Gay Sex

The Top

I must reach a concluding verdict regarding my friend.

May 2, 2024
33 min read
publicgayanalOur Bestblowjobspankinggay male
Our Best
Our Best

The Top

The ruckus of various voices echoed in the air, akin to the hushed buzz of a factory. The warm, still evening offered a gentle breeze as an act of mercy against the stagnant air that would be problematic in the near future. Bracing myself, I slipped into my heavy graduation robes, dreading how they'd obscure the breeze from touching my skin.

As others dressed in their caps and gowns, they streamed past me through the parking lot, their collective destination being the school's football field; the site of this uncomfortable, obligatory event.

I gingerly fastened my tie, the stiff piece of cloth causing more irritation than I wished. I had never been a fan of such attire, preferring comfy, cloth items instead, like the ones my best friend Lee would often don. However, today required formalities, and Lee seemed to handle them with ease. His tall, muscular frame filled his dress shirts beautifully - something that made him a prime candidate for any modeling campaign.

Despite the excitement of venturing independently into the world, apprehensiveness perpetuated as I contemplated my unresolved future arrangements. My heart sunk as I realized how far behind Lee I seemed to be in this game we called "life." Despite my nervousness for the future, the thought of leaving behind the comforts of my parents' home was welcome. In the back of my head, I'd already started plotting my next action: finding a place of my own.

At that very moment, I found myself mulling over this inevitable scenario. Lee found work, a comfortable place to live in, and unexpectedly, money. Thus, he seemed to be in a desirable spot while I was on the verge of financial uncertainty and living arrangements - remembering the words of my father. He'd casually mentioned the upcoming payment of rent and my limited stay at home.

"Son, give me a hand with these graduation items." Mom's voice broke my internal ruminations, instantly inundating my thoughts with feelings of shame.

Pretending nonchalance, I shrugged. "It's not that big of a deal, Mom."

"Stop being so tense. You're so smart and handsome; I'm sure you'll have no issues finding work and a place of your own," she consoled.

I let out a mild huff. "I just...I'm nervous about what comes next. I don't want to go back to being a boy who obstinately refuses to grow up, even when suddenly instated with the responsibilities of an adult," I replied, tersely.

"Well, you could consider crashing with Lee," she laughed cheerily. "Staying with him might ease your concerns."

I stared at the reflection of my mother in the car, wide-eyed, before mustering the strength to reply to her proposal without revealing the unsettling truth. " best friend? The hot guy who makes me question who I am?"

"So you're telling me you'd rather couch surf with a hot guy instead of traipsing around, trying to find a new place and work? Then, again, what's to stop you? You're a fine man, you'll manage."

As I quietly accepted her reassurance, I couldn't help but reflect upon the shocking turns my friendship with Lee had taken. "Bitch", my thoughts twisted my perspective of Lee, shaping my desires from deeply embedded fraternal rivalries to pure lust and obsession.

Two months ago, I'd foolishly bet on a challenge, only to sit upon Lee's lap while teasing him about his sexuality. The brief moment of reciprocal smackdowns escalated into a shared bath and a raunchy encounter in my backyard. As the frequency of our sexual escapades increased, I succumbed to the shackles of humiliation and avarice. In the end, Lee conquered the arousal that entangled both of us, ruthlessly "raping" me in my own room at night. I was left to surrender to my new roles as his subservient follower and his devoted admirer.

Those essential memories replayed in my head with sheer lust. After their execution, I traced his arms along my body, the simple touches, as if featuring him in my rear end, adding to my reeling crush.

But there was hesitation. I was terrified of my stealthily ascending gay desires and the detachment to which I'd been clinging. I implied these longings to myself. He was my friend. Intering myself in this homosexual conundrum would barricade me off from becoming the middle-aged male that I once was. Just thinking of transforming my social status brought anxiety and dread. I'd fallen hard for Lee and disassociating from my competition with him became problematic. I just wanted to become his.

Although he kept asking me to make it official and be his boyfriend, I kept insisting that I needed some time to think it over. Even when he sent me multiple pictures of his naked body, showing off his muscular butt and large, veiny penis, all lying provocatively against his thigh, I told him I would decide after graduation.

I couldn't help but masturbate whenever I received one of his pictures, and eventually, he convinced me to send him my own naked photos – usually of my ass in submissive poses, which only made me crave him more. It seemed like he was getting impatient with my indecisiveness, which turned me on all the more. It crossed my mind that he might be trying to tempt me into saying yes by showing me his incredible physique.

I quickly replied to my mother when she asked if I was considering moving in with him, "I can't do that, Mom. He has enough on his mind already. Besides, he only has a one-bedroom apartment."

My mother responded with a smile, "Sweetie, you've never let something like that hold you back before. You're close with Lee. Surely you both can make it work."

I stared at her, worried that she might have caught on to our secret. She couldn't know, could she? A few weeks prior, she'd walked into my room while Lee and I were having sex in my bed. I still had no clue if she connected the dots. Could she be implying that she knew?

"Moving in together would be strange," I stammered.

My mother's expression softened. "Sweetie, I'm always here to support you. I believe in you and know how much you care for Lee. I think living together would be easier than you think."

My heart raced, unsure if I was actually understanding what she was trying to say. Was she still hinting at us moving in together?

"Wait a minute," I stumbled out, feeling nervous. "What do you mean?"

Her smile never wavered as she answered, "I have faith in you. I think living with Lee will be easier than you expect."

What was she saying? It was driving me crazy! My face reddened with embarrassment as my thoughts whirled in my mind. Did she know about Lee and me? About how much I craved him? She had to know, right?

"What are you actually talking about?" I managed, straightening my robe.

"Let's go park the car," my father's voice broke in. "You go ahead. We'll find you."

I walked towards the football field, my mind a whirlwind as my parents found a parking space in the crowded area. It had to be a coincidence that my mother mentioned living with Lee; surely she didn't know anything? I thought I'd been careful about my affair with him. The only time I didn't hide it was when he was inside me, pleasure racking my body.

I couldn't believe I was even entertaining the idea of fearing that my mother suspects my loose behavior. But as I'd resisted sleeping with Lee since our last encounter, my thoughts took a darker turn. Perhaps she had suspected it all along, and that's why she'd walked into my bedroom that day. Perhaps she knew about Lee and me, the way I needed him so badly, and the sexual images he'd sent me.

As if he'd been waiting, Lee finally texted me, "Hey, what's the hold up?"

I felt a surge of relief when I saw his text. Maybe our conversation was just over my indecisiveness.

"What do you want?" I answered.

"I can't help but feel you're dragging this out on purpose," he responded.

My cheeks grew warm. "I don't know. I just need time to think."

Suddenly I realized that maybe he didn't want to continue our relationship if I didn't give him a definite answer. Was I just a sex toy for him – a temporary plaything? He could have anyone, but he chose me. Maybe he'd told me he wanted to be my boyfriend because he wanted to keep me as his fuck buddy.

The mere thought made me feel so small. I wasn't used to being discarded like this. My eyes started burning, and I hastily wiped them, realizing that the heat was caused by the emotional weight I was carrying. I held a hand to my face, ashamed over the idea of losing Lee. He was the one I'd given myself to entirely, and now I could almost feel the pain of him leaving me. It tore through me.

That's when I knew I couldn't tell him no. Whatever the cost, I would make it work with him. He was more than worth it.

I had this lingering fear deep inside me that I'd missed my chance to be his boyfriend. It was always on my mind, weighing me down as I tried to dismiss it. If it ended up not happening, I knew it would leave me shattered. What would I even think about anymore?

As I hastily made my way around the bleachers, the roaring crowd surrounding me, I couldn't help but notice the tears slowly forming in my eyes. It had caught me by surprise, but there they were.

What the hell?

I made a hasty retreat around the bleachers to wipe my eyes hidden from sight, swearing at my emotional self. This was not the time for tears.

"What's wrong? You look like you're going to cry."


It was Lee, making his way over from the direction of the parking lot, perhaps to check me out before the graduation ceremony. He looked good, his strong arms flexing through his white t-shirt while his black hair swirled around his dark eyes, contrasting against the sky.

"Nothing," I muttered, rubbing at my cheeks quickly. "What are you even doing here, Lee? Can't you be working or something?"

"What kind of a friend would I be if I didn't show up to your graduation?" he said, smirking. "C'mon, don't be such a baby."

As he approached, I felt a little insecure. I hadn't seen him for a while and he seemed bigger now. He seemed like someone who could physically dominating and hurt me.

"I haven't texted you," I replied, trying to defend myself. "What are you doing here?"

"To see if you're sorry for ghosting me," he stated, a cheeky grin on his face. "You were always so eager for me before, dancing around for a piece of dick. Now you're ignoring me? I'm confused."

I bit my lip, getting angry. We've had plenty of conversations about using each other for sex, but all of a sudden he's bringing up our gossipy, racy, and degrading conversations as the reasons for my silence.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay?" I stammered, wiping away at my cheeks. "I don't know what to say."

"Hey," he said, raising an eyebrow at me. "We had a good talk the last time. Remember that? We even sent nudes to each other."

"M-me?" I blurted, glancing around at the people passing by. "You're the one who always wanted to use me for sex!"

"I just wanted us both to enjoy it," he shot back. "You keep dodging my questions."

I felt heat creeping up my back as I leaned against the bleachers. "What question?" I said, trying to avoid it.

"You know damn well what question."

My mind turned to the m волоие of tuwiting and kissing him while laughing. Heat traveled to my dick as I pictured his abs popping through his white t-shirt. Flashes of pleasure sparked in me, and I could still remember how fucking huge his penis was from several sexual encounters.

Oh god, Lee was steaming me up just by being near. He was so hot.

"Say it," Lee said, pressing his thick arm against the bleachers next to my head. "You seem hesitant to admit it."

"I enjoy sex with you," I finally said, hearing how childish I sounded. "I want you."

Lee's eyes perked up. "That's more like it," he said, his voice dropping lower. "So you're okay with us just doing this casually then?"

"Yes," I answered, unable to take my eyes off of him. The way his hair swung in the wind as he moved, his lean muscles, and his dirty look - everything was turning me on. I wondered what it'd be like to have a real boyfriend. With Lee. "I just didn't know what to say."

"I want you to say it," Lee said, looking into my eyes. "Be honest, this is you seducing me."

"I do enjoy it," I told him, feeling affection. "I want it."

Lee took a step closer, and his arm pressed into the side of the bleachers. "Let's get this show on the road, baby. I'm itching for it."

Our conversation was interrupted when the announcer called for attention to start the ceremony. I had to let go of Lee's arm and refrain from jumping on him right then and there. But it was enough to set the tone for the evening.

As we sat in the bleachers together, his arm still casually on the side of me, I couldn't help but think of how things could be between us if I was honest about my feelings and took control of them. I hadn't realized that my crush on Lee had been hiding within me, bubbling and growing into something more until now, when everything had come to the surface and he'd asked me. I had my answer: yes, I loved Lee. Maybe not in the traditional sense of boyfriend and girlfriend, but we were being honest about what we loved about each other. And maybe that was all that mattered.

That day, my tears weren't just from sadness or fear. They were also from excitement and anticipation. And before long, the passion we had for one another would be on full display.

I just didn't know how reckless that could be.

I made eye contact with him. My heart sped up from his intense stare so close by. "Honestly, everything I just said to you... it's just when I'm turned on, and not thinking clearly. So don't take it too seriously."

His lips curled upward in a lackluster smile. "I can't believe you, man! I thought you were finally being truthful to yourself when we hooked up a few weeks ago. But here you are, still faking it."

A girl walked past Lee, and she looked at my face. I couldn't help but flush. Oh no, she definitely heard that. And then she made a mental note of me! Do I know her? Oh crap.

"Can't we go somewhere more private?" I whispered to Lee with my voice sounding breathy, placing my hand on his chest.

His hand held my slender wrist. "Not until you start being truthful with yourself again. Admitting what you desire."

My legs felt like jelly. "I can't make you do anything, alright?"

"Bet me?"

"What are you talking about?" I demanded in a high pitch voice, not being able to meet his eyes. He was too close for comfort.

"I bet I can make you ask me for it. I bet you'll plead for me to become your boyfriend after I'm finished with you."

I stared at him. I couldn't stop myself, and my eyes met his. "Hmmph," was all that came out when I attempted to respond. Oh god, do I want him to make me? My need for him was growing stronger. "Trying to bet again?" I murmured softly. "Aren't you tired of that yet?"

"Worked before," Lee smirked, moving closer to me. I could feel his hot, minty breath on my face. The warmth emanating from his broad frame was just inches away from my body. "Remember?"

My body was taking control on its own, flushing my cheeks, stiffening my penis against my robes. It was like it was preparing itself for sex. Dammit! I bit my lip, trying to regain control. "Yeah, I remember. I remember, okay?" My voice turned to a whimper.

"So, do we have a bet or not?" Lee teased, coming nearer to me. His jeans were pressing into my erect penis now. He exerted just enough pressure that his erect member started to bend my penis back towards me. I was pulsating but couldn't withstand the pressure from him. "I bet I can make you ask me." He suggested with his tongue playfully dancing on his teeth.

"I bet you won't," I stammered. Where was I going with this? I wanted him so badly right then. But maybe more than anything, I wanted him to prove me wrong. To make me say it. To take me. My desires were taking over my mind completely.

Then Lee held my arms and pushed me back against the bleachers. I uttered a squeak, wriggling a bit but too weak to fight. His hands were large enough to feel like handcuffs. He towered over me. His body pressed against mine, his heat radiating through my clothing. I could feel his rock hard groin push my erect penis into me. "I can think of ways to make you submit," he said in a low, seductive voice. "Really good ones."

"Lee, we're in the middle of a public place," I pleaded frantically.

"So you'll be more eager to engage in dirty activities with me, huh?"

I sank, my knees starting to weaken. "Lee, there are still people passing by!" I panted.

However, his grip on my body didn't waver. "So we can retreat under the bleachers for greater privacy. That's what you want, right?" He guided my hips, swinging them around the back of the bleachers. He was pushing me around like how he'd dominated me in my backyard when I'd tried turning him away, which ended in him facefucking me and covering my face in cum. I allowed myself to be led. I knew my judgment was impaired to act this way in a crowded area, but all I could think about was Lee screwing me again.

In the shadows beneath the bleachers, my best buddy halted my steps as I took a few footsteps into the darkness. His strong grasp gripped my hips, making me trip back into him. I could feel my butt sink onto his jeans. His hand immediately moved from my stomach to my chest, and he casually undid my shirt buttons, pressing his fingers against my sensitive nipples.

"Ngh, Lee!" I exclaimed softly.

His lips gently brushed against my ear, and I jerked away from him slightly. "Say you like it. You like having your breasts touched, right?"

His hand was now gliding over my torso, forcing the shirt buttons apart as his powerful fingers massaged my nipples. I was shaking, biting my finger to muffle my potential screams. The faint beams of light punctured through the bodies above us, and even though the roars of the crowd reverberated loudly, I could still hear the creaking of the bleachers, which were only a few feet distant. Terribly exposed and unsecluded.

But Lee's touch continued to caress my chest. "Tell me." He thrust his hips at me, demonstrating the stiffness of his manhood that pressed against my derriere. Even through my clothes, I could feel the bulge of his erection forcefully against my soft ass, causing my back to instinctively arch. His grip on my hip tightened, and he pressed his body against mine harshly.

The sensation of his hurried thrusting got the best of me, and I cried out through my clenched fingers, "Mnnn! I like it! I like having my nipples caressed. Touch me."

Lee's other hand moved from my hip to my chin. A finger traced my lips, tugging them apart. "Got any space for more back there?" He hissed into my ear. And right after his fingers slipped past mine and entered my mouth.

I involuntarily parted my lips, allowing his fingers to enter my mouth. I could feel their skin against mine, and his hand traced my tongue. I could barely contain my moans. The noises that slipped through the chaos of the stands were softly discernible. "Mmm, Mmm."

"Say it," Lee demanded softly. He continued to grind his body against me. "I want your mouth prepared."

My eyes widened as I realized what he desired. He had been teasing me for a long time about this. The mere thought of pleasuring him had made me climax many times. And I... I had really craved being ordered to perform fellatio on him. Watching him watch me is what turned me on the most.

My heart was pounding in my chest. Should I beg him? Should I plead for it? The fingers inside my mouth traced my tongue as I became overwhelmed with sensation and let out a moan. I couldn't speak like this.

But Lee was more focused than I was. His fingers left my lips and traced my neck before chuckling softly. "Ready?" He inquired teasingly.

"Mmnn...mmm...Yeah...I want to," I stammered feverishly, adding, "I'll do it, just let me."

A gleeful chuckle escaped from his lips. "You're quite pushy, aren't you?" Then, applying pressure to my body, my legs buckled, causing me to collapse onto the grass. I scrambled to turn around, desperate to escape my entangling clothing.

Lee stood near the way back towards the parking lot, and my wish was that the beams of light couldn't illuminate us. On my knees, I faced him. The intensity in his eyes was fierce, his dark hair obscuring his sharp features.

I bit my lip, staring with wide-eyed wonder as he gradually removed his pants and underwear. Erect veins bulged while he tugged them down, exposing his pubic hair. My pulse was increasing rapidly.

Lee's erect penis sprang out of his briefs, swaying in the beams of light streaming through the bleachers.

"Mmnnn." I let out a low cry. His cock was hard and erect as he allowed it to sway in the light streaming through the bleachers above us.

(Sorry, couldn't figure out how to embed that gif into the prompt)

Eagerly, my friend whipped open my pants, releasing my throbbing member from its prison. He put his hand on my waist and positioned himself closer to me. Our dicks connected eagerly as we took turns rubbing our erections against one another.

(Photo Credit:

Wow, his dick was massive. It was pulsating too. He was just moments away, moving closer until his manhood was a mere few inches from my face. I could see my lids fluttering as a thick wave of manliness hit me, overwhelming my senses. However, I could see the veins that snaked around his thick, tanned girth pulsing as he got even bigger. His balls looked swollen, as though they were about to burst. How badly did Lee need to cum?

I couldn't believe I found myself kneeling before my best friend's penis like this. My heart raced. I was on my knees, panting like a dog. I was pathetic next to him. This dude was going to dominate me, make me his sex slave. I couldn't help but let out small moans.

"Are you going to suck it or not?" Lee asked, with a smirk on his lips.

"I will suck it," I answered immediately. "I want to suck it, please, daddy."

He raised his dick and slapped it against my face. I flinched. It was like a damn cannonball. God, it felt like it was made of steel. Lee slapped his cock against my face a few more times, feeling its weight against my eye, my nose, my mouth. I let him bludgeon me, biting my bottom lip to stop myself from sticking my tongue out. Shit, I was becoming addicted to this feeling, his dick slamming against my fragile face like this. I must've looked so powerless and slutty then, huh?

"F-fuck," I mumbled. "Please?"

"Okay," Lee replied, bringing his dick down to my lips.

I could taste him. He rubbed his dick against my lips, and eventually managed to shove it slightly in. My lips parted involuntarily, and he slid in. The tip of his penis popped out, and he shoved it in again. My tongue immediately darted out, trying to get more of him. I tasted a hint of sweat. His sweat.

Pre-cum formed on the tip of Lee's penis, and he pushed it into my lips, slicking my mouth with it. I shivered. He then thrust his dick deeper into my mouth. It slid in harder, filling up my hot, wet mouth and then pushing insistently against the back of my throat. I gagged on his cock, then gagged again.

Damn, it was too big. His girth was crushing my tongue beneath it, and all I could taste was the sweaty, musky skin of his raw dick burning my taste buds. His cock chubbed in my mouth, making me gag again. Tears began to swell up.

"You're doing great," Lee whispered. "Keep taking it. That's it."

He pushed into me with more force, and I felt my throat start to cave. The thick head of his penis forced its way further, enlarging my throat. Pubic hair rubbed up against my nose. The only sounds I could make were wet bubbles as I sucked in air through my nostrils before he obstructed my airway. My hands flew up and gripped Lee's muscly butt. His butt was too thick and toned for my hands to cover a lot, yet my fingers dug into his warm flesh like I'd wanted to do forever since I'd seen his badass butt in my bathroom.

"Fuck," Lee moaned. He jerked a fistful of my hair, and suddenly my head was moving towards his body, receiving his cock inch by inch.

I let out a suppressed sound, which was quickly quashed as his cock forced the rest of the way into my throat. My nose and eyes pressed into his pubic hair. Lee began to grunt, sending shivers through his body straight to me. Stars spun in my eyes. I couldn't breath.

And then he pulled back, and a noise rang out as his huge member completely left my mouth. I took a sharp breath. Spiderwebs of saliva strands glistened in the light, connecting his wet penis with my quaking lips. Several snapped against my neck, but Lee had a plan for the other strands--he applied his cock back to my face, trailing my own saliva over it.

"There you go," he panted.

I was panting for air, but I didn't get much time to recover. Lee whacked his cock against my lips one last time, and then seized my hair, forcing my head forward. His dick shoved back into my mouth, and it was up to me to wrap my tongue around the underside of his penis to avoid my teeth from catching it. Lee was unstoppable--he made for my airway again.

My friend's shaft pressed against my throat, then withdrew. Then he brutally thrust in again. I whimpered into him, but he was quickly establishing a rhythm. Soon his penis was pumping back and forth in my mouth, rubbing against my tongue over and over until I forgot any other taste but my buddy's dick. Each time his cock hit my throat, I nearly gagged, but I was beginning to enjoy it.

My ears were filled with wet gargles, but I could disregard them for the sounds of pleasure Lee was making. He was letting out quiet growls into the night and gripping my hair more tightly as he fucked my face. His balls started slapping against my chin and throat, and I could feel his butt cheeks jiggling through my fingers every time his pelvis bumped against my head.

My dick was jerking uncomfortably, and I couldn't help clenching it as I attempted to maintain pace and suck my pal's appendage. Lee was pounding my mouth on his own, but I wanted so badly to finish it for him at that instant. He was my master—I had to satisfy him.

Lee's erection started to throb more powerfully. His breaths came more rapidly, more unevenly. "Yes, yes," he grumbled through gritted teeth. "Do this, you little slave. Fuck! I'm going to cum soon."

Yes, baby, I found myself thinking. Cum in me. Cum on my face. Be my slave. Urged on by a shamed, lusty haze, I dragged my tongue more feverishly along the base of his shaft. I had to get him off due to me.

Lee's dick became more powerful without warning. It began spasming, pumping. I felt sperm beginning to fill my esophagus, clouding my airway. "Mnn."

Lee jerked back gasping, spitting out his cock as it still shot jets of sperm. Strands of his sperm streaked across my face, and I struggled to swallow as best as I could, feeling warm ropes of him slide into my system even as the final strands dangled down onto my hair.

I was gasping for air, my hands clutched to Lee's ass for support. Lee was gasping too, his muscular chest heaving rapidly and his dark eyes scanning my face. There was a sheen of sweat on his body. While I was covered in Lee's sperm, I was trying to swallow a few more sips of his semen as he watched me.

"How was that?" He asked in a hoarse tone I'd only heard from him after an orgasm.

"Uh, yes. Nice. Um, thank you," I stumbled, unable to think of anything else to say. Fantastic. I was thanking him for covering my face with his semen again.

"I thought you might like this," he said. "I needed it as well. I told you that I need you to start taking care of it."

"I want to," I answered. "I want to care for it."

"So, are you going to ask me to be your boyfriend?" He tugged on my hair, exposing my face to the light.

"I don't know," I managed. "You haven't made me yet." You corrupted me, Lee. I was just begging for you to force it out of me.

"You're such a slut, man," Lee snarled. "You still want it that bad?"

"No, that's not what I said." But that's what I meant.

"Lucky for you, I'm patient," he mentioned, and flipped me over.

I fell back onto the grass with a yelp, but Lee was already on his knees above me. His fingers unbuttoned my pants, and my zipper was next.

"What are you doing?" I exclaimed shakily, but I knew exactly what.

"Crawl," he ordered me, catching my body and flipping me like a doll.

"Nggh! Lee!" My limbs trembled, trying to offer some resistance, but Lee was winning the tug-of-war against my pants. He captured my silky briefs as well, easily peeling them over my ass and thighs. "Fuck!" My naked, jiggling ass was exposed to the light.

"Damn, that ass," he mumbled while his hand kept my chest pressed against the ground. His other hand grabbed my bum cheek, and I jumped back in fear. Lee started to grope my bare bum, his fingers sliding up and down, his palms clenching and pulling. I was wriggling uncontrollably as he assaulted me, my hips thrusting up and down on the grass below me.

He then slapped my bum. There was a sharp smack and I bit my lip to keep from crying out. What was he doing? There were people right above us! But Lee seemed unbothered. He spanked my bum again, and I thrashed on the ground.

"Say you want to be spanked," he suggested. "Say it."

"I want to be spanked," I blurted out involuntarily. "Spank me, daddy! Spank me!"

Lee struck my bum once more before giving it a few additional blows for good measure. I moaned, swiping my hand across my face and the semen that glossed it. It seemed Lee enjoyed spanking me as well because he demanded I say more obscene things as he swatted my bum. I started to mumble nonsense, hoping no one above could hear me.

"Slap my bum, daddy. Spank me. I'm your slut. I'm your bitch. Dominate me."

"That's it." Lee paused to give my bum another squeeze. I was a mess, unable to break free if I wanted to. His powerful hands dug into my flesh and spread me over and over.

My back was arched, so I knew he could see my bumhole expanding as he violated me, but that just made me more excited and aroused. This was what I'd imagined each time I had posed for him with my bum in the air on my stomach. I'd wanted Lee to spank my bum and dominate my body like this.

"You have such a slutty, girlish body," Lee murmured. "You're so hot. I think I can go again, with your bum looking like this."

My heart was thumping in my ears, but I couldn't believe what I'd heard. "I'm hot?" I breathed into the grass.

"You're so much hotter than any girl I've seen. Your bum is perfect. Mmm." Lee groped my bum, his fingers brushing against my anus now. "Yeah, I can go again."

I felt flutters in my stomach. How could he say that to me now? With me writhing like this? He was definitely going to claim me, wasn't he?

"Well, do you want me to?" Lee inquired.

I knew there were people above us. I knew some of them might have heard us by now, especially with Lee spanking me so loudly. I didn't care. I wanted him. I needed him. "Yes, yes," I squeaked. "I want you to fuck me, Lee. Please. Fuck me."

I could feel his warm penis pressing against my bum now, still damp from prior use. The head of his penis slid along the smooth surface of my bum cheek. The throbbing in my anus increased. I pushed back against Lee, felt his hard penis slide against me again. God, he was fully hard again so quickly. Did he like my bum that much? Or was it hearing me plead for it?

"Are you sure?" Lee asked. "I haven't heard from you in a few days. I can't tell if you're being serious."

"Yesss," I whined. "C'monn, I'm sorry. I want you to fuck me, Lee. Please. Fuck me."

His penis was rubbing against my bumhole repeatedly as he swayed back and forth on his haunches. "Are you sure?" he questioned.

I was unconcerned about our secret wager. I just wanted to feel his cock thrust inside me. "Yes, yes," I whimpered. "I promise, I'll say whatever you want! Just fuck me, please!"

"So impetuous," he hissed, but I could hear him moistening his penis. He was preparing to enter me again. Of course he was, this arrogant man whom I love.


Lee had pushed the head of his prick into me. The sensation of him entering filled me; each time he pushed more of himself in, my bumhole stretched to accommodate his enormous, scalding dick. It burnt, but the growing pleasure inside me began to tickle my insides. [

"Oof! Oof!" I let out a few delicate moans, unable to stop myself. I was still gripping his member, although I knew I had to relax and allow him in. But I just couldn't unwind. I'd been imagining this moment since he had first taken my virginity a few weeks prior.

"Geez, I can't believe how tight you are," Lee growled. He caught a hold of my hips and dragged my body back onto his dick, pushing the rest of his tremendous length inside me. I could feel the base of his cock hitting my prostate.

My stomach twisted, and my eyes rolled back. A wave of pleasure washed over me, causing me to have an orgasm. "Aaaahhh!" My body trembled, and my asshole was still attempting to close but just managed to squeeze against the base of my best friend's penis.

Pleasure swept away swiftly, leaving me shaking and breathless. I couldn't help but wonder if becoming bisexual after ejaculating from a man's dick inside me was possible. "Crap," I managed to say, gasping.

Lee began to grind his dick back and forth in me. "Did you just orgasm over your own come?"

"Sorry," I huffed.

"You love my dick in you, huh? You couldn't last ten seconds."

"I do. I do. I enjoy it."

Lee pulled out, and slid back into me again. I feigned a moan and buried my head in the grass. Oh wow, he was really having his way with me again. I was getting my butt drilled by my best friend. Lee's dick glided in and out of me, making my stomach leap each time he shifted positions. He was breathing heavily and gripping my hips. Was he going to start hammering harder soon?

"Do you enjoy it?" He inquired.

"I do," I mumbled. "Fuck me, daddy. Mmm. Fuck."

I couldn't believe I was having sex with a guy once more. I'd just come from my butt, too. This could potentially be the end of my heterosexuality after orgasming from a guy's dick thrusting within me. However, as Lee plowed me, I could already sense the pleasure building back up. I may even have another orgasm because the intensity of the sensation was so powerful.

"Do you like me?" Lee inquired further.

"Ngah! I... I do. I like you, Lee." Geez, what was I saying?

Lee started fucking me a little faster, and suddenly I could feel his stomach on my back, bending over me. His head was pushed up against mine, and his arms wrapped around my shoulders.

"Dang!" I yelped and felt Lee's weight push down on me. His hips were still moving, but now his dick was forcefully pushing deeper and deeper with each thrust. This was different than taking it from the side like before. Lee's weight was causing his entire member to penetrate my body, smashing against my prostate repeatedly.

His hairy thighs pressed against the back of my thighs. There was quite a commotion now as his hips collided with my buttocks, causing a loud slapping sound. I started to feel his heavy testicles slapping against the back of mine. Lee was going at it hard, and I could feel his muscles flex against my shoulders. His breathing became louder and heavier, and he buried his head into me and roared.

My moans and whimpers were overwhelming as Lee continued to rape my ass. Lee inhaled heavily against my neck. "So?" He snarled. "Are you going to beg me?"

"Oof! Lee! Fuck me, please!" I began to gurgle. "I'll be your boyfriend!"

"Beg me," he ordered, viciously plunging his cock into my frame, pushing my hips into the grass repeatedly. The feeling of his member going in and out of my body at this pace was unimaginable bliss.

Ecstasy was brushing the corners of my mind then became more pronounced. "Ngah! Be my boyfriend," I moaned feeble. "Please be my boyfriend! I'm literally begging you, Lee!"

"Ugh. Yes, fuck," he grunted back, forcefully driving his penis deep into my by means of my body.

I couldn't bear it and moved my head, coming face-to-face with Lee. I kissed him.

Lee kissed me in return, sloppily because of our bodies' movements. I felt his wet tongue in my lips and immediately started tongue wrestling him energetically. I was whimpering into his mouth while he assaulted my buttocks harder and harder, making a loud clapping sound. He growled into my mouth, his deep, virile groans drowning out my soft, sensual whimpering.

"Mmmn. Mmmn. Fuck me, Lee," I whispered into his lips as we kissed. "Fuck me," I begged. "Mmmn. Mmmn."

"What else?" He grunted through his teeth, his limb tenaciously embracing my neck as he plundered my ass.

"Mmmn. I-I love you."

Dang, what was I thinking? Why did I say that? I couldn't process my thoughts because right after the words left my lips, I started to cum again. My body shook like a leaf as pleasure took over my mind, and I felt thin strands of cum oozing out of me.

"Oh, fuck," Lee growled. "Fuck, that's so hot. I'm going to cum."

"Cum in me, daddy," I begged him, my whimper echoing in the distance due to the haze of my orgasm. "Rape me. Nngh."

"Ugh! I'm cumming," he panted, as if this wasn't already evident given his penis's intense throbbing within the deepest parts of me.

Sizzling-hot sperm immediately began pumping into my butt, load after load of it gushing into my ass as Lee pushed his body against mine and his cock deeper into me to prolong his ecstasy for as long as possible. "Ugh!" he growled once more, squeezing me tight.

All I could do was let out a whimper and grab onto his muscular arm while keeping my eyes shut as my best friend unloaded himself inside of me. His balls pressed against the back of mine and they throbbed with each squirt of semen, forcing out every last drop to fill me up. The pleasure-induced fog in my head was still lingering, and all I could focus on was being ensnared by him completely.

Damn, the cocky bastard who I was probably in love with was cumming inside of me. He was brutally dominating me, and I knew that this was what I wanted more than anything. This was all I desired.

It took about thirty seconds for his cock to pump sperm into my butt. Lee started collapsing onto my body, and even though he felt like he weighed a ton, the weight was somehow comforting. His groin slid into my jiggly ass and his chest pushed me into the ground. We were both drenched in sweat.

Lee's breathing was incomplete and fast right next to my ear. "Fuck, you're so good," he mumbled through choppy breaths. "Ugh."

"You're so good, Lee," I mumbled back. "I love you. I really love you."

Somehow this was the first time I could admit it with him inside me. I'm sure I'd wanted to admit it for ages without realizing. I'm sure I'd wanted to say it earlier.

"Didn't lie about wanting me as your boyfriend?" Lee panted in my ear. "Are you not going to change your mind? Huh?" He hinted, seemingly already knowing the answer.

"No. No, I won't." I moaned. I could still feel his penis inside me, its thick girth stretching me out. Probably still leaking his cum into my body. I was clutching my midsection, feeling warm due to all the semen he'd ejaculated inside of me. I was his. "I love you, okay? Nngh." I couldn't help but add the "asshole" part, knowing that I had completely surrendered to him.

"Well, you were lying back then," Lee murmured mockingly. "I had to fuck the truth out of you."

"Mmmn. You did," I admitted. I turned my face towards his, bit my lip.

I saw his teeth shine in the darkness with a grin. "Fine." He embraced me, smashing our lips together and letting his tongue wander along mine and his hot wet mouth kiss mine. I moaned, closing my eyes and surrendering to the gratification of kissing a man with his dick inside me.

We must have been locked in an embrace for a few minutes. The background noise of the crowd was a distant, irrelevant murmur. All I was aware of was Lee above me, his body bearing down on me as he continued to savagely kiss me.

I'd made him cum with my ass. Lee had told me I was great. Through the afterglow of the orgasm, that was the most thrilling part for me.

After several minutes, Lee reluctantly pulled away and gave my face a smack. "Fuck, that was hot," he gasped. "No wonder you're into me."

"Yeah," I grunted, gazing at the blades of grass in front of me.

"Hold still, if you would," Lee implored. "I'm going to get up."

I nodded but the sudden flashback of his penis sliding out of my butt made me crumple onto the ground like a rag doll, shuddering. I was a mess, my destroyed clothes lying around me and every inch of my body slick with Lee's sperm. I was a wreck.

As I regained my senses, I glanced at the stands above us. I could see people shifting in their seats, but luckily no faces were visible in the darkness. I didn't know if we'd been heard or not. Earlier, I had been letting out small screams as Lee was fucking me, so there's a chance someone might've heard us. But perhaps they chose to ignore it.

The graduation ceremony was still ongoing, but I knew we couldn't continue our dirty activities there. This was all about me and Lee.

My best friend was laying back on his knees in the grass beside me, his chest still heaving with rapid breaths. His massive cock was still glistening with sweat and twitching slightly against his leg. He was drenched in sweat, making his white shirt almost transparent. Damn, he was so hot. So gorgeous.

"I lost the wager," I blurted. Lee looked at me puzzled. "Remember when I begged you to be my boyfriend?" I reminded him.

"Yeah, I remember. You even told me 'I love you' too," he added.

"I know! Forget all that now. What I want to know is..." I paused, trying to appear casual. "... Are we... together now? Like officially? You wanted it after all, right?" I asked nervously.

Lee stared at me for a moment before breaking into a grin. "Guess so. We're together."

A wave of relief and happiness washed over me. This was happening - I was getting what I wanted. I didn't want to risk Lee slipping away and finding someone else. I wanted him.

"I can't express how happy I am," I gushed. "Thank you, Lee."

"You're welcome, buddy. So... I reckon you're all honest about your feelings now, huh?"

"Absolutely, Lee. I'm not joking," I swore. "I couldn't bear to lose you to someone else. I've always thought about you, even when we weren't together. I think about how you tease me, your hot body, how you fuck me... I want to be your boyfriend and make you happy whenever you need it. I'm in love with you."

Lee's expression changed, showing surprise. "Are you being honest? You're not still horny, right?"

"No! I mean it," I exclaimed. "I've too often lied to you about my feelings. Please trust me this time."

"Alright, let's go with it. I'll trust you. I want to be your boyfriend and... take care of you."

I couldn't decide whether I wanted him to take care of me or fuck me again. "Wait a minute... so I can be all submissive and plead for you to fuck me?" I grumbled playfully. "And you'll be the macho man?"

Lee grinned. "That's not how I see it, but okay. You'll be free to be yourself, even if that involves begging me for sex. I'll be the big, powerful guy to take care of you."

My heart was pounding. This setup sounded amazing. I'd get to be around him all the time. Have a shoulder to lean on. Have him at my service. And fuck me. We'd really be together.

"Great, so you're going to be the guy for us?" I asked, acting annoyed but really just seeking more of his attention. "I'm going to be completely submissive and allow you to control me?"

"If that's what you want," he offered with a grin. "I can't resist teasing you with your beauty and making love to you any time I want."

"Fuck," was all I could mutter. The thought of it made my head spin. It seemed so incredible. I'd finally get to see him more often. Have a protector and confidant. And of course, have him fuck me.

"And there's something else," he added. "Since you'll be my boyfriend, you may need a place to stay. Do you need help finding one?"

My eyes widened in surprise. Lee remembered our previous conversations about this stechequer, wanting a place to stay. "Lee, what did you have in mind?"

"Consider moving in with me," he suggested. "If you're going to be my boyfriend and be at my beck and call for sex, you'll need to be close by."

I squirmed, feeling hot again. "What do you mean - stay in your bed and have sex with you every night?" I asked in confusion.

Lee smirked. "You assume we'll do it only once a night. Trust me, I'm addicted to this. If you're going to be begging for it and teasing me with your body, I won't be able to resist. I'll cum inside you whenever I want."

"Fuck... I see what you mean," I replied, my mind racing with the thought of this. I'd be around him all the time. Reliant on him. And he'd be fucking me constantly. We'd be truly together.

What's up? Planning to become roommates? Lee gave me an inquisitive glance.

"Yes, I do. I yearn for it. I want you to make love to me every day, whenever you please. Just... stay with me."

"What do you think I am?" He questioned, feigning anger. "Aren't I your boyfriend? Your boy friend?"

"Yep, I know, a manly man." I wiped water from my eyes to avoid eye contact due to the sensations in my stomach.

"It seems you don't believe I want you." Lee stated. "I told you my feelings. I wish to be your boyfriend and reside with you. How about we try it?"

"Yes," I said unsteadily. "Okay! Let's give it our all."

"Come here," he recommended, and I saw this as a chance to kiss him again.

"Mm.. Mmh," I murmured into his lips. I was kissing my significant other. Lee was my significant other. I was about to be entirely his once we moved in together, right? Fuck, I truly adored this silly guy. "Mmmh. I can't... mmh... I can't believe I let you spoil my graduation," I whispered through kisses.

Lee distanced himself with apprehension, looking towards the stands. "Oh my, did you forget? Aren't you late?"

I laughed lightly. "You just found out? It seems you didn't come here just to see me graduate."

Lee shook his head with disappointment in himself. "Yeah, that's not great, is it? Your parents will be wondering where you have disappeared to."

"Oh," I gasped. "Yeah, they will. And all of my garments are destroyed. Fuck..."

Lee waved off my concerns. "There's no need to fret, sweetie. I can take you back to my place and you can shower and clean your clothes. We can make it back in time to meet your parents later, so they won't worry about you."

I felt a sense of thrill that he called me "sweetie" but remembered to give him a tough time. "Your place?" I inquired, raising my eyebrows at him. "Our place, you mean?" I asked coyly, attempting to be hilarious.

"Well, may be when you move in." He smiled smugly. "For now, it's just mine. You'll follow my rules."

I blushed. "You have rules about me using your shower?"

He shrugged. "To ensure I'm watching you. I'll also have to shower myself. But then I recall you like to share, right?"

My lips parted in shock, and then closed as I couldn't think of a retort. He was considering doing it again, wasn't he? He really was insatiable! Of course, given that I was thinking about it, I really wanted him to penetrate me in his shower as well. If we returned to his place now, with me officially being his boyfriend and after I'd said all that stuff... there was no way we wouldn't have sex again. I'd make him ravish me if I had to. Fuck, now I truly wanted it.

"If you wish, Lee," I answered meekly. "But hey, if you were thinking of doing anything else... well, I'm not sure if we'll be able to return here in time."

Lee gazed into my eyes, a sparkle gleaming in the darkness.

"Want to gamble?"

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