms, raising his position slightly. She tenderly kissed his forehead, helping him relax. He seemed confused yet remained still, appreciating the warmth. Diana whispered near his ear, "It's me, Jaime. Wonder Woman. I brought you to Star City for that fight."

Dressed in an off-white sweater and blue jeans, she spoke as he recognized her more accurately, "I'm not wearing my armor at the moment."

Jaime was stunned, realizing she had always known him as Jaime, recalling brief memories of that mission. She recounted the essential details of the mission and the final clash.

"You were thrown several feet away when you attempted to apprehend Kalibak," she informed him gravely. "Your scarab stopped operating and you've been incapacitated since then. I take blame for this, my darling."

Jaime's perspective:

My God, I'm powerless again! The scarab revived abruptly last year, but quicker than usual. Deeply desiring to impress Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl, I was consumed by the desire to seem manly. Instead, she gravitated towards treating me as a child. What else could go wrong?

As Jaime pondered his situation, his attention was drawn to Diana's voice. 'Jaime,' she murmured. 'I know your true identity and I've always called you that. The persona of Wonder Woman that you previously perceived was just a temporary alteration. The endearing terms were meant to comfort and reassure you, not as a literal representation of your age.'

Jaime was overwhelmed, his mind reeling with these revelations. 'So why don't I feel scared, like I did before?' he pondered. 'Perhaps because she treated me like a child when I still had my powers - holding me back. Restricting herself would have a benign influence, and more importantly, she seems to know my purpose in Blue Beetle.'

Rather than wrangling for strength or impersonating a macho man, he realized his importance to her as a hero. He ceased expecting her to revere him as a strong person; instead, she valued him as an ally and a friend. This revelation released a wave of calmness and relief, melting away his insecurity.

With that realization, Jaime folded his arms and made a grimaced, pouty face. He believed he was feeling the warmth of embarrassment, but it was something else. Something he sadly knew all too well. His skin turned pale, and a look of horror crossed his face as he glanced down at his blanket. A small yellow dot was forming and growing slowly.

"Oopsie!" Diana exclaimed with a playful tone. "We've been talking for too long. We're late for our appointment! Let's put you on the potty."

Diana swooped open the covers, startling Jaime with another rude awakening. He looked down and saw not only that he had peed the bed but also that he was completely naked, wearing only a yellow Captain Carrot t-shirt. His microphallus seeping lightly--soaking his sheet and dripping onto his small testicles. His face went from pale to bright red.

Jaime instinctively covered his small privates with his hands, urine still seeping between his fingers. Diana took him by the arms and plunked him on the commode. She brushed his hands away.

"I've cared for many penises in my time, darling. You're just making a mess like this," she said in a firm but loving tone.

With that, she shoved her hand down, her pinky guiding his short and skinny spout.

Jaime sat stunned, finishing his bladder into the "potty." He was usually comfortable with the most stunning woman in the world touching his penis, but he hoped it would be for a different reason. He then looked down at the floor and saw the small trail of yellow liquid that lead from his current position to the bed. It ended in a small yellow spot at the center of the bed.

Next, his eyes examined his surroundings. He was in a room with powder blue walls and pink knickknacks everywhere. There were medical tools littered about the room. He glanced back down and observed his childish shirt and hairless, miniscule genitals. He was a 19-year-old man, but there was no way anyone could see him that way at the moment. He had wished his wetting and anatomy would remain a secret, especially from a woman he had admired for so long.

"Let's get you back in bed, my little elephant," Diana said.

Jaime was unsure where "elephant" came from, but he knew it somehow emasculated him. With a routine speed, Diana dried the tiny tip of his penis with a tissue and hit a button on the side of the bed. The bed moved its sheets horizontally, the yellow spot disappeared into the side of the bed. Everything appeared clean. Instruction came swiftly, and he was picked up and placed back in bed. The Amazon tossed a rag down to soak up the pee on the floor.

Jaime's POV:

Before I was unconscious, Diana was my leader. She lead me into battle and barked commands at me. I was in awe of her. She's now sitting beside me, cleaning up my mess and commanding my next steps. While I should be mortified, I can't help but be fascinated by her. She's so beautiful. I'm still in awe of her.


After the recent event, Diana sat by his bedside to share her plan.

"My dear, your little scarab is too reliant on you," Diana said, gazing straight into his eyes. "I feel responsible for your injury, and the only way I can repay you is to make you stronger than ever. We're going to restore your strength, even if the scarab never returns. You're going to be battle ready!" Diana's eyes sparkled, and her smile widened as she said that last part.

Although Jaime would have preferred to recuperate at home in secret, he couldn't refuse the alluring Amazon's orders. He was unaccustomed to this type of attention from a female, much less the captivating demigod. Jaime accepted, knowing her interest in him was maternal, but still relished the attention.

Diana once again spoke: "I've also vowed to curb your involuntary urination."

Jaime shuddered at the word "tinkler," but he sensed her sincerity.

"Honestly, have you had a wetting problem since birth?" Diana inquired.

Jaime took a moment to compose himself. No one had ever asked him that before. Memories of moist sheets, soaked clothes, and teasing were all that surfaced.

"Y-yes." Jaime began. "I've dealt with this all my life."

"Was your bladder control better before you got hurt?" Diana questioned immediately.

"N-no, the scarab took care of any absorption I needed. Before it became a part of me, I used a pad." Jaime expressed sheepishly.

"What an unfortunate little baby," murmured Diana, in a voice that was rather too loud for Jaime's liking. "Your mother didn't raise you properly. I, Diana, will teach you how to be a good boy, just like the shape of your body." She cuddled the small pink head of Jaime's penis affectionately. That was when Jaime realized he had forgotten to cover himself with a blanket. He rectified his mistake promptly. In case Jaime had any doubts about their relationship dynamics, they were now absolutely clear. Diana certainly didn't see him as a grown man, and any attraction she felt was of a protective nature.

"Could I maybe get some pants on? I feel awkward with my private parts hanging out," Jaime tried to toast.

Diana stared directly into Jaime's eyes, her pupils narrowing slightly. She had a small, but intense smile on her face, showing off her perfect white teeth. "Your 'penis' needs to be 'erect' for now. Your skin is still healing from the 'nappy rash' you had. Understand?" she rephrased, stressing certain words.

"Yes," replied Jaime shyly, avoiding eye contact.

"Alright then," said Diana.

And so, for the next two days, Diana dedicates all her attention to Jaime's physical therapy. She was very kind and caring, but firm. More than once when Jaime requested a break, Diana threatened to spank him. He didn't dare challenge her.

The constant exertion seemed to improve Jaime's strength. He could now walk short distances with minimal support, a significant leap from a week prior! He was visibly improving, but he still yearned for more.

"I think I'm prepared to start using a regular toilet, like in a bathroom," Jaime said hopefully.

"It's still a bit of a trek down the hallway, it's too far for you right now," Diana responded with kindness, but also dismissively.

Jaime wanted badly to prove to Diana that he was no longer a baby in her eyes. If he could show her he could use a toilet in a normal way, perhaps she would start to see him as an adult. It was a silly idea, but he was deeply smitten with her.

After that conversation, Diana left Jaime to do some upper body exercises in bed. She still had her satellite duties, and she used these moments to attend to them. She walked to the monitor room and checked for updates and messages. Diana's eyes widened in delight as she spotted a notification. "Steve Trevor!" she thought to herself excitedly. She moved her hands towards the keyboard, her breasts pressing against it. She clicked on the message.

'Diana, can you free up some time for me tonight on the satellite? There are some files I need to review with you. Perhaps around 8pm?'

Diana relaxed in her chair, her eyes closed, and she smiled. She assumed a casual position with her legs spread, her heels touching the ground. Her left hand played with her dark, silky hair. Her right hand caressing her inner thigh, grazing the area between her thigh and crotch.

Diana's perspective:

Finally, a chance to meet with my love Steve! I've been taking care of my little one for over a week now, without any adult company. "Mommy" desires "Daddy" time. "Mr. Large and Chunky" will be the only sausage on the menu tonight!

--Diana chuckled to herself--

Steve can use the word "sausage," unlike someone else I know!


Diana sent an immediate "yes" to the message. She then considered what she had to achieve before her adult time with Steve. She had to prepare food and dress for the evening. The sweater and jeans she was wearing were too plain for a meeting such as this. She wanted to wear a dress, but Steve would find her attractive regardless.

After deciding on her clothing, she thought about tidying her room for their expected physical activities. However, she realized she was currently occupied with her higher duties. She wandered through the halls of the sick bay, searching for a solution. She came across room 6 and entered it, turning the lights on. This was an ordinary residence meant for a physician in case there was ever a need for one to monitor the department. It was rarely used, but it would serve as a suitable temporary nest for Diana. There were basic living amenities like a small kitchen, a dining table for four people, a couch, and importantly, a bed large enough for two. This would be ideal.

The remaining hours progressed as before. Diana managed her tasks with Jaime promptly, giving him support in the process. At 7:30PM, she entered room 6.

Jaime glanced upward slowly, staying speechless as he observed his surroundings. Diana appeared even more breathtaking than before. Her glossy hair seemed luscious and abundant as it fell over her shoulders and back. Her lips were coated with vibrant red lipstick, and her eyes were lined with a dark smoky liner. His gaze descended to the slim, green sheath dress she donned. Although the fabric was stretchy, it struggled to hold her ample breasts and generous hips. Jaime's sight proceeded to the knee-length cutoff of the garment and his eyes moved down her long toned limbs. Her flawless form terminated in black open-toed stiletto heels, rendering the already imposing woman close to 6'6" in stature.

"Mommy Didi has an essential engagement." Diana started in a sweet and hurried tone.

"Let's get your bathroom functions out of the way before it initiates." Diana scooped Jaime up and placed him on the bathroom appliance just as she had before. He sat with his legs dangling, staring down.

Jaime was unable to urinate--for the first time in over a week, he possessed an erection! Diana's appearance had been too much for him and an inflexibility overcame his mini penis. It added hardly any length and his penis was always visible, so one wouldn't likely notice. Luckily, Jaime had begun to aim his own minuscule genitals when he urinated, or Diana would have detected the rigidity certainly.

It took many moments for the weak blip of his urine to reverberate out of the container--just a few drops as he was still rather aroused.

"Has your small vase run dry, my baby elephant?" Diana inquired. "Can you produce a few more drops? I won't be able to urge you to urinate for a while this evening."

"I can't." Jaime replied, gazing at the gorgeous woman. He couldn't relay his surrogate "mommy" he was aroused; she may become repulsed and leave. Diana's paternalizing behavior wasn't his preference, but he would accept any attention from the epitome of beauty.

"Okay, no bathroom functions in the bed, alright?" Diana said sugary, with a sidelong glimpse.

Suddenly, there was a warning from the public address system:


Diana's POV:

Probably Steve. He's early! I intended to visit the restroom myself prior to his arrival. I don't want to make my grand entrance in this sultry ensemble exiting the bathroom. I can't wait for him--oops! I needed this to be perfect. Is there another option?

--Diana pondered her surroundings--

Well...We've got a potty here. He's a good lad; he won't hate.


Diana swiftly lifted Jaime once more from his position and deposited him on the mattress.

"My dear, let Didi use this fast." Diana said instantly, withholding a reaction from Jaime. Without hesitation, she yanked the bottom of her stretchy sheath dress to her waist--exposing her thick bush of pubic hair and the lack of undergarments. She sat down comfortably on the toilet, her legs and bottom flattening significantly on the seat. The amazon appeared more authoritative than Jaime as she was much larger--her feet failed to dangle. She preserved her legs in an open position and closed her eyes momentarily, a slight smile graced her face as she exhaled. Her flow produced a low, muffled, and potent noise, contrasting the previous user's sound.

Jaime had not responded to any of Diana's statements and remained in shock. When her neatly trimmed triangle of hair and smooth, moist lips came into view, he automatically turned away to seem polite. While she sat with her eyes shut peeing, he couldn't help but sneak peeks. She looked justifiably confident with her strong, toned legs and a pussy that looked sculpted. Jaime felt a pang of embarrassment considering his bald, undeveloped genitals compared to her lush endowments. It was probably why she felt comfortable peeing in front of him, she did not consider him a man.

Steve Trevor exited the transport tube while carrying a brown bag and a bottle of red wine. He promptly walked towards his muse and they embraced one another. Diana was significantly taller than Steve regardless of her choice of footwear, but the latter didn't appear small in any way, appearing well-built and of an above-average height. His broad shoulders made her feel secure and protected. They shared a passionate kiss, with Diana leading Steve towards the room she had prepared.

"Let's utilize this space for our discussion, Mr. Trevor," Diana stated as they stepped inside with a note of sarcasm and seduction.

"This spot will suffice, Diana," Steve countered in a similar light-hearted tone.

Together, they set up the table and served the food while frequently touching one another. Diana, in particular, enjoyed sliding her hand past the front of Steve's pants. They had already sampled the red wine before dining. Despite her towering height and impressive physique, alcohol had a noticeable effect on Diana.

The two sat down at the table, exchanging the occasional glance as they consumed their Japanese meal. Diana ate a light meal in preparation for their impending activities. After a few more moments had passed, Steve spoke up:

"Actually, I did come here for a specific matter to discuss with you." He mentioned.

"Really?" Diana playfully responded with a pout and red-lipsticked lips.

"It's not of great importance. Dr. Light, also known as Kimiyo, informed us that a powerful solar storm is slated to occur in approximately three days. The Earth will be unscathed but the satellite's shielding isn't strong enough to withstand the impact. We've advised all JLA members to vacate the area beforehand and postpone their return for a week. The systems will function with minor damages, but they'll require maintenance thereafter."

"Ugh, I'm sorry to hear it," Diana said trying to project a lack of concern. Her thoughts spiraled as her biggest concern was providing for the ward she was caring for. How was she going to protect him when the time came to leave? Where would they go?

"I realized that we've spent more time here than usual," Steve inquired in a sincere, unguarded tone.

Diana hesitated for a moment, wishing her current situation would remain undiscovered. She believed her mission could progress without interference but this was a pipe dream. She understood her actions were justifiable yet she couldn't explain her attachment to a 19-year-old man. Her feelings were more motherly than normal, and Steve, along with the rest of the world, would likely regard her intentions as odd. Additionally, Steve was not familiar with their previous encounter in the shower together.

"I'm simply looking after a wounded hero on the satellite," Diana fibbed. "Please do not inquire deeper; our agency has made a point of respecting secret identities." She spoke with conviction, hoping to shut down the inquiry.

"Got it," Steve responded, appearing puzzled. He had assumed they were stationed in a bedroom on the satellite for medical purposes.

"You'll both have to vacate this location within the next three days. Recognizing your bravery and strength, I suggest taking her to Paradise Island. Your mother had always welcomed female warriors and healed me on my last visit," Steve suggested.

Diana's perspective:

Imagine if you knew, Steve! My home, Paradise Island, Themyscira, is strictly off-limits to men. It was a miracle Steve didn't lose his life, let alone recover from his injuries there. My mother, Queen Hippolyta, remains steadfast in her rules, and even someone with a diminutive penis like Jaime's could face consequences for entering that hallowed land. It's a real shame because the island offers medicinal properties and therapeutic techniques not found on Earth. He would truly benefit, but...perhaps I could smuggle him there...maybe set up camp in a more secluded location...


"You'll find a resolution, as always," Steve expressed, placing his hand on Diana's across the table. Her stressful thoughts quickly dissipated underneath his touch and she gazed deeply into his eyes. Not only had she spent time in close proximity to a genuine man, but her feminine instincts were undeniably aroused.

Diana pushed Steve onto the bed and removed his clothing. Their lips met as they connected, and she rolled down her dress to expose her full, firm breasts. With passionate caresses, Steve massaged one of her breasts while his hand fondled her well-rounded, tight derriere. Diana could no longer hold back her moans as he ravaged her body. His member stretched as it swayed slightly before entering her. [Diana's POV]: If only you knew, Steve! My home, Paradise Island, Themyscira, is a sanctuary for women. It's a miracle you didn't meet your demise or pass away, given your visit there. My mother, Queen Hippolyta, clings to our traditions and would not approve of a man's presence within the sacred bounds of Themyscira, even beings like Jaime with their small genitalia. It's a shame his treatment could have utilized some of the scarce healing properties the Earth lacks. However, it might be possible to smuggle him there and find a secluded area.

Diana's expression betrayed the immense pleasure she was experiencing. Her eyebrows raised and furrowed together, her eyes shut, her mouth agape. Jaime's large appendage pushed her gently, but each thrust was a delightful challenge. He was a strong man, yet his movements were careful and gentle. 'He has a cock!' she thought triumphantly.

Elsewhere in the same room, Jaime struggled to contain his arousal. After witnessing Wonder Woman's naked form, he decided to satisfy himself. Cautiously, he reached for his private area. Instead of forceful thrusts or strokes, his fingers and thumb vibrated softly around the tip of his erection. His eyes closed as he pictured Diana's inviting lips beneath her thick bush. He imagined her sitting on him in bed, moving back and forth, her ample breasts swaying with every movement. Before the complications of having sex with such a tiny penis crossed his mind, he climaxed.

Jaime's perspective:

Now is my opportunity! I believe I'm strong enough to navigate to a real restroom and attend to my needs. Then, she'll witness my self-sufficiency. Perhaps with my small member not in her line of sight constantly, she'll begin to see me as a man. I simply have to locate the bathroom first.


Jaime carefully stood up from the bed, still only dressed in a shirt. His genitals dangled between his legs, a testament to his unintended exhibitionism. After a few unsteady steps, he gained confidence, inspired by Wonder Woman. Once he was steady, he made his way towards the door. This was the first time he had left the room in a lucid state, unfamiliar with the surroundings. Despite his frailty, Jaime chose to move quickly to avoid wetting himself. He also feared the possibility of exposing his secret to another person. His search for the bathroom proved arduous, but eventually, he found it down a few halls.

The subtle hum of fluorescent lights and the clean tiles on his feet brought a sense of calm to Jaime. He had spent his entire time on the satellite in close quarters, so this ordinary setting was incredibly soothing. His triumph was short-lived, though, when he arrived at a urinal; too far away for his short spout to reach, he had an embarrassing accident on the floor.

Jaime rushed to leave, not wanting anyone to witness his mishap. Get lost in the unfamiliar corridors, he inadvertently wandered in front of an opened door, flooded with light. He froze in shock. Inside, he saw Diana lying on her side, her thin sheet barely concealing her body. She rested her head on her arm, facing slightly away from Jaime and towards Diana. The imposing figure of a man, tall and muscular with a covered head, gulped water from a large jug, impervious to Jaime's presence. In the mirror above the bed, Jaime could see the reflection of the man's penis -- long, thick, and engulfed in hair. It reached mid-thigh and swayed with his swallows. Jaime gazed at his pathetic appendage in comparison, blushing. His sense of accomplishment vanished amidst this stark contrast.

Meanwhile, Steve remained oblivious, focused on his water intake. Diana noticed Jaime immediately and her eyes alternated between Jaime and Steve.

Diana's viewpoint:

Oh no! Don't turn around, Steve! What is Jaime doing in my doorway? I don't want him to uncover my lie about the identity of the person I'm caring for. Whether intended or not, Steve is likely to feel betrayed...Probably not threatened, though. Seeing them back-to-back showcased a striking contrast. Steve's cock stood proudly and swayed with his movements; Jaime's, on the other hand, just attempted to peek out. I can't help but think back to the elephant and its grand trunk with Steve again. Heh, Jaime's is just a tiny piglet's snout! Maybe that should be his new nickname--

Diana firmly requested, "Steve, return to bed!" Her words caught his attention as he approached the mattress. She issued a strict, maternal glare to Jaime and indicated indirectly for him to depart. Like an obedient child, Jaime hastily revisited his dorm room 6. Meanwhile, Steve's phallus wobbled while strolling, while Jaime's testicles jiggled slightly with his movable balls.

Diana pondered on her dilemma and the future predicament of being displaced from the satellite.

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