lesbian sex

The Scavenger Hunt Ch. 03

Objective 7: Sex during a class.

May 2, 2024
35 min read
lexibaseballThe Scavenger Hunt Ch. 03poolbethscavenger hunttaylorpublictraviscollege
The Scavenger Hunt Ch. 03
The Scavenger Hunt Ch. 03

The Scavenger Hunt Ch. 03

So, there's been a slight delay with this one, due to real life and all that stuff. However, here's Chapter 3 of "The Scavenger Hunt"! In the last chapter, you were introduced to Taylor Greene, the first main female character. Now you'll meet the second one. This chapter directly ties in with Chapter 7 of "Brad's Road Trip", where you can find the actual story being briefly retold in this chapter. To fully understand it, you may want to read that chapter first.

I want to give a shout-out to samuraisan, who's been my editor for a long time now. Despite having a lot going on in his life, he still finds time to clean up my stories and point out any logic holes that might slip through when writing over a period of years. Also, I'd like to thank That's Bogus, another author on this platform, for his invaluable feedback. If you enjoy his works, feel free to leave him some positive feedback, a:kiss: encouraging him to release more content.

The Scavenger Hunt: Chapter 3 - Frat Folks

Taylor Greene, Soccer Skills Coaching, Objective 4. Saturday night/Sunday morning on the team bus back from Asheville. One of her teammates witnessed it.


The fraternity brothers were keeping the details scarce, and I wasn't making it easy for them. The confirmation of Brianne had been through a witness on the bus during Saturday night/Sunday morning, and I didn't reveal her name. I knew Jamar saw it happen, but I didn't want him involved in fraternity affairs. He'd told me it was Jaleesa who told Jamar about it. When I saw him looking and thought Jaleesa was asleep on his lap, it was actually her head in his lap – not exactly sleeping. I told him I didn't need the details.

As I was preparing to send the email, I was in my Motor Skills classroom, around 10 minutes before class started. I had recently made a list of eight objectives, including six classes to complete by the May deadline. So far, I had completed two objectives and two classes, putting me ahead of schedule.

I started the email while sitting in my Motor Skills classroom, just before class began. I also transferred the frat's original email to a file on my laptop, then drew a line through "Soccer Skills Coaching" and "Objective 4".

When our professor entered, ready to assign group projects, I minimized the file and closed my email. The class was all about motor skills development, with a focus on assisting children with disabilities. We were assigned a group of fourth graders at a local elementary school, and our activity was teaching them how to swim.

I was extremely unqualified for this; I only knew how to swim, but probably wouldn't impress any professional swim coach. But thankfully, my partner, Lexi Briggs, was part of our University's club swim team and helped teach an intermediate swim class.

She was a bit bigger than most swimmers, not just because of her large breasts and thick thighs but also her impressive speed. She had shoulder-length brown hair and sported a nose ring. Her face might not be considered pretty, but she was still quite attractive. Since we were partners for our project, she walked over to me.

"Can you tell me about teaching special needs kids how to swim?" she asked with a grin as she sat on the front of my desk.

"I'm the foremost expert in this field," I responded, knowing Lexi was aware of the truth. "As for you, you barely know what water is, let alone how to swim. I'll handle this, and you can just take the credit as we earn our A."

We laughed, and she took a seat next to me.

"Aww," I muttered. "I really liked having your behind so close to me on my desk." It might have been a bit too forward, but I was determined not to waste any time. Truth be told, out of all the girls in that class, Lexi was the one who truly stood out. She had a stunning body, and she was an absolute athlete. So, why beat around the bush? If she got offended, I'd just apologize and say I was just joking around.

She replied with a grin, "Well, you'll be seeing that in a bikini several times over the next couple weeks, so stop complaining."

That was practically the best-case scenario!

"Alright," I answered. "That thought will keep me occupied until... when are our first sessions with the kids?"

"It'll be a few weeks," she told me. I noticed her blush at my praise. "How confident are you in the pool?"

"I don't sink," I said with a laugh. "But that's pretty much it."

"You should join my swim class on Thursday morning at 11," she suggested. "I'll help the kids, then I'll assist you on the other side of the pool. It'll help you come up with ideas for teaching the kids."

"So I can see you in a bikini, too?" I inquired.

"Could be, if you're good," she replied with a blush and a chuckle.

"I can be better than good," I boasted. "The night before that, we have a game against VMI. If you're there to cheer me on, I'll show you how good I can be."

"I'll make sure to be there," she confirmed. "We run the ice cream stand at home games, so I'll be around."

"Save some ice cream for me," I asked. "I'll be the guy with a bloody uniform after hitting a home run to win the game."

"I'll try to watch you play a bit," she added. "I'm glad I got paired up with you. I was worried about getting a frat boy who'd skip or not help with the research. I know you'll put in the required effort."

I was a pretty good student, after all. I generally had no problem with the schoolwork, as long as I put in the time, which I was willing to do. Most student-athletes had a sense of entitlement, especially those on scholarship. My time in the Marines had helped me break free of that.

"That's true," I responded. "But only because you promised me so much time with your bikini body."

"You're something else," she laughed.

"Appreciating a fine woman is all I'm doing," I explained.

"It's not a bad thing," she agreed with a wink.

But there was still some work to be done. The only possible ways to complete the frat challenge were in a public venue, a class, or with a threesome. Lexi wasn't what I'd consider a threesome person, and I didn't know if the frat considered swimming a proper sport. And since it was impossible to do something with Lexi during the class, I'd have to come up with a plan for that.

During the soccer coaching class, I found myself seated across from Taylor. I hoped we wouldn't have to introduce ourselves, but of course, the teacher had other ideas. When Taylor's friend stood up and shared details about herself, all I learned was her last name and major. I tried to keep my introduction brief, but she'd surely remember me.

Class ended early, and I finally decided to approach the issue directly. I walked over to Taylor, much to her displeasure.

"What was that?" she demanded, punching me in the arm. "After one time, you don't even remember my name?"

It took me a moment to gather my thoughts, but then I remembered her reaction at the beach experience last summer.

"I guess I was too surprised by your friend," I explained. Standing next to someone you hooked up with last summer might not be the most comfortable feeling. "What about the rest of your life?" I joked.

Taylor said nothing but threw a tantrum for a few moments before storming off. I couldn't help but laugh at the entire situation.

Uh-oh, Taylor, it's not what you think. I didn't avoid sitting with you just because I noticed you had a friend. I was just caught off guard when I saw Beth O'Neil, that's all.

"Beth?" she asked. "You know Travis Temple? And Beth, this is Travis Temple. Beth, Travis. So, what the hell's going on here?"

We finally made eye contact, and I could tell that Beth remembered our first encounter. Her breast implants were a bit too big for her petite frame, but her features were the only similarity. Her hair was now a natural shade of blonde, and she wore far less makeup than she had back then. To be honest, my gaze was fixated on her. The main difference, however, was her outlook. When we first met, she was angry at the world and unafraid to show it. But today, without saying a word, it was clear that she was much happier and more at ease.

"Wow," Beth said, looking at me. "I had no idea this was the baseball player you fucked last night."

"Hold on a second," Taylor said. "You two know each other?"

"Yes," I replied. "Okay, Taylor, apologies for not sitting with you earlier. I truly intended to come join you. Maybe even flirt with you in class to turn you on."

She gave a brief shiver but responded immediately. "So, why didn't you?"

"I just needed a moment to process... Beth," I said.

"Beth?" Taylor inquired. "How do you know each other?"

Beth opened her mouth to speak, but I stopped her. "Not here. I have accounting in an hour, then I'm free until practice at 4. When do you have any classes?"

They didn't have any more to attend. We chose to meet at a bar near campus after my accounting class.

Accounting was tense, especially as Brianne didn't arrive until five minutes into the lesson. I couldn't inquire about T.J. beforehand. As soon as class ended, she approached me.

"I'm sorry, Travis," Brianne said. "I wish I'd texted you, but I didn't think he'd react like that."

"It's okay," I replied. "My jaw only ached for a few days, but it's over now. Why did you inform him?"

"I didn't," she said. "He asked me directly if we'd slept together. He wouldn't have questioned it if he didn't already know. I might as well have been honest."

"I understand," I said. "I had a feeling that's why he knew."

A thought suddenly struck me. "Wait a minute. I didn't disclose that information to anyone."

"I know," she said. "I didn't either. I don't know who could have accessed that information."

Suddenly, something clicked. I was lying. I had indeed disclosed our secret, but not in the way Taylor was thinking. Brianne must have noticed my discomfort because she inquired cautiously.

"I'm sorry about that, Travis. I broke off our relationship after learning what he did. We don't have to sleep together anymore, but I hope we can still be friends."

"Why don't you visit tonight after practice?" she asked. "I can think of several ways to make up for what happened."

"Yes, I heard about it," I stated. "Apparently, there were quite a few people who witnessed the incident on the beach that night, along with the Charleston police department."

Beth's cheeks turned an intense red, and Taylor chuckled.

"I've heard this story more than once," Taylor stated. "But I'd like to hear your perspective."

Beth vigorously shook her head, but I smirked and started narrating.

"So, about a year ago, I went to Charleston with some of my relatives and their friends. We went to a place known as the Windjammer, which is situated on the beach. Around an hour after arrival, two exceptionally attractive women entered the venue. Being recently out of the Corps and feeling confident and horny, I thought I might have a chance with one of them.

While discussing the situation with my cousin, he pointed out the fact that the redhead was very approachable, but her friend, the blonde, kept blocking men from getting close to her. I knew I needed help, and the only other eligible man in the group was Brad, a former colleague of my cousin from their time serving overseas. He had embarked on a major road trip and had stopped by to reminisce and discuss business, so he agreed to support me. I chose the redhead, and so we began our approach."

Beth abruptly asked, "And why did you choose the redhead, by the way?"

"The truth is," I asked. "I'd been injured by gunfire a few months prior, and I wasn't interested in any more confrontations. Your gaze seemed fierce, as if you were ready to attack anyone who approached. I was more inclined towards having a good time and engaging in some fun."

Beth glanced down at her shoes.

"To continue the story," I carried on, once she remained silent. "We approached them, and the redhead began challenging us both. I considered giving up, but Brad insisted, and we sat down. My focus shifted to her friend, Christine, who seemed receptive to my advances. However, every time I attempted to kiss her, Beth would intervene and ruin the moment. Brad was doing a great job of keeping her distracted, but eventually, she grew tired of it and recruited security to eject us.

Just as we were leaving, Brad, being the resourceful individual he is, bribed the bouncer with enough money to tell Christine where we were. Minutes later, I had a lap full of a beautiful redhead. We were getting ready to withdraw when Beth managed to find us. She commenced a verbal assault against us in front of everyone, challenging Christine to leave with her. Brad tried to mitigate the situation, but ultimately had to raise his voice in order to make her stop harassing us in public. In doing so, security brought us outside once more."

"Surprisingly, Christine was there waiting for us, and another round of arguments ensued. The rest of us departed while Brad and Beth debated, and I fortune upon having some enjoyable time with her friend. Although what happened between Brad and Beth sounds exciting, it was nothing like my experience with her."

Taylor added, "In fact, every time you mention Brad, it drives her wild. She reaches orgasm like a faucet being turned on."

Beth yelled, "Taylor! I don't want to discuss my sex life with strangers!"

I coughed on my beverage.

"So, you're the one who ruined my blanket the other night," I remarked, facing Beth.

"So what if I am?" she retorted.

"All praise to you," I said, lifting my glass to celebrate. "I simply appreciate your honesty."

Beth gazed at me for a significant amount of time, then raised her glass and tapped mine in response.

"Oh, how ordinary," she said. "Toasting a person who's just drinking water."

"He has to remain sober," Taylor said, defending my decision. "You can't show up for practice with alcohol in your system, even if you've only had a single beer."

I nodded in agreement. "What is the situation with Christine?"

"She's still in Charleston, working for the Chamber of Commerce," Beth explained. "She even got engaged to an ex-partner just a couple of months after our encounter.

"Neat," I said. "I only encountered Christine on one other occasion, and I didn't plan to make contact with her again. Although she's amusing, my attraction to her was never very serious."

I comprehend your situation, I told him. I'd suggested giving him Christine's number, but he said it'd likely be best to maintain the status quo. Though you each obtained what you desired, it almost felt too intense of an encounter, making it advisable to leave it be.

"Most likely," he agreed.

"In any event, last I heard, he was back in Idaho, pursuing a business degree. He's even going to team up with my cousin."

Taylor's phone started ringing, prompting her to leave the table and answer it outside, leaving Beth and me alone.

"I suppose the world isn't as vast as you once envisioned it to be," I inquired.

Beth blushed slightly and responded, "Apparently not."

"Ah, so you're aware of my connection with Taylor," I said.

"Yes, I am," she confirmed. "But not only that. You're also aware of our own connubial exploits?"

"No, I couldn't say I knew about that. Taylor just asked me to withdraw, citing a promise made to someone else. I had no clue it was you until she exposed it. I only knew up until that point," I asserted.

She arched an eyebrow, but responded with a long gulp of her beer instead of speaking. When we initially met, she'd been imbibing on a beverage of a fruity nature, so even her beverage preference had improved.

Given her open sexuality with Taylor, I was curious about their relationship and how deep it went. With a host of queries about to surface, however, an unexpected invitation piqued my interest even more.

"Would you care to dine with me this weekend?" I inquired.

Beth's expression evinced surprise. "You're already captured one of the lesbians, so you're keen on snagging the other one, correct?"

"Not at all," I clarified. "We do, however, both possess a bisexual nature. Nevertheless, my desire to embark on this outing pertains to spending time with you, granted you can accompany Taylor if you'd like. The dinner will remain strictly non-sexual in nature."

Both her brows rose in response, but she refrained from verbalizing her reaction, instead partaking in another substantial gulp of beer. When I first came across her that summer, she seemed completely dissimilar to Taylor, acting the part of the petite Barbie doll in contrast to her roommate's more robust demeanour. But they shared an undeniable charisma. I held a myriad of inquisitions, but one encompassed my central wish.

"So, would you join me for a picnic? I'll prepare dinner, and we'll indulge al fresco," she suggested.

The caress of her fingers on my hand and subsequent removal of her hand captivated me. Prior to our initial encounter, Beth displayed no interest in me. Qualities like her natural beauty had subsequently surfaced, though, making me yearn to get to know her.

"I concur. It'll be a lovely meal in the great outdoors."

Thoughts of Beth danced in my head for the duration of the day. During batting practice, I fantasized about her presence in the stands. As I sped along the road, I mused on her riding shotgun. Whilst preparing for bed and studying, my mind flooded with visions of her cross my bedside, fingering her silky tresses and savouring her lip.

My fascination with this unknown person blossomed into a kind of irrationality, yet, concurrently, it was utterly real. Moonstruck, I focused intently on an assignment before bedtime. Brianne traversed our plans, her intent being to atone for T.J.'s indiscretions. She unleashed a marvellous blowjob upon me, before subsequently imploring me to penetrate her. With her well-toned body beneath me, I envisioned her as Beth.

Just as I remained fixated, I achieved an objective in my baseball game. As I navigated to first base, a captivating figure came into view: Lexi. On the verge of visiting Stratford, she waved and beckoned me with a thumbs-up. Once I returned safely to the base, Matt, the first-base coach, slapped my rear.

"Superb effort, Temple," he lauded.

"Just a blasted triple would've advanced Jamar to third," I lamented, handing him my gloves.

I'd managed to secure only a single, landing in left field, with Jamar standing on second due to a slower throw from left field to the base. He would've covers third had I managed to reach the right-field fence, yet his limited progress meant I had to throw to third base instead.

"Hey, you decided to follow his lead and hit the ball, and you managed to get on base," Matt said. "Let the big guy handle it."

Chet, whose gigantic hand had stopped T.J. from throwing a second punch the previous week, stepped up to the plate. He was arguably our best hitter - it was either him or me - and with their lead suddenly at risk, VMI's coach made his way to the mound for a chat. I spotted Lexi in the stands again, and she wiggled her hand in the "meh" motion. I could only assume she was referring to class on Monday, when I told her I could be better than just good. She was grinning like an excitable child, so I knew she was joking.

The conversation ended, and Chet stepped up to the plate. He took a couple of pitches, and when there were two strikes, their pitcher threw one right down the middle. I didn't even wait for the bat to connect with the ball, and neither did Jamar. I headed for third base, and as I rounded the bag, I heard the crowd cheering loudly, and I saw Coach Bazewell gesturing for Jamar to keep going.

I didn't know where the ball was hit, and I didn't care. The coach's arms were still swinging as I neared third, and I assumed there wouldn't be any way he would flash a stop sign at me, his fastest base runner.

And then he did.

According to Sir Isaac Newton, objects in motion stay in motion. As anyone who's ever sped in a sports car then encountered a cop can attest, the faster you're going, the more difficult it is to stop abruptly. I didn't notice the coach was stopping me until I was already on the bag, and by the time I slammed on the brakes, I was halfway to home plate. I saw the catcher catch the ball, and I realized why the coach had signalled for a stop.

This was a classic rundown situation. Damn it.

I sprinted back to third base, but the catcher had already flung the ball back. If I was running down a road, a baseball would weigh less and travel faster than my body, so I ran back and forth between first and third a few times. I could tell I was about to be tagged out.

And then their third baseman messed up. He caught the ball from the catcher and, as is usual in such situations, he began pursuing me in an attempt to throw me out. However, instead of chasing me toward the plate, where he would be in a better position to complete the tag, he threw the ball back to the catcher. At that point, I should have returned to third base, but I hadn't considered that option. Instead, I continued running toward the catcher, who was at least fifty feet away. The catcher had the ball in his glove, and as such, he was fair game. I ran straight at him, and even under his mask, I saw his eyes widen in shock. I waited until I was about five feet away before leaping to his right. I didn't exactly jump over him, but I cleared him to the side. I completed the somersault on my feet and sprinted towards home plate.

During all the running around, only one player remained to cover home plate - VMI's second baseman, who was just 5 feet 4 inches tall. Jamar was frantically waving for me to slide, so I knew the play would be close, but I had a different plan in mind. I saw the ball in my peripheral vision, but I'm unsure if it ever made it to the second baseman's mitt. The only thing I knew was he was blocking the plate, and as such, he was a legitimate target. I barreled into him, ensuring I made contact with the plate as we tumbled by. I saw the ball roll in the dirt behind the plate, and the umpire raised his arms in the "safe" gesture.

Somehow, some way, I'd just scored the winning run.

The mad scramble at home plate was distressing. The saying goes: don't celebrate if you can't handle it. By the time all the players had been pulled off me, I had a charlie horse in one leg, a spike in the other, and I'd been punched or elbowed in the face several times. It was worth it, though - VMI was a formidable team in our conference, and securing this win was significant, even if it meant getting mauled in the process.

"Hey, did someone check if VMI's second baseman is still breathing?" I asked once the last player had been removed from me.

Lexi approached me as I hobbled past the home dugout after our latest baseball game. "You made it through the game okay?" she asked.

Standing up, I met her at the dugout. "It was quite a game, indeed," I replied, making my way over to her.

"You promised to hit a home run to secure the win," she teased, puckering her lips in mock sadness.

"It would have been easier that way," I responded. "If only the catcher's arm had been another half-inch longer, I'd have been facing my teammates during the tenth inning, wondering how I screwed up and missed."

Laughing, she continued, "I'm not saying I'm not thankful, but you did manage to get a bit of mud on your leotard at the end."

"If you want it cleaned, you can wash it for me," I countered.

Lex and Chet joined us then. "Excuse me for interrupting," Lex said, but his eyes were focused on Lexi's breasts rather than me. Unfortunately, he didn't continue, so the more eloquent Lex jumped in.

"In honor of your successful tryout for the university's gymnastics team, we're throwing a party tonight at our house," he announced.

"So, I see. After winning the game today, even with a few mistakes, it's fine to party it up," I retorted.

"That's right," Lex responded. "It would have bothered me to lose after pitching a complete game and conceding only one run."

"I can appreciate that. Though it's not very pretty, I'll be happy to handle washing the dirt off your leotard for you."

"If it's all the same to you, I think you should bring it over and clean it there." Lex continued. "We're inviting everyone, so behold: our place, tonight. Your companion is also welcome to join us," he added, seemingly eyeing Lexi's chest while he spoke.

"Sure," I agreed. "I'll clean my leotard and make my way to the party.

Introducing him and Chet to Lexi, I said, "Meet Lexi. Reasonably pretty but easy to talk to, which makes her quite the catch. She's in a couple of my classes." Lex as always liked to taunt me, so I retaliated,

"Yeah, and there's this guy. A man capable of knocking the cover off a baseball and manhandle a fight. The downside is he can barely hold a conversation with a good-looking woman."

Embarrassed, Chet mumbled a greeting to Lexi before taking a seat. Lexi laughed at Chet's inability to speak and turned back to me. "So, when should I expect you?" she asked.

"Give me ten minutes to clean up. I'll meet you out there," I replied.


"Did I do okay?" she asked, sitting on my lap on the far end of Lex's couch. Lexi's shapely behind was nestled against the wall, and her legs extended over the sofa. Clutching two red Solo cups - one for each of us - she leaned back slightly. The evening had introduced many people to our small apartment, some familiar with my increasingly strange behavior in recent weeks, while others were new faces. However, I felt my alcohol levels were low enough to ensure I could return home comfortably once the night was over.

Cheetah and Lex had invited both Lexi and me to celebrate the victory and Lexi’s vindication, as she had just secured her spot on the university's gymnastics team. Since Lex and I were close buddies with our senior year pending, we were considering sharing living quarters following the completion of Cheetah's studies.

"Do I pass your assessment?" I grinned.

She responded with a smirk, "Just a bit of dirt spoiled your outfit. If you'll lead me through washing it, I'll tidy it up and return it."

"Ah, but if you clean it, would you share it with me?"

"Sure, clean it by me, I'll help," she giggled.

As the party raged on, we both sat in quiet contrast to the chaos around us. I'd been teasing Lexi for most of the day, sharing stories and other information about her life with my teammates, and now guys like Chet had an opportunity to find out more about her as well.

Chet's eyes were fixated on Lexi's chest, yet he was too shy to open his mouth and speak. It was clear he fancied the young woman, and it was in everyone's best interests to let them get to know one another while I soldiered on with my plans in the background.

Ultimately, I had solved everyone's queries, and following a brief period of small talk, I persuaded Lexi to come to the couch. The majority of the audience had gone, and Chet had also vanished. There were a few other partners dispersed across the home, but they weren't paying any attention to us.

"You were better than passable," Lexi said. Her face was bright red, and her words were somewhat slurred. I ensured to keep her away from the rum and coke throughout the evening; she was already noticeably relaxed enough for my intentions.

"Was I?" I inquired. "How passable?"

"This passable," she replied, moving closer to kiss me. Her tongue tasted like Captain Morgan, which was not necessarily undesirable. I put my hand under her purple shirt and traced it on her flat stomach, and she moaned into my mouth. She reacted by pressing her hips down on my penis, which I'd been hard since she'd been perched on my knees.

"What do you mean?" I teased. She moaned happily, and I took the beverages from her hands and set them on the ground. Her hands now free, she used one to stroke my penis through my pants.

"I want this," she murmured in my ear.

My hand moved south from her stomach. I effortlessly slipped my hand beneath the waistband of her briefs and pushed her underwear to one side. I briefly questioned if she'd object, as we were on someone's sofa and there were people all around. However, I heard noises coming from different locations in the house, so I was fairly certain nobody was concerned with what we were doing. Lexi never raised an objection - she only moaned as I inserted a finger into her wetness.

"Typically, I'm all about giving a woman what she wants," I said. "But I want to play first this time."

Her head fell onto my shoulder. She continued to stroke my penis through my pants, but she was more focused on what I was doing to her at this point. She writhed on my legs as I inserted a finger in as deep as I could. Once it was soaked with her juices, I pulled it out and noisily licked it.

"You taste delicious," I remarked. Before she could respond, I submerged my hand back into her shorts. This time, I went straight for her clitoris. My strategy was simply to get her off as quickly as possible, preferably before the alcohol rendered her incapable of speech. I stroked it with two fingers, and supported this action by leaning forward and biting her nipple through her shirt. She began bucking and seizing on my knees within just a few seconds, although she made an effort to keep the noise down.

"Well done," I murmured in her ear as she rode the climax. When it was done, though, she made no response. I could sense her heavy breathing against my neck. "Just like a woman," I quipped, albeit unsure who would hear me.

My plan was to continue toying with her, but what transpired was actually satisfactory. I wanted to give her enough to temporarily satisfy her, yet leave her wanting more. I might have taken her back to my home and done whatever I wanted to her, but I didn't want this. Firstly, I prefer a woman to be conscious when I have sexual encounters with her, and secondly, fucking her at my house didn't assist my pledge task.

There was only one objective I could complete with Lexi, and with any luck, I would execute it in the early hours of the morning. I just hoped she remembered to wear her bikini.

She did. It was purple with black diagonals, and her breasts looked fantastic in it, bobbing just underneath the water as her swimming class went through its warm-ups.

She didn't notice me until I swam up behind her and pinched her buttocks beneath the water. She screamed and spun around furiously, punching me in the chest when I resurfaced.

"This is my course, Travis," she chastised, half-joking and half-serious. "You must behave."

"After last night, behaving is the last thing you'd want me to do." I didn't say it loudly enough for others to hear, but Lexi definitely detected it, and her eyes dropped.

"I don't recall much," she said. "I just know that upon waking up this morning, my body was as noisy as my head."

"You had a great deal to drink," I explained. "I drove you back to your dorm and had one of the RAs assist you to your bedroom. I would have gone upstairs with you, but I didn't want you to make use of me."

She laughed. "I probably wouldn't have taken advantage of anyone."

Uh-huh, she replied, rolling her eyes. Well, following your ballet performance earlier, I assumed you deserved something in return.

Well, I played the giver, whilst you were the recipient, I teased. Tsk, tsk, young lady.

Being older than most on campus had its perks. The majority of women found older men attractive, and many of the school's girls were at least four years younger than me. I enjoyed this dynamic and would often utilize it.

Hey, professor! someone from the other end of the pool shouted. We're all set now.

Lexi swam over and signaled for me to follow her. Ok, guys and gals, she said. This is Travis Temple. He's here to help me teach some special needs children how to swim. He'll start by assisting me in teaching the older special needs children first.

The mention of my name triggered a few giggles and some catcalls. I noticed one of the frat boys in the group. I couldn't remember his name, but he was also a sophomore, so he was likely unaware of our game. Alternatively, the secrecy of the frat could indicate he was running it, yet I wouldn't know.

Travis Temple, the frat boy declared. Did you really show off your dance moves last night, flipping and somersaulting and all that?

Well, I replied. It doesn't matter.

Who cares what matters! he responded, his accent thickening with every word.

Uh, the scoreboard, idiot, I offered.

This elicited more laughter, and Lexi broke it up before things escalated further. Okay, boys, put away the testosterone. As we discussed earlier, today's lesson is teaching water polo. However, you can't use freestyle, only backstroke, butterfly, or breaststroke. I'll be on this side of the pool working with Travis.

As she tossed a ball to the group, they became increasingly excited. We made our way to the other side of the pool.

I'll show you how we'll help the students float, Lexi said. Those with full arm functionality will hold on to the side, while we assist the ones without. However, for you, you'll need to support their entire body.

Hold them under their belly? I inquired, already delighted at the thought.

Exactly, she confirmed. First, I'll have you find your own buoyancy. She then began to gently move me through the water, her hand resting just above my chest. While moving me backward and forward, she explained when and where to place my hands. After that, you can practice on me.

Admittedly, my hips sunk a little more than I expected.

Oh? Lexi quizzed playfully, her sly grin hinting her response.

Sure, I acknowledged. My hip muscles are strong and rather heavy. I think I'd feel more supported if you... moved your hand just there, I suggested, pointing to the spot under my groin.

Much better, I agreed as I felt her wrist enveloping my erection.

Throughout the rest of the lesson, Lexi guided me through various techniques. She taught me how to assist students in doing the dog paddle and demonstrated a modified freestyle for those with less severe impairments. Throughout it all, her hand remained firmly in place, effectively stroking my engorged member.

"A significant part of the classes will be focused on learning how to float on your backs," she mentioned. "However, I'm not certain if now is the best time to demonstrate this," she added, clinching my cock one last time.

"This probably wouldn't be an excellent move, no," I responded. "I wouldn't want to disrupt all the boys over there," I said, pointing towards her class, which mainly consisted of players horsing around rather than participating in water polo.

She chuckled. "I'll demonstrate it on my back," she remarked, tumbling backward and submerging herself for a moment before ascending to the surface. "Your lower arm remains in the exact location, but the upper one can stretch across my back, just below my shoulder blades."

I followed her instructions. Her body was less dense and more streamlined than mine, thus I effortlessly had her floating atop the water in no time. My focus was on her breasts, which looked incredibly tempting in her bikini. They were primarily underwater, but her nipples – equally firm as my erection – protruded above the surface level.

"That's good," she stated. "With the female students, particularly the younger ones, we must avoid any unwanted touching. I'll be working with them as much as possible, but some of the lessons will have an excessive number of female students, so you'll have to assist. This stance will be the most effective for that, yet if you need to work with them on their stomachs, just put your upper hand either beneath their chests or about midway between their necks and sternums, whichever offers more support."

"Understood," I replied.

"Would you like to practice that immediately?"

I sighed. "I'll need to avert my eyes, though."

She snickered. "Ease up, Travis," she said. "My ass is nearly as spectacular as my breasts."

Lexi flipped over in the water, and I placed my hands accordingly. The lower hand was relatively simple, as I smoothly glided it across her thighs. I had some difficulty placing my upper hand, though. Placing it high on her stomach seemed to offer me the most leverage, but the back of my hand kept rubbing against her nipples. Despite the desire to grab and squeeze her tits vigorously, I strove to discover a useful approach that I could employ in class.

"The majority of girls in our classes won't be as endowed as I am, in case any of them are," she indicated. "Thus, this should match them well. However, for me, try it up here."

She submerged her face back into the water, and I relocated my hand up over her breasts and onto her upper chest. I sensed I was nearing strangling her, but my fingers spread out, enabling me to support her upper body while she went through a few leg kicks.

"There you go," she said. "Either arrangement will function."

"You know," I said, sliding my hand back down and cupping one of her breasts, "this would be considerably more comfortable if I could utilize the built-in handles."

She giggled as I engrossed myself in her breasts. With the right hand occupied, my left glided up over her pussy, which was still concealed by her bikini bottom. My thumb gently rubbed against her ass, and I utilized the other four fingers to massage her pussy lips and clit.

"Be cautious, Travis," she cautioned, but her voice conveyed her disapproval of me ceasing. "We do have an audience."

"They're your students, right?" I inquired. "So let them take notes."

Nonetheless, I continued my activities underwater, and she arched her back slightly to assist with this. I drew her bikini bottom to the side so I could rub her pussy directly. She was thoroughly drenched, and much of it was unrelated to the pool. When I inserted my middle finger between her lips, she moaned softly.

"You're wonderfully skilled with your hands," she praised.

"That's beneficial," I said. "Since I've heard that's my weakest asset."

I pushed down on her legs until she was once more vertical in the water, then hugged her tightly. This upcoming action would be problematic. The guidelines mandated that I must penetrate her during the lesson. It didn't specify that I had to cum or that it had to be more than one stroke. We could always conclude the deed privately later, yet I had to at the very least enter her before the class ended. Therefore, I submerged myself further in the water until the head of my cock was aligned with her entrance.

"Lexi, we can't do this here," she announced, gesturing toward the noisy group of students. Regardless of any other circumstances, I'd agree with her, but since I felt compelled to do it here, I sank deeper in the water until the tip of my cock touched her opening.

"Don't tell me you don't want me to," I said. She blushed deeply and her breathing quickened from my attention on her. Her eyes locked onto mine, and I knew she wouldn't object. I gently lifted her and she moved down onto my penis. She didn't hug me tightly around the neck, as that would have been too obvious, but it was impossible to fit a paper clip between us.

She gasped in pain when the last part entered her.

"So you've never done this before?" I questioned.

"That's not what I said," she clarified. "Just never done it in front of others."

"Then be quiet," I issued.

We were unable to satisfy our desires enough, but as I had her in this position and we hadn't been discovered yet, there was no need to rush. I lifted her hips until I was almost fully out, and then allowed her to slide back down at her own speed.

"This is my first time," I announced. "Not in front of others, but in a pool."

"And?" she inquired.

"And you feel amazing," I declared. I ached to kiss her, but since everything above us seemed PG, I abstained.

We repeated the movement a few more times before we were abruptly disrupted.

"What the hell man!" one of the students yelled. It was the fraternity brother who had challenged me for my gymnastics display during the class's beginning. "Be careful with your shoulder, Jason!"

The tension shattered, I quickly submerged myself underwater, removing myself from Lexi's tight vagina. I arranged my swimsuit and afterwards resurfaced, gulping down air. When Lexi came back, she had an odd gleam in her green eyes.

"The students are done in about two minutes," she informed me. "That's how long you've got to sneak into the teachers' locker room at the end of the hall. It will be empty."

I gave no response to her. I promptly exited the pool and grabbed my bag, heading down the hallway. Though a class was in session, the hallway was void of people, and the door to the teachers' locker room was unlocked.

As predicted by Lexi, it was roomier than the others, but had a similar layout — a row of benches in the middle with about 20 or 30 lockers on either edge. In the back corner was the shower area, and in the other was the bathrooms.

I heard a soft rumble in the hallway as the students left the pool and headed to their own locker rooms to shower and dress, and a few moments later, Lexi walked in and shut the door. She hadn't dried off and swiftly removed her bikini top when the door closed.

"Come here," I growled, directing a powerful kiss on her. Her hands tore at my swimsuit, and I felt it pool at my ankles shortly after. Her nipples grazed my chest as I kept her close, and my cock pressed into her belly. Removing the string around her waist, I released her to watch her descend to the floor alongside her top and bottom.

"Kick the swimsuit off so I can kneel on it," she instructed.

"No," I answered. "The suit's off, but the events in the pool didn't completely address my needs. I want to continue from where we left off."

"Okay, you choose what, I choose how," she joked. "Lie down on the bench."

I did, and she quickly mounted me with her back facing me. She was snug but so wet that she plunged all the way down almost immediately.

"Fuck, that feels deep," she exclaimed. She anchored her feet on the floor on either side of the bench, and I held her hips as she moved back and forth on my penis. With her rhythm established, I released my grip and smacked her buttocks, taking delight in the way her skin still undulated slightly with each smack.

"Turn around," I urged after a minute.

"Happy to let you spank my ass?" she teased. I responded with another two whacks, and earned a moan from my actions.

"Not even close," I confessed. "Simply enjoy rubbing your clit and causing you to cum while you're fucking me."

Understanding what she wanted, this made sense to her as she demonstrated her agility by lifting her legs and turning around my penis without ever taking it out of her. She resumed bouncing up and down immediately, causing her breasts to swing in my face. So, I latched onto a nipple with my teeth while I stimulated her clitoris with two fingers.

"Fuck," she gasped. "About to make me cum."

About to say something to urge her further, she unexpectedly reached her climax. She looked up at me and I pulled her towards me as she shrieked. The remaining outbursts died against my shoulder. She continued to grind her hips up and down quickly while sprawled against me and I kept massaging her clitoris even though my fingers were in awkward positions. Eventually, I had to withdraw.

"Attempting to summon campus police on us?" I inquired when she eventually looked up at me.

"Pardon me," she apologized. "Caught me off guard."

"Me too," I replied. I guided her to her feet and unlocked the top shelves. "Hold on."

She leaned over and placed her palms on the bottom shelf's edge, gazing over her shoulder at me.

"What are you going to do with that?"

"Don't know," I joked. She separated her legs apart slightly, revealing her vagina to me as I grabbed her hips. "But I believe you're going to love it."

Using these words, I plunged my penis deep within her. She nearly screamed at the penetration, but managed to hold back, releasing an elongated, high-pitched wail instead. She wasted no time twitching her hips and fingering her clitoris while continuing to support herself with one hand on the locker's edge. She was having difficulty due to the unusual angle; I needed to bend my knees significantly to force my penis into her. Still, I persevered and she was rocking her hips quickly, prompting another orgasm.

I may have finished, but I wanted to fuck her a few more times before calling it a day. I pushed a bench closer to me and climbed onto it.

"Hoping you're as strong as you seemed to be in the pool," I commented.

"Why?" she asked, looking back at me. "What are you about to do with it?"

"Around here, perhaps?"

She spread her legs a bit wider, presenting herself to me, and my grip on her hips tightened. I held her legs in my arms and took a peek at her rear in hopes of better observing her breasts swinging during this position.

"Be careful," she cautioned. "You don't wanna drop me."

"Got you," I reassured her. "But you better hold on a bit over there."

She pushed her forearms under her chest and tightened her grip on the locker's edge with one hand, while she braced herself with the other hand for support. I resumed thrusting into her as she gripped the edge of the locker. Due to the height of the bench, she was thrusting her pussy up at the perfect angle for entry.

"Holy shit," she sighed. "You're really good at this."

"Maybe I've had some practice," I drawled. "You seem rather satisfying to conquer, objectively speaking."

Minutes later, she was approaching another climax.

"Jesus, Travis," she sighed. "This is...amazing."

"Your pussy is incredibly snug," I muttered back. It was true; of the three women I had conquered on my current sojourn, hers had offered the tightest embrace.

"Hard to top this," she murmured a few minutes later. "I typically require self-stimulation to reach orgasm, but--" her head lowered, and she uttered a moan into her palm while ecstasy overtook her.

My penis was on the verge of ejaculation, but it seemed rude to cum within her in this cramped space. Additionally, the room had become incredibly warm and we were both sweating profusely.

I pulled out of her and jumped down from the bench, gently lowering her to the ground. I spun her around and embraced her, then pushed her against the lockers. However, she seemed to understand my objective and planted one leg on the bench and raised the other to encircle my waist, allowing me to re-enter her.

She uttered a moan against my mouth as I penetrated her once more. Our lips were locked in a deep, wet kiss even while she spoke. It appeared that even with her orgasm, she was still clinging to me.

I desired to bring her to climax once more, but I could sense the train rapid approaching, and everything became hazy. I leaned forward and kissed her as I continued thrusting, and I somehow understood she was screaming into my lips, but nothing altered for me. My thighs were burning and my shoulders ached from bearing half her weight, however, I didn't care. I persisted ramming, and ultimately, I was prepared.

"Shit," I gasped as I separated my lips from hers. She promptly removed my erection from her vagina and began stroking me, and then the ejaculation happened. It flew onto her belly button, reached her upper abdomen, and finally impacted her breasts as she descended from the bench and oozed toward the floor. Once I was all discharged, she leaned against the lockers, and I landed on the bench.

"That was outstanding," she managed to utter between deep inhalations. That she could speak at all was due to her swimmer's stamina, and I could just offer a thumbs-up as a reply.

We stayed in our respective positions for at least five more minutes before I heard her shift.

"Let's exit," she stated. She helped me get up, permitting me to do little effort. "Let's take a shower."

In the shower, we engaged in a tad friskiness, with an areola squeeze here and a butt pinch there, but the sexual conduct ceased. I realized I had merely scratched her itch and had employed her to check off a box. It was only when we were dry and dressing that she initiated conversation again.

"Travis, that was surely the finest sex I've ever experienced," she professed.

I contemplated it for a bit. Undeniably, it was remarkable sex, but had I been truthful, I would have proclaimed that I found the close, playful bond I'd had with Taylor on the bus more desirable. However, this revelation shocked me, and undeniably, it showed on her face.

"Was it regrettable for you, huh?" Lexi inquired. Lexi still sported a smile, but she became slightly skittish. I broadcasted a grin of full wattage.

"No, no, Lexi," I replied. "Far from it, Lexi. It was strikingly splendid for me, too. It's just that I discerned a covert 'but' following your statement, and I was attempting to fathom what you might utter next."

It was an untruth, but I believed it was a plausible fib.

"Just to ensure it wasn't a fiasco for you," she asserted.

"If you're wondering if I want a romantic relationship with you, then nay, I don't," I retorted, and she glowed. "However, I'd be joyful to perform this with you again, but I have something different in mind."

"Genius," she exclaimed. "Do you imply that your proposal involves the guy who plays first base?"

We'd undertaken several things that could potentially have embarrassed her, including sexual activity within earshot of her class. But I'd never observed her redden this deeply before.

"How'd you perceive?" she questioned.

"More mature, remember?" I commented. "I've spent several years scrutinizing individuals, and I knew he fancied you, but my speculation was you might entertain him as well."

"It was how he centered his eyes on me," she said.

"You're into men drooling over your mammary glands?" I inquired, and we both laughed.

"Indeed," she replied. "However, it was when he scaled my face that he stared at me as if I were the most incredible woman he'd ever gazed upon. And after speaking with him at his house, it seemed to me he was captivated by more than just my appearance. That's disparate from most men, including you, pal," she stated, jabbing me in the chest.

"Rightly so, I get."

"I'm not irate," she remarked. "I'd not had my wild college one-night stand yet, and when we got grouped together in class, I thought if it was with you, I'd be fine with that. But long-term, of course, I'd like to encounter a man who stares at me in that way."

"He's the most reliable individual I've run across," I said as we exited the building into an unequipped corridor. "Yet I can almost ensure he won't ask out."

"No," she said. "I'll concoct something."

Once you begin dating him, you must comprehend that this type of occurrence won't reoccur, I stated. "Even if things don't work out and you two part ways, I wouldn't inflict that on him."

"I get it," she replied. "However, despite enjoying myself recently, I genuinely wish to explore where it's headed with him."

"Congratulations," I said. We embraced at the gym's entrance. "Let me know if you require any assistance."

I anticipated this may well be the final time I witnessed Lexi, aside from our classwork, unless she commences a relationship with Chet.

Yeah. 0 successes out of 3 attempts.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de