The Wampa and the Wookie: A Dynamic Duo

Leia Awards Chewbacca for a Meeting on Hoth.

May 7, 2024
10 min read
chewbaccaprincess leiaroyaltywookieThe Wampa And The Wookiebodysuitstar warscreampie
The Wampa And The Wookie
The Wampa And The Wookie

The Wampa and the Wookie: A Dynamic Duo

"Princess?" General Rieekan called for Leia with a wave, his expression worrisome as he attended to the screen monitoring distant anomalies. "You might want to take a look at this."

"What is it, General?" Leia inquired, leaving her own station and joining her superiors in the room. "I presume it's not good news, right?"

"We can't be certain yet, but our probes detected a gargantuan object entering the Hoth system," General Rieekan displayed the fuzzy, undetermined shape on a screen. "Our scopes sustained some damage from the clutter and we haven't managed to obtain a clear image."

"From the size it towers at around 1,600 meters long, it's easy to guess what it is," Wedge chimed in, his vote aligning with Leia's dreadful prediction.

"A Star Destroyer," Leia confirmed, her eyes fixed on the ominous blip within the system. "The Imperials are still кортайв on the outskirts of the system. Do we know if they suspect our location?"

"No, no other imperial ships seem to be within range," General Rieekan declared, though there was little solace to be found within his words.

"So they've detected our presence, and are on their way with their main fleet to conduct a detailed survey," Leia maintained a composed demeanor, though her apprehension mounted.

The Rebellion had enjoyed a secure, if exceptionally cold, tenure on the frozen planet of Hoth. Huge snowdrifts covered the landscape and perplexing fog obscured the high atmosphere, which made it extremely unlikely for Imperial eye-in-the-sky cloaking. Leia recognized that the safety of the Rebellion was far from assured and understood that one day, they would be forced to conduct a surprise exit, just like following the death star's obliteration.

"We must prepare for a potential evacuation in a matter of days as Imperial probe droids are bound to start appearing," General Rieekan forecast, concentrating intently on the mysterious vessel as it glided through the system. "It seems severe, but we can't afford to be caught by surprise. The enemies areenge for their revenge."

"Instruct your men to refuel and repair the snowspeeders," Leia affirmed, anticipating what a ground assault by the Empire would entail. "They won't be much, but they can cause significant damage if utilized strategically."

"You got it," General Rieekan acknowledged Wedge's efforts with a nod, noticing Leia's agitated countenance. "Princess, you have my permission to take a break. I'll inform you instantly if anything develops."

"Thanks, General Rieekan," Leia rendered him a grateful smile, unsure where to go afterward.

Leia received acknowledgment from everyone present as she left the operation base, pondering over the surreal touch of being regarded a military commander rather than the Princess and future monarch of Alderaan. Although the responsibilities varied vastly, the strain of serving in a violent conflict and being so young posed a formidable challenge. At 19, Leia found herself at the helm of an ongoing war, facing the mammoth task of safeguarding the very fate of the cosmos, overwhelming tyhe shoulders of someone her age.

Walking through the narrow corridors, Leia stooped to avoid the low beams holding up these underground spaces carved into the Hoth mountains. Heaters lined the path, providing just enough warmth to make the chilly air more manageable yet not so much it would melt the icy caverns and cause collapse.

Despite their relatively safe hiding place, she couldn't wait for the Empire's inevitable arrival. She longed to leave behind the frozen landscape of Hoth and its feeling of isolation. Leia wandered aimlessly, straying from the common areas with their heaters, moving toward the less-used tunnels and into the chilly air, barely registering the freezing temperature coming from the ice walls as her breath fogged up in front of her.

Lost in thought, she failed to notice the hazard warnings by the damaged ice chambers, marking an area at risk of a Wampa attack. As her journey went on, yet without a specific destination, she got further away from her base and found herself completely alone. The frozen wind was the only sound she heard when the gusts shot through the tunnels. The first place where she could actually be alone since she was no longer surrounded by troubling news or a specific captain's scowl.

To escape her thoughts, Leia sat on a storage bin in a nook, resting her head against a mesh wall covering. Sheltered from the destruction that could come from a bombardment, she bared her skin from her thermal vest and jumpsuit, feeling the cold air clearing her mind. This was a risk she took in the safety of the tunnels, but it was what she needed to escape her daily stressors.

Unzipping her jumpsuit, she shivered as it separated from her body, leaving her chilled and aware of her slicking breath. She didn't want to wear the heavy fabric, but its purpose was to protect against freezing temperatures. Disliking the confinement it brought with the slightest movement, she shuddered and decided to explore a different option.

"I really shouldn't be doing this," Leia mumbled to herself, her mind focused on pleasuring herself over her current circumstance.

She slightly parted her lips, and the air touched her glistening nipples when she removed her jacket. The third finger joined her prying waist and pushed between her legs, igniting a spark of excitement as it grazed her heated slit. The Princess was anything but the virginal person the public perceived her to be; she loved exploring her sexuality, no matter the danger.

Caught up in her venting, she relaxed her fingers and spread them apart, filling her aching hole while she rubbed her surrounding flesh. She had explored more daring means before, and her fingers' quick movement allowed her to barely feel any discomfort. The idea of letting go of her sexual needs worried Leia but not enough to stop her from continuing her intense masturbation.

Hidden in the alcove, she masturbated, not caring who might come along and interrupt her moment of relief. The potential of being stripped of her autonomy presented itself as footsteps echoed through the tunnel and approached her location, bringing her instantly back to the looming threat of reality. The risk outweighed the desire to feel relaxed and carefree.

So engrossed in pleasing herself, Leia hadn't even heard the footsteps approaching until they echoed through the chilled halls. Then she tensed, almost frantically but still not stopping herself, bending her fingers to scratch her pleasure centres, gyrating and rubbing her folds rapidly. The cutting sensation at the base of her hand and tightness growing in her hand was an indication that she had to finish before danger could come crashing into her world. She tried to contain herself while two men stood before her, but it was too late.

All of a sudden, a deep throaty growl brought Leia out of her erotic daze. Swiftly, Leia pulled her hands away and darted down onto the cold ground. A distinctly chilly arm was hurled in Leia's direction, striking with such force that the area surrounding them quaked. The arm was buried so deeply, the black talons of the Wampa got stuck in the thick ice. Sensing the claws' inability to come free, Leia sidestepped and grabbed her blaster hidden on her waist, aiming it at the Wampa.

She unleashed a shot that torched the Wampa's shoulder, causing the creature to lash out in pain. The arm broke the ice it was trapped in substantially. Leia again became the target of the Wampa's violent frenzy, dodging the claws that came hurtling down. "Take a break, fatso," Leia yelled as she darted sideways, firing a volley of red bolts straight at the Wampa.

Unfortunately, all of them missed the target. "Freeze, you lump," Leia cried out, crouching down and placing herself between the Wampa's legs. Although the Wampa briefly paused its assault, it kicked its mighty legs in an attempt to knock her down. She rolled away and discharged a bolt in the Wampa's direction, damaging its shoulder through the thick fur. Angered, the Wampa tried to break free by yanking its talons from the ice, causing more ice to crack. Leia hovered close to the ground while the Wampa, fueled by rage, was furiously attempting to grasp her.

As the Wampa grabbed her, another attacker burst out of nowhere; it was Chewbacca. He charged the Wampa with rage in his eyes and a primal cry on his lips, bringing it down with his arms. Chewbacca heaved the Wampa up into the air, allowing himself to launch it into the distance. The Wampa flailed about while a gush of blood streamed out of its muzzle. Conscious of an impending assault, the Wampa mobilized back onto its feet to counterattack. It planned its next move, searching for the perfect battle strategy. Chewbacca started pounding the Wampa's head with strong punches.

The Wampa, stunned by the Wookie's strength, did his best not to fall. Drawing on all its strength, Chewbacca tore out the Wampa's claws and hurled it across the passageway. The Wampa couldn't resist the urge to fight back and sprang to its feet but thought better of its actions when it recognized the fury in Chewbacca's dark eyes. With a final growl, the Wampa relinquished its hold and backed away into its lair, sporting eclectic cuts and wounds dealt by the Wookie.

As she watched Chewbacca take on the fearsome creature, Leia seemed awed and overwhelmed, reaching out her hand wobbly, letting Chewie help her back upright. Grateful, she said, "Chewie, I'm soo thrilled to see you."

Chewbacca, in return, extended his hand, carefully making sure Leia was safe and uninjured. He didn't seem bothered by the state of Leia's shredded jumpsuit. His attention was captivated by her exposed flesh, her heaving chest, and the mocha-colored buds on her—the sight of her amply exposed breasts, her white fabric only partially covering them.

"Oh, Cripes!" Leia muttered self-consciously, meeting Chewie's gaze. She had no intention of making up an explanation for her actions. She let her high-up neckline slip from her grasp, not so much as trying to cover these enticingly revealing gaps. "Yeah, that bear did me a bit dirty; under the circumstances, this was the only feasible way to control my stress. Do you really believe I could reason that out for you?" she half-joked, winking.

An irritable zhriih came out of Chewbacca, but his eyes remained locked on her chest. He embraced her suit near her chest, his nostrils flaring with arousal, clearly indicating the effect this had on him. Chewbacca's member looked like it was about to burst through his pouch. Leia noticed this and was amused. "Sheesh, Chewie," she said. "You must have been super excited by that gigantic snowman," she said, blushing.

An angry sigh came out of the Wookie. In his heart, he knew she was correct and felt ashamed. But it didn't take long for his Kessel Run-bred instincts to get the better of him. "No, Leia, it was you and your feminine allure that did me in. A moment of weakness has just ripped my underpants these unhappy moments."

Leia felt the blood rush into her cheeks, considering how charmingly Chewie put it across. "You're being sweet; no need to apologize about it, babe."

"Wow, what a brave act you did, Chewie. I would've been in serious trouble if you hadn't shown up and made that monster run away. You're like my superhero," Leia remarked, her voice quivered and became flirtatious, fingers moved along the damaged parts of her outfit. "And you know what heroes usually get? Awards."

Her slight movements induced a rise in Chewbacca, and his erection emerged from its pouch, the tip radiating through the synthetic lighting. Any hesitation Chewbacca had previously evaporated, substituted by a new-found determination, all thanks to Leia.

"I have an idea for an award you could receive. If you truly want it," Leia winked, tugging at the torn suit, gradually disclosing her upper torso in its totality.

Chewbacca didn't hesitate, sprinting towards Leia, exerting his power to pick her up and push her onto the wall. His sharp claws ripped through the tattered remains of the white jumpsuit, leaving Leia naked from her upper body down to her dripping wet vagina.

"I know Wookies are formidable, but you're incredible in a distinct manner. Let me experience that for myself, Chewie!" Leia gasped as she felt Chewbacca's scorching penis come in contact with her opening, the tip attempting to penetrate. "Time to show me your skills, giant guy!"

Chewbacca's mouth widened into a grin, eager to prove himself to the princess. With Leia's legs clinging to his waist, pulling her onto his rod to allow entry, Chewbacca couldn't resist. He forced Leia to bend backwards, pushing his large phallus into her tight slot.

"Wow, it's massive!" Leia gaped, her eyes rolled back, gripping his fur tightly as the initial penetration suddenly happened. Chewbacca thrashed his hips, shoving his spacious member in and out without hesitation.

"Faster, Chewie!" Leia shouted, tilting her face towards his furry neck, letting out an excruciating moan when Chewie followed her request. Grasping his fur tightly, Leia was tossed around, suffering under the level of passionate sex that only a Wookie could execute. "I crave your cock stretching me! Take me!"

Chewie exerted every ounce of control to maintain his speed, maintaining his focus on his pace. But the remnants of their fight and Leia's aroused cries overwhelmed Chewie, his fingers grazed over Leia's waist, grasping her forcefully. Impaling his enormous penis into her, Chewbacca's hips crafted sharp movements against Leia's frame, tossing her around like a breeze-responsive toy.

"Faster!" Leia cried out, grazing her face against Chewie's neck, issuing a pained shriek with his increased velocity. Tightening her hold on his fur even more, Leia was flung around without any real effort from Chewie, powerless against the passionate experience. Exhilarated by the feeling, Chewbacca pushed on, ferociously thrusting his rod into her tight opening.

"Faster, please! I need to experience your cock expanding me!" Leia panted, pressing her face into the furry crook of his neck, uttering a weak screech when he intensified his action. Her grip on his fur tightened even more, rocking her body back and forth for better force, trusting Chewie could keep up. Chewie just grinned and continued, his hips slamming against Leia's body, sending her into the air intermittently.

"That was intense!" Leia sighed, unwinding her legs from around him, wrapping her arms around his stiff trunk. "And it seems like we'll be spending some time here?"

Chewbacca grunted and gave a half-hearted nod, continuing to grind his hips against Leia's former opening, pearls of sperm oozing out from her hole.

"I reckon there's a concealed arsenal close by. We'll get some seclusion and maybe there'll be a spare jumpsuit there. I can't stroll back to command with your sperm drenching my clothing," Leia chuckled, squeezing him lovingly. "Try walking with that!"

Chewbacca grumbled and followed Leia's instructions, distracted by the temptation of the naked Princess meekly striding back to the command room, his sperm swirling in her womb. This plan seemed reasonable to him.

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