Celebrity Sex Stories

Thunderstorms with Flashes of Lightning

In their role-playing session, Cynthia and Katie discover a unique novelty item.

May 7, 2024
15 min read
playingvibratorsexyffroleplayLightning and Thunder
Lightning and Thunder
Lightning and Thunder

Thunderstorms with Flashes of Lightning

Eyes shut, arms hanging limply at her sides, slumped against the bathroom wall, Katie was lost in one of the most heavenly climaxes she had ever experienced. It felt so divine. Somewhere deep inside her thoughts, she almost questioned whether or not she was even climaxing, but the gush of wetness she could feel between her legs assured her that yes, she was indeed cumming from Cynthia's unrelenting oral adventures.

Whispers floated into her mind, hazy on the edges of her consciousness. "Good job... Towels... Really soaked..." But they soon dissolved back into the haze.

Katie thought she heard someone calling her name.

It was Cynthia.

The world was Cynthia.

Of course.

"Yoo-hoo, Katie?" She heard her voice in a melodic tone, but there seemed to be a touch of worry in there.

Katie believed she opened her eyes, only to see grayness.

She focused on the voice as colors began to seep in over the gray. Shapes formed.

"I said: 'It's a good thing we had these towels handy. You really soaked yourself.'" Cynthia repeated. "Were you even paying attention?"

"Uh... Yeah... No..." Katie stammered, still a bit hazy in the head. "I just... Uh... Had an orgasm."

Cynthia raised an eyebrow. "You can say that again!" She declared. "You... wow, you squirted so much that I'm afraid you could become dehydrated! Make sure you drink lots of water today."

With help from Cynthia, Katie struggled to sit up. "I love you so much!" Katie exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Cynthia's neck.

Cynthia grinned but retorted, "Oh, that's just the orgasm talking."

"I know that."

"Yeah," Cynthia nodded towards the vanity. "So, do we want to get back to the hair washing thing?"

"Yes, please!" Katie told her as Cynthia helped her out of the vanity. "but... you know... It could get pretty messy with all the water and shampoo... You should probably take off your clothes, too, and join me in the tub..."

Cynthia raised an eyebrow. "What about the 'no sexual touching' rule?"

Katie puckered her lips. "I think you already broke it beyond repair."

"I couldn't help it."

"Well, I had a great time!"

"Me too," Cynthia replied, embracing her. "I'm glad you didn't chase Alex away from a life of lesbianism."

"Alex who?" Cynthia asked, puzzled. "What reverent and gargantuan cock showering me with unending orgasms and filling me with gallons upon gallons of cum? Why, I can barely remember the breath-taking feeling of the head of his divine dick jabbing my lungs from inside with each thrust -"

"I get it," Katie interrupted, covering Cynthia's mouth with her hand. "You're a whore."

"I'm your whore."

"And Alex's whore sometimes."

"And Freya's whore sometimes." Cynthia smiled. "But mostly your whore." She thought for a moment and calculated in her head. "Sixty-nine percent your whore."

Katie nudged the conversation back on track. "So... Hair washing...?" Katie asked, shifting the attention back to the original purpose of being stark naked in a bathtub together.

The two girls hopped into the tub with the fresh bottle of shampoo. Cynthia angled the handheld showerhead down, adjusting its temperature. With a gentle stream of warm water, Cynthia sprayed Katie's hair and upper back. Cynthia reached a hand around Katie and skimmed a finger across one of her nipples. Katie bobbled due to the shudder she experienced, almost taking a nose dive had Cynthia not had one arm securing her.

"Holy crap!" She exclaimed. "Okay. Back to the 'no sexual touching' rule!"

A little rattled from the near fall, Cynthia agreed.

Having fully rinsed out Katie's hair, Cynthia turned off the water and grabbed a bit of the leftover shampoo, rubbing it into her palm. As she massaged the shampoo into a lather, Katie whiffed the vanilla scent fill the air.

"Mm, Cynthia," she breathed. "That smells so good." Katie melted as Cynthia's fingers massaged the shampoo into her hair. The sensation of Cynthia's fingertips running through her hair sent chills down her spine. Katie found herself moaning, and then groaned with a guttural wail when Cynthia started using her fingernails to scratch Katie's scalp.

Katie felt a desire deep within her that seemed like it could turn into a scalp orgasm. Katie had discovered the wondrous pleasure of a nipple orgasm alone in bed years prior, but could she possibly experience a scalp orgasm?

Cynthia continued shampooing Katie's hair while Katie reached between her legs, feeling her wetness. Katie traced her fingers along her clit, but she was ready for the response this time and maintained her balance. She slid her hand behind her and explored Cynthia's pussy. [

Noticed a couple mistakes in sultry tone... But overall I like it

"So, you're wanting more touching?" Cynthia questioned, giggling. "It didn't last long, did it?"

"It's my day, and I can do whatever I want," she responded. "And my job is to make sure your day is exactly what you want it to be. So, let me help." Cynthia positioned herself beside the bathtub, spreading out her legs and opening her own wet pussy for her lover to explore.

Katie dove right in!

Fingering Cynthia aggressively, Cynthia momentarily forgot about washing her hair and just wrapped her arms around Katie's shoulders, pulling the young girl against her massive breasts. Slicked with water and shampoo, Katie slid back and forth along them for a moment as Cynthia raced towards an orgasm.

Cynthia was almost there when Katie abruptly removed her fingers. She frantically struggled in Cynthia's wet hold, screaming, "Ow! Ow! Ow!"

"What happening?" Cynthia inquired.

"The shampoo in my eyes!" Katie cried out. "Turn on the water! Fast!"

Cynthia switched on the water and began washing Katie off.

"It's cold!" Katie hollered.

Cynthia turned the faucet hotter.

"It's too hot! It's too hot!"

Finally, Cynthia got the water to a comfortable level and was able to wash Katie thoroughly.

"Where'd we leave off?" Cynthia prompted.

With reddened eyes, Katie stared back at her, trying to regain feeling in them. "You joking?"

"Yep." Cynthia frowned and shrugged. "Guess I was joking."

Following her bath, Katie stepped out of the shower and Cynthia drew the curtain shut. "I'm gonna rinse off real quick, then I'll start making lunch," Cynthia announced.

"Okay," Katie said, grabbing a towel. "No more sexual touching!" Katie shouted as she tore the curtain open.

"Fine!" Cynthia exclaimed, pulling the curtain closed again.

Once cleaned and dressed, they took their place at the kitchen table for lunch. Cynthia had whipped up grilled cheese sandwiches, slightly burned, tomato soup from a can, and slightly burned French fries. Katie raved about how scrumptious her meal was, making Cynthia incredibly happy. But Katie made a mental note to assist with the dinner preparations later on.

After lunch, Katie took Rio outside to take care of his business while Cynthia cleaned up the dishes. They then returned to the table in their pajamas to play Gin Rummy. Katie pummeled Cynthia and Cynthia found herself surprisingly enjoying the game. Although she lost every hand but one.

"So, what's next?" Cynthia asked, tucking away the cards.

"I'm not sure," Katie considered.

"Is the 'no touching' rule still in place?"

Katie gave her a sly smile, whispering "You know, I've always fancied role-playing... " She trailed off while turning red in the face, but maintained her eye contact with Cynthia.

"If it ends with sex, like all good role-plays do," Cynthia declared, "Then I'm down."

"A repairman and a lonely housewife, maybe?" Katie tossed out.

"How'd you know so much about porn movies?" Cynthia inquired, astonished.

"I've been exposed to a thing or two," Katie teased.

"Oh, wow. How, might I ask?"

"I've been observing," Katie confessed.

"A pervert," Cynthia said jokingly.

"True," Katie conceded and thought for a moment. "But a lot of adult films include the statements," she suggested, "'Oh, lady, your pussy is so wet' and 'Your pussy is so tasty' and such."

Cynthia laughed at the ridiculousness of it all.

"So... You could be the repairwoman or something," Katie offered.

"Oh, yeah," said Cynthia sarcastically, "I could be," then ajdopted a gruff voice, "'Lady, I'm the plumber you called. I'm here to clean your pipes."

Katie covered her mouth with her hand and couldn't stop laughing.

"And a few moments later, you're fully naked. You're doing a handstand in the center of the room, with your legs wrapped around my neck while I chow down on your delicious, hairless vagina," Cynthia continued.

Katie collapsed into hysterics. Finally, Cynthia was about to say something else, but a loud clap of thunder outside caused everything to come to a halt.

Perceiving an opportunity, Katie began playing the frightened little girl role. She held Rio protectively in her lap and pressed herself against the chair with wide eyes.

"Cynthia? The thunder frightened me," she shared.

"Don't you worry," Cynthia consoled. "I'll protect you, dear."

"Well, I'll safeguard you from the dreadful thunder, Katie," Cynthia repeated.

A sudden knock on the door frightened the trio. Cynthia went to answer it.

"I'm getting Rio, okay?" Freya informed them. "He can be quite anxious around thunder, and tonight's forecast calls for a major downpour."

"Darn," said Cynthia, pivoting to Katie with a big grin. "Let's return this nice woman her furry companion," she teased with a saccharine voice.

Freya assessed their facial expressions.

"We're acting, remember?" Cynthia winked at her. "Inflicting psychological damage on our pet."

"Don't you think you're going too far?" Freya inquired.

"Think of it as inevitable side effects," Cynthia answered.

Freya took the dog from Katie. "Come on, time to help him escape from this chaotic place."

"Let's go down the hall first," Cynthia instructed after Freya. "They can hear us down there."

"What?" Katie put in, feeling embarrassed.

"We've all shared a bed together. It doesn't matter now," Katie responded.

The girls returned to their game as another crack of lightning brightened the sky. "Thank you, Mother Nature," Cynthia spoke to the sky. "Now, Katie, are you petrified by thunder, little lady?" She danced her way closer to Katie and opened her arms wide.

Trembling in Katie's small voice, "Yes."

"Snuggle into me," Cynthia invited, holding Katie close. "Come, sit on the couch while we wait out the storm together."

Katie shimmied her way over to the couch, resting on Cynthia's lap. Katie's head rested on one of Cynthia's soft breasts. They both listened to the constant patter of raindrops against glass and the roof for a few minutes.

Cynthia extended a hand to caress Katie's back through the material of her shirt.

"Feels nice," Katie murmured.

Another crack of thunder alerted their senses. "Hush, dearie. I'm here with you," Cynthia said soothingly.

"It's frightening," Katie responded.

Cynthia's hand meandered around Katie's waist and settled right underneath her breast, coaxing Katie's gaze upward. "Want me to do something else to distract you?"

"Soothe me," Katie begged.

Cynthia complied, gently stroking Katie's nipple through her shirt.

"What are you doing?" Katie whispered.

"This is to calm your nerves," Cynthia reassured Katie.

"I like it."

"Maybe it's time to sleep in bed and hide from the thunderstorm nearby?" Cynthia proposed.

"I'm content in your arms." Katie clarified. "Also, I don't believe you should share my bed."

"But who will keep you safe?"

Katie mulled it over before replying, "You, if you want."

"Then let me take you to your bedroom, Katie!"

"Alright. If that's what you prefer."

"To be safe from the storm, we should both be in bed together," Cynthia clarified.

"Can you carry me?" Katie asked fondly.

Cynthia rolled her eyes. "I'll gladly do that for you." Cynthia hoisted Katie onto her shoulders.

"This is enjoyable!" Katie giggled as she was being transported to her bedroom. "I like snuggling against you."

Cynthia inhaled, enjoying Katie's scent wafting beneath her nose. "Your hair smells amazing."

"It's new vanilla-scented shampoo," Katie added. "Gave it to me, a friend of mine."

"Your friend must treasure you dearly."

"She does, very much so."

"Seems like a pretty lady," Cynthia remarked.

"Average," Katie laughed.

"It depends on perspective."

"Okay, go on, make me believe it!" Katie chuckled.

"You're joking!" Cynthia gasped indignantly. "If we're being honest, your friend seems sublimely beautiful to me."

Katie poured on the pretend hesitation. "Alright. But be prepared for a big sneeze attack if I notice her, 'cause it'll be dangerous."

"Your hair is lovely. But...you don't smell pleasant."

"Ugh, that's not nice to say!" Katie reacted angrily.

As another bout of thunder rumbled through, Katie tugged Cynthia closer to her.

"We should both snuggle into bed. To be safe," Cynthia suggested.

"Okay. Can we bring a flashlight too?" Katie asked eagerly.

Delighted by the idea, Cynthia went to the linen closet and retrieved a flashlight. She took Katie by the hand back to their room and helped her climb onto the bed. Then, Cynthia tucked the covers around them.

"Ready for fun?" Cynthia inquired.

"Yes. What are we going to do?" Katie wondered.

"I'll roll you over to the other side of the bed like a steamroller," Cynthia instructed.

"Woo!" Katie shrieked with glee. She grabbed Cynthia's arms and rolled her along the bed. Katie flipped herself back over and laid next to Cynthia again.

"Here's the steamroller!" Cynthia cheered, pretending to be a locomotive. Katie giggled as they did it repeatedly.

"Can we play this game again?" Katie begged. She wrapped her arms around Cynthia.

"Please? Please? Pretty please?" Katie implored.

"Katie, you sound like a little child."

"It isn't weird. It's amusing," Katie countered. "Do not break character."

Cynthia smirked and got into bed, tucking the covers around them. Katie cuddled into her.

"You'll shield me, right?" Katie inquired.

"Ill protect you!" Cynthia promised, pulling Katie close. "There's something more that'll make you feel secure, though."

"What?" Katie asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"If we both take our shirts off."

"That doesn't make sense. How does that protect us?" Katie questioned.

"Don't you trust me?"

"Yes..." Katie conceded with some hesitation, adding, "But you first."

Cynthia quickly removed her shirt and shed it on the floor. Katie turned on the flashlight and stared at Cynthia's naked body, eyes glinting with intrigue.

"Katie, you're attractive," Cynthia complimented.

Katie blushed a deep red. "I don't think so. I mean, I don't think I am."

"Honestly?" Cynthia verifyed.


Cynthia shook her head in disbelief. "You're stunning."

Katie blushed even more deeply but maintained her stance.

Cynthia snuggled against Katie, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Do you feel safer now?"

"Yes," Katie replied, stroking Cynthia's chest. "I have an idea! What if we touch each other's boobs?"

"That's a great idea!" Cynthia exclaimed, reaching to caress Katie's substantial breasts.

Katie moaned deeply as Cynthia gently massaged her sensitive nipples. "This feels so good!"

"Do you feel frightened as well?" Cynthia inquired.


Cynthia smiled as Katie tweaked Cynthia's nipples with her fingers.

"You're so beautiful. You make my skin tingle. I've never called you beautiful before," Cynthia confessed.

Katie felt shy and bashful. "Really? It's the first time anyone has said that to me."

Cynthia wrapped her arms around Katie. "You are very beautiful."

Katie's face flushed in response.

The two friends snuggled together under the blanket, Katie's hand gesturing for the flashlight.

Katie handed the flashlight to Cynthia. "Give me a look down there," Katie instructed.

Cynthia pulled back the covers, exposing her mound of dark curls. "Are you worried about how I look?" She asked Katie.

"No, I'm curious."

"Oh, alright. Here," Cynthia held out the flashlight so Katie could see.

"Show me. Hold it steady," Katie told Cynthia, who followed the directions.

Katie's face scrunched up as she stared. "Cynthia, you're more...hairy than me!"

Cynthia frowned. "I'm not that hairy!"

"More than not hairy, yes," Katie insisted. "Do you mind?"


Using the flashlight, Katie traced the curve of Cynthia's pubic mound, lingering longer where the curls grew thicker.

"The thunder sounds scary!" Katie remarked.

"I agree," Cynthia added.

Almost on reflex, Cynthia leaned in and put her face between Katie's legs, pressing her nose against Katie's vulva. Her tongue darted out, tasting the scent and wetness of Katie's cunt. Katie's stomach clenched with desire.

"I'm not scared," Katie squeaked out.

Cynthia carefully positioned her head, allowing her tongue to probe into Katie's wet folds.

"My first time," Katie whispered.

"Mine too," Cynthia admitted.

Katie's breathing quickened beneath Cynthia's attentive tongue. Her legs quivered as she orgasmed and her twat was slick with desire.

"Cynthia?" Katie questioned.

Cynthia climbed back up into bed beside her little friend.

Katie quickly cuddled up beside her, resting her head between Cynthia's breasts. "May I tell you a secret?"


"Will you promise not to tell?"

"Certainly. Your secret is safe with me." Cynthia pursed her lips and mimicked locking them with her fingers before pretending to throw away the key.

Katie licked her dry lips and faced Cynthia. "I enjoy your company."

"And I cherish your company, dear."

The girls snuggled a bit more, listening to the intense storm outside, content in their snuggly haven of warmth and joy.

"Would you like the other gift I acquired for you?" Cynthia asked.


"It's a toy."

"Oh! I like toys!" Katie exclaimed.

"I believe you'll really adore this one. I'll soon return." Cynthia left the bed and ventured down the hallway. When she re-entered the bedroom, she informed Katie, "I grabbed this item for you while I was out earlier."

Cynthia got back in bed with a small object in one hand.

Katie gazed at it. "What is it?"

"It's known as 'Fantastic Fingers'," Cynthia replied.

"What does it do?"

"I'll demonstrate." Cynthia put on a two-fingered plastic ring on her fingers while Katie closely observed. Cynthia pushed a tiny button and a faint humming noise sounded. Katie almost jumped when Cynthia pinched one of her nipples between her thumb and index finger, causing vibrations to flood from Cynthia's fingertips.

"Wow!" was Katie's only comment.

"Not bad, huh?"

Katie trembled. "I can't even describe it as anything short of stunning!"

Cynthia slid under the bedcovers and put the vibrating fingers on Katie's genitalia. Katie cried out as one of Cynthia's vibrating fingers penetrated her.

"Shh! They'll hear you downstairs!" Cynthia cautioned.

"But they won't. Not with this storm," Katie said. "And you're disregarding your role."

"Fuck it! If they hear us, they hear us." Cynthia retorted as she persistently used her magic fingers on Katie. She could sense the dampness dripping from her fervently applying Katie's pussy.

In no time, the sensations surging through Katie resulted in a deafening climax. After panting against Cynthia's breasts, she noted, "That was extraordinary, Cynthia. You have to try it."

"Yes, please!" Cynthia responded as she put Katie's fingers in the device, now covered in lubrication from her wet pussy. Once activated, Katie pushed her thumb as deep as she could into her lover while her fingers were available to stimulate the engorged edge of Cynthia's labia.

While Katie thumbed her, Cynthia pinched each of her nipples and wished Freya was there to aid. Katie stimulating her genitalia while Freya indulged in her breasts would be a dream come true for Cynthia. Merely imagining both enjoying her body brought Cynthia to her zenith.

"Ung!" She groaned as she climaxed against Katie's hand, but this time when Cynthia climaxed, Katie did not stop. "Stop! Stop!" Cynthia pleaded. "Too sensitive!"

"No, unless you say the safe word."

Through the misery of her highly sensitive pussy being relentlessly stroked by the "Fantastic Fingers", Cynthia smiled. Despite repeatedly begging Katie to cease, Cynthia refrained from uttering the safe word, so Katie continued taunting Cynthia's vagina. Cynthia came three additional times by Katie's count, before she finally relented and permitted her fingers to exit her girlfriend.

Katie switched off the device and hugged next to Cynthia. She could feel her heart fluttering in the wake of multiple climaxes.

"How satisfying was that?" Katie inquired.


"Was it as enjoyable as making love to a man? With Alex?" Katie inquired, half teasing and half genuinely curious.


Katie remained in the same spot, feeling Cynthia's rapidly beating heart and listening to her shallow breaths as the storm abated outside.

Eventually, she inquired, "Was it really that remarkable? What you did with Alex?"

Cynthia inhaled deeply. "Yes. It was."

"I'm glad."

Tears appeared in Cynthia's eyes. What pained Cynthia was that Katie genuinely was happy for her. Katie had no demands. Katie had no complaints. Cynthia had nearly limitless liberty to entertain herself - and she did - yet Katie had no malice.

Cynthia sniffled. "I should treat you better."

"You do treat me with great care."

"I should demonstrate my appreciation more."

"You do express your appreciation constantly."

"However, you do!" Katie sat up in bed, turning to face Cynthia. "You express your admiration for me each time you gaze at me with a smile for no apparent cause. You demonstrate it every time you touch me. You exhibit it every time you kiss my forehead before bed. You illustrate your love and appreciation for me every time you embrace me in your arms." Katie relaxed back in bed and hugged Cynthia. "And I couldn't be more content."

"You're extraordinary."

"I understand."

For a few more moments, the girls simply cherished each other's company.



"Was it genuinely that satisfying?"

"What was genuinely that satisfying?"

"What you did with Alex."

"Say it, Katie..." Cynthia teased.


"Katie..." Cynthia cautioned her.

"Fine. Doing it with him. Was it genuinely that satisfying?"

"You know, Katie, for someone not interested in men, you're asking rather a lot of questions about sex with a man."

"I'm just curious."

"Yes. It was indeed satisfying," Cynthia replied. "It was amazing." It hadn't been discussed previously, but after being friends throughout their lives and now lovers, both girls had always strived to be truthful with each other. There was no point in deception. "You should consider it. Having that thing going in and out of you is enjoyable."

"No," Katie answered. "And furthermore, I don't have the excruciating daddy issues you have."

"Are you scared you might actually enjoy it?" Cynthia amusedly played with one of Katie's new breast decorations. "A genuine dick feels rather fantastic."

"I doubt it could feel any better than lying here with you."

Cynthia smiled. "Nope, Katie-bear. Not even close."

"So, what's for dinner?"

"Do I still have to prepare dinner after all this pretending?" Cynthia inquired.

Katie smiled. "Yes, but I want to cook with you. Just to ensure you don't set our house on fire."

Cynthia embraced Katie. "That sounds like a smart idea."

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    Source: www.nice-escort.de