erotic horror

The Truth Behind Mina and Lucy's Fate

Dracula's initial night spent at the Westenra residence.

May 30, 2024
20 min read
classic storyreluctantvampireWhat Really Happened To Mina & Lucyseductionvictimvictoriandraculacount dracula
What Really Happened To Mina & Lucy
What Really Happened To Mina & Lucy

The Truth Behind Mina and Lucy's Fate

This storm would go down in history as one of the most powerful ever.

The storm signaled its presence with a deafening clap of thunder that rattled the window panes. Mina sat up in bed, wrapping her blanket tightly around her neck, scared stiff. She peered into the dark room, then a flash of lightning lit it up, causing another massive boom of thunder. The rain sounded like pebbles being thrown against windows. Mina lay back, relieved to be inside, safe in the Westenra home.

The storm surged on, and suddenly Mina's heart raced with concern for her pal Lucy, sleeping downstairs. She hurriedly slipped on her robe to conceal her nightdress before anyone in the Westenra's home or staff saw her. Her fear for Lucy overtook any self-consciousness. She tiptoed carefully down the stairs, aiming to avoid meeting anyone. Her only objective was to reach Lucy.

When she quietly entered Lucy's room, the sight before her made Mina gasp. To her astonishment, her pal was sitting by her dressing table with her hair being brushed. Wearing the most exquisite nightgown and bed jacket, Lucy seemed to be preparing for a visit from a clandestine lover. That thought was surely baseless. Relieved, she noticed Lucy appeared unfazed by the storm outside. But there was an odd tinge to her tonight.

Mina politely greeted her friend, expecting a warm response but was met with an uninterested smile. Puzzled, she suggested they get back into bed together, reminiscing about previous stormy nights. But Lucy didn't acknowledge it, continuing to brush her hair.

Almost irritated by this apathy, Mina made the decision to draw back the heavy curtains covering the garden doors in Lucy's room. The storm intensified with wind and rain lashing against the windows, risking their shattering. She gazed into the blackness, hoping to witness any relief from Lucy's indifference. As she stared at the darkness outside, Mina felt a strange sense of unease. She tried to focus on engaging Lucy but struggled to do so. Maybe witnessing the storm would stir her friend from her trance, even if it might terrify her a little. Trepidation crossed her mind as she pulled the curtains apart, seeking an understanding.

Mina's eyes strained to penetrate the inky darkness, but it was futile. The windows rattled in their frames from the wind and rain, causing Mina to panic and wonder if they'd shatter. The sound of trees being battered by the gale filled the air, and an eerie puff of air carried the distant, warning signal from a nearby lighthouse or ship, alerting sailors about the storm. Mina's sympathy grew for those at sea. She envisioned their struggles against the tempest.

Then, a blast of lightning flooded the dark grounds. It illuminated the scene for a split second, revealing the unexpected figure outside. Standing tall, slender, and completely resolute against the storm, a man. Shock rocked her. Did she imagine him? No, there couldn't be any doubt. She watched, shocked, unable to process who the figure was or why he was there. Was he one of the Westenra's servants? The thought sounded ludicrous. Frozen and suspicious, Mina awaited another flash of lightning, hoping for clarity.

All of a sudden, a man's face appeared at the window. Startled, Mina exclaimed and stepped back, turning to her friend Lucy. Curious, Lucy just stood there calmly beside Mina, not reacting. The man outside seemed oddly unaffected by the storm. His thick black mustache and hair were completely dry. His piercing dark eyes held both women in their intense gaze for a moment before he gave them a small, almost unnoticeable smile that didn't reach his eyes. His pointed ears and sharp features made him look otherworldly. But Mina scolded herself for thinking such foolish thoughts.

Suddenly, the man spoke. Mina could hear him clearly despite the storm and the window pane between them. He had a strange accent and asked if he could come in out of the storm. Both women hesitated, knowing it was improper to invite a stranger into their bedroom, and, not chaperoned at that. But Mina felt drawn to this puzzling man outside, although he seemed unfazed by the angry weather. "Let him in!" she said firmly to Lucy. And as if he sensed her determination, the man seemed to relax slightly.

Mina watched as her hands reached forward and slowly turned the key. Still concerned, she felt her body acting on its own.

"What are you doing, Mina?" questioned Lucy. "I'm afraid!" But Mina continued to open the door, ignoring her friend's objections. Both women braced themselves for the wind and rain, but there was none. The man simply reached down and turned the handles, then pushed the doors open as Mina invited him in. The storm outside seemed to stop as he stepped inside, shutting the door and locking it. Mina watched as the sounds of the storm dissipated outside. It seemed to be subsiding. The man turned to the two women. Mina felt a wave of fear wash over her. What have I done?

Lucy was standing right next to her, reaching out and taking Mina's hand. This amused the man, who bowed to them both. His voice was rich and smooth, with a distinct Eastern European accent, which, being English, sounded strange to both women's ears.

"Count Dracula at your service," he introduced himself as he bowed low with a theatrical flair of his arm. But how could this be? Was this the same Count Dracula Jonathan had traveled to Transylvania to see? He was tall and elegant, dressed in the darkest black Mina had ever seen. His pale skin glowed, making his sharp features and red-tinged eyes appear almost demonic. This couldn't be the same Count Dracula, could it? Could Jonathan be here too? Mina's mind raced with questions, but she couldn't think straight in the presence of this mysterious man.

Her hand clutched Lucy's, and they both stood still under the man's gaze. Mina tried to speak, but the Count raised a slender hand with pointed nails, causing Mina's mind to blank and her fear to return. Lucy, too, seemed in a trance. The Count's voice remained velvety, murmuring his appreciation.

"Very nice," he complimented, strolling around the two women. "Very nice. I do like the way you English ladies take care of yourselves. You're beautiful and poised, something I've rarely seen before," he said, admiring them. Mina could feel his eyes roaming over her body, and the fact he was showing approval felt strange to her, giving her a sense of excitement she didn't want to feel. She disliked that she felt more excited about the Count liking her than her beautiful friend Lucy. After all, Lucy was the one who always stood out with her dazzling platinum hair, captivating blue eyes, porcelain complexion, and hourglass figure — all coveted by men. Mina knew she had no shot at his attention, even with her family's wealth and status. It had never bothered her before, but now, in the presence of the Count, those insecurities resurfaced.

In the dimly lit room, Dracula's eyes glistened as they fixated on Mina. Reluctantly, Lucy released her friend's hand with a sigh, both women realizing they were prisoners with nowhere to escape. Mina dashed to the garden doors, locking them and drawing the curtains. She then locked the bedroom door, returning to Lucy's side. The two ladies could not help but feel even more oppressed as they were under Dracula's control.

Throughout the house, everyone continued to sleep blissfully, oblivious to the terrifying events unfolding in Lucy's chamber. Mina questioned her decision to invite Dracula in. Escape was impossible, and their only choice was to surrender to his will. When he asked if there would be any interruptions before dawn, Mina shook her head. Dracula's sinister smirk revealed his pleasure in their predicament.

"Are you certain?" he pressed, enjoying their predicament. Mina nodded, avoiding eye contact. Dracula's words sent chills down Mina's spine.

"Superb," he beamed, relishing the situation. "I've been anticipating this moment for so long. You two are the verification that all my planning and hard work have been fruitful. Let's witness something more as a reward for my efforts. Please, remove your robe, my dear." Dracula requested, using a long, sharp fingernail to lift Mina's chin up. His eyes gleamed with anticipation.

Mina's heart raced as Dracula made his demand. She could sense the tension pulling her in different directions. On the one hand, she had a strong desire to please him. On the other, something deep inside shouted that this was wrong. The turmoil in her heart made it difficult to make a decision.

Since there was no clear-cut answer, Mina found herself reaching for the bow that held her robe tightly, silently unraveling it. She sought guidance from Lucy, but her face remained expressionless, making it impossible to tell what she was thinking. Was this a test of loyalty? Would Dracula reward Mina for obeying his commands? Her thoughts raced with uncertainty.

The robe slid off Mina's body, leaving her standing unprotected and completely exposed. A swirl of conflicting emotions overwhelmed her, including fear, excitement, and shame. None of it made sense.

Dracula's approving grin stunned Mina. "Very beautiful," he complimented her, circling her. He then whispered, "Ssshhhhhh, no noise. We can't be disturbed." Mina felt a finger on her lips, halting her protest. Dracula eased the bow on her nightgown apart, exposing her chest.

She found herself incapable of overpowering him, unable to create a rift in his hypnotic gaze. As Dracula meticulously worked to remove her nightgown, Mina's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Her heart pounded in her chest as he gently unfastened each button, making every movement reverberate through her. Mina couldn't collect her thoughts but couldn't defy his wishes, no matter how hard she tried.

Dracula's pursuit of her shocked and thrilled her, but she couldn't find the courage to respond. She wanted to flee or snap out of his spell, yet her body followed his commands willingly. His eyes held her captive, piercing deep into her soul. She discovered she couldn't resist his wishes and involuntarily stepped out of her nightgown. The air around her grew frigid as she stood naked and exposed, her hands covering her body out of instinct, but he dismissed them with a wave. Mina watched, terrified, as Dracula closed his eyes and seemed to revel in her vulnerability.

"You are so lovely," Dracula murmured, sending tingles down Mina's spine. Mina couldn't fathom how she had ended up in this position. She wanted to run, to fight, yet her will was powerless. She couldn't look away from his staring eyes as he observed her body. Her thoughts darted back to Jonathan, the man she'd loved, the man she'd betrayed. Guilt surged through her, and she felt powerless in the face of Dracula's desires. The nightgown slipped off her shoulders, revealing her chemise.

"So sensual," Dracula moaned, roving his eyes across her body. The chemise was quickly ripped open, exposing Mina in nothing but a thin layer of fabric. She stood, trembling and frightened, her arms hanging powerlessly at her sides. Unable to resist Dracula's advances, Mina took in the burning desire and incredible satisfaction in his eyes.

"How extraordinary you British ladies are!" he chuckled, relishing every second. "I can feel your determination, notice your defiance, and yet savor your yearning for me. It's a captivating combo...quite alluring." Dracula declared and then opened his arms to Mina.

"Come," his voice was slick and tempting, masquerading her with his unmatchable will. "And now I'll possess you, claim you as my own before Harker can manage the cocky honor of what he believes is rightfully his. From now on, any Englishwoman I pick will be mine to feed on and utilize as I please. And you, Mina, will be my inaugural conquest. A cooperative participant, my helper, and my wine press. You'll undergo sensations and delights that Harker could never even dream of providing you with, and you'll guide me through this land, assisting me in seizing those I choose. My faithful slave and lover." Mina was enthralled by this melange of passion and might, even though the forbidden hope of power and satisfaction was entirely unlawful.

For a while, she agonized about Jonathan. But it was now plain to her that this was Count Dracula, just as it must be. Nevertheless, her consciousness was so engulfed that she couldn't bother or question her fiance. Dracula's words left deep imprints on her thoughts, stupefying her with clashing feelings. She cherished the notion of being his chosen one, of wielding such authority beyond her perception. The idea of sharing the same space with Dracula and assisting him in his exploits was a throwback Mina couldn't halt.

Presently, she contemplated Johnathan. Her emotions wavered between fears about her fate and the intoxicating lure of these sacrifices. She felt apprehension about Dracula's rage and the severe consequences of her decisions. She was undressed and vulnerable before him. At this pivotal moment, Mina made a decision. Trembling nervously, yet with a defiant glint in her eyes, she stepped closer to Dracula and unwillingly surrendered herself to his intentions.

"I'm yours, master," Mina whispered, barely loud enough to be heard. "I'm your insignificant servant, use me any way you desire. Master, you'll conquer anyone who deters your plans and I'll assist you."

But Dracula hissed, baring his teeth to reveal menacing fangs in the moonlight. Instantly, Mina, jolted back from his control, became acutely alert to the peril unfolding around her. Lucy was frozen on the bed, eyes wide with fear. Written all over Dracula's face was fury, a force so potent it robbed her of air. However, Mina felt herself being drawn back into his power. Once, she felt love, but now she sensed nothing aside from wrath directed towards her. He was livid at her, and all her mind could generate was a plan to rectify the issue. Swiftly, she blinked her eyes shut, focused on a plan, and prayed Mrs. Westenra wouldn't uncover the mischief. "Silence, silence," Mina pleaded silently to Lucy. "Leave us, you'll wreck the whole plan."

"Lucy dear, are you okay?" Lucy's mother's voice came through the entrance. "My dearest, the door won't budge. Is it locked?" The old woman's voice began to shift, harboring worry and a dash of suspicion. Mina could feel the crisis if she didn't act promptly. A scared Lucy would elicit mournful tears from her mother, or even worse, she'd summon help.

"Deal with her, or I will," Dracula snarled, tightening his grip on Mina's arm. As Mina witnessed the reappearance of Dracula's power over Lucy, her heart sank, dreading potential consequences. Mina hurriedly planned an escape while Mrs. Westenra persisted in calling for Lucy. She unlocked the wretched door and slinked out, racing down the corridor to deter Mrs. Westenra from approaching.

To get Lucy back in bed, Mina had to hurry and go back to Dracula before anything happened. She feared the consequences of leaving him alone with Lucy, not for Lucy's sake but because she was afraid of losing Dracula's attention. Frightened and yearning, she embraced Mrs Westenra and coaxed her to the hallway as quickly as possible. Deep within, Mina secretly yearned to return to Lucy, her true love.

Upon entering Lucy's room, Mina hoped to find a tranquil setting: Dracula and Lucy were sitting together on a sofa. Lucy seemed preoccupied, Dracula seemed expectant of Mina's return.

At first, Mina breathed a sigh of relief, but this was soon replaced with bewilderment and dread. Dracula held no room for Mina in his mind, leaving her perplexed as to his intentions. Should she undress again or follow his signals? Uncertain of what to do, she stood before him, sensing his disregard. Mina meekly apologized for her failure to hold off Mrs Westenra. But Dracula chuckled and threatened punishment to betrayers. Now his eyes focused on Lucy, while his lingered on her. Shadowy desires, conflicting emotions, and deep-rooted loyalty swirled within Mina's heart. She couldn't resist but want him, despite the danger he posed.

Mina felt disheartened when Dracula summoned her to sit near the door and observe him with Lucy as he had promised to do this. Though she didn't feel jealous that she wasn't the one being conquered, she couldn't suppress the sting of regret that she wasn't the chosen one. Again, Mina agonized as she thought, "Another win for Lucy."

Lucy's delightful laughter filled the room as Dracula returned to his floor dance, his hand stroking securely upon Lucy's waist. The long gown Lucy had been wearing was discarded, substituted with a trendy, low-neck nightdress that hugged Seth Meyers' body. Sketchily different from Mina's older attire, Lucy displayed a striking contrast. As she stood still at Dracula's beckoning, her naughty eyes darted to Mina, who, clutching the door's frame, caught her mirthful grin. But she was drawn back to Dracula, who commanded her to raise her arms. Eagerly complying, Lucy's nightdress was removed, leaving her completely bare except for a pair of panties. Mina's heart sank as she realized that Dracula's appreciation had shifted, his hands molding Lucy's form.

"I presume you're the first woman I've ever made love to?" Dracula asked Lucy. "To taste your purity and elegance?" Despite her better senses, Lucy could not deny the deep-rooted desire she had for Dracula. She knew she should preserve herself for her eventual husband, but his charm overcame her. Furthermore, the idea of having tamed so many other women beforehand added to his charm but fueled her own self-doubt about her inexperience. Lucy tugged between what was expected and her own desires, tangled in a toxic web of temptation and clashing emotions.

"I'm still a virgin, master," she said, her moans growing louder as his skilful fingers teased her core while the other manipulated her breasts. His lips reclaimed hers as he turned her back to face him.

He gently tugged her hand, directing it to the bulge in his pants. Lucy was startled by its size and firmness, causing her to emit an audible gasp from surprise. She examined its length and the power concealed within. Her fingers glided over its length, allowing her to marvel at its size and might.

Mina shut her eyes, feeling the burden of Dracula's rejection crush down on her like a heavy load. She knew she was being punished, and there was no escape from it. With a sigh, she felt her overseer urging her to leave. Reluctantly, she stepped out, battling a sense of dread and agitation in her stomach. She was now charged with standing guard outside the door, forbidden from entering or even observing as Dracula and Lucy filled their appetites.

Mina let out a long breath, casting a glance at Lucy. She observed nothing but an expression of bliss on her face as she continued to massage her new ruler's crotch. With a heavy heart, Mina unlocked the door and stepped outside, knowing that if she wished to regain Dracula's affection, she must not allow him to be disappointed again. The thought of him and Lucy delighting in one another was a burden on her mind.

Within the walls of the storeroom, Dracula urged Lucy to press harder on his erection, taking enjoyment from the mounting want and ecstasy brewing between them. He then pulled her closer, pressing his lips to hers. The first kiss sent shivers down her spine. Their bodies pressed together, stoking the primitive yearning that flowed through their veins. Lucy's sense of elation came from this dangerous forbidden pleasure and bonded her even closer to her sovereign.

Each experience was an entirely new encounter for Lucy. The moments were both terrifying and arousing. She gasped in surprise as Dracula started to unzip his trousers. She stood unsure as to what to do but when he pulled his appendage out, she quickly grasped it. She began to stroke it.

"That's right," Dracula cooed, "how does that feel?" He wet his fingers and placed them to his lips.

"It feels pleasing, master," Lucy said. "I wish only to appease you."

The Count slid his hands inside Lucy's underwear.

"Enjoy these pleasures. Refusing them is a mark of foolishness and frivolousness. Let me satisfy you." He said before adding, "Calm yourself and bask in my love."

The Count pushed Lucy down to her knees with a subtle yet firm tug on her hair. "Take it," he whispered. Lucy hesitated, experiencing a tug-of-war between her conscience and desire. She searched for signs of mercy in Dracula's eyes. All she could see was carnal lust and hunger. Knowing she couldn't withstand his command, she begrudgingly wrapped her lips around the head of Dracula's penis. He moaned softly, basking in her caress. Her hands caressed the rest of his appendage. Dracula's head fell back as he groaned in pleasure, his eyes rolling shut.

To her surprise, Lucy found a perverse sense of fulfillment and power in pleasing her master. She had become a woman who belonged to him, and she would be the one to meet whatever requests he had for her. With this revelation, her confidence grew. She stroked and sucked with newfound resolve.

Meanwhile, Mina remained outside, listening to the muffled sounds emanating from within. She could not make out the words, but she could discern muffled gasps and Dracula's growls of pleasure. These sounds stirred up envy and desire in her.

"Master," Mina whispered softly, the words barely audible.

Inside the room, Lucy's strained breathing intensified as she became more comfortable in her role of pleasing her master. Dracula's demands pushed Lucy into a realm of unbridled lust. He lay back and removed his shirt and trousers, exposing his well-toned chest and arms. His dark eyes burned with need, watching his prize as she dedicated herself to their kiss and then was shocked as he pushed her to her knees. "Take it," he whispered; Lucy comprehended and realized what his intentions were.

At first, Lucy hesitated. Her mind wavered between guilt and desire, but seeing a fierce command in Dracula's eyes, she was powerless to refuse. She inhaled deeply and took the head of Dracula's organ inside her mouth. He moaned softly, relishing in the stimulation. His hands grabbed her hair and guided her movements, pushing his member deeper into her mouth. Lucy struggled to open her mouth enough, gasping as she tried to adapt to the deep penetration. Suddenly, he pulled her head back.

However, this break was brief.

"Open wider," he growled with a domineering tone. Lucy gritted her teeth and took yet another deep breath before allowing his penis to enter her mouth once again. She could feel the thickness of his manhood filling her mouth, causing her to gag and retch. Gradually growing accustomed to the situation, she became able to accommodate him more comfortably.

"Get on your knees," he instructed, his eyes burning with desire. The room was dark, illuminated only by the soft candlelight that cast shadows on the two of them. Lucy followed his command, positioning herself on all fours on the couch. Lucy felt Dracula calling for Mina in her mind. As Dracula's voice reverberated in her head, Mina's body moved without hesitation. She walked into the room, uncertainty and fear clouding her mind. Her gaze was drawn to Lucy's kneeling form and the sight of Dracula stroking his massive cock.

"Yes, Master," she said hesitantly, her voice a mix of pleasure and unease. She wasn't sure if she should enjoy this or be horrified by Lucy's actions. But she couldn't deny the magnetic pull that the master had over her.

"Come here," Dracula instructed, and he made Mina sit beside him. He placed her hands on his dick and showed her how to stroke him. "Continue," he commanded. Mina's pleasure was short-lived as soon, his full attention turned to Lucy. His finger delved into her asshole, and his thumb stroked her pussy.

"Is that good, little one?" he asked.

"Yes, Master," Lucy murmured softly. Mina continued to stroke her master's cock, captivated by the scene unfolding before her. His finger probed deeper and moved faster, bringing greater levels of pleasure to Lucy. Mina was aware that it could've been her, serving her master like this. Dracula focused on Lucy's asshole as he commanded Mina to the floor in front of them both. With one hand, he had Mina caress Lucy's pussy while the other returned to his cock. Mina was now pleasuring them both, serving two masters at once.

"Hurry up, Mina," Lucy urged.

"Stroke me harder, Mina. Like Lucy wants you to, Master." Dracula chuckled. Mina knew she wasn't pleasing him and increased her efforts, working Lucy's pussy and Dracula's cock harder. The sound of slurping noises from Lucy's pussy overpowered her moans of pleasure.

"That's right, Mina," Lucy murmured. "Get me ready for our master's pleasure. Make me wet so I can serve him well." Despite not wanting praise or admiration from her friend, it stopped Dracula from being displeased. Dracula shifted positions, pushing Mina aside. She fell back on her knees, watching in awe. Lucy began to vigorously circle her pussy with her hand; Dracula, meanwhile, continued to finger her ass relentlessly.

"Master," Lucy breathed dramatically, stunned by the intensity of the pleasure. A wave of disbelief and desire washed over her. She realized she was completely at his mercy, but she wanted more. As the incredible feelings slowly subsided, Lucy looked at Dracula, her eyes filled with a mix of confusion, desire, and guilt. Was she supposed to feel guilty for allowing herself to enjoy this?

Yet, she couldn't deny the intensity of the experience, the way Dracula had awakened a part of her she didn't know existed.

Mina watched, her expression a strange mix of concern and curiosity. She recognized the conflicting emotions in Lucy's eyes, the maelstrom of emotions threatening to consume her. Mina felt the same connection between Lucy and Dracula, the same irresistible pull. Mina hoped Lucy was satisfied and Dracula was ready to move on to her. But immediately, she realized that was not the case.

At the same time, Lucy's mind raced as she attempted to make sense of the experience. Should she feel guilty? Or just enjoy the moment? Dracula leaned down and lifted Lucy up in his arms.

"Time for you to serve me," he said and carried her to the bed, dropping her onto it. Lucy's hands traced the contours of Dracula's bare chest as he lay on top of her.

"Isn't he stunning, Mina," she whispered. "Our master." Dracula grinned before kissing her breasts and pushing her back onto the mattress. He aligned his cock with her entrance and began stroking it up and down her pussy.

Lucy let out a low moan, her hips thrusting against the feeling of his penis. She knew what was coming, and her whole body craved it. Her heart pounded. She was wet, waiting for him to take control. Dracula looked into her eyes, his gaze dark with desire.

"You're ready for me, my dear," he whispered.

"Yeah, got it, boss," Lucy softly exhaled, her words dripping with yearning. "Have your way with what's already yours."

So, Dracula glided inside her, filling her flesh with his solid member. Lucy shrieked, her frame arching away from the bed as elation swept through her. She elevated her arms, placing them on his shoulders at the same time, offering herself to him. Dracula's tempo quickened, and his pelvis rubbed against her in a consistent motion. His eyes transfixed on Lucy.

The two amours intertwined their lips.

Mina watched from a corner of the room, the fire of lust igniting within her. She noticed the intimate bond between Dracula and Lucy, and it squeezed her heart with yearning. She wanted to be the one Dracula held, to experience his touch and his ferocity. But for now, she had to pacify herself just by observing.

Lucy began breathing heavily with satisfaction.

Mina was drawn to how Dracula's intense contemplation appeared to be solely fixed on Lucy while they shared kisses. Mina could never feel his presence in the slightest, as his undivided concentration was solely focused on making Lucy's needs felt.

He pondered a light kiss and then a more forceful one, followed by him going down onto her neck. A small cry emerged from Lucy, and her entire body seized up before eventually allowing him to nibble on her.

"Yes, my lord," she softly gasped, "take me." Enjoying his physical connection with her. Dracula's thrusts escalated in power, eagerly plunging into her with a feral will. As he drained from her neck, she could feel the sensations magnify, a fusion of pain and pleasure that swallowed all her awareness. She dutifully offered herself up to him, delivering her life energy willingly as their bodies intertwined in a whirlwind of yearning and need.

With a brisk action, Dracula raised his head from Lucy's neck and scanned her with a fiery, hungry look. But instead of remaining still for his control, Lucy all of a sudden became urgent, her body twisting with an insatiable desire to receive more from her lord. She urged his head back onto her neck and enveloped him with her legs, trying to force him deeper into her.

The Count's hand descended on her head, halting her frantic struggles while holding her put. An air of curiosity flashed across his face before once again sinking his fangs into her tender skin, lapping up her vitality with potent energy.

Dracula's thrusts drew her closer to an explosive climax, both physically and emotionally. She embraced him tightly, incapable of restraining the excitement dining in her veins. His fangs pierced her skin, instigating a new, more complex layer of pleasure in their lovemaking. As she relinquished herself one hundred percent to him, Dracula ended his note-worthy assault and eased his rhythm, permitting her to catch her breath.

Lucy stared at him with a dreamy gaze, enthralled by their connection's intensity. "I belong to you, and you alone, my lord," she murmured, gasping between kisses, devoured by the depth of their bond. As each caress and embrace bound her to the captivating entity in front of her, she could feel herself becoming more and more meshed with the dark and captivating being.

Dracula lifted himself up, and Mina yelped as her connection to the Count was immediately reestablished.

"Maintain secrecy about what transpired here. I'll be back soon. Be prepared!" He ordered, and the doors to the garden magically opened, disintegrating Dracula's presence. Mina rushed to secure the doors and began whirling inside to ensure all was in order for his return.

Let me know if this meets your expectations, otherwise I'll provide revisions

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