Celebrity Sex Stories

Three Trees - Ch. 02: Terms

The three trees grow more.

May 2, 2024
11 min read
Three Trees - Ch. 02: TermsFetish
Three Trees - Ch. 02: Terms
Three Trees - Ch. 02: Terms

Three Trees - Ch. 02: Terms

The story's author comments: Here's the second part of the tale about a woman who's exploring a D/s relationship outside of her marriage. I envision this as a gradual process, with the characters growing and evolving as they push the limits. The beginning may be hesitant, but they'll become more daring and explorative. I'd appreciate your feedback, particularly useful comments. Contact me if you'd like to talk about it further. I hope you'll enjoy!

When Nicole returned from the restaurant, Steve, her husband, awaited in the living room. He didn't try to seem overly excited to conceal his anticipation. "How did it go?"

Nicole resisted speaking, choosing instead to drag him to their bedroom. After pushing him down onto their bed, she pulled his jeans off, revealing an already stiff penis. She didn't linger and immediately, she began sucking it with great enthusiasm. Using her head as she increased the speed. The thoughts of Matt and Steve danced in her mind. How could she be thinking of someone other than her husband when he was the one she'd be seeing again? The beat of her heart accelerated with anticipation.

In an attempt to reassure Steve that he was still her priority, Nicole continued to give him the best blowjob she possibly could. Recalling the moves of the young, submissive girls - or were they sluts? - she saw in her most popular porn movies. Friction from hand on hand, twisting slightly, using saliva to keep everything wet.

Steve's breath was becoming increasingly ragged. "I want to fuck you," he murmured.

"Mmm" she replied, clear in her refusal. Licking the head of his cock before embracing it with her hands. Applying steady friction.

"Please suck me again," he craved. "I'm almost finished."

Navigating through Steve's demand, she continued, and he neared climax. When his member began to soften, she pulled back. "Don't let him slip out," she pleaded. Swallowing his cum into her mouth, she ensured every last drop found its way inside. She envisioned this is what Matt would want, which made her uncomfortable yet thrilling.

Finally, the sensation subsided. She climbed up beside him, Laying down on the bed next to him. Sucking in a deep breath, she listened.

"Fucking hell, Nicole, that was fantastic!" He gushed.

She merely sighed, unable to look him in the eye.

"I know he only hugged you," he added after a moment, still needing time to recover. "Did you... did you do anything naughty for him in the parking lot?"

Imagining his concern, amidst her inner conflict, she found it challenging to express her thoughts. "No, Matt just gave me a hug."

A hint of disappointment crossed his face. "Just a hug?" He noted, somewhat taken aback. "It would've been so hot if you had given him a blowjob in his car."

She remained silent, murmuring a few random words. With their unspoken understanding to prioritize honesty, she had to confess her feelings and actions. "We agreed there would be no sexual activity for the first meeting."

Steve sighed, his eyes fluttering closed, "I understand, I was just so enticed by the thought of someone taking you."

Nicole nervous, "Um, what do you mean by that?"

He collected himself, "Remember that thrill we had early in our marriage when we talked about what you would do with someone if I wasn't around?" Steve queried. "The thought of that still excites me."

She responded, "Even though we agreed on not having sex with anyone but each other?"

"It's fantasy, baby. In my mind, I can control the scenario while enjoying the visualization."

When Matt finished, he said, "I just feel so selfish and guilty. It feels like it's all about me."

He reached down and grabbed her hand, guiding it to his cock. He was hard again and he wanted her to experience it. "It's not just about you..."

Matt drove home, becoming more exhilarated the closer he got. His cock was rock hard, and it felt unreal to him that he was having a... well, a date? With another man's wife. And it felt so right. So intense.

He worried he was reading into things too much. He feared Nicole would change her mind. Or her husband would explode. They likely would, right? He shouldn't get his hopes up. Why would she merely want to be someone else's sex object? Why would her husband allow it? She was breathtakingly beautiful. Too good-looking to be promiscuous. His cock hurt from the thoughts swirling in his head.

Once home, he checked his messages. Nothing. Of course not. They were most likely conversing. Talking about never doing it again. He needed to give them their space. He had to get ready for the possibility of never hearing from her again.

He began writing a new message.


I had an incredible time! I can't believe how natural it felt to be with you. I can't believe how sensual you are! By the way, I'd love to continue exploring this with you. Please let me know your thoughts and we'll take it from there.


He clicked send. He read his message again. Felt way too passive. He was meant to be in control. Dominates wouldn't phrase things that way. Yet, he didn't want to terrify her. How the hell do you know what the proper tone is? He lay down on his bed.

Feeling unable to control his bodily needs, he jerked off. That made him think of the meeting. All the anticipation was like energy coursing through him. He could see her face. She was a living, breathing person now. Exquisitely beautiful and brimming with possibility. He was so close to fulfilling his fantasies, yet, at the same time, so discouragingly far. His mind drifted away, escaping the tension, and he fell asleep.

He awoke from his dreamless sleep. He couldn't recollect his dreams, but he knew who they were about.

He checked his phone. A message had arrived.


Thank you for lunch today. It was perfect. You made me feel extremely comfortable and safe, exactly what I needed. I'm not particularly good at this yet, so I apologize if I didn't satisfy your desires. I spoke with Steve when I got home, and I'd like to proceed.

Matt's heart began racing as he read her text. It seemed too good to be true.


What would you prefer to do next? I want to ensure you and Steve are content with whatever we undertake. I'd like a more intimate setting. Are you both okay with that idea? Should Steve be there? I can meet him whenever you both feel comfortable.

Within minutes, another reply appeared.

I prefer a private location too. Steve and I talked, and we believe we should meet first. He wants to feel as secure with you as I do.

The thought of being alone with you is driving me insane. Let's meet for drinks somewhere.

That sounds fantastic! What about 'The Grapes' off Savoy Ave? Any evening this week works well for me, as long as it's after six.

The End

Steve and Nicole entered The Grapes around seven thirty. Steve searched for Matt, noticing him as Nicole pointed him out. The run-up to the meeting was charged with a multitude of feelings: nervousness, guilt, adventure, and infatuation. Nicole had been buzzing with excitement all week, starkly contrasted by Steve's arousal from her. Their intimate time together had been filled with fervent sex, a high level of excitement, and a playful game of "What do you think he'll want first?" Steve noticed this excitement in Nicole's demeanor, while she relished in Steve's heightened arousal. Nicole had almost asked Matt what to wear, but couldn't bring herself to admit that she wanted him to choose her outfit. She felt ensnared by the adrenaline-fueled sex with Steve. Nicole thought about how easily he had gotten erect this week. A brutal truth; how much they enjoyed playing "What do you think he'll want first?" had enthralled her.

Nicole, wearing jeans and a blouse that highlighted her cleavage, told Steve about Matt's choice of meeting location. Steve searched for Matt, and Nicole pointed him out. He furtively scanned the room, but couldn't discern Matt's physical characteristics. The road to the meeting had been tortuously emotional. Nicole's energetic demeanor was a mix of anxiety, remorse, desire, and unbridled fascination for the coming encounter. She kryptonically conveyed her excitement to Steve, even though she knew her enthusiasm was transparent. Steve nearly burst with desire as Nicole went on about meeting Matt.

After seeing them, Matt joined them at their table.

The post-sex chats regarding regulations and limits had been mentioned between them. She was grateful when Steve consented to tell Matt about it. Nicole couldn't imagine herself saying those words out loud, no matter how much she wanted this to happen.

Nicole promptly recognized Matt in the crowd. He had already snagged a small table in what seemed like a quiet region. She waved and tugged on Steve's hand as they headed towards the table. Steve amused himself by noticing the peculiarities of the nautical-themed bar. He noticed how the distance to the table appeared to stretch forever while also flying by.

Matt extended his hand to Steve. "Hello, I'm Matt," he said, providing a friendly yet confident handshake.

He turned to look at Nicole. "Hi," he said simply, a grin spreading across his face.

In a small voice, Nicole could hardly believe she was saying it, "Hi."

Matt started to move in for a hug, but hesitated, glancing at Steve with a questioning eye, seeking permission before progressing. Steve smiled and gave a half nod. As his arms looped around Nicole, a sense of familiarity came over them both.

They settled at the table in an awkward silence.

Matt initiated the conversation. "I think we should order drinks now." They shared a laugh and the tension dissipated.

The waitress arrived. Matt gathered his courage. "The lady would prefer some red wine, and I'll have a Manhattan."

"And for you?" she inquired.

"I'll have a Manhattan, too," Steve replied.

Nicole felt herself becoming flustered. She was enjoying being at this table with these two men. One, her trusted husband who made her feel secure and content. The other, a new and exhilarating adventure waiting to be unveiled.

They could only converse about traffic and weather for a few moments longer. The alcohol eventually loosened them up.

Matt began. "We don't have to do anything at all, and if at any point someone says "stop," then that's it. We stop. I just wanted to get that idea out first."

"I respect that," Steve replied. He found Matt's demeanor comforting. He exuded a sense of confidence and ease but also a willingness to submit.

Matt continued, "I thought perhaps you may have some queries and I'm an open book."

Steve took a moment before asking, "I wonder, why this? I mean, with a married woman. I realize that Nicole mentioned they're not seeking a full-blown relationship, although I'm not entirely sure what that means. I guess I just don't grasp why you wouldn't want... I don't know, a girlfriend?"

Matt had anticipated the question. He'd pondered this same question many times himself. "I've been divorced for a bit. But my relationship hadn't been great for some time. I'm just emotionally drained by the whole experience. I know I wouldn't be a fine partner for anyone right now. And this whole idea, it's been turning me on for a while. I've never met anyone who might be interested in it. Going about it this way, where everything is out in the open from the start, seems like the sensible choice. And knowing Nicole has you... it seems like a fitting option."

Matt felt his face reddening. He wasn't accustomed to discussing his feelings. And here he was, exposing them to a stranger, a man he'd just met.

Nicole could see vulnerability in Matt's words. She had some knowledge of his divorce but only a little. She understood the weariness in his eyes when he spoke about it. She considered how much Matt could benefit from... from an encounter with her. She desired him to feel like royalty. And she wanted him to use her in that manner. Her arousal heightened thinking about it.

Steve was familiar with the gist of the story and observed Matt's body language more closely. Attempting to assess him, ascertain if he spoke the truth. It was clear that he was uncomfortable, but he was being honest.

"I need to know she is secure." Steve verbalized the challenge. "That's the most significant issue."

Of course, it was a not-so-eloquent way of phrasing it, but he wanted to leave no doubt about his priority.

"I understand that entirely. And I comprehend that we don't know each other...at least not well. If I were in your shoes, I'd feel the same way. And I'm prepared to proceed at the speed and adopt the regulations you choose to ensure you comprehend how serious safety is to me."

From Nicole's standpoint, she was quiet within herself, but concealed a bundle of nerves. She was discussed as if she wasn't even there. As though she were a commodity in a trade deal between two businessmen. Her whole life, she had held her independence in high regard. She was on track to secure a manager position in her corporate job. She didn't need assistance. Steve had always been understanding of her independence, yet he was always there for her when she desired it.

The current scenario differed. Her partner on one side, her... what? Dominant? On the other. Her function was to be exchanged. Although it sounded appalling in practical terms, it seemed exhilarating to be a part of it. She sensed herself becoming wetter between her legs as she thought about it.

Steve was finalizing a list of preliminary rules. "Needless to say, the goal would be to go further in the future if all goes well, but for the initial occasion or two, these are our principles."

"I'm entirely on board with your perspective," Matt responded, "and I'm accepting of the possibility that it might never go beyond that. Or even halt before it starts."

A silence pervaded the conversation as everyone had said what they required and heard what they had to listen to.

Steve started the conversation once more. "We'll naturally return home and make a final decision, but I appreciate your willingness to meet and discuss things first. I'm going to utilize the restroom, settle the bill, and then warm up the car for a few moments. You'll escort her out to the car when she's ready?"

Nicole immediately recognized what her husband had just done. It was nearly 60 degrees outside. She felt a surge of warmth come over her.

Matt considered the implications for a moment, processing them. "Of course," he said, without missing a beat, "But it would mean a great deal to me to cover the cost. And obviously, you as well."

Steve, not accustomed to allowing others to pay for him, had to pause. He almost chuckled at himself for receiving a free drink out of the situation. Yet if he was going to let his wife be... whatever this was... it appeared appropriate.

"I suppose that makes sense. I'll be in the car. And dear, be sure to listen to Matt."

Nicole's heart skipped a beat hearing her husband say that. That she was needed to obey. She'd never loved him more than she did in that moment. Her husband was the nicest man she'd ever encountered, and he was offering her a selfless gift for just a few moments.

Steve couldn't help himself. He stood up swiftly, shook Matt's hand once more, and then departed to the men's washroom. He tried his hardest not to look, but he couldn't stop himself from stealing a peek. Nicole had already shifted to a chair next to Matt. Was his hand on her leg? He couldn't tell. His heart pounded faster. He promptly walked out and entered his car.

As he listened to the sound of his footsteps on the gravel parking lot, he couldn't determine whether he desired to hasten to his car or vomit.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de