Tied to the Law Ch. 03

Sophie submits to Mr Adam’s’ demands.

Aug 9, 2024
27 min read
gagcar sexsubmissiveropeblowjobsubmissionTied to the Law Ch. 03bondageworkplace
Tied to the Law Ch. 03
Tied to the Law Ch. 03

Tied to the Law Ch. 03

Sophie waited patiently outside Mr Adam's door, a copy of the transcript of the meeting he had allowed her to sit in on tucked under her arm. She could see him through the glass door, his back to her as he spoke with someone on the pone in front of the floor to ceiling windows that overlooked Central Park. She bit her tongue trying to contain her nervous energy as she thought back to the last time she had been in his office; bent over his desk, her ass at the mercy of the flogger he secreted in his bottom draw. They hadn't spoken since the text exchange when she had sent him a picture of her tits. She wondered what he had done with that picture and whether he had pleasured himself to it? The thought brought a smile to her face and she wished he would hurry up and finish his conversation.

He turned, catching sight of her through the glass door and she thought she saw the corners of his mouth twitch slightly. He crossed the office and sat down behind his desk, the phone call continuing for several more long minutes as he referred to something on his computer before the conversation at last came to an end. As soon as he set the phone down she reached out and knocked softly on the glass door but he did not invite her in. She watched as he typed something on his keyboard, forcing her to wait a little longer before finally standing up and opening the door for her.

"Miss Jones," he said smoothly, his smile at once both smug and relaxed.

"Mr Adams," she replied, unable to keep from smiling back at him.

He gestured her inside, reseating himself behind his desk and looking up at her expectantly.

"I have the transcript of the meeting and the amended contract that you wanted," she said.

"Good," he said, holding out a hand to take the files she offered him.

She watched nervously as he began to read through the documents she had prepared. It was the first actual piece of work that she had done for the company beyond fetching people coffees and retrieving and organising old case files. The paralegals had told her how to amend the contract but she had been left to do the work herself and she was praying that she hadn't made a complete fool of herself. She wished she could sit down but Mr Adams hadn't indicated that she should do so, so she remained standing, wringing her hands anxiously behind her back as the silence dragged on.

"This was your first attempt?" he asked at last.

She nodded, fighting back nausea as she braced herself for his criticism.

"It's not perfect," he began. "Some of the wording needs tweaking, but it's not bad. Well done, Miss Jones,"

Relief flooded her body and she could not help the grin that spread over her face. He indicated for her to take a seat in one of the chairs arranged in front of his desk and she practically flopped into the comfortable leather chair.

"Thank you, Sir," she said gratefully. "That means a lot."

"Take it to Ben and have him look it over. He'll show you what parts need adjusting and why."

She nodded eagerly, excited to finally feel like she was getting the training that the internship had promised.

"In the meantime," he continued. "I have something else for you to review."

He reached down and opened the bottom drawer of his desk, withdrawing a plain blue file that he slid across the desk to her. She picked it up, her curiosity mounting as she read her name on the front of the file.

"What's this?" she asked.

"Rules," he said. "I want you to be clear about what you are agreeing to."

She bit her tongue, opening the file to the document within. At first glance it looked to her like a contract, with short, concise bullet points and a dotted line at the bottom for her to sign.

"Is this really necessary?" she asked, feeling suddenly nervous again.

He held her gaze. "I need to be sure. Take it home and read it tonight. If you agree then you can bring it back to me tomorrow."

She nodded, recognising when she had been dismissed. She wanted to read the contract now. She wanted to tell him that she had already made up her mind that she wanted to be with him and that the contract didn't matter, but she could tell it was important to him. He was powerful and wealthy and she supposed he was just being careful, even if the thought did sting a little.

She stood slowly. "Mr Adams," she said by way of goodbye.

"Miss Jones," he replied, his eyes lingering on her body as she turned and left the office.

Sophie spent the rest of the afternoon counting the minutes until she could go home and read through exactly what it was that he had given her. She took the contract that she had written to Ben in the paralegal department who helped her make the necessary adjustments which provided a useful distraction but even then, she couldn't help but wonder what she was getting herself into.

Later that afternoon she said goodbye to Maddie at the reception desk and took the elevator down to the ground floor. The sun glinted off the glass skyscrapers that surrounded her as she stepped out onto the street and made her way to the subway station. Once she was on the train, which was mercifully quiet for a change, she slipped the file Mr Adams had given her out of her bag and began to read it.

Much like his texts, the document was short and direct, describing their arrangement, (she noticed it said arrangement, not relationship), what he was expecting from her and what she could expect from him. The arrangement was purely sexual. He would take her out to dinner, away on business trips and would provide her with gifts of clothes and jewellery. In return she would make herself available to him whenever he required her and would refer to him as 'Sir' or 'Master' at all times. During what the contract referred to as their 'sessions' she would submit herself entirely to his commands and whilst he did expect her to try everything once, she was reassured that she could stop any session with the use of a safe word of her choice. The final part of the contract provided her with the option of terminating the arrangement at any point without fear of her position in the company or anything else being placed at stake.

She read through the contract a second time, making sure she hadn't misread anything. She had always known that Mr Adams wasn't looking for a relationship and yet the clinical way in which he had described what he did want had left her feeling unsettled. All of the passion that they had shared the previous week seemed to have gone, reduced to so many letters on the page in front of her and whilst she appreciated the promise of gifts of clothes and fine dining the idea left a slightly sour taste in her mouth as if they were as much payments for her time as the gifts they were intended as. Whereas before she had been certain that she would have signed anything he put in front of her, she now found herself unsure of what to do. She felt out of her depth, not certain that she could be or do what he wanted her to.

The train squealed as it trundled into her stop in Midtown and she quickly stuffed the contract into her bag and made her way up to the street and crossed the road to her building. Students were milling about in the foyer and she ignored the stares that followed her as she crossed to the elevator and rode it up to her floor. She had intended to go straight to her dorm to shower but as she approached Natalie's dorm she heard music playing from inside. The contract was still weighing heavily on her mind. She had never heard of anything like his before but maybe Natalie, who compared to Sophie was practically a master of this stuff, might be able to give her some advice. She knocked on her door, waiting patiently as the music was paused and Natalie pulled open the door.

"Sophie!" she said, looking surprised.

She was wearing a baggy grey t-shirt emblazoned with some obscure band that Sophie didn't know, a pair of black shorts and fishnet tights. Her short black hair was pulled into two tiny pigtails that stuck out from her head like devil horns and a silver lip ring glinted in the light of the hallway.

"Hi, Nat," Sophie said. "Have you got a second?"

"Sure," the other girl said, stepping aside and gesturing to the bed.

Sophie stepped into her dorm and perched on the end of Nat's bed. The single room was much nicer than the one she shared with Katy, though the number of posters that were plastered over the walls made it hard to feel like she wasn't being watched.

"What's up?" Natalie asked, seating herself beside her desk on the opposite wall to the bed.

Sophie chewed her tongue, thinking how best to phrase her question, before asking, "You remember last week I had some questions about bondage?"

Natalie nodded. Her expression was unchanged but Sophie could tell she was curious.

"Have you ever known people to make contracts about it?" She felt herself blushing as she said the words, the situation sounding ridiculous now that she had said it aloud.

"Does this have anything to do with the guy that you met?" she asked.

Sophie knew she wasn't prying. She also knew that Natalie, more than anyone she had met in the city, wouldn't judge her, so she nodded slowly.

"It is a thing if that's what you're worried about?" she said. "Some people like the security of knowing what their relationship will involve or what the limits are. For others its a kind of power thing." She tilted her head and said, "Do you mind me asking what yours involves?"

Sophie thought of showing Natalie the contract in her bag but decided against it. It wasn't that she didn't trust her, but she just wasn't ready for the questions that would follow when she found out her mystery man was in fact, the one who had granted her the internship. Instead she described what she had read, listing off every bullet point in the contract as Natalie listened patiently.

"So how are you feeling?" Natalie asked when she had finished.

"I don't know..." Sophie replied truthfully. "I was excited to try it before but this sounds a bit... I don't know... Much?"

"I'm guessing he's more experienced than you?"

She nodded. "Yeah. He's older."

"Do you trust him?"

The question caught Sophie off guard. She hadn't thought about whether she trusted Mr Adams, although now she did, she realised he certainly hadn't given her a reason to doubt him. "I think so," she said.

Natalie smiled. "And you like him?"

"Of course!" she replied. "He's different... But I really like him."

"Then what do you have to lose?"

"You really think I should sign it?" she asked.

Natalie shrugged. "He obviously knows what he's doing. All of your safeties are in place and you can walk away from it whenever you want to. It's a lot for someone who's not got much experience but if you want to try this then he sounds like someone you could trust."

Sophie nodded slowly. The idea of becoming a fully dedicated submissive was quite terrifying, but it was also exciting. She had never felt more aroused then when she had been bound and bent over Mr Adams' desk. She wanted to feel that again and a hundred other sensations. He had awoken something in her and she knew if she did not try this, she would regret it forever.

She thanked Natalie for her advice and hurried back to her dorm. The next day at work she found an excuse to deliver some files to Mr Adams' office. He was on the phone when she arrived outside his door but he beckoned her in and motioned for her to leave the paperwork on his desk. She did so, the blue tab of the folder with her name poking out from beneath the other papers. He caught sight of it and met her eye as she slipped from the room, the only indication of what had begun the tight smile that pulled at his lips as she walked away.


Sophie spent Wednesday and Thursday in lectures, with her evenings working in the bar. She was tired and stressed but more concerning was the fact that she hadn't heard a word from Mr Adams since she had left him the signed contract. He hadn't spoken to her that Tuesday nor had he summoned her by text or asked her to send him more pictures of her body. She was hopeful that he might be waiting for her on Friday when she got back to the office but according to Maddie he was out on meetings all day so when the two of them had lunch together she was in a decidedly foul mood.

"Are you alright?" Maddie asked after their conversation had stalled for the fifth time. "You seem distracted."

Sophie sighed. "Yeah. Sorry, I know I'm not being good company."

"Is it a boy?"

She felt herself blush as she avoided her gaze. "It's complicated," she muttered.

"Ah," Maddie said, toying with the remains of her salad. "Well, if you don't want to talk about it that's fine. But if he's done something wrong then he's a fucking idiot and doesn't deserve you."

That made Sophie laugh at least. She had grown to really like Maddie. She was gorgeous, clever and funny; basically everything Sophie wanted to be, and despite there near ten year age gap she didn't find her intimidating to be around. She wondered if Mr Adams had ever tried to make an arrangement with Maddie but wasn't about to ask the question.

Her phone buzzed beside her and she looked down to see a text on the screen. She opened it slowly, reading the short message that had appeared just beneath the picture of her own tits.

Come to my office at 4pm. Don't be late, Miss Jones.

"Was that him?" Maddie asked.

"Yeah," she replied, tilting her phone slightly just in case Maddie saw who she was texting.

"I take it things are better?"


"Because you're smiling for the first time today!"

They returned to the office after lunch, Sophie thanking Maddie for taking her out and hurrying back to her desk. She lingered a little while to see if she could spy Mr Adams but the glass of his office was frosted and she couldn't see anything that may or may not have been going on inside which she at least thought was reassuring. She went back to her desk and tried to do some work, typing up another contract that had been sent her way now that she knew what to do, but her eyes kept darting towards the clock, her excitement building as the day dragged slowly onwards.

By 4 o'clock the office was virtually empty. A few people were still finishing some end of week reports at their desks but all the offices were empty and the atrium was quiet. Sophie looked down at her phone as it buzzed beside her.

Tick-tock, Miss Jones.

She quickly logged off of her computer, her heart starting to beat a little faster as she gathered up her things and slipped quietly across the atrium to knock softly on his door.

The glass door opened to reveal him standing before her in a white shirt that was open at the collar, a glass of whiskey in his hand. He motioned for her to step inside before closing the door softly behind her.

The office was typically immaculate, the sheer blinds pulled three quarters of the way down the windows to create a softer, more intimate light. She stood just inside the doorway, clutching her handbag in her hands as he locked the door behind her with a soft click before brushing past her. He set his empty glass down and leant against his desk, his eyes meeting her own. She wanted to be angry with him for ignoring her after she had signed his contract. She wanted to ask him why he hadn't spoken to her, or at least given her some indication that everything was alright, but as his eyes travelled over her body, lingering a moment on her breasts, she found herself unable to speak, her breath catching in her throat and her heart beating faster than ever before.

The silence stretched into minutes before he at last said, "Put down your bag."

She hesitated before placing her bag next to the sofa. She was trembling, though the office was not cold.

"Take off your clothes."

Her eyes widened as they looked at each other, her heart skipping a beat as his command hung heavily in the air between them. Her mouth was dry and she was suddenly very aware of the walls of glass that surrounded her, the office at once feeling like a viewing gallery through which everyone would be able to see her.

"I..." she stammered.

"Take off your clothes," he repeated.

His tone was calm but commanding, his confidence helping to ease her own nervous energy. She licked her lips, her eyes darting to the frosted glass one more time before she slowly reached behind her back and lowered the zipper of her dress. He watched in silence, his face unreadable as she slipped her arms from the straps and rolled the dress over her breasts, letting it fall to the floor around her feet. She had never undressed like this for someone before but there was something intensely intimate about it. She would have assumed she would have been embarrassed but seeing the way his eyes moved hungrily over her black plunge bra and matching panties she began to feel more confident.

"And the rest."

He held her gaze evenly, looking as if he was daring her to defy him, and a small part of her wanted to, just to see what would happen. She wasn't that brave just yet, however, so she slowly slipped her arms out of her bra straps and undid the clasp behind her back, letting her bra fall to her feet alongside her dress. She blushed as his eyes dropped to her nipples which were already hard as a result of her own arousal as much as from exposure tot he air. She hooked her thumbs into her panties, feeling his eyes devouring her hungrily as she slid them down her legs and stepped out of her heels. She met his gaze, her cheeks warm and pink, her long brown hair tickling the small of her back as she fidgeted awkwardly, feeling more aware of her own body than she thought she ever had before.

"Come here," he said.

She walked towards him, glad to have something to do other than just stand there. His legs were parted, his trousers pulled taught by his position, and she could make out the mound in his crotch where his dick had grown hard and erect. She stopped just between his legs, her eyes settling briefly on the flogger and the lengths of red rope that sat on the desk behind him.

"Are you going to use those on me?" she asked in a small voice that she did not recognise.

"Do you want me to?" he replied.

She nodded unashamedly. He was so at ease, so confident, that it was hard not to want to please him.

"Turn around," he instructed her. "Cross your arms behind your back."

She did as he asked, turning her back on him and crossing her arms, her hands on her elbows. There was a pause as he admired her ass then she felt a shiver of excitement lance through her body as he began to bind her arms together with one of the lengths of rope. She bit her lip, that same inexplicable sensation of intense arousal rising within her as he cinched the ropes tight around her wrists.

"Get on your knees."

She didn't hesitate to obey, lowering herself awkwardly onto her knees as he picked up the two remaining pieces of rope and crouched beside her. She watched breathlessly as he looped a length around each of her ankles before securing them to her thighs with a series of small knots. The rope dug into her soft skin but she wasn't uncomfortable in the slightest. He stood to admire his work, walking once around her before sliding the flogger off of the desk. She eyed it cautiously, the black leather tails swaying gently as he continued to circle her. He touched the end of the leather to her skin, the sensation of the small strips of leather dragging over her body enough to make her eyes roll and her toes curl in longing.

He stopped behind her, using the handle of the flogger to pick up her hair and push it over her left shoulder. The room was silent for several long moments, her chest rising and falling with anticipation before he delivered the first blow to her back. She clenched her jaw, a little whimper escaping her lips as the tails cracked against her skin. He hadn't hit her hard. He probably knew he did not need to to elicit a response from her. The flogger came down again on the top of her back and then again on her arms. She moaned softly under her breath, her skin stinging pleasantly where he had struck her, and felt him walk around and crouch in front of her. She opened her eyes and met his gaze, his emerald enchanting her as he took her chin between his thumb and forefinger and tilted her head up.

"What do you say when I give you what you want?" he asked softly.

Her cheeks burnt with embarrassment. She could feel how wet she was between her legs already and knew he had seen it too. She tried to look away but he pinched his fingers tighter, forcing her to look him in the eye.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Thank you, what?"

"Thank you, Sir," she whimpered, remembering the stipulation of their contract.

He held her gaze for several long moments to be sure she understood her place. When he stood up he began to unfasten his belt and she watched, doughy-eyed, as he unzipped his pants and withdrew his cock. Sophie half groaned with longing and half laughed because of course, as she saw the size of his dick. It was easily nine inches long if not more and had a wide head with a slight kink at the end. He took it in his hand, stroking his shaft slowly as he held it out before her. She doubted she could take his length but knew he would expect her to try so she took the chance to get her breathing under control, shifting her bound legs beneath her so that she was in a better position to try and please him as much as he had her.

She opened her mouth wide, sliding her lips over his head, and began to suck. His dick felt huge in her mouth and at first she struggled to find her rhythm and twice she had to resurface to catch her breath. She was embarrassed now not because of what she was doing, but because of what she couldn't do, so the next time she went down on him she forced her mouth open as wide as she could and slid her lips down his shaft as far as she could.She heard him grunt quietly above her, felt him react to her tongue as she caressed the underside of his dick with it, and began to move her head back and forth, finally finding a pace that she was comfortable with. He was warm and salty and pressed against her cheeks and tongue but she could tell he was enjoying what she was doing. After a few moments she felt him place a hand on her head and she allowed him to guide her further down his shaft, pushing her deeper with each successive stroke until she really did think she might pass out. She gagged on his length, spit and cum dribbling from her lips, tears running down her cheeks, leaving streaks of mascara on her skin. He held her as she squirmed, fighting against the ropes that held her and then when she thought she couldn't take anymore he jerked her head back and released her.

Sophie trembled, her chest rising and falling as she gulped down great lungfuls of air. She blinked away the tears and ruined make-up from her vision and looked up at him as he loomed over her, a smile on his face that sent a shiver down her spine. He hadn't jizzed yet and she knew they weren't finished.

He took her by her hair, pulling her gently towards the sofa in the middle of the office and lifting her onto the seat. She grunted as she lay facedown on the leather, her hair splayed out around her and her ass pointed up at the ceiling. She felt the sofa move as he positioned himself behind her, his dick grazing the mound of her ass as he tore off his shirt and tossed it onto one of the chairs opposite. She moaned backing into him, searching for his shaft with her aching pussy.

He gripped her ass and slid into her, his dick stretching her open as he drove into her pussy. She squealed, drool puddling on the arm of the leather sofa around her mouth as he thrust back and forward, over and over again. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she forgot that they were in his office, that beyond the frosted glass windows there may well have been people standing just outside. She moaned and squealed and cried and whimpered and he just kept on fucking her harder and harder. The ache in her pussy blossomed to a fire and then an explosion as she came, her back arching and the ropes that bound her limbs creaking as she strained against them. Tears of pleasure ran down her face as she bucked but he kept on thrusting until, mercifully, she felt him jerk his cock out of her pussy and shoot a spray of hot cum over her back. He grunted as he fell forward, bracing himself above her on his strong arms.

They lay there in the silence as they both caught their breath. Sophie felt broken. Her body ached but she also felt a deep feeling of satisfaction that she had never experienced before. There had been moments when she had felt overwhelmed by what was happening but it occurred to her that she had never once considered using one of the safe words he had given her and that maybe that sense of being overwhelmed was what had contributed to her orgasm. Whatever it was, she knew he had unlocked something within her. She knew that she wanted every experience to be like this, that she would submit herself to him again and again if it meant she could feel this way again.

He stood and dressed himself before wiping his cum off of her back with a tissue. She felt him undo the knots that bound her and as the tension in her legs eased she flopped sideways into his arms. He held her close, rocking her gently from side to side. It was a tender moment and one that she had not been expecting from him.

"Did you enjoy that?" he whispered.

She nodded weakly, closing her eyes as she lay her head on his shoulder.

"What do you say, then?"

She nuzzled his neck, a smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. "Thank you, Sir," she whispered.

He stroked her hair before setting her back on the soft leather of the couch and passing her her clothes. "Get dressed," he said. "I'll have someone waiting in the lobby to take you home."

She nodded, watching him walk around his desk and pick up his phone. Was this how it would always be, she wondered? Would he just summon her and do whatever he wanted to her and then send her on her way? There was a time not so long ago when she would have been disgusted by the idea but now... Well she wasn't sure exactly how she felt but she knew that what had happened had been good and that she had enjoyed it so she would play along and do as she was told. She took a handful of tissues from the box and did her best to wipe her eyes and cheeks of make-up before slipping her clothes back over her body. She met his gaze, wondering if she should try and kiss him goodbye, or just say something before she left, but the moment seemed to have passed. She picked up her handbag, slipped on her shoes and hurried out of the office.

As promised a chauffeur was waiting in the lobby with a black limo sitting idle outside the building. She got in, awkwardly thanking the older man as he opened the door for her and asked where she wanted to go. She gave him her address and settled back in the comfortable seat as the city began to slide slowly past the window.


It was Sunday night and Sophie had finally decided to take Maddie's advice and let her hair down a little. She was still riding high on her first real session with Mr Adams and had just got int he results of her latest essay which had again seen her place at the top of her class so she figured she had earned herself a night off. She, Kate and a bunch of other girls from their floor had made their way downtown to a club called the Purple Sun that offered cheap drinks and good music. Sophie had put on a short black dress that hugged her figure and a pair of pumps that she suspected she would probably regret wearing later in the evening. She'd curled her brown hair and pulled it over her left shoulder and a large pair of gold hoops hung from her ears. She'd noticed a few guys checking her out, though the fact that they were in such a large group seemed to be putting off all but the most determined of men from trying anything with any of them.

She stepped out of the crowd after they had all belted along to the words of 'Flowers' by Miley Cyrus to go to the loo and found herself walking beside a tall girl wearing a red skater dress, fishnet tights and combat boots. It took her several moments to realise it was Natalie, who she did not remember seeing wearing anything other than black before.

"I didn't realise you were here!" she said, the drinks making her a little more direct than she would ordinarily have been.

Natalie nodded. "We just got here," she replied. "Ben just finished a set up the road."

"Great!" Sophie shouted back, swaying slightly on the spot. "Thanks for your advice from the other day by the way."

They stumbled into the empty bathroom, the noise of the club muffled by the door so that they at least didn't have to shout.

"You went for it?" Natalie asked, looking a little surprised and impressed.

Sophie nodded. "What did I have to lose, right?"

"How was it?" Natalie replied excitedly as they made their way tot he stalls to pee.

"Fucking awesome," Sophie said through the stall, eliciting a bark of laughter from her friend. "Best sex I've ever had."

"That's great, Soph," Natalie replied. "You felt safe and everything?"

Sophie nodded, glancing at her phone as the screen lit up in her hand. It was him, his text as direct as ever.

Where are you?

"I did," she said as she stood, swaying a little as she flushed the loo. "There were a couple of times when it got a bit overwhelming but... I sort of liked that."

"I get that," Natalie said, coming out of her stall and washing her hands beside Sophie. "Like I said, its a fine line sometimes. SO long as you know what you're comfortable with though then it can be the best thing ever."

Another text: Meet me outside in ten minutes.

She licked her lips, her fingers hovering over the keyboard as she felt her stomach tighten. All of her friends were here. They may not know exactly who Mr Adams was but if any of them saw him then she would be faced with a lot of questions.

"Is that him?" Natalie asked.

Sophie looked up, having completely forgotten that Natalie was stood beside her, one eye on her conversation.

"Yes," she said softly. "He wants to come here, now!"

"He wants to come inside?" Natalie asked with a frown.

"I... I don't know," Sophie replied. "Nat... No one knows about this but you. I'm not sure I'm ready and..."

"Whoa! Calm down," Natalie replied, holding up her hand. "I'll cover for you, ok? Here..." She took Sophie's phone and put her number into her contacts. "Call me if you aren't coming back, ok?"

Sophie nodded, accepting her phone back with a relieved smile. "Thanks, Nat," she said. "I... I really appreciate all of this."

"Don't mention it," she replied. "Now go on, don't keep him waiting."

Sophie nodded and hurried out of the bathroom, skirting round the edge of the overflowing dance floor and stepping out onto the street. It was a cool night, the pavements still wet from a shower that had passed over the city that afternoon. To her surprise he was already waiting for her, standing beside his limo a few spots down from the club's front door, the chauffeur that had taken her home the other day standing beside him. She wrapped her arms around herself and hurried over to him, hoping she didn't appear as tipsy as she was feeling.

"You got here fast!" she said.

"I was in the area," he replied. "Get in."

Sophie hesitated before a stern look from him sent her into action. He swung open the door for her and she slid onto the leather seats as he turned and spoke softly to the driver. Sophie hadn't really paid much attention to the limo when she had been inside it the other day but now she took a moment to have a good look around. The black leather seats wrapped around the left hand side of the cabin whilst on the right hand side there was a well stocked bar and there was a large TV mounted against the cockpit wall. The limo rocked gently as Adams climbed in beside her and shut the door, the blacked out windows ensuring that no one would be able to see inside. She felt a little shiver of excitement as she heard the driver get in and a few moments later the car began to move off.

"Get on your knees," he said firmly.

She did as she was told, placing her hand on his knee for balance as she knelt on the soft, velvet carpet and looked up at him. He was freshly shaven, his salt and pepper beard perfectly symmetrical and his hair slicked back. He wore a navy suit and white shirt that was open at the collar and his shoes were shined to the point that Sophie could see her own reflection in the leather.

"Fetch me that box," he said, indicating a small black box on the seat at the far end of the limo.

She looked over her shoulder before turning and crawling the length of the limo. Her dress was very short she knew and she imagined he was getting a good view of the underside of her ass as she retrieved the box and brought it to him. He took the box silently and opened it, revealing a pair of metal cuffs in gold, a matching collar and chain and a gold bar connected at each end to leather straps.

"Give me your hands," he ordered.

Her heart was beginning to race as she obediently held out her arms. He placed the cuffs around her wrists one at a time, the metal cold against her skin, and locked them together with a gold padlock. He then closed the collar around her throat and locked it tight with another padlock that used the same key as the cuffs, before dropping the key into his top pocket, and hooked the chain onto the front of the collar. He left the bar in the box at that point.

"You know what I want," he said.

She nodded, and whether it was the alcohol or that she had already immersed herself in her new role, said, "Yes, Sir."

She reached out with her cuffed hands to unbuckle his belt and pull down his zipper. His cock was already hard and just as impressive as she remembered it being. She ran her hans up and down his shaft, feeling him react to her touch, before taking a deep breath and wrapping her lips around his head. She began to suck his cock steadily, working him deeper and deeper down her throat as she relaxed into the movements. After a moment she felt him pull on the chain attached to her collar, dragging her deeper onto his shaft. She gagged, the car bouncing beneath her as it hit a pothole, ramming his dick even further down her throat, and then he loosened her grip. She came up for air, gasping as she caught her breath before he pushed her down again, using both the chain of the collar and his other hand to force her to rapidly deepthroat his cock. She gagged, string of saliva and cum oozing from her mouth to his cock. The alcohol was making her head spin but just when she thought she couldn't take any more he finally released his hold on her.

She panted in front of him, wiping her lips of drool and cum on the back of her hands as she caught her breath. He watched her through gritted teeth and she wondered if he had come closer to cumming than he hand intended to. After several moments he ordered her onto the seat beside him and took the metal bar out of its box.

He held it up to her face, instructing her to open her mouth as he did so. When she did he pushed the bar between her teeth and fastened the straps behind her head before pulling her onto his lap. She grunted in surprise, her voice muffled by the gag in her mouth, as she straddled his hips. He slid her dress up over the mound of her ass, his fingers firm on her skin. She sighed contentedly, looping her cuffed hands around his neck as he slid her thong down her legs and lifted her onto his cock.

She inhaled sharply as she felt his tip press into her pussy and she slid slowly down his shaft to rest on his lap. A moan escaped her lips as he rocked her gently in place with his strong hands, the subtle movements sending jolts of pleasure through her body that made her toes curl. She braced herself on the seat either side of him and began to ride his cock. He growled in approval, tugging sharply on the chain of her collar, pulling her towards him so that their foreheads were pressed together. She moaned into her gag as she bounced up and down on his dick, his fingers digging into her hip, the collar pressing on the back of her neck. She tossed her head, almost choking on the collar as he yanked her back into place and cried out as her orgasm tore itself free from her body. He snarled and she felt him jizz inside of her, filling her with hot sticky cum.

She slid off him, collapsing onto the seat beside him as she felt his jizz leak from her pussy onto the leather seat. The limo turned and after a while she felt it come to a stop. When she looked out of the window she saw the sign of the Purple Sun flashing above them.

"Give me your hands."

She did as he asked, waiting patiently as he unlocked her cuffs and removed the gag. When he removed the collar he handed it to her.

"Keep this," he said, pressing the key into her other hand. "I may have a use for it later."

She nodded obediently, slipping the collar and key into her clutch bag. Her head was still swimming. She was drunk of alcohol and pleasure. She wanted to go home with him, for him to take her into his bed and dominate her again, but she knew their time was over for that evening. She reached for her thong but he stuck out his shoe to stop her.

"Did I say you could have those back?" he said sharply.

"No, Sir," she said, her voice small and nervous.

He held her gaze sternly before he reached over and opened the door for her. "Goodnight, Miss Jones," he said.

She swallowed, looking out at the street and the entrance to the club where her friends had no idea what she had just done. "Goodnight, Sir," she said, climbing over him and getting out onto the street. She stood and watched as his limo drove away, his jizz dribbling down the inside of her legs. She wondered where he was going, what he would be doing, and wished that she could have gone with him. She made her way back into the club, ducking into the bathroom to wipe her face and legs before anyone could see her. When she made her way out onto the dance floor it was like she had never been gone. Only Natalie caught her eye, her small smile suggesting she knew exactly where Sophie had just been...

  1. Sophie wondered if Mr. Adams had pleasured himself while looking at the picture she sent him of her tits.
  2. Mr. Adams withdrew a plain blue file from the bottom drawer of his desk and slid it across the desk to Sophie, inviting her to read the rules he had prepared.
  3. Sophie wished she could sit down in one of the chairs arranged in front of Mr. Adams' desk, but he had not indicated that she should do so, so she remained standing, wringing her hands nervously behind her back.
  4. The arrangement described in the contract Mr. Adams gave Sophie was purely sexual, with her making herself available to him whenever he required her and referring to him as 'Sir' or 'Master' during 'sessions'.
  5. Sophie spent her train ride home from work reading the contract Mr. Adams had given her, feeling out of her depth and unsure if she could be or do what he wanted her to.

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