lesbian sex

The Twink in the Cafe 4

Has the main character managed to break free of Cami's grip?

May 10, 2024
2 min read
age differenceThe Twink at the Cafe 04
The Twink at the Cafe 04
The Twink at the Cafe 04

The Twink in the Cafe 4

A month had passed since the last incident.

Preparing to go for a client meeting, my partner entered the bedroom from the bathroom. While he dressed in his boxers, an adorable feature that once charmed me, his home cooking, steady relationship, and the lack of exercise now made me question our intimacy. With a shake of my head, I kissed him and wished him a good day at work. He remained indifferent to my invitation to the author talk, so I went on my way, hoping for a miracle where he'd change his mind.

Driving to work, I reflected on the flaws of my boyfriend, but also the beautiful aspects that made him unique. Sure, he hasn't been exercising much lately and is more intensely invested in his recent games, but comparatively, I'm not much different playing Red Dead Redemption.

Additionally, the situation between us had been less than satisfying sexually, likely because of my age, high work-load, or my own validation issues.

The work day passed without incident before I headed to a bookstore with an author event for my favorite writer. The book, a critically acclaimed piece, revolved around two men, an older man and a young one, and their unconventional relationship. The age difference and its explicit content stirred up controversy that it became a best-seller and a numerous award candidate.

Finding my place among the audience, I was surprised by the array of attractive men, convinced they would come for the author and his work. Memories of the encounter I had previously shared with Cami, still haunted me. I recalled denying my attraction and avoiding the coffee shop, bookstore, and places frequented by Cami despite no contact since.

Through a blur of memories involving food, books, and unspoken desires, I was pulled into thoughts when someone slid into the chair beside me. It was Cami, returning from "Urrgghh!" I'd wanted to move away, but Cami had merely greeted me and returned to his friends. The haircut, slightly longer, and the crop top revealed some signs of gym time. My gaze was immediately drawn to the diversely appealing ass under the loose, fitting trousers.

After the author's speech, the fans began lining up for autographs. I waited in line, avoiding eye contact with the pals of Cami as Cami left my presence noisily. The wait went on until I had the chance to request a signed copy. The author signed the book with his practiced smile and left me to join the next fan.

Upon reaching my car and escaping the event, my phone received a text message. The sender was Cami. "Hi Daddy," it read. My sense of relief caused a visceral shiver. "I knew you'd be here. I know you don't want anything to do with me, but I wanted to say 'hi.' I'll go back to my friends now."

Since then both of us have kept a distance. Now, my mind was flooded with both the memories of our shared meal and the harsh reality it had left me with. These memories had left me feeling warm and aroused. As if in a dream, I thought to myself, should I pretend to leave and go back? Could I get his autograph then escape unnoticed? Reflecting on the unremarkable, brief interaction, I decided to leave.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de