Celebrity Sex Stories

The Park Ranger

A spinster park ranger discovers a man modeling a jockstrap.

Jul 4, 2024
8 min read
park rangerThe Park Rangerhandcuffsjockstrapgenitalia
The Park Ranger
The Park Ranger

The Park Ranger

From the time she was a teenager, Betsy Reed was enamored with a park she would visit whenever she could find the time and the means to get there. She had seen a few park rangers on rare occasion. She imagined how nice it would be to be working for a living where you spend time in the park. She aspired to become a park ranger, especially since her family was poor and they could not afford to send her to college. After graduating high school, she got a job with the North Country Parks & Recreation Department, starting at the bottom and working her way up in various roles. Not long after she turned 20, she had officially become a park ranger

Though Betsy's social life was alright, she did not possess the particular appeal for a man's romantic interest. She was not exactly eager to have children and procreate, and this may have contributed to her lack of desire to possess any glamour to attract men. Throughout her life, she maintained being self sufficient. She just never took any steps to meet a potential romantic interest, and men seemed to have no interest in her as well.

But there was one object which seemed to always stay with her as she wore her gray park ranger uniform and tan flat hat. It began to play on her mind more and more, being part of her daily uniform.

Black handcuffs.

During her training, she had a brief session involving proper procedures for arresting someone, if they were to be discovered break a law. The was never any emphasis on having to make any arrests, because the parks in the area had been basically crime free. But there was basically an awareness of "what to do if..."., made by having to carrying handcuffs with her while on duty.

As the years went on and Betsy grew older, she hadn't thought much about the handcuffs she was carrying. It was 2nd nature to have them along with her daily. But as she progressed through her 40's approaching 50, she began to think about them, and what they would represent. The most likely offender breaking a law in the park would be a male. She thought about the power she would feel over him by having him handcuffed. And would they be alone, or would others be around. She wondered, would there be a 2nd perpetrator, where she would be outnumbered.

From time to time as she progressed to her late 40's, she wondered what she might catch a perpetrator in the act of doing. The thought of male indecent exposure - basically nudity - came to her mind. She wondered if she would handcuff him nude, or order him to put clothing on first, assuming he had any with him. She thought about this more and more over time, until it developed into a fantasy. She was almost hoping to catch a nude man in the park one day. Though still there would be something too awkward about it. And what kind of man would be doing that.

And now Betsy was turning 70, about to celebrate a half century as a park ranger.

It was a beautiful fall day in the middle of October. I had won a jockstrap on an ebay auction, and it had just arrived in the mail. I wanted to model it amidst a fall foliage backdrop, and this park offered beautiful fall foliage. I brought my camcorder and a tripod along. I would set up the cam to record video, and I would make the stills from it later. I found lots of nice foliage spots, and when the coast was clear and no one else was around, I would drop my sweatpants, exposing my jockstrap, and make the poses.

Park Ranger Betsy was working that day.

She was on her horse, and saw me modeling in the distance. She had stopped and dismounted from it, and took cover behind something. I had been trying to keep a vigilant watch, but I never saw her. I continued to model my jockstrap, exposed in the park. When I finished, I proceeded to move on until I would find the next spot where I would want to model.. I continued onward, and she followed me.

At my next spot, I set the cam up at the edge of a trail, and went to pose not far off the trail. I yanked my sweatpants down and began posing. Turning in different directions to capture front, back, and the sides.

It seemed like an "all of a sudden". While my back was turned and i was posing my rear side, she came up on me on her horse. My immediate reflex was to yanked up my sweatpants, but it was too late. She had seen my exposed strapped buttocks, and wanted to arrest me for indecent exposure. As she hopped off her horse, se declared that was what she was doing, and before I really knew what was happening, she had taken her black handcuffs and my hands were behind my back, locked in them. I had protested that my genitals were not exposed, but she seemed to have ignored me.

I was wearing loose fitting sweatpants, and was wondering if they were going to slide down, now that I couldn't control them. I pressed my cuffed arm into my backside to try to hold them up in back and prevent them from slipping.

She began interrogating me, asking me what I was doing. I told her I was modeling my jockstrap with the fall foliage. She removed the cam from my tripod. "Well then. Let me." and then mumbled, "Maybe make some evidence"

"Oh, but you don't want to be modeled like this." She approached me and grabbed the waistband of my sweatpants at the sides and yanked them, down. "You want to be modeled LIKE THIS" My sweatpants hit the ground. She stood back and pointed the cam at me and started recording. I felt like looking down, but kept glancing up at her occasionally, as I stood there handcuffed. As embarrassed as I was, I was sexually excited

by the idea that I was modeling while handcuffed, and now beyond my control.

"Let's model you cuffed to a tree." before I knew it, she had cuffed me to a tree, facing it. My cock felt pressed into the tree. As the tree trunk was not that big, it felt smooth against me in my pouch. She took pics of my backside. She smacked my ass, and then uncuffed me, spun me around, and re-cuffed me so that I was facing outward, with my back now against the trunk.

.My cock wanted to become fully erect, but was pushing against the strength of the jockstrap pouch. I tried reaching around to the waistband at the side of my jock to pull on it with my thumbs to get it to let my cock naturally expand.

It drew her attention. Betsy put down the cam, and walked up to me and stood close. She looked into my eyes smiling at me as she grabbed the waistband and lifted it up. I could feel my erection finally have the room it needed to stretch out. She looked down, and I realized my pouch had been pulled away from me, and that she could look down and see my exposed genitals.

I could feel the waistband at the sides slide down my legs. I was afraid to look down, to know that I had been stripped bare with my genitals exposed to this law enforcement officer. A squirrel had come by, reminding me that otherwise, we were all alone in the park. And my genitals were exposed to her.

Then she grabbed my balls. "I've got you by the balls now, haven't I?" She said in a stern voice, and I felt prompted to nod my head in submission. As she maintained her grip on them, I felt her other hand grab my erect cock and begin squeezing the shaft. Then I felt my glans being squeezed. She did this over and over. I anticipated that she would start stroking me. She stuck to squeezing, as if she thought that would get me off. It felt like she was teasing me. She did maintain a grip on my balls with the other hand, after all.

When she would have my cock in her hand to squeeze it, I could feel myself make an involuntary sliding motion, as if to make her hand give me a subtle stroking. My body was giving signs that it needed to be relieved. I began to feel embarrassed that I might be giving off vibes in this way. Her dominance, the handcuffs, and the sexuality within my body made me feel weak. That these forces were coming together, overpowering me, and would expel all the pent up sexual energy that was brewing inside me.

I could sense that it meant something to her if she could be able to make me ejaculate. The feel of her hands on my genitals while I stood handcuffed to a tree was bringing my sexual energy to a peak. It was as if I could feel the semen filling up in my balls, as they were being held by this park ranger.

These thoughts lead to my body going into uncontrolled convulsions. There was a strong sexual energy resonating within my body, and I wondered how aware this park ranger was of her affect on me. She would be aware of the effect if I ejaculated, but just how aware was she of her affect on me. I could sense her wanting to feel a dominance over me. If handcuffing me to a tree and fondling my genitals was not enough of an indication.

I wondered if the convulsions were designed by my body to make her hand stroke me while it hadn't quite started doing that on its own. I felt overcome with something. Something sexual. I wondered if she had ever been a dominatrix. Though in other ways, it seemed as if she were a novice The way she didn't stroke my cock to tease me, and other subtle signs of awkwardness, as if she had not had that much experience.

I could never have imagined this 70 year old woman dominating me like this, having me handcuffed and stripped in a wooded park. Having total control of my genitals. It felt surreal, if anything ever did.

There was an aching need within my body to expel this pent up sexual energy. If she only knew how to expel the semen and make me ejaculate. It seemed as if she was teasing me. I wasn't sure how much my body could take. My body clearly wanted to ejaculate. it was embarrassing to feel this way, in front of this older female who handcuffed and stripped me.

Finally, she just maintained a hold on the center of my erection, and pulse her fingers and her hand so that I could feel different sensations with it, and it had to be a good hour later, but the semen just came gushing out of me. This 70 year old law enforcement officer just took control of my body and made me ejaculate like never before.

She went behind me, and I felt the handcuffs slide off my wrists. She had finally uncuffed me. She got on her horse, and they took off in the same direction we had been moving. I guess it was assumed I would head back in the other direction. Which I did.

As I walked back to my car, carrying my tripod and cam, I thought about what I had just experienced. I actually started already fantasizing and hoping something like that would happen again. And what would I want different. I wondered what her takeaway was from what had just happened. My curiosity led me to research who she was. I found out her name was Betsy Reed, and that she was celebrating her half century honors as a park ranger. That's how I found out she was 70. A septuagenarian. Something sexually arousing about it.

As Betsy continued her duties as a park ranger, the handcuffs she carried became more than just a tool for law enforcement. She found herself contemplating their potential use in certain scenarios, often involving a potential offender.

During her daily patrols, Betsy occasionally caught glimpses of a man who seemed to favor spending time in secluded areas of the park, often in a state of undress. The jockstrap she had purchased on eBay had become an unlikely prop in her mental fantasies, imagining what she might do if she ever encountered this man.

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