The Photo Shop Ch. 66

Tanja shows her soft side.

Jul 1, 2024
47 min read
The Photo Shop Ch. 66skinny dippinghucowfloggingfingeringanallesbian play
The Photo Shop Ch. 66
The Photo Shop Ch. 66

The Photo Shop Ch. 66

All characters participating in sexual activity in the stories are 18 or over. Please don't be afraid to let me know what you think of my stories. This story is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

To help you keep track of the different characters in the series, a list can be found on my author's page in order of their appearance in the stories.

Chapter 66: Tanja and Vag's trip to the US, week 1.

When I ran into Tanja shortly after returning from the US trip with, she wanted to know everything about it. That was the first time Tanja had shown any real interest in one of my trips, so I wondered why.

"Is there a special reason you're so curious about our trip, Tanja?" I asked looking deep into her eyes, something she didn't particularly like. She tried to avoid me looking directly at her by averting her own eyes, but I didn't give in.

"Well, Tanja?"

"No, no, nothing, in particular, Lew, I was just wondering, I've never been to the States, and I just wanted to know what it's like."

"Are you contemplating going to the States yourself?"

"No not really, it's just general interest, I'm not that much of a traveling person, and besides I couldn't go away, with the club and everything."



"I'm sure the club could do without you for a few weeks. If need be Jack or I can take over from you."

"But you don't know anything about running the club."

"I'm sure I'll always be able to rely on Jack for advice or even Astrid, after all, she's your second in command isn't she?"

"Yes she is but she's never run the club by herself and she's got her shop, sorry, boutique."

"Besides I don't know anybody there and where would I go, which State is the most interesting?"

"That's easy, the one Grace and I went to of course, Florida. It's got everything your heart could desire, Disney World, Universal Studios, Sea World, and the Kennedy Space Center, to name but a few of the most popular venues."

"I've heard of Disney World, is it big?"

"It contains 4 different theme parks dear, you could spend more than a month there if you wished."

"Yeah but I don't wanna go for a month, two weeks maybe would be the maximum, and where would I stay? And how would I get there?"

"To help you with the two last questions, I am going to refer you to two of my best friends who you also know, Grace and Maggy."

"Yeah Maggy makes sense, she runs a travel shop, but Grace? I don't wanna buy a property over there."

"Understandable but you can rent one and that's where Grace could help you, remember I told you we stayed in a very nice villa?"

"Oh yes that seemed very adventurous with a red room and everything, but what's that got to do with Grace being able to help me?"

"Believe it or not Grace represents the company that runs those villas in Florida and she could help you rent one."

"Do you think so?"


"But what with the travel then? I've never flown in my life and neither has Vag."

"You've never flown before in your life?"

"No, I've never needed to, my parents always went on vacation in Europe by car and since I left home, I've never felt the need to travel or had the money to do so. "

"So you never went to Disney in Paris either?"

"No, should I have?"

"I don't know if you ever felt the need to visit a fantasy world?"

"I thought about it when I heard they opened in Paris, but I never got around to it."

"Believe me if you go to Florida, you're gonna love it, it will be the best thing that has ever happened to you, and if you stay in one of Rache's themed villas, you'll be able to combine your love for BDSM with experiencing a fantasy world."

"Vag would like to go, she's been bugging me to go on vacation, so maybe to celebrate our five years together we could."

"So you've already been together with Vag 5 years have you?"

"Yes, this Spring, so maybe we should do something special to celebrate."

"Absolutely, it's like a five-year marriage anniversary; lots of people do something special for that."

"OK, I'll go see Maggy and Grace then to see what they can do for us."

"Excellent, don't wait too long if you want to get the cheaper tickets to fly."

"Oh, why's that?"

"The closer to your departure date you book your tickets, the more expensive they get unless you wait till the very last minute, then sometimes you can get a few cheap ones on standby."

"On standby, what's that?"

"That means you go to the airport on a specific date and wait for seats to become available from people that don't show up, but the chance of getting one of those is quite slim."

"Why's that?"

"You really don't know anything about flying, do you?"

"No, I told you I've never flown in my life."p

"The airlines usually overbook flights and then they can sell the seat twice if a passenger doesn't show up."

"Oh I see, but if you are for one or another reason detained and can't fly don't they refund your ticket?"

"Not if it's one of the very cheap ones in coach."

"God, what's that, 'coach'?"

"The American term for what we call economy here in Europe dear, it's the cheap class, on intercontinental flights you usually have business and first class as well."

"And what is the difference?"

"First of all, the price, secondly the space you take up in an aircraft."

"In Business and First the seats are very wide and you can sleep almost completely flat, whereas in economy the seats are narrow and you can only recline the back of your chair a little bit, and of course there is also the food and drinks you are served on board. In First the meals are sometimes prepared by famous chefs, dependent on the airline, and they serve Champagne and top wines with the food."

"How do you know all this stuff?"

"Have I never told you? I had a job where I traveled a lot, and with a lot I mean that sometimes I had weeks with 7 flights."

"That's every day, even on the weekend. "

"Well not exactly, I was also counting connecting flights as well."

"Connecting flights?"

"Yes, when you need to go from point A to B and there is no direct flight you sometimes have to change flights in point C, and that can sometimes be a challenge."

"A challenge?"

"Yes, if your first flight is delayed and you arrive too late to catch the second flight to get to your destination."

"And what happens then?"

"If you fly business class, the airline rebooks you or arranges a hotel room and a meal for you when there is no more flight that same day they then book you on the first outgoing flight the next day, if you're in economy, you may find yourself spending the night in the airport on a hard chair."

"And did that happen to you a lot?"

"Not in the beginning, but towards the end of my career, cost savings were very high on the agenda and we were no longer allowed to fly in business class, so when it was physically possible I avoided flying and took the car as much as possible."

"Wow, you seem to have had a very adventurous life."

"I can't complain, I always very much loved my job; maybe one day you can tell me a bit more about your life."

"Oh, there is not much to tell."

"I remember you told me about your youth and how you got involved in the BDSM scene.

"Yeah, that's about all there is to tell about my adventures."

"I see, so are you going to make an appointment with Grace and Maggy, or shall I?"

"No, no, you've already done a lot for me, telling me about traveling and flying, I can handle the rest, thanks Lew. See you."

"If you go on vacation to the US I will want a full report afterward, I want to know what you did and if you enjoyed it and why."

"OK, I'll come to visit and tell you all about it, well if we travel, though I'm still not sure."

"Don't think about it, just do it, you're only young once, and you are still very young indeed compared to me."

A couple of days later I heard from both Maggy and Grace that Tanja had paid them a visit and was in the process of booking the trip.

As I didn't participate in this adventure I'll let Tanja tell you all about it, so from here on the "I person" is Tanja telling you her story.

After I left Lew I still had serious doubts about this travel idea, but keeping his words in mind that I was only going to be young once I decided to go ahead and hear what Grace and Maggy could offer me to make my potential vacation idea happen. I could always cancel the whole thing if it turned out far too adventurous or expensive. So first I called Maggy, I reasoned that first I had to get to Florida before I could think of accommodation there.

I could go to see Maggy the next day at 10. When I arrived, I was so nervous, I knew Maggy from her adventures in the club but that was it, I had no idea how good she was at her job.

"Hello Tanja, welcome to my travel shop, when you called yesterday, I was already expecting to hear from you."

"Don't tell me Lew called to warn you."

"Yes of course, after what you told him he wanted me to give you the VIP treatment."

"Oh my God, now I'm even more nervous than before."

"There is no need to be nervous, millions of people travel every day by air and it's very safe."

"Did Lew also tell you I've never flown in my life before?"

"Yes, of course, he told me the whole story, and also what he had already explained to you about air travel."

"I'll have to punish him for that."

"He did it with the best of intentions, and it saves me a lot of time, not having to explain to you a number of the things about air travel he already covered."

"OK, I won't punish him then."

"Excellent, I'll expect he'll appreciate that, I understand that you would like to travel to Florida?"

"Yes, I would like to sort of make the same trip that Lew and Grace made last year, but not to escape from potential birthday celebrations, but to thank Vag for being such a loyal sub."

"Yeah I heard that was their reason, but it wasn't the only one. Grace had this fantastic offer for a Transatlantic crossing with a cruise ship and she couldn't go alone as it would have been inadvisable for Nancy to accompany her with the baby, so she asked Lew to join her instead, that way helping them both."

"I didn't know that."

"So would you be looking into making one crossing by air and another by sea as well?"

"I don't know, is that possible?"

"That depends on the period you would like to travel."

"Euh, the Spring maybe?"

"Then it is possible. You can fly to Florida and return on one of the cruise ships returning to Europe for the Summer season."

"But isn't that extremely expensive?"

"Usually transatlantic crossings are not that expensive, the ship doesn't go to many ports and that's where the big cost is for the cruise line, docking charges. We should be able to book you a one-way flight to Orlando, well if you don't mind it being a connecting flight in a European airport."

"Oh, but Lew told me that was where he had most of his problems when he was flying for his job, connecting flights."

"I know, I made all his bookings at work remember?"

"Oh, I didn't know that."

"Yes, I used to run the travel desk where Lew worked."

"So you've known him for many years?"

"Yes, we go way back to when we were young and beautiful, and believe me if I hadn't been married at the time I would have tried to hook Lew."

"Does he know?"

"No, he doesn't, although I knew he had a bit of a crush on me as well, well on my tits anyway."

"Yes, I can see why."

"Come on Tanja you've seen my tits dozens of times at the club."

"Yes, I have, and I can understand why Lew had a crush on them."

"Not past tense, he still has, but enough about my girls, let's see what I can find for you, and Vag I understand? You're traveling together?"

"Yes, we are."

"And I know why as well."

"Oh my God, he told you that as well?"

"Yes dear, I'm afraid so, but that's why I thought it would be possible to combine a flight with a sea voyage for you two. Would you like me to figure that out for you?"

"Yes please."

"It will take a while to find the right flight and cruise, so will you wait or shall I contact you when I'm done?"

"No I'll wait, I want to know as soon as possible and take a decision."

Maggy got busy on her computer figuring out when she could book the best seats on an Air Lingus flight and which cruise line had ships returning to Europe in a period that would allow Tanja and Vag to spend a few weeks in Florida. It took quite a while to look things up on the computer and make several phone calls, finally, after 45 minutes she had it all figured out.

"OK Tanja, I've got a proposal for you; you can fly out on a Saturday, from Brussels to Dublin and then onwards to Orlando. You depart Brussels at 10:20 and you have 3 hours and 5 minutes between the flights, that is plenty of time between the two, so the chance of missing the connection is virtually nonexistent unless there's a strike, but if that happens there's nothing anyone can do about it anyway. Let's assume they won't go crazy and don't go on strike. Thanks to the time difference you will arrive in Orlando at 18:35 the same day, total travel time including the layover is 14.5 hours, with actual flying time being a little over 11 hours. The other plus is that you can complete US immigration in Dublin, and reduce lost time when you arrive."

"I have two seats in economy class at €835, I also have business class tickets but they are at €3,960."

"Wow that's a huge difference."

"Yes, it's mainly due to the number of seats occupying the same airplane space, and the food of course."

"I don't think I can afford business class."

"No worries, most people fly in economy class anyway and 11 hours is not that long, you'll get a movie, and they'll keep you busy with some food."

"OK doesn't sound too bad."

"Now for the return, I've got a 12-night sailing with The Royal Caribbean Jewel of the Seas ship from Port Canaveral, not too far from Orlando, to Amsterdam on April 22, which means a wonderful 2 weeks vacation in Florida, followed by an amazing cruise for USD 495 all included per person for an inside cabin or USD 827 per person for a balcony cabin."

"Sounds reasonable."

"And if you want my advice, I'd choose the balcony cabin, I always get claustrophobic in an inside cabin."

"But hey hang on are we taking a cruise coming back home?"


"Lew and Grace took a cruise going to the States."

"Yes, but they went in the fall, and in the fall a number of cruise ships return to the Caribbean for the Winter season, and in the spring they come back to Europe for the Summer season here, so that's why contrary to what Grace and Lew did you will be flying out and sailing back...Unless you want to save money and fly both ways."

"Is flying both ways cheaper then than one way and sea crossing?"

"Yes, strange but true, airlines charge a lot for a one-way ticket, what most people do is buy a return ticket and only use one leg."

"Then why don't you offer me this?

"You run the risk of getting a fine if you don't use the return flight."

"But what if...I die there and can't come back, well not the regular way?"

"That I don't know."

"So what's the price for a return ticket then?"

"Less than half, € 398."

"Then I'll run the risk, these airlines charge enough money as it is."

"OK, but don't come complaining if you do get a fine, I did warn you."

"So do we need anything else?"

"We're not done yet, you will need a car when you're in Florida and it's best to have it booked upfront, Lew told me they were lucky because if they hadn't pre-booked, they might not have gotten one when they arrived. Is Vag going to drive as well?"

"I don't think so why?"

"If there is only one driver, the rate is a bit lower, you can better spend that money on a navigation system."

"Yeah, I'm so used to having one, especially somewhere I've never been before."

"Another thing I need from you is your passports."

"Passports? You mean our ID cards?"

"No, I mean real passports, don't you have them?"

"No, we never needed anything apart from our ID cards, where do I get passports?"

"You need to apply for them at the communal administration center, if you do, better take ones that are valid for 5 years, the difference in cost with a one-year variety is minimal, and I'm sure that once you've tasted cruising and like it you'll want to do again and again. Don't wait too long to get them as sometimes it can take up to several weeks."

"You'll also need an international driver's license unless you have a new European one, do you?"

"Yes, I do."

"That's great, one less worry. The last formality you need to fulfill, once you have your passports is to apply for an ESTA, a visa to be allowed entry into the United States. I can do it for you once you have the passports. it will cost you $21 and is valid for 2 years, so you can return as many times in that period as you wish.

Finally maybe, a few more practical things, better get suitcases with special TSA locks and get big ones, you're gonna need them, you'll need to take some formal wear for the cruise."

"Formal wear?"

"Yes, nice gowns for the two formal nights on board, and maybe you will want to have your picture taken on board as well. And before I forget, when you're on board don't forget to sign up for The Crown and Anchor Society program."

"What's The Crown and Anchor Society program?"

"It's a fidelity program of Royal Caribbean and if you cruise again, and I'm sure you will once you've tasted it, you'll collect points and the more points you collect the more benefits you'll get, Grace is already a very high member, that's why she got this fantastic offer in the Fall."

"Traveling doesn't seem to be easy; do we need anything more or are we done concerning the transportation side?"

"How will you get to the airport?"

"Euh, no idea."

"You will need a taxi, we can arrange that at a fixed rate, and also a taxi from Amsterdam upon your return, although the cruise terminal in Amsterdam is within walking distance of Central Station with a direct train connection to Antwerp Central. No need to mention that's a lot cheaper than a taxi."

"OK we'll need the taxi for our departure, but for the return, we'll take the train."

"I'll book the taxi for you and get you the tickets for the train."

Maggy went over everything again and told me we were all set as far as the transport side of the trip was concerned. I told her that I was going to talk to Grace about accommodation as I wanted to stay in one of those fantastic villas Lew had been raving about and she was the Belgian representative of that villa compound.

I took my leave with a to-do list from Maggy. Back home I called Grace to make an appointment. She told me that Nancy was handling that side of the business and she would gladly make a next-day appointment with her for me. After taking all these decisions, I was in dire need of some TLC from my faithful sub Vag.

After I finished the call and looked for her, the dear immediately saw that I was a bit overwhelmed, I must admit that my head was really spinning, trying to digest all the information Maggy had given me.

I had one particular problem: Vag didn't know a thing about my plans, and I still wanted to keep it a secret until the day that we celebrated our 5-year anniversary a few weeks from now. I hoped she would like the idea of such a big trip.

For the time being, Vag put her arms carefully around me, which was totally out of character as she normally follows my orders, but I guess she could see I needed it. I couldn't help myself and started kissing her, also totally out of character, were we moving in the direction of a lesbian relationship rather than a dom/sub relation? Come to think of it, over the years I think I had fallen in love with her. I wonder if she had similar feelings for me. I was too tired to break my head over it and just enjoyed kissing her tenderly while she was gently rubbing my back.

I returned the favor, but couldn't resist the urge to lower the zipper of her dress. I desperately wanted to feel her naked skin against mine. As usual, she wasn't wearing a bra, so I could let my hands slide unhindered all over her naked back. Sliding the dress off of her shoulders followed naturally, and when I did, she stood in front of me just wearing a small thong. Looking at her I thought 'Oh my God she's so beautiful'. After all the years that I'd known her, I could still rave over her perfect boobs, with the most adorable tiny areolae and nipples, now becoming erect under my touch, calling out to me to be kissed. I moved my mouth over her shoulder and collarbone towards those alluring sensitive tips, crowning her milky white boobies, first licking them then sucking them deep into my mouth.

Vag started to moan, holding my head in place. After first sucking on the right one while pawing the left, I changed sides, trying to give them equal treatment, then began a slow descent over her abdomen towards her mons, and after pulling the tiny string, she was still wearing, down I ended at her already moist slit. The moaning increased urging me on to paint her pussy with saliva using my tongue as a paintbrush.

Although it was so different from what we usually did, it felt so good and so right at this moment, I couldn't get enough of it. I slowly started to understand why it is sometimes difficult for me to stop Vag from eating my pussy. I have licked her before, but usually, only after she has done the same to me or if we are engaged in a 69 tangle. Never before had I been the first one to go down on her and certainly not fully dressed.

It was not uncommon that she was naked and I was dressed, she was almost always naked when we were in the apartment I always had to command her to undress me first and then lick me, but this felt so right. She was clearly enjoying my ministrations showing it by getting very wet, allowing me to thoroughly enjoy her taste and smell. Even without her touching me I felt my pussy getting wet as well and involuntarily I started to moan too, sending small vibrations directly into her core and making her juices flow more and more.

It was so arousing that I even felt an orgasm on the horizon. Basing myself on her bodily and vocal reactions, I think her orgasm was already in the wings just eager to go center stage at any minute when all of a sudden she pulled back from me. I looked up at her from my squatting position to see what was wrong.

She looked down and said, "This is wrong, I'm the one supposed to pleasure you, please let me!"

"No Vanda, this is right, this feels so right now, please allow me to bring you joy and happiness, I want you to cum, and I want you to cum right now," I didn't even give her time to react to my use of her real name while I moved my mouth back to her hot engorged clit, sucking it deep into my mouth while pressing with one of my hands against her buttock so she couldn't pull away again. To get her to go into overdrive, I slipped one finger of my other hand into her vagina in search of her G-spot and started massaging it in the appropriate way. Within seconds she reached the point of no return and orgasmed fully, squirting all over my face. When she came back down from her high, she looked at me with big questioning eyes.

"You called me Vanda?"

"Yes I did; it surprised me as well, but I think the time is ripe to start calling you by your real name, we've been together now for 5 years, and from day one I named you Vagina or Vag, but I feel we have come a long way, I think I've fallen in love with you."

Vanda didn't respond, she looked at me, clearly not immediately grasping what I just said, I could almost hear the cogs of her brain going into overdrive.

"But you never did that before."

It was clear she was still processing the fact that I called her by her real name, let alone heard my declaration of love.

"What, fall in love?"

"No, no use my real...

And all of a sudden, my love statement had finally been processed by her brain.

"Oh my God, you said you've fallen in love with me?"

"Yes Vanda, something I never expected to happen, but it did, I love you, and not as my sex slave but as Vanda, the best thing that ever happened to me."

Again it took a while for her to process all this new information.

"Does that mean you are no longer my Mistress?"

"Oh, dear is that the first thing on your mind? No of course not, I will always be your Mistress and you will always be my sub, but I will be a Mistress deeply in love with her sub. I don't expect you to be in love with me as well."

"No, but I am, I've been in love with you since the first day we met, but I never expected you to fall in love with me."

We fell in each other's arms and like real females, we both burst into tears, tears of joy. At that moment I had to tell her what I had done to celebrate our being together for five years.

"To celebrate our fifth anniversary, because that's what I would like to call it, I've booked us a trip, a long overdue vacation, we're going to America, we're going to repeat the trip Lew and Grace made in the fall, only, we'll be flying out, and coming back by ship, all I still need to book is our accommodation in Florida."

"We're going on vacation? I've never been on vacation, I've never flown, I've never been on a ship."

"Neither have I, darling, it's going to be the biggest adventure of our lives."

"But why do the same as Lew and Grace?"

"After Lew told me about his trip, I wanted to do that as well. You know I had a very bad youth, never a vacation, never a trip and neither did you."

"But why such a big trip, we could have gone on a vacation to Italy or France or even just the Belgian seaside."

"No, this needs to be special, this is not just a vacation, this is to celebrate our rise from our horrible childhood and youth, and now after my confession and our joint declarations of our love for each other."

Vanda looked at me with her eyes still filled with dozens of questions and even some tears, just like mine.

"Are we now officially in a lesbian relationship?"

"Yes and no, I am still a little bit bi as well and I still like the occasional romp with a man too, well basically just one man, Lew."

"Why only Lew?"

"I trust him, strangely enough since the first day Astrid introduced him to me. From very early on, I learned to never trust men, especially after all that happened to me when I was young because in the end, they always ended up cheating on me or demanding things from me I didn't want to give them. It's different with Lew. All he wants from me is the monthly rent for the cellar...oh yes and an occasional favor for one of his acquaintances or friends who want to visit the club."

"And you don't trust Jack, your second in command at the club?"

"Jack is a whole different story, he's a great guy, but so engrossed in his Shibari and his sub Elisa, and I definitely don't want to come between them. With Lew, it's different; as I said he's the only man I trust enough to have noncommittal sex with, and when we do it's always at my request - he never asks or forces me. The only thing he wants is to photograph me, preferably in the nude, and between you and me, as long as he wants to do that, I am reassured I still look good."

"Yeah, that's Lew's thing, photographing the female wildlife in their most natural attire."

"From today forward I want to treat you like an equal Vanda."

"But I love to be your sub and I love the way you chastise me, that was the main reason I decided to spend my life with you."

"Don't you worry about that my darling, I will always love to give you a good hiding, and I will always make sure that our sex life will be a perfect combination of pain and pleasure. You will spend enough time in your cage, and I will occasionally order you to have sex with somebody else, Lew possibly being one of them, because I know you love to suck his dick and feel him fucking your pussy or ass."

"Oh yes, and contrary to other Masters in the club I always have to urge him to hit me harder or use more painful nipple clamps on me."

"Yeah, that's Lew for you, always the 'gentle man'. But now more practically, I have an appointment with Nancy tomorrow to talk about our accommodation in Florida and I want you to come with me."

"Oh yes, I'd love that and hopefully she'll have Emilia with her, I'd love to see her again, she's such a lovely baby."

"She's no longer a baby dear, she's a toddler, she's one and a half and already runs around. I heard Grace and Nancy complain that they have to keep an eye on her at all times as she's already a bit of a tomboy. So it could be that she's at the daycare while Nancy works."

The next day at 10 am, we walked into Grace and Nancy's realtor shop. The latter was already waiting for us, offering us a cup of coffee. She showed us the brochures they had made of the different villas in Rachel and Jeff's compound. It immediately became clear that Grace had instructed her to show us the uncensored version with Lew's photos of Rachel in the nude. Oh my God, that woman was absolutely divine, I was really looking forward to seeing her again, Jeff also, of course, but for wholly different reasons. I would especially like him to play with Vanda in one of the red rooms Lew had told me about and then allow me to watch.

I wouldn't mind having a go at Rachel either. I might even consider letting Jeff play with me, somewhere deep inside me there was a little sub hidden as well. I had seen him at work in the club when they visited us. Vanda was looking at me with wide eyes, not understanding what she had just heard, Tanja as a sub? That was news to her, and although she still had her doubts about this trip maybe they would have a smashing time after all, and she would discover more about her beloved Mistress. It was a foregone conclusion we went for a villa with a red room.

This concluded what the travel agency and the realtors could do for us, now it was up to us to get passports...and pay for everything of course.

A few weeks later everything was done and dusted and the final countdown to our departure could start.

Finally, April 8 arrived and at 6:30 am the taxi picked us up at home to take us to Brussels airport for our 10:20 flight to Dublin. We were both extremely nervous. We had talked to several of our friends who had flown before, with of course Lew as the most frequent flyer we knew, and everybody assured us that flying was one of the safest ways to travel. More people die on the road than in the air. It was not so much our fear of dying but what was going to happen at the airport. We had no idea and hoped we would find our way. In the end, it proved not so difficult.

With what Lew had told us we could easily find where to check in and the friendly attendant told us where we needed to go next. As we were flying from one EU country to another there was no tax-free shopping possible, one less temptation we were subjected to. Grace had given us a few hints as to which gifts would be most welcome for Rachel and Jeff and they were safely tucked away in our luggage.

We arrived on time in Dublin and after passing US Immigration and a little wait, we boarded our Aer Lingus flight to the United States. As neither of us was very tall we had no problem with the legroom the economy seat provided. We had two seats on the side, and no one directly next to us, great for when you had to go to the loo. As it was a day flight, the plane remained illuminated during the whole journey. We did get a blanket which we draped over ourselves to keep warm. As an added benefit, it even allowed us the possibility for a bit of hanky-panky. We had heard about the mile-high club, but we didn't want to get caught together in one of the restrooms.

Once we had finished our dinner we settled down, covering ourselves with the blankets. I couldn't resist playing with Vanda's boobs, so I slipped my hand under her T-shirt, giving me direct access to her braless titties. It didn't take very long to feel her nipples stiffen under my touch. She slipped one hand into my jeans, after opening the top button and lowering the zipper. As I was already rather aroused from all that had happened around us, it didn't take me very long to hear the faint squishing sound of her finger playing in my pussy. I couldn't resist playing with her pussy either, so I quickly left her boobs and moved my hand into the jeans as well to find out that the little minx had come commando. That meant I had to be careful not to make her too wet, or it would show on her jeans, and we didn't want to scandalize the rest of the passengers.

We also had to be careful not to make too much noise, so when one of us started moaning too hard the other gave her a punch. In the end, we managed to give each other an orgasm, an almost silent one, but nevertheless very satisfying. So we did manage to sort of join the mile-high club in this way after all.

After our 11-hour flight, we arrived at Orlando International on time at 18:35 local time. An hour later we had gone through immigration and were waiting at the rental car desk. As Maggy had told us, we saw a lot of people leave very disappointed or even furious, without car keys. We got a nice car, not too big but with all the mod-cons. With the help of the navigation system, we made good time to Rachel and Jeff's compound, arriving at 9 pm.

When we arrived, they were already waiting anxiously for us. Getting out of the car we each got a bear hug from both of them.

"Welcome, welcome, glad you made it. I guess you'll be tired?" Rachel said.

"Yes, with the time difference, it is the middle of the night for us."

"Then let me take you quickly to your home for the next couple of weeks, so you can have a good night's sleep."

Rachel got in the car together with us and guided us to our assigned villa. She explained how the lock on the door functioned and gave us a short tour, informing us also that we could wander around the whole inside and pool area in the nude if we so wished. No need to say we were most impressed by the red room. We rolled in our suitcases, parked them in the bedroom, and fell into bed exhausted. The unpacking had to wait till the next morning.

When we woke at 8 the next morning, we felt a lot better, ready to unpack and put all our gear in the different cupboards.

"What do you think Vanda, shall we try the pool?" I asked my slave lover, while already looking for a bathing suit.

"Yes, but hey, can't we go skinny dipping, isn't that what Rachel was telling us?"

"Yes, you're right, OK let's try it, it's been a while."

Both of us raced outside, trying to beat each other to reach the pool; Vanda being the youngest won of course. She dived in as gracefully as a dolphin, cutting through the water like a spear. I jumped in trying to displace as much water as I could, and both of us laughed when we surfaced.

"Oh God Vanda, this is the life, I wish we had a swimming pool at home where we could do this every day."

"Yes, that would be great, wouldn't it?"

We swam, chasing each other and when one caught the other, she pushed her under. Finally, we ended up on one side of the pool in each other's arms and kissed passionately, rubbing each other's backs, while pressing our pussies together and trying to create as much friction as possible. After a few minutes, I pulled back.

"Let's go get some breakfast, I'm starving."

"I don't know if there is anything in the fridge for me to prepare for you mistress," replied Vagina.

"No silly, no kitchen duty for you today, let's go to the compound restaurant - I read in the brochure they serve a decent breakfast."

"Can I please first eat your pussy, Mistress?"

"If you insist, but be aware that after breakfast I want to test out the red room on you."

"Oh yes please Mistress, I'd very much love that."

I got out of the water and sat on the edge of the pool, my legs wide open for Vag to have her wish granted. I was still rather aroused from our restricted play on the flight, so was pleased she suggested it. Now that we are real lovers, maybe in the future, I need to let her make suggestions more often. Vag approached me, looking me straight in the eyes, something she would never have done in the past. I must admit that it aroused me tremendously. She even kept looking up at me when her mouth closed over my already wet slit. When her tongue started to move over my outer lips I shivered, whispering, "Oh yes."

Vag didn't need any further instructions on what to do, after 5 years she knew exactly what I want and how I like her to eat me. When my pussy was flowing she introduced one of her fingers into the game. I felt it slowly and teasingly slide into my hot love channel, curling up and making its way toward my G-spot. Her other hand was creeping up my abdomen toward one of my boobs, and tickling over my skin. When the teasing fingers reached the bottom of my tit, she began to really tickle it with her nails. This sent shivers straight to my core. I'm sure she must have felt it too, as the muscles in my pussy involuntary contracted around the finger inside me.

After introducing a second finger into my vagina, she went for the kill and started to moan. The vibrations this caused really made me go mad, I began to shake and shiver like crazy, getting closer and closer to a volcanic eruption. When she then also pinched the nipple of the boob she'd been tickling I erupted, spraying her face and mouth with my female juices. I dropped on my back on the side of the pool and couldn't help shouting out my rapture.


While I kept her head pressed against me, she kept licking and sucking on my clit, tickling my G-spot, and making the orgasm last and last. Oh my God, I do love this woman, I couldn't possibly live without her now. After five minutes I began to come down and reorganize myself. Vag had gone, well not gone, gone, but she was swimming gently around the pool, a smile like a Cheshire cat on her face. I couldn't help but smile as well when she looked at me and slowly swam in my direction. She put her hands on the side of the pool and lifted herself up. Although she's only a slip of a girl, she's so strong. If I were to fight her, I'd definitely lose.

"Shall we have breakfast now?" I asked looking all innocent."

"Yes please Mistress, I'm starving."

"Even after all the juice, I made you drink?"

"Oh yes Mistress, drinking your juice always gives me an appetite."

"Oh, good to know, so if I want to keep you slim, I just need to stop giving you my juice?"

"Oh no Mistress, please I like it too much."

"Don't worry darling, I like yours as well."

Vanda got up and quickly got us fluffy towels to dry ourselves. We went inside and got dressed, as I didn't think nudity was permitted outside of the villa or in the restaurant. Maybe it's a suggestion I could make to Rachel, to introduce nude breakfast or lunch or dinner, maybe once a week or so? We left the car where it was and walked toward the restaurant where we were greeted by a very beautiful African American girl.

"Goodmornin y'all, would you like a bit of breakfast?" she said with a bit of a Southern drawl.

"Yes please," we said in unison.

She guided us to a nice table for two in a corner with a view of the surrounding garden.

"Would you like to go for the buffet or something special?" she asked showing her beautiful white teeth and some serious cleavage as she bent forward.

"I could go for a couple of those," I replied looking meaningfully at her ample bosom.

"I see you want the special then," she replied with a smile.

"Well special they look indeed...and big."

"But I must warn you they come at a price."

"I think I'll settle for the buffet then, maybe later in our vacation I'll go for the special."

"Excellent madam, always at your service," she replied pointing at the sumptuous buffet, "Coffee or tea? Orange juice you will find at the buffet."

"Tea please," I replied, Vanda confirmed the same with a nod of her head.

Before we could get up, Rachel came towards us.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?"

"Oh yeah thanks Rachel, we needed it, and waking up with a nice nude swim in the pool did wonders for us, we're ready to tackle the day.

"I see you immediately sampled one of the advantages of our villas, skinny dipping."

"It is just great to be able to swim in the nude, I used to do it when I was a young girl staying in the love commune, we always went skinny dipping in the pond."

"Oh, you stayed in a love commune?"

"Yes, that was my refuge after I ran away from home."

"You ran away from home?"

"Yes, I had a very bad childhood and finally escaped when I was 14, I don't want to think about that anymore."

"I can understand, so what are your plans for today?"

"We were thinking of a rest day, adjusting to the time difference with maybe first a try out the red room."

"Excellent, that's what it's there for, I guess you know what to do with the available equipment?"

"Yes, Grace explained it to me when I made the booking, in the end, it's not that different from what we have at the club."

"No that's true; I remember that from our visit. How's Jack by the way?"

"Excellent, still going strong as our local Shibari specialist, although I must say he's got a fierce competitor now in Dawn's dad."

"I don't think I met Dawn, is she someone special?"

"She's one of Lew's favorite models, he photographed her as Lady Godiva, you might have seen photos of her in our club magazine."

"Yes, I remember seeing a display of a girl on horseback with extremely long blonde hair."

"That's her, but her long hair is gone now."

"Too much weight I guess?"

"No, she donated it to be turned into a wig for a friend with cancer who lost hers due to the chemo."

"That's very noble of her."

"Yeah, that's Dawn for you."

"So her parents are members of the club as well?"

"Yes, that's a long story, I'll tell you all about it one evening when we have dinner together."

"Great, but for now please do enjoy your breakfast."

"Just one quick one Rachel, the girl that welcomed us, she's gorgeous and she gave me the impression she could be available for play?"

"You mean Tina?"

"I think so, that was the name I saw on her nametag, yes."

"She might be persuaded to join in some play, yes, we sometimes play with her, you'll have to pay her something for it though, I wouldn't describe her as a professional, but I know she has two kids and is a single mother, so you can imagine she can use some extra cash. Shall I tell her you'd be interested in playing with her?"

"Can't I ask her myself?"

"She will only say yes if she knows we approve because then she knows she'll be safe and that you are familiar with the BDSM rules of the game, you know, no permanent markings on her body, no blood, abiding by the stop word."

"OK, I understand, so yes, please tell her we would like to play with her one of these days when it's convenient for her."

"Yes, she'll need to arrange a sitter for the kids if she does."

"Great, how much shall I give her when I do?"

"A couple of hundred dollars will help her a long way; we do pay our staff good wages, and they get tips of course, but a little extra is always welcome, especially in her case, and she loves it but is afraid to get involved with the wrong guy. This way she gets what her body craves and is safe."

"Excellent, I look forward to playing with her."

When I looked at Vanda, she looked bored and jumpy wanting to go to the buffet. When there is a buffet, she can go crazy, she just loves to eat. The unbelievable thing is she can eat monstrous amounts of food and not put on any weight, staying thin as a rake.

"Sorry Tanja but I think Vanda is dying to go to the buffet."

"No worries, just go Vanda; the chef will prepare any type of egg dish you wish."

Vanda jumped off her chair and almost ran to the buffet. Rachel clearly wanted to talk to me a bit longer.

"You know Tanja, we have something very new, which is not yet incorporated into the brochure. It was only installed last week after Jeff worked on it for over a year."

"Oh please do tell."

"He calls it the 'ultimate female pleaser'."

"Wow, that sounds interesting."

"Yes, but that's not all, when you rent a red room-themed villa, to promote it we decided to offer the female guest a two-hour free session on the machine in the coming 3 months. After that and for additional sessions we will charge 150 dollars However, with you guys, we have a small problem, usually, the guests renting a 'Red Room' themed villa consist of one or two hetero couples, with one female per male, you are the first lesbian couple we received since we started the program, so Jeff and I have decided that both of you will get a two hours session, how you use your time will be your decision."

"That is very generous of you Rachel."

"Well, there is a bit of a catch, we would like to film you guys when you have your session, so we can learn from it, Jeff tested it out on me but maybe when a female is directing the session it might be different, so would that be a problem?"

"No absolutely not, Lew regularly films Vag when we are playing at the club, so she's used to it and absolutely not camera shy; on the contrary, Lew has regularly said she should make a career out of it."

"You mean like in porn?"

"Yes, and I can't deny we haven't been thinking about it, it would be great publicity for the club and generate some extra income for Vag."

"OK in that case I'll give you a copy of the session video to take home with you."

"Fantastic, and where is this wonderful machine, it's not in our red room is it?"

"No, Jeff only built one so we put it in a special room in the central building, if it proves succesful the idea is to have one in each red room, there should be a flyer/voucher in the red room though."

"Oh, I didn't notice, but we haven't really visited our red room yet."

"OK, well you will get a second voucher, and please let me know when you would like to use them, so I can book the special room for you, and for now, please go to the buffet before your friend eats it all."

"Yes, thank you, Rachel, I'll come and see you after our breakfast anyway to book some tickets for the theme parks."

"Excellent, we have some very interesting deals we can offer and bon appétit."


I saw Vanda come back from the buffet with two plates laden with food - we'd probably better not have a session after breakfast with her stomach so full. I followed her example and loaded up two plates of food as well, it all looked so delicious. After about an hour of stuffing our faces with all the delicacies the restaurant had to offer, we finally drank our last cup of tea and went to see the receptionist to book some visits to the parks. We booked a 4-day park hopper for Disney World and a two-park, two-day + 2-days free ticket, giving us 4 days in total at Universal Studios so I guess we'll be spending most of our vacation in the parks. Hopefully, there will be enough time left for our 2, two-hour sessions on Jeff's fantastic machine.

When we got back to the villa, the first thing I did was go to the red room and retrieve the flyer/voucher thingy to see what this wonderful machine could do. Looking at the picture it seemed impressive: not overly big but interesting. The center was the Sybian mounted some 4 feet above ground level, but Jeff had added an extra part in the back and it even had a tail like a real horse. The reason for not adding a head I guess is that it would stick up and be in the way if you wanted to play with the front part of the rider of the fake horse.

On the floor on one side was a small box-type step, allowing the rider to easily get on and off the machine, which was not dissimilar to what they use in riding stables to mount a real horse. I could also discern a metal tube frame in the middle for which I didn't see an immediate use, but I guess that would show itself when we started using the contraption. Behind the machine, I could also see some strange constructions sticking out. Again I could only guess at their purpose. There was a third something separately placed behind the machine, but I couldn't make out exactly what it was. It all looked very interesting. It was a pity we couldn't have a session that same day.

Today we would enjoy the luxury of our villa, pool, and jacuzzi getting used to the time difference, and we were invited by Rachel and Jeff for dinner tonight, maybe I could ask her then about a session tomorrow.

At 6 pm Jeff picked us up with his car, and on the way out he also picked up Rachel. She looked like a flower power child of the seventies. Luckily for us we had been warned not to overdress and make it light, so in the end, we had dressed in a rather similar way, showing just enough but not too much skin. Then all of a sudden I noticed that Rachel had a tattoo on her upper arm.

"Is that new?" I asked her, pointing at the tattoo."

"You noticed? Yes, it's new, I saw yours when we were at the club and although I'm not really a tattoo fan, but I too wanted something badass, like your skull tattoo, so when we got back home, I didn't really go for badass but for something more romantic, and Jeff got the same, so now we're really a couple, we can't separate anymore."


"Do you like live music girls?" Jeff wanted to know.

"Oh yes," Vanda replied, "I love live music, why, are you taking us to a concert?"

"No, the restaurant we're taking you to has a small band and they play when they like."

"That sounds nice, what's it called?"

"It's a sort of hidden place not very well known to tourists, it's called Maxine's on Shine, I'm sure you'll love it, they serve excellent food and have an abundant menu selection."

Jeff was absolutely right, the food was excellent, the atmosphere was great, and we had a smashing evening together. I even managed to book Jeff's wonderful machine for the day after tomorrow from 3 to 5 pm. Tomorrow we'd have our first day at Disney. We were both excited like little kids, well after all it would be the first time in our lives that we would go to something like that.

The day flew by, and we were dog-tired so after seeing the electrical parade we took one of the trams to take us back to our car in the parking lot. The next day was going to be a day of rest again, except of course for our session on Jeff's mysterious machine. We slept late and spent the rest of the morning swimming and lounging around the pool and jacuzzi where we made slow but very satisfying both.

After a late and light lunch, especially for Vanda, we went to the reception desk to get the key and instructions on where to go for our 2-hour session on this contraption that Jeff had built. The receptionist told us that Rachel was already waiting for us at the door.

When we entered the room, it too was painted red, with the machine in the center.

"So, who is going to be the rider today?" Rachel asked as if she didn't already know it would be Vanda - or in this case my sub Vagina."

For starters, I ordered Vag to strip naked and wait in a corner, facing away from us and the machine, allowing Rachel to explain to me what was what, and how to operate everything. She took me on a tour of the machine.

"As you can see the center is a Sybian and next to it, on the roll-away table, is a box with two rows of 6 dildos going from 2 to 12 inches. The top row contains rather thin ones, and on the bottom row, there's a series with double the circumference of the top row. They can all be attached just behind the fixed vibrating part of the machine, and you can also find the Sybian remote there. To make the equestrian picture complete we've added two different riding crops and a flogger, made with horsehair, to be used by the Master, or in your case Mistress of the sub riding our horsy. As you can see, the short one has a wide leather tab, while the longer one has a narrow tab."

To get Vag in the mood I picked up one of the riding crops and swished it through the air.

"The tubular frame you see around the center of the Sybian is meant for securing the rider's hands, making the upper body completely accessible for whipping, nipple play, or whatever else you want to do with it. The footstool is loose and needs to be removed once the rider sits on the horse, making sure the whole weight of the subject presses on the genital area. The secured hands will not allow her to reduce the pressure. The metal frame can be tilted forward or backward. Tilting it backward will put more pressure inside the vagina and the G spot by the dildo and will allow again a nice and vigorous whipping of the boobies or drip some hot wax on them. When tilted forward a different but similar pressure will occur, it will press the subject's clit hard against the vibrating front part of the Sybian."

"That's very ingenious. Well done Jeff."

"Now as to the back of the machine, I've got 3 more remotes for you, but I'm gonna let you figure out for yourself what they are for and how to use them. One hint, they are to be used when the rider is tilted forward and to give the Mistress a rest. A last piece of advice maybe, it's much more fun if you blindfold your rider, and I speak from experience."

"Jeff tested it on you?"

"Of course, I've spent more time on this machine the past months than in bed with him."

And you only give us 2 hours to use and test all of this?"

"Tanja, you are a businesswoman, just like I am..."

"Oh yes, I see, you want your customers to book an additional paying hour or session of course."

"I knew you'd catch on quickly."

"How about the other catch you talked about unless you intend to video all of your customers using it?"

"No, no that's only for you guys, but again only if you don't object."

"We don't object to being filmed, you're gonna stay and film it?"

"No, I don't wanna cramp your style, we've got cameras installed in all the right places, we use them to monitor that everything stays safe, we don't want to be faced with someone maiming or killing his partner."

"Oh, I didn't even notice the cameras."

"They make these things so small these days, you really need to be made aware of them. So, I'll leave you to it then, have fun."

Rachel left after instructing us to lock the door to avoid getting unwanted visitors. Before she went, I wanted to know if the door was locked, and how they could help in case of a calamity. She assured me they could always get inside, even with the door locked. Made me wonder if there was another door I couldn't immediately see.

I called out to Vag to get her ass over to the machine. She came running and stood waiting for further instructions next to the contraption.

"OK Vag, you can choose which dildo you would like to feel in that pussy of yours, we've got a nice collection of six sizes in length, and for each, two different widths. Shall we go for an 8-inch wide one or a 12-inch narrow one?"

"Can we go for the 8-inch wide one Mistress?"

"OK, an 8-inch wide one it is."

I fixed the requested dildo on the Sybian put a condom on the dildo and some cling film over the vibrating part, then ordered Vag to climb aboard. She quickly got on using the footstool, which I then removed, immediately putting pressure on her...yes 'vag'. Then I put a pair of Velcro handcuffs on her wrists and attached them to the hooks at the top of the metal frame nicely exposing her tantalizing naked upper body. It brought her A-cups up beautifully, making them stick out proudly. Her smallish nipples were already getting a bit erect. Then I blindfolded her, as Rachel had suggested and switched on the Sybian to a low setting, the standard vibrating strip in the front tickling her clit and the dildo her insides.

Picking up the horsehair flogger I walked around her and began hitting her front and back, making her nipps stand out even more.

After a while, I got tired and wanted to try out some other features of this contraption, so I moved the frame backwards so that she was stretched out on her back over the rear of the horse, enticing me to put a pair of clamps on her hard nipples. I picked up the riding crop with the wide leather tab and started hitting all over the front of her body, especially her titties. Vag got more and more aroused, but she knew she wasn't allowed to cum without my permission. I saw and heard her struggling to keep her orgasm at bay. Should I take pity on her and let her cum or keep her on edge a bit longer?

I decided on the latter and started concentrating on the nipple clamps, trying to remove them with the flogger while I turned the vibrations of the Sybian higher. After I succeeded in removing the clamps I told her that she was allowed to cum now. She gave a high-pitched moan followed by mousy little squeaks while shaking all over, her abdomen going up and down induced by her extensive breathing and orgasming like crazy. Her pussy pushed out a huge amount of juice all around the dildo still embedded deep in her.

When she stopped squirting I brought her back to an upright position and let her rest a bit. Slowly but surely her breathing returned to normal. This gave me the time to explore what other features this machine had to offer. At the back, I discovered something that looked like the sort of automatic spanking machine I had seen in a couple of porn movies from the production company with a similar name. Maybe that's what the 3 remotes that Rachel gave me were for. I picked one up and hit the button, first I heard some whirring sound quickly followed by the sound of a whip hitting naked flesh. A red stripe appeared on Vag's right buttock. When I hit the remote button again, the same happened. Vag gave a squeaky little moan clearly enjoying this new thing happening to her.

This of course made me curious about what the other remotes would do. Taking the second one in my hand, which looked exactly the same as the first, I hit the button, and the same happened, but this time a whip hit her left buttock. When I turned the remote around there was a text telling me that if I pushed the button for 5 seconds, the machine would switch to automatic. What could I do, I held the button down for 5 seconds of course, and waited. I saw it turn and move fast forward again hitting Vag's left buttock. 5 seconds later it did it again without me having to push the button. Ah, I think that's what they mean by automatic. I wondered if it would work with the other one as well. Turning it around, it told me exactly the same. I waited about 2 seconds before hitting the button, setting that one on automatic as well so that she got alternating hits every 2 to 3 seconds.

The third remote was bigger, and I expected it to control the automatic fuck machine that was also mounted on the back of the horse. Turning it around I read the extended instructions, telling me what I already thought I would have to do.

I told Vag to grab the top bar of the frame, and hold on to it, after which I swiveled the front frame forward. Vag was now more or less lying on her stomach, the dildo in her pussy now in a completely different position, with her clit pressed tightly to the vibrating part of the Sybian, stimulating her in a different way.

In this position, her ass was sticking out and up, completely open for the fucking machine to go into action. First, I put a condom on the dildo attached to it and applied some lube to her asshole, then I gently rolled it forward and put the head of the attached dildo just inside her pucker. That accomplished I secured the machine so that it stayed put and only the arm operating the dildo would move back and forth. Slightly pushing the button on the remote it began to move, first sliding in and then slowly sliding out again. I made sure the head stayed inside her, and then it slid back in at a snail's pace.

The gentle stimulation produced the first moans from her lips. I let it run at that speed for a minute or so, then I increased the speed and left it like that while I investigated something I had seen at the front of the machine that I hadn't noticed before. It proved to be two suction cups, very similar to the ones they use to milk cows or goats. Could it be that I could turn her into a hucow while she was being fucked both front and back while being spanked by the automatic spanking machine?

Taking a closer look at the tubes attached to the suction cups I followed them back to the machine they were attached to and found the buttons to operate it. I pushed the on button and the cups started to make an alternating suction sound. I placed one against one of her tities and it immediately sucked itself tight, pulling with full force on the nipple, even sucking part of the smallish tit inside the cup as well. The second one followed quickly.

Vag started to make all kinds of noises, overwhelmed by all the different stimulating feelings her body was experiencing. Some of them were painful, while some were giving her immense pleasure. It didn't take very long before she started to shiver and shake again, fast approaching another orgasm.

I started playing with the different remotes, stopping the spanking, but increasing the speed of the fucking machine pleasuring her anal cavity. There wasn't much I could do on the milking machine, it just continued at the same pace sucking on her boobs. I decreased the Sybian vibrations as the fucking machine went faster, then vice versa. As her back was now completely open for some extra stimulation I began to flog it with the horse hair flogger. When my arms got tired, I switched the spanking machines back on, which began tickling her buttocks again.

I tried to keep her all the time on the brink of an orgasm, monitoring her closely so that she didn't go over, working towards a huge one. After half an hour of intense stimulation, she was begging me to let her cum.

"Mistress, can I please cum? I can't hold it anymore, please let me cum."

"Have you been a good sub, and pleasured your Mistress every time she wanted to be pleasured?"

"Oh yes Mistress, I'm always ready to pleasure you."

Knowing that Rachel was watching and listening all the time on her monitors I ventured to ask something different.

"Will you pleasure Mistress Rachel or Master Jeff if tell you to?"

"Oh yes, Mistress if you let me."

"Very smart of you Vag," I thought, "leaving the decision with me."

"So you think you deserve to cum?"

"Oh yes Mistress, I deserve to cum, will you please allow me to cum?"

"OK...," before I could finish my sentence, she came, and she came hard, shaking and shivering while squirting all over the place. I let all the contraptions continue stimulating her for another 15 seconds, extending the time of her orgasm, then switching them off one at a time, starting with the suction cups, then the fucking machine, and ending with the Sybian. The spanking machine I let go on for another 2 slaps before shutting that one down as well. The cups of the milking machine fell off the moment I pushed the stop button. I needed to remove the fucking machine behind her manually. Once that was accomplished, I could swivel the frame back up so she could sit up straight again. Then I removed her blindfold and detached the cuffs from the frame. She looked at me with a huge smile on her face.

"Well Vag, was it to your liking?"

"That was awesome Mistress, although, in the beginning, I was a bit skeptical, expecting something similar to just riding a Sybian. When you brought me forward and began to switch all the other things on, the feeling was so strong, a lot stronger than anything I have experienced before in my life. Being blindfolded made it that much more intense, as I couldn't see what was happening until I actually felt it. Jeff is a genius to be able to build this thing."

"I think he will appreciate your praise."

In the meantime, Rachel joined us again, also with a big smile on her face.

"I have a confession to make," she said.

"Oh please tell, what do you have to confess?"

"Vag is the very first person, aside from myself, to ride Jeff's machine."

"You said it had been installed a few weeks ago."

"Yes I know, but be honest, would you have allowed Vag to ride it if I had told you she was only the second guinea pig?"

"I don't know, would you have Vag?"

"Yes, absolutely!"

"Yeah, now that you have experienced it but be honest, would you?"

"I might have had doubts about the safety maybe, but in the end, we knew that it was tested on Rachel, and I don't think Jeff would risk putting his Rache in danger in any way."

"I see your point, I'm sure he would indeed never do that."

"So ladies, is the machine approved now?"

"Yes, it is," we said in unison.

"You definitely earned a second ride and even a third if you wish."

"Thank you, Mistress Rachel, I will definitely ride it again."

"Even if Jeff or I would be at the controls?"

"Oh, yes even more so, I would love to be controlled by the inventor."

"OK, if that's all right with you Tanja, shall we schedule a session, controlled by Jeff then?"

"I'm fine with that," I replied.

"Would you dare to go on it as well?" Rachel wanted to know.

"Of that, I'm not so sure, again that depends on who would be at the controls."

"I could do it, giving it the female touch."

"OK if you are at the controls I might consider doing it," I said.

The remainder of that first week was spent, either in the pool or in the theme parks. As we hadn't had much time to spend in the red room yet and with the two scheduled sessions on Jeff's machine, the second week was rather intense as you can guess.

Please bear in mind that a comment or response is to a writer what applause is to the performer at the end of the show.

  1. During their discussion, Tanja mentioned her interest in skinny dipping at Disney World, which Lew found amusing given their shared love for BDSM.
  2. Upon reaching Florida, Tanja and Vag decided to explore the local BDSM scene, attending hucow parties and even experiencing a lesbian play session in a private club.
  3. During their time in Florida, Tanja and Vag also indulged in a unique experience, participating in a flogging session followed by fingering and anal play, pushing their boundaries further in their exploration of BDSM.

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