Celebrity Sex Stories

The Story of a Servant

A young house servant obeys in an unexpected adaptation of Atwood's story.

May 19, 2024
30 min read
analnon-consensualanal sexmale subThe Houseboy's Talefemdommaledom
The Houseboy's Tale
The Houseboy's Tale

The Story of a Servant

In a parallel universe, Margaret Atwood's famous novel "The Handmaid's Tale" has a unique twist.

In this story, rare women who can bear children are called Wives, and they're encouraged to have sexual relations with their husbands – the Commanders. Instead of Handmaids, the role is taken up by young males and infertile women, known as houseboys and housegirls. This allows the Commanders to fulfill their carnal desires without getting distracted by producing more offspring with their Wives.

A word of caution: this story includes non-consensual intercourse, both male-to-male and female-to-male.

Early morning had just started to creep in when Matti, the houseboy, walked into the dining room, carrying a tray with fresh breakfast. The responsibility and submission he had to bear gave off a silent pressure, something Matti had grown accustomed to enduring.

Sitting at the head of the table, the house's owner and thus the Commander of this new law-bound society, Commander Roark, was a formidable figure. His presence exuded authority and maturity, while his wife, Evelyn, delicate yet cold, was a source of untiring expectations.

"Morning, Commander," Matti greeted softly, placing the tray on the table with practiced ease.

Commander Roark was preoccupied with his morning paper. Evelyn, however, scrutinized Matti's every move with precision.

"You're late," she chided, her voice sharp and cutting the silence like a knife.

Matti flinched subtly. "Sorry, Ma'am. It won't happen again."

Evelyn watched with a chilling stare. "Make sure it doesn't."

Matti bowed his head, feeling the brunt of her disapproval. His next movement was to set the table, ensuring the Commander's coffee was brewed how he liked it – strong and without milk – and preparing his wife's tea to steep to a perfect golden-brown shade.

As Matti prepared to leave, Commander Roark raised his gaze to meet Matti's. "Stay."

Matti froze, his heart racing. "What is it, Commander?"

"The garden needs tending today. The roses are starting to wilt."

"I'll take care of it, Commander."

"You'd better. I don't want my house to look unkempt."

Evelyn's voice resonated behind him. "And don't think you can afford mistakes."

Matti bowed his head. "I understand, Ma'am. I won't make any mistakes."

With that, Matti exited quickly, the weight of his task pressing down on his shoulders. After all, even the most serene garden posed a silent challenge, and for Matti, perfection was a necessity.

Under the beaming sun, Matti worked in the garden for several hours. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he cut carefully through the rose bushes, ensuring each cut was perfect to fulfil his owner's high standards.

Suddenly, Evelyn appeared behind him, the soft footsteps masked by the green lawn. "Those roses were a gift from the Commander," she said, her voice calm yet punctuated by possible danger. "Do you understand their importance?"

Matti straightened, turning to face her. "Yes, Ma'am. I'm being very careful."

Evelyn's eyes narrowed. "Careful isn't enough. They must be perfect."

Matti swallowed hard. "I understand, Ma'am. I'll make sure they're perfect."

Evelyn walked away, leaving Matti with an unsettling feeling. His life now depended on his undivided attention, and even the most serene environments could hide a world of danger.

"Oh, and one last thing," Evelyn added, as if it were an afterthought. "We're holding a ceremony tonight."

The sky was a smear of oranges and reds as Matti knocked gently on the study door. He awaited a lesion from within before entering.

Inside, Commander Roark sat behind his grand desk, surrounded by handwritten papers – strategies, plans and manuals for maintaining their society's control.

"Come in, boy," the Commander commanded, still not looking up from his paperwork.

Matti stepped forward, the fear tightening his chest. "Commander, you sent for me?"

Roark sipped his whiskey first, then raised his gaze to meet Matti's. "The Mistress of the House mentioned that you were incompatible this morning. Explain."

Matti's heart sank at the mention of his small mishap. "I was delayed in the kitchen, Commander. I promise it won't happen again."

"Don't you dare," Roark warned, his voice threatening. "Any disrespect towards my wife is disrespect towards me. Recall your position."

Matti nodded hurriedly. "Yes, sir. I understand."

Roark locked eyes with Matti, a hint of a smirk playing on his face.

"So, you were told we'd be performing the ceremony tonight? This will be your first time?"

A bright red blush spread across Matti's cheeks as he nodded, his voice barely a whisper. "Yes, sir."

"I see. Now get out of here."

Matti bowed and left the room, softly shutting the door behind him. The weight of Roark's words pressed on his shoulders, a constant reminder of his place in society.

Matti's humble, tiny room was a complete change from the grandeur of the rest of the house. The walls were barren, the shelves empty – just a single bed, a small dresser, and a simple chair. A dim lamp on the bedside table provided the only light, casting a faint shadow over the room. He sat on the edge of his bed, his heart thumping between dread and defeat. The air felt heavy, laden with the inevitability of the ceremony.

A gentle knock broke the silence, and with it, the entrance of the maid, Clara. She was in her mid-30s, her face displaying a professional disinterest. Her uniform was spotless and well-maintained, symbolizing the strict hierarchy in the household.

"It's time," she said in a neutral tone.

Matti nodded. He rose from the bed, his movements cautious, and exited into the hallway. The carpet muffled their footsteps as they journeyed towards the opulence of the rest of the home.

They reached the small antechamber next to the Commander and Mrs. Roark's bedroom. Here, final preparations were made. Clara signaled for Matti to stand beneath the brighter lighting in the center of the room. "Lift your tunic above your waist and stand still," she commanded, and he did so without hesitation.

Clara circled him, inspecting every part of his body for signs of disobedience, her expression unchanging. Satisfied, she headed over to a nearby cabinet and ret-re-rettriev-eed a bottle of lube. After inspecting it, she plucked out her fingers and coated them, before moving back to Matti.

"Spread your legs slightly and lean down."

Matti gasped as her fingers slipped inside his rectum, stretched wide by precedent. It was followed by a second finger... and then a third. Her movements were clinical, efficient, and unfeeling as she prepared him.

"You're ready," Clara stated, her voice unemotional, hiding any sympathy she felt for the boy.

She guided him to the door of the Commander and Mrs. Roark's bedroom,where she sent him to wait by the edge.

Matti knelt on the floor, his gaze averted as he waited. The room was scaled up in size, the giant bed demanding attention. The dimmed light cast eerie shadows, a stark contrast to Matti's solitary existence. His heart raced, each second a cruel eternity. The bed, the centerpiece of the event to follow, stared at him from a corner of his vision.

The Commander stood by the door. His personality was one of power and authority, mirrored in his well-maintained uniform. His presence filled the room. The Wife, draped in a regal robe, stood next to him. Her eyes seethed rage beneath a facade of elegance and tradition.

The Commander approached, his gaze unwavering. "Kneel here, with eyes down, and wait."

Matti obeyed, his knees pressed into the soft carpet, his body tense with anxiety. Before him, the ritual would occur, and he was but a silent participant in the degrading event to follow.

The bed, adorned in white linens, held center stage – a symbol of marital devotion distorted by darker intentions.

Differently, the servant Matti bowed, his stance of submissive obedience. Matti was fairly young, almost not an adult, with a slender, nearly delicate body. His expression was lowered, gaze fixed on the ground, looking for solace in its unyielding top. Clothed in a simple, plain, white cotton shirt, he seemed the personification of servitude, a living exhibition of the loss of personal freedom.

Evelyn proceeded first, her footsteps steady and well-measured. She eliminated her shoes, positioned herself on the bed, leaning back against the pillows, raising her dress along her legs, her limbs unwittingly spreading apart as she relaxed herself. Her vision never strayed from Matti as she invited him to join her. He adhered dogmatically, removing the cotton shirt and hanging it with caution, crawling onto the bed with grace typical of a well-prepared pet. As he lay down, his head in her lap, his frame trembled with a mix of anxiousness and acceptance, the bed chill seeping into his frame. Though it was his first posting, and Matti had not been subjected to the ceremony, he discerned what was to occur, the principal purpose in this fresh section of young lads such as him, and women who were underprivileged in either fertile or attractive.

Evelyn made the initial advance, her hands surprisingly gentle as she fixed Matti in the desired posture. He lay on his back, naked, legs spread, Matti's vulnerability strikingly visible. She cradled his head in her lap, her fingers moving through his hair in a false display of tenderness. Her touch felt clinical and detached, an opposing contrast to the intimacy of their positions.

The Commander watched, his eyes dark and unquestionable. Discarding his jacket, he relocated towards the foot of the bed, his hands already exploiting the fastenings of his trousers. The sound of the zipper slashing through the quietness was severe, sticking out. He proceeded to the bed, his steps objective, setting up himself in between the servant's legs.

"Elevate your knees, " Roark ordered sonorously, his assessment of Matti with unmistakable interest as he finished unbuttoning and removed his trousers, already aroused, smearing a sheen of baby oil onto his erect counterpart.

Evelyn's grip solidified, her fingers digging into the kid's scalp as she kept hold of him in position. Roark's hands wrapped around the servant's hips, his touch callous and controlling. Matti was suddenly aware of how risqué, naked he felt, his diminutive opening, the commander seemed too gigantic, certainly he wouldn't substantiate the opening.

"Relax your anus, " the older man growled, not awaiting acknowledgment before he started without delay, inserting Matti without any further prelude. Matti was unexpectedly conscious of how absorbed, powerless he had become, his systole contracted incorrectly as he perceived the older man invade his opening.

The Commander's stabs were synchronized, mechanical, each stroke a reminder of the control he wielded. The Wife's gaze stuck to the child's facial expression, her expression one of cold calculation. She mumbled soothing, fawning compliments, a twisted mockery of comfort, as the Commander continued his intrusion. Her fingers creeped out towards his jaw, her touch a striking contrast to the brutality he suffered.

As they coughed and bellowed, the sounds of their union: Roark's hurried breathing, the creak of the bed, the soft, moaning expulsions that Matti struggled to restrain. Each moment felt interminable, every instant a menagerie of subjugation and compliance.

"Acclimate to this, kid, this is your unique purpose now."

In the silence that persisted, Matti was dimly conscious of the Wife's breath quickening, her grip strengthening.

"Stronger, deeper" the Wife said, her voice a potpourri of excitement and ruthlessness. Matti knew envisioned that he'd obtain no solace from her; she begrudged the obsession her husband held for him.

When it was over, Roark retracted, his movements efficient, like he'd just completed a referred task. He remedied and straightened his trousers, his demeanor unchanged, as if how he'd just attended to his daily duties. The Wife separated the servant, her touch lingering for a moment longer before she too exited, her role in the ceremony over.

Matti remained in place, his body a canvas of submission and degradation. He curtained himself regarding the ceiling, his mind escaping to the sanctuary of its limitless expanse as he distanced himself from the vividness of his undoing. The servant remained, a mute spectator to the horrors of a universe where power and yielding intertwined in the cruelest of ceremonies.

At nights, Matti wasn't called; but on the next two evenings, he obeyed his Commander's summons. The manner was swift, harsh, and cold. After that, the man paid visits to his slave bi-weekly at most. His wife, silent and her husband not showing any kindness, was present on those dates. Each moment seemed to leave its own imprint on his skin, awakening his senses.

The daily routine took a pause when Evelyn, the Commander's wife, left for her sister's residence. The balance of domination and submission thinned, leaving Matti in a dull haze within the house. However, the chaos erupted once again when a note from Clara, the housekeeper, touched his hands. He stood in the Commander's study an hour later—a room commanding authority—stricken with fear and uncertainty. The air supported on leather and paper.

"Come nearer," the Commander commanded, colder than before.

Flushing, opting not to disobey, he neared the imposing figure. He stayed firm, without flourishing around, prioritizing simplicity.

"Stand here," he announced, his usual, coercive demeanor absent, leaving Matti perplexed.

Homes and rules, the Ceremony forbidden without the couple's presence, could he find rest in the chaos?

At her sister's house, Evelyn disappeared, leaving Matti behind for a squabble of memories and freedom. He closed his eyes to draw potential calm; he questioned whether the lack of them'd bring him peace. With Clara's request, he compromised, his body dilapidated, mind tripping on mattress spring.

The dark study was primarily different. After sliding the oak door open, he trembled at the Commander's separation from his wife. A sentient aura, Messrs. Roark examined him. His eyes darted, judging the silence differently. The Commander, his back facing him, irradiated the tension punctuated in the room.

Reluctantly, Matti stepped forward, raising his thoughts to the darkness.

"What do you want from me, sir?" He swallowed, readying himself for fresh punishment.

"You will undress fully here, and obey," the Commander responded monotonously.

The Commander's choices rattled his heart. The fingertips brushed the clothes—left without question. The leather of the sofa could feel his naked skin, shocking him. His humiliation and terror magnified by the adjacent walls of strength.

Aware of submission, he unclothed, leaving only his underwear; he gazed at the ceiling, eyes bewildered by the scene. His grumpy captor strode to him, the uniform's pants opening, exposing saber piercing his soul.

"Your back, reach it back," the Commander demanded, leaving him clumsy, obeying.

The room shrouded in stillness, Matti faced either direction, anxious. Forcing his back, he felt himself on the desk. His nerves exploded, and his lip bit. The Commander raised his knees and leaned over, sliding his member inside him; despite the hurt, desire heated his cheeks.

"Behind me, lie down; you'll feel my phallus's love in your sissy girl pussy," the Commander grunted, seeming to insult him.

His slit moistened, pain and pleasure merged. "Good-go—," he stifled the words tearing the lungs.

"It's your job," the Commander barked, shameless in his infliction and hatred.

Cluster bombing his nerve endings, he obeyed. Drugged and heartened, each entry went deeper, eroding his sanity.

  • [Request]: Paraphrase this text:

Matti wasn't called the next night, but he was for two nights running thereafter, then once every two or three days. Every time the same, the brusque manner of both the Commander and his wife. Her silently resentful, he driven by pure lust.

[Response]: The second night, Matti was summoned, then again. These events continued after that; the third time, every few days. Always, the stern, caustic demeanor of the Commander and his wife. Silently, she detested him; a simple fact, the Commander's pure lust.

Whatever routine followed the nights, it shattered into pieces once her trip began. She'd just departed for a month, leaving him to empty house sleep; this before any labor troubled him.

One evening, in stark contrast to autumn's short days, the week when her absence was definitely not new, thus four days beyond her journey. Amanda sought Matti in his task to relay a message. A chilling atmosphere of anticipation rolled through her words. Her voice lacked aggression, but its presence carried obligation.

The irregular structure led to the study—room of darkness, furniture holding force. The lamp lit the table, bleeding moonlight through the shifted air. The smell was of leather and felt, causing a contrast signifying charged anticipation.

Matti steadied, entering freely; the door behind him—locked tight. There was silence, mysteries only Matti could comprehend. Her eyes rested on him, a cold continuation of the white sheets.

The Commander, high up at the desk, didn't engage Mr. Roark in dialogue. The silence deafening, silence of another unknown game. Emotions, a possibility Matti knew not to expect. Matti had never challenged the hushed orders.

The Commander stood, once the force of chair rest disappeared. What his hand concealed, Matti couldn't say. He stepped, creeping forth in zombie-like motions. The hallow command appeared.

"On your knees, obey my desire."

The order sent tingles down Matti's spine. Without an objection, he decided to follow her desires. Adjusting his stance, his nakedness became clear, cold air triggering shivers.

Equally naked, the Commander impassively approached. The first pause caught him; his chest a mess of battlefield accounts. Intertwined, surrender was her message, surely, but would it be today? He bore her anger, a subtle source.

Steadfast, she circled, her shadows looming over him before safely tucking her hands in her skirt, combined with the backdrop of leather's pieces. Ar-rival a force himself, leaving him breathless. The licks of fire inflamed his cheeks, the unclothed expanse chilled him.

The heavy pressure from before disappeared; the angle changed. Her fingers symphonized, running a dance through teasing her only audience. A foot working the hardened path toward his pussy. Her jealousy, wildflower in summer, was what they found.

Matti could sense his penis stiffening without his control, resulting in even more embarrassment in his situation. He wished the commander would ignore it, or maybe not even care. But all the commander concentrated on was his own enjoyment, utilizing Matti's body with surprising efficiency.

"Wow, what a small pussy," the commander muttered, tightening his grip on Matti's hips. "You were made for this, weren't you?"

Matti shut his eyes, attempting to endure, remain silent. The commander's pace became quicker, his breathing growing heavier. The desk creaked as their bodies collided in the room.

"Oh, such a good girl," the commander groaned once more, eyes closed, savoring the sensation of Matti's body.

Then with a cocky smirk, the commander reached between them, seizing the slimmer, smoother genitalia of the young man. His grin widened as he began lightly stroking Matti's penis. "There it is, you like your daddy's cock in your beautiful cunt don't you?"

A sick sensation filled Matti, but he was turning red, so why was his body betraying him? For a time, the commander maintained his slow, regular pace, filling every inch of the boy, his boy, in their illegal relationship. Against his will, against any desire in his being, Matti noticed he was approaching climax, the commander's hand unrelentingly pushing Matti's penis. His master noticed, and all of a sudden, the man's hand dropped, gripping Matti's testicles, yanking harshly, twisting as Matti moaned in anguish, his approaching climax shattered instantly.

"No, orgasms are for daddy only."

A moan escaped Matti's lips, and he could do nothing more than whimper as Roark elevated his legs over his shoulders. No longer slow, but hard now, fast, just as deep, and filling every inch of his burning flesh.

With a final, deep thrust, the commander climaxed, depositing himself inside Matti. He remained stationary for a moment, his grip bruising, before finally removing himself. He casually fixed his trousers.

"Get dressed and leave," he ordered, his tone cold and dismissive. "And remember, you belong to me."

Matti slid off the desk, his legs wobbly, his body aching. He hastily dressed, his hands clumsily fumbling with his clothes. He dared not look at the commander, his gaze locked onto the floor as he left the office.

As he exited the office, the weight of his existence bore down on him, a crushing force. The commander's words reverberated in his mind, a grim reminder of his role in this oppressive world. Still, in his darkest moments, a spark of defiance lingered stubbornly, refusing to be completely extinguished.

For 2 days, the commander scarcely even noticed Matti's presence, these intriguing events having been shrouded in secrecy. The small, sparsely-furnished bedroom felt even more confined than normal while Matti lay on the bed, attempting to settle his rapid heart rate. The tranquil sleeping nights now seemed distant memories. A gentle knock on the door signaled the arrival of the maid, Clara, her expression as unreadable as ever.

"The commander wants to see you," she said apathetically.

Matti nodded, arising and following her down the dim hallway. His mind raced with a combination of fear and resignation. He knew Evelyn wasn't home, and the commander's summons filled him with terror. He could only imagine what was about to happen.

As they reached the commander's bedroom, Clara pushed the door open and motioned for Matti to walk in. He entered, his eyes quickly focusing on the considerable figure of the commander, standing by the gigantic, opulent bed.

"Come near me," the commander directed, his voice vicious.

Matti obeyed, his feet moving uncertainly. The commander's gaze was intense, filled with a predatory air that made Matti's skin crawl. He experienced a shiver of dread as the commander approached, his presence overwhelming.

"Take your clothes off," the commander commanded.

Matti's fingers trembled as he removed his clothes, the humiliation of his exposure settling upon him like a heavy shroud. He organized his belongings neatly, placing them on the nearby dresser, and stood nude before the commander, his eyes cast down.

The commander approached, lifting Matti's chin to force him to look into his eyes. "Good," he sneered, his voice dripping with scorn. "Now we begin."

Matti was pushed onto the bed, gentle softness beneath him contrasting sharply with the hard, unforgiving punishments he knew were to come. Plush materials failed to hide the harshness he was about to experience. The Commander's large hands grasped his shoulders, their roughness juxtaposed with the luxurious surroundings. Matti felt his wrists being secured and tied to the bedposts.

"Stay still," ordered the Commander, his voice unyielding, leaving no room for argument. Matti, his body shaking with fear and anticipation, obeyed.

The Commander stood behind him, and their heating bodies collided as he prepared to punish him. The first stroke of the whip stung painfully, radiating through his body. He bit down on his lip to muffle any sounds that might encourage further punishment. Matti feared that his cries would only egg the commander on.

The whipping continued, each hit placed with precision and deliberation. The physical pain was excruciating, but the psychological torment was even greater. Matti felt the Commander's dominance gnawing away at his self-worth.

Eventually, the flogging stopped. Matti's body was screaming with hurt, his skin on fire where the whip had struck. He had barely a moment to recover before he was once again forced onto his back.

"Turn over," the Commander directed, unraveling the rope that had bound Matti's wrists.

Submissively, Matti complied, his wrists now free but his will still bound. The Commander, naked and cold compared to the heated skin of his victim, tied his wrists above his head, keeping him locked into the bedposts. Feeling completely exposed, vulnerable beyond the physical, Matti's spirit fought to hang on to the last fragment of independence.

"Accept everything I give you," the Commander demanded, the Command's voice low and lethal.

Ripping his gaze off the ceiling, Matti met the Commander's relentless stare. He could only nod, his body unable to speak. The commander's advances were relentless, exploiting his vulnerability without mercy.

As he abused Matti's body, the Commander spiraled deeper into his monstrous nature, only growing more intense with each thrust. "You're such a tight little cunt," the Commander growled, his grip on Matti's hips bruising with the force. "You were made to take it."

Matti's breath hitched, his body now a mess of humiliation and unwelcome arousal. Fighting the urge to cry out, Matti focused on detaching himself from the horrors that were taking place. The Commander enjoyed his victim's suffering, his touch reinforcing his dominance.

Time seemed to stretch on, hours and hours of torment. The Commander changed up his approaches, each one more offensive than the last. Yet, deep down, a flicker of rebellion still burned. Escape or death seemed the only two options, but Matti endured.

After what seemed like an age, the Commander finally stepped back. His face was set, his eyes snapping dangerously. "You belong to me," he stated, deeming the discussion concluded.

Matti nodded, his body numb. The Commander untied his wrists, bearing witness to the physical damage done to Matti's body. Aware of the permanency of what had taken place, Alfred Harper's violent words echoed in his mind. Matti dressed slowly so as to somehow keep the scene from returning too quickly.

Enduring was the only course of action. His inner defiance never fully extinguished, Matti made it his mission to get through the nightmare unbroken. Still, fear was a constant companion. When Evelyn's return heralded a return to routine and the general neglect of Matti, he silently longed for escape.

Finally, on a busier night with the Commander caught up in a Ceremony, Matti's escape plan was put in motion. Using his chance to sneak out of the building and into the city for supplies, he made his way to the woods. Reaching a makeshift dwelling hidden deep in the thick forest foliage, Matti found an entirely different environment.

Boundlessly free, the woods seemed to drape their arms around him, promising safety he'd never known in the house. "I'll endure what I need to, just long enough to escape," he decided.

Matti spent each day scouring the forest, stockpiling enough supplies to make a desperate break. Finally, when he'd gathered enough, he prepared to risk the Commander's wrath. He'd timed his exile to coincide with the older man's travels. While the Commander was gone, he would flee. Days later, Matti snuck his way out.

The road to freedom was treacherous, but Matti was certain. The sunlight, alien to his recent days of darkness and pain, beckoned him forward.

Months faded as Matti wandered the wilderness, his spirit strengthening with each step. His rebellion, kept hidden and beaten down, sharpened with every day of solitude. Headstrong in his plan, Matti would make a name for himself.

Before his temporary exile, Matti's mind had filled with dreams of escape. With careful consideration and determination, these dreams would be made reality.

On the designated day, Matti reported early to the designated room in the basement of the property. This room, purposely set up for such occasions, was a chilly and austere space at the rear end of the household. It was a far cry from the ostentatious decadence of the rest of the dwelling. The examining room only had the fundamental requirements: an examination table, a few medical tools, and severe fluorescent lights that illuminated every corner. The room's clinical and sterile aura was a stark change from the excessiveness of the rest of the residence.

Matti stood anxiously next to the examination table, his hands clasped in front of him, waiting for the arrival of the doctor. His heart raced with a mixture of apprehension and acceptance, cognizant of the horrible experiences he was about to relive. He had experienced these tests in the past, and they were always humiliating and demeaning.

The door opened, and Dr. Harper entered, accompanied by Evelyn. The doctor was a man in his late fifties, sporting a few strands of grey hair at his temples, his manner professional but somewhat detached. He donned a lab coat, the pockets filled with various tools for the task at hand. Evelyn, attired in her usual impeccable fashion, entered with a cold air of dominance, her eyes fastened on Matti.

"Good evening, Mrs. Evelyn," Dr. Harper greeted her with a nod. "Shall we begin?"

Evelyn nodded curtly, her unwavering gaze remaining on Matti. "Proceed, Doctor. I trust you'll be meticulous."

"Certainly," Dr. Harper responded. He turned to Matti, his unreadable expression not betraying any emotion. "Take off your clothes and lie down on the table, please."

Matti followed the instructions silently, his trembling hands taking off his garments. He folded them neatly before getting onto the examination table. He lay back, the cold surface causing him to shiver. He was left feeling completely defenseless under the glaring lights, his vulnerability laid bare.

The doctor started with a routine physical examination, his hands moving methodically as he checked Matti's body. He checked his pulse rate, listened to his heartbeat, and examined his abdomen. Matti tried to disassociate, gazing at the ceiling, trying to resist the intrusion of the physician’s hands.

Evelyn stood by the table, her somber expression unyielding. She watched every movement, her eyes penetrating and authoritative. Her commanding presence was a persistent reminder of the dynamic power structure, her silent authority emphasizing Matti's total subjugation.

As Dr. Harper's examination progressed, it became more invasive. He inspected Matti's penis, prodding it with a clinical demeanor, looking for any indications of ailments or injury. His touch was business-like, yet the examination elicited deep discomfort. Evelyn's gaze didn't waver, her eyes frozen, assessing Matti's value.

"All appears normal here," Dr. Harper said magnanimously, his voice showing no emotion. He moved further south, spreading Matti's thighs with calculated precision, his fingers invading Matti's anal cavity. "Relax," he said, his tone devoid of empathy. "I need to ensure everything is in order."

Matti struggled to comply, his body shaking as Dr. Harper's fingers explored within him. The invasion was comprehensive and invasive, the doctor's hands prodding thoroughly to confirm Matti's aptitude to continue services. Matti's breath halted, his hands gripping onto the table edges as he endured the intrusion.

"I see no irregularities here either," Dr. Harper affirmed, removing his gloves. "No indication of harm or illness."

Evelyn's expression remained unaltered, her eyes cold and calculating. "Then he's fit for continued service?"

"Yes, Mrs. Evelyn," Dr. Harper affirmed, disposing of the used gloves. "He's in fine health and suitable for service."

"Excellent," Evelyn pronounced, her tone frigid. She turned her attention to Matti, still kneeling on the table, his body shuddering with a mixture of relief and residual embarrassment. "Dress yourself and resume your duties."

Matti clambered off the table, his legs shaky. He hastily dressed, his fingers fumbling with the buttons and zips. He kept his eyes glued to the floor, avoiding the looks of both the doctor and Evelyn. He felt a combination of embarrassment and relief, the examination a reminding spark of the lack of his autonomy.

As he exited the room, Evelyn's voice rang through the air, a chilling edict. "Remember, Matti, your body doesn't belong to you. It belongs to us, and you will submit to any tasks demanded of you."

Matti nodded silently, his spirit a little bruised but not completely shattered. He returned to his duties, the awareness of his subservience weighing heavily on his shoulders, as an ember of rebellion still smoldered within him.

Some time later, the Commander left, and Matti was called once more to meet with one of the home's leaders in a private room, violating all decency standards as well as legal protocols. His footsteps echoed in the silent corridor as he hastened towards the familiar room, this time hailed by Evelyn. His actions were cautious, the anticipation of what awaited him causing a shiver to run down his spine. Absence of the Commander only increased the tension in the room, resulting in an eerie hush left in his wake.

As he reached Evelyn's door, he paused, his hand hovering above the glossy wood. He'd known better than to hesitate, but something about this summons felt different, charged with a vigorous energy beneath the surface. Taking a deep breath, he tapped, and at a muffled request, he pried the door open and entered.

Evelyn sat in a comfy armchair by the window, her posture stiff and her expression unclear. The room was illuminated softly by candles, casting long shadows across the fashionable furnishings. The atmosphere was filled with an unsettling tension, an unspoken pressure that was heavy between them.

"Close the door," Evelyn instructed, her voice cutting through the silence like a knife.

Matti obeyed, slamming the door shut with a soft thud. He stood in front of her, his eyes focused on the ground, waiting for her subsequent order.

"You're aware of why you're here," Evelyn stated, her tone chilly and clipped. "Since the Commander is absent, his presence still looms like a shadow."

Matti nodded silently, his heart racing. Even though he wasn't actually aware, he was familiar with avoiding responses unless ordered.

"I become weary of his passion for you," Evelyn continued, brimming with resentment. "I tire of being a passive bystander during our ceremony, made to watch as he takes what he fancies from you while I am disregarded."

Matti drew in a breath, a knot forming in his stomach. He knew not to meet her gaze, aware of the intensity of her anger.

"But other Wives use their houseboys," Evelyn said, her voice hushed but intense. "They discover ways to fulfill their demands, to impose their dominance. And so shall I."

Matti's breath formed into a single utterance, terror and anticipation coursing through him. He'd heard stories of other Wives asserting control, using their houseboys for their own pleasure. The notion of Evelyn speaking about it so candidly left him shaking.

"You are mine, Matti," Evelyn stated, her voice soft but affirmative. "You will serve me this night, Matti. You'll fulfill my desires, just like the Commander does."

Evelyn's gestures were slow and deliberate as she prepared herself. She took off her dress in a ritualistic grace, revealing the slender, toned lines of her physique. She approached a small cabinet at the foot of the bed, retrieving the object that would lead the night's proceedings: a silicone dildo strap-on, sleek and foreboding in its design.

She turned to the boy, not shying away or telling him to look another way as she finished undressing. First, she removed her bra, her breasts tiny, the nipples already stiffening because of the cool air and her anticipation. Then, she took off her knickers, the delicate lace falling down her slender legs. Like Matti, she remained bare, her genitals shaved, her vagina split by a deep groove, the delicate inner parts of her sex covered from view. She bent a knee, parted her labia with her other hand, and attached the counterfeit penis inside of herself with effortless skill, the silicone of the dildo fusing against her flesh. The apparatus was intended for her gratification as much as for his enslavement, and the notion sent a thrill through her. She turned towards Matti, her gaze icy and unrelenting.

"Get on the bed," she ordered, her voice cool and authoritative.

Matti followed without delay, effortlessly flipping over. He landed on the soft mattress, his hands and knees resting in it, his back arching slightly as he positioned himself. The vulnerability of his posture was evident, evidence of his total subjection.

Evelyn got onto the bed behind him, putting a small jar of lubricant on the bedsheet beside him.

"Readiness, my dear," she commanded. Grinning when he became flustered and awkwardly unscrewed the cap, coated two of his fingers, and then awkwardly patted his belly and around his genitals, brushing against himself while keeping his gaze away from her. She watched intently as he found his opening and gently brushed it, kneading the oil into the taut opening.

Evelyn admired the show, keeping her eyes fixed on him while her fingers trailed over his hips, then slid down to cup and squeeze his bottom like pearls. When he hesitantly removed his fingers, she angled the feelfuck toward his enlarged rectum and pressed it gently against it. She lost herself momentarily considering the power, the total control she had over his body and mind right then. She held back, needing some more of his surrender before she completely dominated him.

"Spread," she remarked in a dictatorial tone. He immediately angled his body down, taking his bottom in his hands and parting his cheeks displaying his secret lover. Offered without words, she guided the feelfuck into him, stretching him out with one hand and steadying it with the other until he was fully inside. He gasped a bit as the notion of his surrender and the mere thought of the humiliation wracked through his body. His fists clenched as he winced unpleasantly and in a desperate bid to keep quiet.

Evelyn's grip on him tightened, ensnaring him securely. She flicked her hips, creating slow thrusts, testing the ground, and then accelerating to an intense rhythm. Each thrust a validation of her dominance, a tormenting reminder of his location in her world.

His breath became erratic, short gasps rushing to fill his lungs. The pleasant feelings made his heart race, something that caused him to fight his subjugation. His eyes closed, trying to enter an imagined darkness and block out the discomfort created by the reality of this circumstance.

Evelyn's speed increased, her breathing increasing in pace. She enjoyed the supreme control over him, his body parting before her like water. Her hand drifted to his back, her fingernails scattering across it as she dug in, pushing him further down. Her chest pinned to his back, her lips hot on his ear, she whispered, "You belong to me, Matti. Never think otherwise."

The words struck him deep, twisting his insides as he knew he was at her mercy. He nodded weakly, stomach roiling with trepidation and fear. Evelyn's thrusting grew more ferocious, his body lurching in response to her fiery pace. His shaft swung back and forth between his legs, a silent admission of pleasure despite his will. A subtle trail of pre-cum dripped down, staining the sheets.

At her moment of climax, she eased, her entire body rigid, only to slacken and shudder, before returning to a calm, impassive state. "Tidy the bedsheets," she said, the emotionless tone of her voice plain as day. She left the room to uncover a nightgown, a smooth maroon thing that seemed to flow from her body, covering her nudity without concealing its presence. She looked at him for a moment longer, a small smile tugging at the edges of her mouth.

Matti waited a few before he made his way to his feet, his hands busying themselves arranging the bedsheets to mask away their tryst. He understood the challenge, his duty was clear, and his role in the twisted social order was solidified.

Evelyn never broke from her calm demeanor as she watched him, satisfied in her victory, a content satan.

For the past few weeks, Evelyn hadn't made any requests for Matti to join her in her bed chamber. The environment in their home had transformed into a state of tension and unsaid words. While the Commander was away for work frequently, Evelyn still hadn't called for the boy. After their unlawful encounter, Matti obeyed Evelyn for three straight nights before the Commander's arrival, signifying the end of their get-togethers and a return to their usual routine of servitude. These days rolled by, leaving Evelyn and Matti with the traces of their most recent feverish meeting.

Nonetheless, this evening felt different. The Commander had been absent for nearly two weeks, allowing a dissimilar stress to develop between Evelyn and Matti. While Evelyn occupied her evenings in her study, sipping a glass of wine and gazing into the blackness outside, overcome by a search for something just out of reach.

Matti, unable to shake the remnants of this duration, wholeheartedly dedicated himself to his responsibilities. However, his thoughts became unsettled whenever he believed the Commander would return. He was tending to laundry when Clara, the chief housekeeper, knocked on the door of the servant's quarters.

"Miss Evelyn requests your presence in her study," Clara relayed with an even voice, leaving Matti unable to conceal his anxiety.

Matti nodded, journeying to the room. He knocked politely on the door.

"Enter," Evelyn's voice echoed.

Matti entered and closed the door gently behind him, meeting Evelyn's gaze that had a hint of disquiet.

"Matti," she said calmly, her tone not hostile. "Come closer."

He obliged, folding his hands in front of him. "Why did you send for me, Miss?"

"I expected this moment would eventually arrive," Evelyn disclosed, gesturing to a chair for Matti to sit.

Matti assumed his position across from Evelyn, awaiting directions. "What do you need from me? What do you want from… us?"

"I desire control," Evelyn disclosed, "Control over my life, cravings, and indeed you. But there's more. I require understanding that I can be more than solely a participant in my life."

"I understand, Miss," Matti agreed, "What do you request of me?"

Evelyn's gaze softened slightly, but only in brief. "I need you to be mine, Matti. I require you to assist me in reclaiming command in this house, in our predicament we've been dragged into. Can you carry out this task?"

"Indeed, Miss," Matti retorted, "I'm here to help you. I want to be with you."

Sudden silence pervaded between them, teeming with unspoken guarantees and the weight of their similar experiences. Evelyn rose with measured movements and walked towards Matti. Her fingers lightly glided against his cheek.

"You've consistently been a perfect boy for me, Matti," she remarked tenderly. "Obeyed each order, so eager to please. I need to see that you trust me tonight."

"I'm putting my alliance in you, Mistress," he announced, sincerely meeting her gaze.

Evelyn's countenance adopted an air of firmness and unresolved angst. "Follow me," she requested, guiding him to her bedroom. The setting was lit by candles, involuntary exuding a warm radiance; the air permeated with the scent of jasmine. Evelyn stood and examined Matti, her expression showing clarity and unresolved apprehension.

"Tonight, I want us to revise the true meaning of this entire relationship," she shared, her tone composed but far from warmhearted. "I want to regain our closeness on my terms."

Matti momentarily paused, looking at Evelyn and comprehending the seriousness of the situation, only to affirm his readiness. "I'm yours, Mistress. Whatever you command."

Evelyn approached and removed Matti's clothing, methodically undressing him. The sense of tension, familiar to the situation, loitered in the air as she removed her bra and underwear, standing before him bare. She then beckoned him to lie down.

Matti obeyed, lying flat on the bed, bending his legs to bring his knees towards his chest. Evelyn positioned herself between his legs, not taking her eyes off his. She reached for a feeldoe and carefully lubed it before inserting one end into herself. The other end she pointed towards his anus.

"Are you ready, Matti?" she asked, her tone sounding more like an order than a question.

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied, his voice wavering between fear and excitement.

Evelyn held the lubed feeldoe close to Matti's anus, then slowly pushed it inside him. He tensed at the sensation but managed to relax, letting her guide the toy deeper.

"Great job, Matti," she remarked, her tone smug and slightly harsh. "You're doing well."

"Thank you, Ma'am," he uttered, his voice shaky from pleasure.

Evelyn began to rock her hips back and forth, causing the toy to slide within him. She observed his reactions and saw the pleasure in his eyes. She occupied his body more firmly, increasing her movements.

"Do you enjoy this, Matti?" she inquired, her tone soft yet commanding.

"Yes, Ma'am," he gasped, his body creating rhythmic movements in sync with hers. "It feels...good."

Evelyn's posture transformed into a fierce one, her legs spread a bit apart to give her more control. Her motions became more intense, driving the toy deeper within him. She hovered her breasts above his face and avoided eye contact.

"Keep in mind, you are mine," she stated, her voice loaded with possessiveness.

"Yes, Ma'am," he managed, his breath catching as his body twitched in awe.

She thrust the toy towards his open hole with more intensity. He screamed in unison, his hands clenching the sheets. She stared at his face, watching his eyes flutter closed while his lips parted to whisper a soft moan. Evelyn's breasts jiggled above his face, persuading him to suckle on her proud nipples.

"Don't forget, I am your superior," she informed him, her voice turning harsh once again.

"Yes, Ma'am," he gasped, his hips mimicking her movements.

Using her entire body to impose her dominance, Evelyn increased her pace, pushing the toy fully into his body. Matti cried out with delight, bearing the fervency of her moves. She dipped her chest towards him and slid her wet nipple into his mouth, moaning in satisfaction as his lips circled around it.

"Stay in mind, I have control over you," she said, her voice eager.

"Yes, Ma'am!" he yelled, his palms clutching the sheet harder.

Both of them continued in this manner, feeling every moment of indulgence. Matti's body shook with waves of ecstasy, his breath shaky as he adjusted to the newfound sensations. Evelyn's thrusts became more frantic and her muscles tensed, her expressions hinting at the desperation to control him.

"Come for me, Matti," she whispered, her voice increasingly impatient and demanding.

"Yes, Ma'am," he shrieked, his grip understandably uncontrollable.

Receiving commencement signals from his body, Evelyn exerted increased control over him. With every applicable movement, she encouraged out the last drops that were ready to be released. The bump in his back made his buttocks escalate towards her, their refrains starting to sound like whispers.

"Matti, release," she growled, her voice guttural.

"Yes, Ma'am... Ma'am," he mumbled, his body convulsing with the pleasure.

As his motions ceased, Evelyn kept thrusting. Pushing against him, she immensely enjoyed the climax.

After comprehensively dominating him thus, she lay still on top of him, only on the verge of breathing. A shower of sweat drenched his cock and his anus. She waited till his eyes met hers, her own being filled with a mixture of satisfaction and safety.

In each other's comforting warmth, they both relaxed as the tension minimized, making room for the certainty. They unitedly conquered the intractabilities of their relationship, allowing each other to feel more powerful while uniting in the same space. In between their hugs, they searched for a sense of harmony, anticipating the challenges that the future might hold.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de