Adult How To

The Pregnancy Competition: First Round

A rivalry emerges between Maria and Sarah during their pregnancy.

May 5, 2024
17 min read
contestThe Pregnancy Olympics Pt. 01oralanalpovpregnant bellypregnantpreggohumorpregnancy fetishorgy
The Pregnancy Olympics Pt. 01
The Pregnancy Olympics Pt. 01

The Pregnancy Competition: First Round


Since fifth grade, Sarah and I have been the best of friends. We had a strong bond due to our shared passion for books. Our teachers would often conduct contests, challenging students to read more books, and we were often pitted against each other. Back then, it was mainly about earning bookmarks and the occasional pizza party. As we grew older, our competitiveness spread to other activities - soccer, clarinet, and rollerblading. Later, it even involved boys.


Our rivalry didn't turn romantic until after high school. That's because I wasn't nearly as developed as Maria back then. She was quite popular in school, but she never taunted me with her popularity. She seemed to prefer keeping her distance, waiting for the right moment. However, I think she now regrets that decision.


She's right. I should have been more assertive. In any case, once we both experienced teenagerhood, we started competing over boys. A certain boy caught our attention, and he even ended up asking to dance with me at a freshman orientation mixer while Sarah was in the bathroom. We had agreed to maintain a distance, but I couldn't resist the temptation in her absence. Sarah returned to find us making out in front of everyone. The friendship turned tense then.


I was quite self-conscious, feeling nonexistent in comparison to Maria. She had a desirable figure, while I was tall, thin, pale, and blonde - a type that was popular in the previous century, but not in our times. Boys preferred Maria's darker, curvier physique.


Like it's cool to be curvy these days.


It does seem as though that's the case. So, Maria naturally received more attention than me. To counter that, I tried being more casual with boys. I went out with a guy first, but he touched me first. I even experienced several other intimate moments before Maria.


Those first few experiences were mine, too, but Sarah quickly overtook me. Once we were both romantically involved in college, everything settled down. But, by that point, our inventiveness in this competition had somewhat stagnated. We'd explored most of the local boys already.


And so, post-college life began. It wasn't until after we both graduated that we realized how much substance abuse could add to our competitiveness. We decided to inebriate ourselves to renew our motivations. We've never had so little inhibition before. Our discussions that night revealed things we'd never thought to tell each other. But that wouldn't last because our newfound lack of inhibition led us to discuss positions we'd tried. Had our competition truly lost its spark once we'd both been made love to in the missionary position?


It's pretty humiliating to admit. We found ourselves getting even more reflective and brave while intoxicated. We came up with a new set of challenges centered around the erotic arts. There were numerous categories, and we started taking turns to complete them.


We even surpassed our college-era limits, and eventually hit rock bottom with the creation of a final, utterly disgusting list. It was so twisted that even we were uncomfortable. But it was also during this time that we entered relationships that we considered 'adult-like.' It took us just two years, before we realized we were out of ways to compete - we even went for an abortion - my fourth and Maria's fifth. Our end goal, seeking to experience as much sensual activity as possible before settling down, was just another abominable mistake.


That experience in the clinic's after-procedure recovery area turned out to be an awakening for me. I saw the absurdity in not bearing any of the pregnancies.


Then, after some time, we came to the sad realization that we'd run out of ideas. Finally, we crafted a radical, disgusting list and gave it our best shot. Even that failed to spark our motivation. By the end of it, we were both nursing alcoholism and carrying despised reputations.


Finally, with minimal enthusiasm, we visited Planned Parenthood: it was Maria's fifth abortion, setting her ahead of my four. As I woke up from the mild sedation, I understood something - why didn't we carry those pregnancies to term? Our competition seemed to end right there.

It was a crazy idea, but the timing felt right. As we approached adulthood, we both experienced that terrifying sensation of gazing into the future and seeing the next 60-80 years of the same routine. The prospect of prolonging our childish sexual games while simultaneously embarking on parenthood seemed oddly perfect.


I was stunned that Sarah considered my proposal anything less than insane. She had to talk me into it again when I'd sobered up. It was confusing because the conversation occurred right after an abortion, but was about allowing a pregnancy to continue. Later, when Sarah explained how different sex might be when we were both bloated and hormonal, I was on board. We'd managed to get pregnant numerous times before, so it didn't seem challenging to do it this time and mean it.


The doctor at Planned Parenthood stressed the importance of avoiding sex for a few weeks post-abortion and advised against getting pregnant for at least two menstrual cycles afterwards. However, the accuracy of this information was uncertain. So, we waited one cycle and had unprotected sex with reckless abandon. Even though we'd set this up as a competition, as we did with everything in our relationship, we somehow tied in the race for impregnation. Conception happened for both of us within that cycle; we even had the same due date. We had to make a conscious effort not to rush back to the abortion clinic once we knew we were pregnant: habits are hard to break.


Having our cycles synchronized for years and dealing with the emotional fallout was annoying, but it was nice to be matching each other so perfectly that getting pregnant at the same time meant sharing a due date. This was a comforting affirmation of our long-lasting closeness. However, the challenge kicked back into high gear once both of us were pregnant.


The first trimester, before the significant expansion and during the morning sickness, was not the most pleasant phase of this experience. There was no room for sexual conquest due to constant puking and fatigue. The shared bathroom, with only one toilet, created concerns about the suitability of our apartment as a living space, but we carried on, aware that the situation should improve around the three-month mark. We attempted our first competition around 8 weeks: who could have sex more quickly after vomiting? It was disgusting, but not the most disgusting thing we'd done. Taking advantage of men's baser desires was something we'd mastered, allowing us to feel less guilty about our transgressions. The men gave in to these desires, so we were justified, right?


However, Sarah's plan had a fatal flaw. She planned to seduce a drunk guy. A simple task. She intended to find him while inebriated, bring him back to our place, ply him with drinks and flirtation until she was ready to vomit, then quickly return to the bed she'd left him in and have sex with him until he came. She decided not to kiss, as kissing would make her feel disgusting post-vomit, and she didn't care about the extra 20 seconds spent brushing her teeth. In challenges where the question involved completing an action more quickly, the goal was reached once orgasm was achieved, so Sarah's fucking of the drunk guy could only be considered complete once he climaxed.


So, Sarah's plan was problematic because she assumed the guy had to be drunk for her to take advantage of his base desire to fuck. It's like she never encountered the concept of "whiskey dick." Taking advantage of men's inherent desperation doesn't require them to be inebriated. It's not necessary to use any pretense. An example conversation for how I initiated my tryst for this challenge:

Me: Come to my apartment now. I will vomit soon, and then you will fuck me until you cum. Then you'll leave.

Random Guy: Okay. [end]

There were no more inquiries from her. He didn't require a condom, and I didn't require any foreplay; I didn't even have to let him know either fact, as women only mention their needs if they genuinely want them. In this world, there's no gentlemen out there - the only course of action is to take full advantage of the situation.


Maria definitely emerged victorious in this scenario. She had a significant advantage.


Did he manage to ejaculate inside you?


Yes, but the sexual encounter was filled with lackluster thrusts, and it took five minutes for him to concentrate enough to penetrate me in the beginning. As for you...


I released a volley four minutes after I viewed my puke smash against the toilet bowl.


Well done.


Let me just share my triumph. A few days later, when we both reached the 9-week mark, we both had our first-trimester ultrasounds. We scheduled our appointments at the same time with the same OB/GYN and accompanied each other. Sarah went first, and the exam went smoothly, with everything looking healthy for her. When it was my turn, I summoned the courage to tell Sarah the truth: while we were trying to conceive, I had been consuming black market fertility drugs.


Even though I can't believe I hadn't considered this, it's a brilliant move on your part.


Indeed. I wasn't messing around. I reconnoitered on the dark web and purchased some underground fertility medications. I wasn't sure how effective they were as I hadn't yet received a positive test, but I felt I should disclose the higher likelihood of multiples to Sarah before the ultrasound did it for me. Was it out of kindness, or was I just looking for a bit more drama? Any guess is as valid as the next.


In retrospect, the fact that you were visibly heavier at the 9th week compared to my lack of a visible belly was a bit telling. Everyone carries differently, but your early pregnancy visibility suggested that you could have been successful in your fertility medication use.


I wasn't entirely convinced myself due to our body differences, but I was more optimistic that my wicked plan had been effective when the ultrasound technician's face showcased shock as she swept the ultrasound tool inside me. "You're harboring three babies in there," she cheerfully informed me. I could not contain the laughter; my fierce strategy had paid off.


I uttered a curse word. I couldn't fault Maria for having come up with a better strategy, but I was angry nonetheless. Our discussions about the pregnancy struggles we'd likely face never addressed the multiples category specifically, but I understood how crucial that aspect could be. I knew that I would have to be more resourceful.


As I later recognized, my apparent triumph in that category was not as complete as it initially seemed. There would be certain challenges I had to tackle, though they did not affect our balance of power as completely as I had anticipated.


We're going by the chronology, don't worry. However, Maria does throw in some cryptic remarks from time to time. Apparently she's a fan.


I apologize if I get carried away.


It's fine. However, I had to reconcile the fact that I would be single-handling a pregnancy while Maria was carrying triplets. While my limitations would have allowed me more sexual positions, I could potentially exploit them to enjoy group sex exploits she couldn't participate in due to her growing girth and weight.


That's correct. I was on regular sex departure during those 1.5 weeks that I had the upper hand, but I abstained to avoid stepping on Maria's toes. Although, the hormonal changes wrenching me were making it difficult. The hormones shifted from causing constant nausea to causing a steady stream of vaginal moisture.


Despite this seemingly more advantageous position for me, it wasn't all fun and games. Maria's relentless focus on her weight gain sometimes drew me into a frenzy of jealousy. But I wouldn't let that get the best of me - I had a plan to recoup some ground in our unique pregnancy duel.

Hearing your frequent masturbation noises from your room while I was still on the ground, leaning over the toilet was strangely enticing, even arousing. I was very eager because I might have that level of libido in the future. Before I could take any action visibly, my mind began fantasizing about what was coming. Thinking of my own swelling, other people's genitalia, and fluids from various sources was an exciting scenario. I spent time lying on the bathroom floor, cupping my slightly swollen pussy as I heard Maria going at it. I couldn't wait to start seriously.


With the mounting sexual energy and the need to take it somewhere outside my room's toys, I fantasized about our first real challenge. So much horniness had built up, and during our second trimester, we were probably at peak pregnancy energy and flexibility: this required group sex.


I was delighted when Maria suggested this idea. It sounded like an excellent way to start, an intense way to really get things underway. At 16 weeks (with Maria around 25 weeks if she'd had a single pregnancy), we visited our usual fetish club, The Sex Cauldron, to initiate our plans. At that moment, a fetish club seemed particularly fitting since our current circumstances placed us in the scope of a specific fetish. Throughout our post-college sexual period, The Cauldron had served as a general sexual resource; a place where you could drop in any time and find people interested in practically anything. We decided on the club after realizing the internet may offer limitless options for sexual encounters could become impractical: you could spend forever planning, finding even more eccentric individuals who would agree to travel farther and agree to perform acts requiring special skills. Instead, you could arrive at the fetish club on a busy night, share your intentions with a few people, and leave with more volunteers within an hour than anticipated. Or stay and have some fun in one of the designated rooms, that was our aim that evening. The club was helpful and straightforward, allowing for a debauched event to take place within a reasonable time frame.


We went on a Friday night wearing tight pre-maternity bodycon dresses, evidently pregnant. We both touched our swelling bellies as if teasingly while entering the place, making it clear what we wanted. A valuable aspect of The Cauldron for us was its division into an upstairs and downstairs area, each having a built-in clientele. Although the distinction between gentler (upstairs) and rougher (downstairs) play no longer existed when we started frequenting The Cauldron, each floor had an established clientele which had endured. It felt like the club was created for a couple like us, eagerly competing against each other as perverted individuals.


I encountered a few of my old friends upstairs, always available for action. They were delighted to see me back, excited about my pregnancy. A pregnant woman was a rarity in this kind of place, but a prominent fantasy for many. As such, it wouldn't be difficult to find volunteers here. Maria and I had previously agreed to use the club's offerings for our activities: our bedrooms and beds were small and there was no need to transport potentially inebriated participants to our home. Initially, the primary goal was to compete for the most partners in the gang bang. However, we soon realized that the number of people we'd be able to attract would be limited only by the fire code regulations regarding the number of individuals allowed in the building. In a sex club and with the internet at our disposal, the number of people ready to have sex with us was practically limitless. I advised we count how many people we engaged concurrently on the bed at one time...

...and I responded by saying that it would be less about sexual performance than about balance and dexterity. We pondered measuring the number of individuals someone could touch simultaneously, but that felt similarly irrelevant since many people could, for instance, touch a contestant with one single finger at the same time. Ultimately, we decided on two criteria to gauge these orgies: A) The number of different genitalia a competitor made purposeful and extensive (a minimum of three-minute duration) contact with within an hour; and B) The highest number of genitalia either fully or partially engulfing or enveloped by a participant at any given instant—“fully enveloping” or “enveloped by” to entail covering no less than 75% of the individual's genitals, anus, mouth, or an entire hand or foot.


In other terms, for the second criteria, how many parts of other people could you fit into just your body while also inserting parts of your body into other people? And for the first one, it was more of a check to see how many components of yourself could be utilized for actions that the judges would approve of until orgasm. By the way, we were ecstatic to discover that both of our usual judges were at The Cauldron that evening. These two adored (in a sexual manner) observing and making decisions on the tiniest details, which made them the perfect match for the position. We regularly engaged them in this capacity, and they always seemed to enjoy serving us so much.


Regulations, judges, and a crew of our regular friends all ready to go, we went our separate ways to start. To kick things off, my room held about two dozen people, including myself. I stripped naked and laid flat on my back on the California king-size bed. Every pair of eyes in the room was locked onto my bloated figure, and it felt fantastic: it was great to be so publicly naked and so nakedly desired. My friends followed my lead by removing their clothing; I motioned for them to come up and join me on the bed. I instructed them to put themselves at my service, allowing me to shift and arrange them in positions as I saw fit. I put a fit blonde woman on her knees above my face so I could perform cunnilingus: better than a blowjob in that you don't need to repeatedly bob your neck, requiring you to shift your entire body. I concentrated on the clit, using a firm tongue and gentle teeth as per law, to ensure that I followed the bylaws of solely counting sexual acts if I genuinely tried to perform them correctly.


Have we mentioned our penchant for sleeping with women?


Well, we haven't; we are in favor of it. Getting back to the gang bang: I tried to get two dicks in each hand, first side by side, then, when that failed due to physical constraints, tip-to-tip. While tip-to-tip technically worked, I deemed it so cumbersome that it decreased my speed by more than 50%. I was apprehensive the judge would deduct points for ineffectiveness because of this method. I settled for a set of genitals per hand, stroking and stimulating a variety of cocks and cunts throughout the fornication. Many individuals came during the three minutes I gave them, either due to the excitement they felt from engaging in sexual relations with someone visibly pregnant and/or because several people were pleasuring themselves and others simultaneously on the side in anticipation of their limited time with me.

[NOTE: In competitions where a person has three minutes with a set of genitals in pursuit of orgasm, it was previously agreed that if that orgasm occurred before the three minutes expired, it would be counted as a total three-minute span of sexual contact for the competitive aspect. One cannot punish a person for being efficient after all. Nor can you criticize a fucktoy for getting aroused thinking of the impending climax. -Maria & Sarah-]

MARIA [cont.]

As soon as I got semen on my hand, I swiftly rubbed it onto my stomach; I was drenched in glistening jizz within no time, a sight both my friends and I found arousing. Considering my body from the arms down to the pelvis, I originally believed I lacked parts capable of inducing orgasms. This changed when I was pregnant since I then remembered the renowned “bump job”—causing someone to climax primarily due to using a pregnant belly. This proved an indispensable asset to my scores.

I found myself getting more and more involved in these activities; it was a fun new experience for me. When it came to the vaginal and anal areas, it was difficult to take a penis in both at the same time when lying on my back. It would be much better if I were on my hands and knees, which would allow both my hands and feet to be free. Sadly, this was not an option for me in this situation. While I could comfortably take a hand in both places, it wasn't greatly contributing to either of our orgasms. However, a hand in my vagina, actively stimulating my clit, satisfied this requirement. But, having a hand in my ass didn't push me toward an orgasm. It only filled the requirement of having a body part inside someone else.


Have you tried using your hips to help someone out?


What do you mean by that?


Imagine a guy's cock located under your hips. He can use the friction between your hip and the bed for some thrusting. It's an unusual idea, but it could potentially be beneficial. I've not tried it, it just occurred to me.


That's an intriguing concept. I'll have to test it out next time. Speaking of, I found it challenging to utilize my legs effectively. I had to use both hands to rub or jerk one guy off at a time.


Why not have one foot in each pussy?


My legs would cramp due to the odd positions they were forced into.


That's unfortunate. I succeeded in having a penis in each pussy at the same time, which worked well for me. However, my experience of having a hand in my ass was less appealing. Even though it met the requirement of having a body part inside someone, it didn't bring me closer to an orgasm. I just couldn't resist. With all these other partners around, I wanted to have everything I could. It might have reduced my overall count in the end, but it was worth it for me.


It's hard to picture how you managed to do this with so many people around.


I found the smallest men possible in terms of body size, and unfortunately in terms of their penises. And for the hands, I used a technique that's been a closely guarded secret for years. I'm hesitant to share it, as I don't want you to steal it.


We agreed not to steal each other's secrets.


I know, I know, but listen. This technique has been important to me for years, and I'm glad I can share it with you now.


Okay, go ahead.


To achieve this hand-in-two-cunts result, I positioned men right next to me, as close as physically possible. Their faces would be touching, their crotches too. I'd then reach in between their crotches and put a few fingers on each clit. It's a bit tricky but you can manage to stimulate both clits effectively with one hand. The judges have checked and approved.


I'm amazed.


I'm pleased you think so. For the first challenge, the number of individuals I engaged with over the course of three-minute intervals toward their orgasms, I reached 131. The Cauldron was well-attended that night, making it possible for me to attempt this. This challenge was about the maximum number of participants helping someone orgasm. For the second challenge, having five body parts in contact at any given moment, I managed to touch seven simultaneously. With my hand-in-pussy strategy, I wasn't even able to meet the 75% requirement for simultaneous contact. I'm not sure how one could surpass seven, and I'm not sure if pregnancy would alter the equation either.




Thanks. My tally reached 131 people for the first challenge and seven active parts for the second.




I know. It was a memorable night.

I managed to hit 7 on the second challenge, but there could be other ways to approach it. It can be tricky to focus on two different requirements at once, as we've learned before. In the first challenge, I achieved a mediocre score of 88, which was a major setback since I couldn't use my feet individually. The idea of having two cats per hand is mind-blowing to me. I already knew your final score that night, but I was curious about how you managed to reach it. Did the cats grip your player during this challenge, Sarah?


No, they didn't exactly do that, but they definitely held onto my player for most of the time. I have to say I enjoyed that experience. It introduced a new aspect to the challenge and made it more unique when compared to other times. Without my hands free to stimulate myself, and with very few other participants reaching out to help, I was grateful for the cats' involvement. It felt like a more personal, intimate experience. I was excited to see how the bump would play a bigger role in future challenges.


I was ecstatic about exploring all the new possibilities and discovering even more unique ways to adapt to the changes. The challenges we faced so far were fun, but we had even more exciting things ahead.


Given the energy drain from our group endeavors, we decided to move on to smaller-scale challenges next.


That's right. The upcoming challenges would be more intimate and would allow us to use our growing bellies more frequently. Exciting times ahead!

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