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Title: Chapter 11 - Assistance Description: A point in the storywhere a crucial character comes to the aid of another, sometimes at a significant cost to themselves.

Marcus and Erin deepen their understanding of each other.

May 19, 2024
16 min read
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Chapter 11: The Help
Chapter 11: The Help

Title: Chapter 11 - Assistance Description: A point in the storywhere a crucial character comes to the aid of another, sometimes at a significant cost to themselves.

Tuesday, 9:09 pm

"What a lousy day," I expressed as I strolled through the lobby of Solomon's Palace.

I truly meant it. I had started off the day with a splendid blowjob from Bobbi, making a Faustian deal with her, though in this scenario, I felt more like Mephisto to Bobbi's Faust. After that, I booked the room for another week, pushing out a honeymooning couple over the weekend, but I made sure they were taken care of at my expense. Bobbi was out running her errands, so I met up with Helen, who had arranged for me to interview three incredibly stunning women for the prospect of being my right-hand woman. Each of them had promised to act as my on-demand companion, with one even offering a blowjob. Then, Helen and I made love in my office. We dozed off on the couch for a couple of hours, and then I visited Natalie. Later, I met with Ashlee for coffee, paperwork, and seduction. After that, I returned to the office, offering coffee for Natalie before almost having sex with her but was interrupted by a call from my neighbor, who reported a break-in at my apartment.

After retrieving Jack from Phoebe, Erin and I stayed with Detective Reese until they wrapped up an hour later. We lingered on afterward to provide statements, and then we stopped at one of my favourite eateries to pick up some sushi before heading back to Solomon's Palace.

"You're not wrong," Erin remarked as we walked towards the main elevator.

"You can go home now," I suggested as the elevator doors opened.

Erin followed close behind me. "I was thinking of seeing where you're staying first. Maybe meet the infamous Bobbi."

I leaned against the glass of the elevator, observing the punters through the transparent elevator shaft as they placed wagers for five floors before we reached the hotel section of the casino. "How did you learn about Bobbi? From Helen?"

Erin nodded and stood alongside me. "Yes, she told me almost everything. Knowing everything helps me to better understand your needs and assist you."

"Even the unethical things?"

"What unethical things?"

I shrugged, feeling uneasy about Bobbi. "Your typical rich people's crimes?"

"Oh, that. Yes, especially the bad stuff. According to Helen, you have a tight case against Bobbi that could incarcerate her for over a decade if needed, so you likely don't need to stress about it. As far as I'm concerned, she seems to be a scheming bitch who might adjust to a certain way of life with the security and protection you could provide. I'm not exactly a stickler for ethics though, so I shouldn't be your only counsel for such concerns. If you're abducting and chaining people against their will in a dungeon, though, then we'll need to have an ethics discussion."

I grinned a little, my thoughts drifting to the idea of Bobbi in a dungeon.

"That seems reasonable," I said. Then, as the elevator ride concluded, I focused on wondering where Bobbi might be.

Imagining the scenario, I pondered if Bobbi was in my suite.

Eventually, the doors opened and I led the way, remarking, "Swell quarters!"

"I'm impressed!" Erin chimed in from the bar, surveying the assortment of alcohol. "You probably got distracted by the alluring image you were presented with earlier."

"Guilty as charged," I confessed. Picture in mind, I approached the bathroom.

Bobbi wasn't there, so I went back to the bedroom to check.

"So, how does this operate? What prevents you from betraying me?"

She puffed out her chest, flashing a devilish smirk, and claimed, "Client/attorney privilege."

"I didn't realize you attended law school," I murmured on my way out.

"Didn't you interview me for a job this morning?" Erin retorted.

"Point taken," I acknowledged, re-entering the living room.

After no success in locating Bobbi, I concluded, "You crossed that line."

"It's my function to assist and support my client," Erin stated matter-of-factly. "I'll do whatever is needed."

I regarded her for a second, remembering her earlier stories of my exploits had stirred up their own fantasies. "Your job description entails more than surveillance, it seems."

"I'm up for any challenge," she stated confidently. "Whatever makes my client happy."

"How about some improvisation?" I suggested.

"Give me the instruction, and I'll perform."

"Okay," I commanded, my mind raced with possible ideas.

I looked at Erin, who was still standing by the bar. "Are you a fan of handcuffs?"

"Doesn't matter. Let's see how adventurous you can be."

"Do you have any hidden desires that might excite you?" I inquired, watching her back as she shook her head.

"Just rising to the occasion of your instructions," she declared.

An interesting prospect struck me. "How about if I instruct you to come here, then I blindfold you and tie your hands?"

"Sure, I trust you. Go for it."

With this in mind, I escorted her to the bedroom, cuffed her hands behind her back, and blindfolded her. Then, I led her into the spacious living room. "Is this what you wanted?"

"I'm at your mercy," she responded.

"Obviously, it has been confirmed.", I said recalling what Helen mentioned to me. "She shared the whole story with me. If I had known her worth, I'd have gotten down on my knees and sucked her dick as well. Nine hundred billion? I thought she meant billions, but it turns out she meant trillions."

"Does this change anything for me?" I asked as I returned to the hotel lobby.

"For me? Absolutely not. It just makes me more eager to keep doing what I'm doing.", she replied taking a sip from a crystal tumbler with a brown, alcoholic drink in it. "What are you searching for?"

"Bobbi," I responded, taking my cellphone out of my pocket and finding her new contact information. "She was supposed to come back this evening." I called her, but there was no immediate response.

After four rings, it went to her default voicemail message on a new number. "Hey Bobbi-" I started to say when she called back. "Hey".

Erin raised her eyebrows at the tone of my voice and the choice of words. I had been too exhausted to play games but, at the sight of Bobbi's name, something inside of me shifted, and I found the energy to be a jerk.

"What do you want?" Her tone was flat, with no hint of the animosity she'd shown yesterday, but it still took me by surprise.

My chest ached hearing her curt words and I straightened and walked towards the bedroom. "Where the fuck are you?" I asked, now rage in my voice.

There was a pause, and then she spoke. "I called a friend on the new phone, and she picked me up. We did some shopping, and she gave me the pill, like you asked. I'm feeling a bit nauseous, so she said I could stay with her."

"What did you tell her about the situation?" I asked, worried about what she might have shared.

"Relax. I just said I was in a bit of trouble and needed some help. I didn't say anything else. She's fine."

"Okay", I replied, now feeling tired and not in the mood to deal with Bobbi's nonsense. "But you need to be back at work tomorrow."

Silence on the other end lasted for several seconds before Bobbi finally said, "Okay."

She hung up before I could say anything else. I considered calling her back, but decided against it. It had been a long day, and I didn't have the energy to go another round with Bobbi Nanford.

"It seems like Bobbi-"

But what I was about to say was interrupted by the sight of Erin in the doorway.

She stood against the entrance of the bedroom in an exquisite set of deep purple satin and lace lingerie, and I got a good view of her naked body. My mouth became dry at the sight.

She was slim and feminine, with a petite waist and limbs that were lean and appealing. Her olive complexion was uniform across her body, showing a hint of Middle Eastern or Indian descent. She had a toned midriff, and her lingerie showcased her abs. Her bra barely concealed her breasts - around the size of two grapefruits - which looked healthy on a woman her size. They were designed to maximize the cleavage, making her breasts appear luscious in the middle. Her panties barely covered her groin, and there was a slight outline of her pussy. She was completely shaven.

Her small stature and striking beauty were enhanced by her nose ring and the single tattoo that began halfway up her forearm, traveling to her shoulder. It was a series of black lines that formed a pleasing pattern like a tribal design. The ink was still dark, suggesting that the tattoo was quite recent.

Her whole ensemble, along with her dark eyeliner, lipstick, and purple hair, created the image of a young, self-assured woman who knew who she was and what she desired. The same woman had willingly decided to work for me and had even made some intriguing promises.

"Won't be here tonight?" She completed my thoughts and took a slow sip from the glass. "I heard."

"Holy..." I exhaled.

She grasped the collar of my shirt in one hand and drew me near, pulling my face towards hers. Her voice grew deeper and more seductive, "I've spent a good amount of time with you today. I really like you."

She brushed her lips ever so gently against mine. "And as I mentioned earlier... you're wealthy and attractive. Not only do I accept this, but I consider myself extremely fortunate to have caught your attention."

Erin softly kissed me, sliding her lips over mine and tantalizing me with her actions. "Why don't I demonstrate how grateful I am?"

I agreed, and Erin's eyes brightened as she continued to kiss me passionately. "Her lips weren't as full as Natalie's, but they were still incredibly soft. She wasn't as desperate as Natalie had been either, more playful and teasing with her kisses. When I matched her intensity, she pulled away, inviting me to chase after her and capture her lips once again. With Erin, kissing was like a dance - it was a mix of both giving and taking, and she knew how to perform it flawlessly."

I decided to make the first move for a change, lightly pressing my tongue against her lips. Erin grinned into the kiss and wrapped her delicate arms around my neck, pulling me in for a full-body hug as our tongues started to fight. Her lips tasted like mint, blackberries, alcohol, and a unique flavor that was different from Natalie's or Helen's. I couldn't help but imagine savoring these delightful flavors everyday.

My hands moved down her back, sliding over her smooth skin and then onto her peach-shaped buttocks. I squeezed them as she moaned into my mouth, fascinated by the tightness of her behind.

Erin finally pulled away from me, letting go of my throat and grinning as she used her thumb to erase the dark lines left on my mouth. "Please take a seat," she requested.

Obliging her, I got up from my position and sat on the bed, placing my phone on the nightstand. I licked my lips in anticipation of what Erin might do next, and I could taste the remnants of lipstick she'd attempted to remove. My new assistant stood there, observing me with a mysterious expression on her face. It was difficult to predict what Erin would say most of the time, especially after our initial encounter. She was irreverent, crass, and humorous; even though my day had taken a negative turn, Erin had managed to make me laugh several times. Now that we were in a much more intimate situation, her posture and the soft expressions on her elfin features brought me comfort.

She bridged the remaining distance between us, kneeling down before me and then sitting on my lap. Then, she reached for my phone - still unlocked from my conversation with Bobbi - and began messing with it, a playful grin still on her face. I was about to inquire as to what she was doing when music started to play.

It was a slow melody with a heavy beat; it was something I recognized yet couldn't quite identify. Erin placed my phone somewhere on the mattress and drew my hands towards her waist, her waist that was so remarkably slender my fingers almost met.

As a woman began singing softly in the tune, Erin raised her arms above her head, ran them through her hair, and let the silver strands slip between her fingers. Her hips began moving in my lap in time with the rhythm. With her eyes closed, she let the beat control her body as she commenced a lap dance.

As she danced in my lap, Erin displayed a skill set inappropriate for a resumé. She shifted her hips forward, and the rest of her torso followed in an undulating motion, ending with her bra-covered breasts in my face. She dropped her arms and wrapped them around my shoulders, so I was encouraged to press my face against her cleavage. I snuggled in as deep as her cleavage allowed, and came in contact with her chest. Her perfume was subtle, but with her close to me, it enveloped me - a sensual blend of sweet and spice.

She held my head with her hands, running her fingernails along my scalp, and I felt her place a soft kiss on the back of my head. She cradled me like a lover, which was a relief after a rough breakup, dealing with the intense passion of Helen, butting heads with Bobbi, and the interruptions faced with Natalie and me. Now, the hour was drawing to a close, I was secluded in my temporary refuge, and there was a lovely woman in my lap who was eager to care for me. There were no disruptions. I didn't feel controlled. The whole world was non-existent. All that mattered was me and Erin.

The music continued playing its slow, sensual rhythm as I snuggled into Erin's cleavage and breathed deeply, shivering as I felt another kiss on my head. She then urged me to look up at her with her gentle touch. She offered me a tender smile before leaning in for a more intense kiss than I anticipated. As we kissed once more, I sensed her hips propelling forward so that her panty-covered crotch rubbed against the rock-hard bulge in my pants. She continued to move her hips backwards and forwards in sync with the slow pace of the music, dancing and grinding against me all at once.

Then she ended the kiss and withdrew herself, arching her back while lifting her arms over her head as she continued to lean backward until her lower body was almost at a right angle to mine and the soles of her feet were nearly touching her buttocks. Her core was holding up most of her weight, and I could see her engaged abs highlighted when I bent over her. I traced my mouth and tongue across her amazing abs and neck, kissing and licking my way up to her breasts. While in this position, Erin slid her arms around my neck, using me to lift herself out of this pose, and as I straightened, I continued to give her kisses on her cleavage and across her chest.

I prepared for another kiss, but she pulled her head back, giving me a cheeky grin and performing an act that felt impossible. One leg slipped off the bed and she rotated around, repositioning her body so that she was now facing me with her little bare feet resting on my thighs. Her head relaxed against mine; her right arm spiralled over my head, pressing my face even more into hers as I felt her hand on the back of my head. I followed her cue and started to kiss the smooth, olive-colored skin I had admired earlier that day.

I did so, and I got a stunning view of Erin's cleavage as I peered over her shoulder. Her breasts were tightly pressed together in her bra, and her stomach was a slender path leading my gaze to her crotch. I touched her waist and moved my hands lower, reaching the fabric of her panties when Erin wrapped her hand around them, stopping them in their tracks.

The hair in my hands curled and she gently tugged me out of the crook of her neck as she turned to face me with a playful smile on her lips. She ground her buttocks against my crotch and a quiet moan escaped her as she brought my hands onto her stomach, where she held them.

Her lips brushed mine as she said, "Not tonight, Marcus. We've all the time in the world."

Then she let go of my hair and my hands and began slipping down my body. With the grace of a liquid, she landed on her buttocks on the floor and rolled towards me, aligning herself between my legs. She placed her tiny hands up my thighs and moved them slowly up the material, gently squeezing them as she stared at the sizeable bulge in my pants. Her fingers touched my belt, undid it, and then unzipped my fly. As she peeked up at me through her large, dark eyes and furry locks, she murmured, "Tonight, let me take care of you, Mr. Upton."

As if in response, she pulled down the front of my pants; I lifted my hips from the bed to help. She also removed my underwear and discarded them, leaving only my erection open for display.

"Oh my god," she exclaimed, her flirtatious tone faltering as she gawked at my completely erect penis. She gazed up at me with a big, striking smile. "You're big!"

"Thanks, but you don't need to say that," I replied.

She immediately wrapped her delicate fingers around the base of my cock and gave it a gentle squeeze. Her fingers couldn't quite meet around its circumference. "No, I really mean it! I mean, you're not going to be starring in porn with this, but Jesus, Marcus! This is a stunning penis!"

She leaned forward and enthusiastically sucked the mushroom head of my member between her lips; I instinctively tossed my head back and placed a hand on the top of her head, careful not to apply any pressure. I was confident she didn't need any instructions from me. She slid her lips back and forth over the head a few times, then pulled back to examine it while she slowly pumped the base of my member with her small hand.

I glanced down just in time to see a string of saliva and precum connecting her bottom lip to the head of my dick. The small string broke, part of it landing on her chin while the other dangled from the swollen head of my cock. She giggled and her pink tongue glided across her lip to collect the mixture, then she dove in to catch the remaining droplets clinging to my member, her tongue stretching to lick our combined juices. With her mouth still wide open, she slid half of me back into her open mouth.

I gasped and could feel my cock pulsing with desire. "I don't know how long I'll last," I commented, placing a hand on her head again.

She never looked away from me as she began working her lips up and down my shaft; she winked and grinned around the cock in her mouth, urging me to cum. Holy cow... I hadn't even encountered her breasts yet.

Instead of guiding me to prolong my pleasure, Erin pulled back until only the tip of my cock was in her mouth, then thrust forward. In a single smooth motion, she went from taking half of my dick in her mouth to taking all but the last inch and a half. I could feel the initial few inches meet resistance before slipping into the tight confines of her throat. Her hands gripped my ass and her fingernails dug into my skin as she began throat fucking my cock.

"Holy shit!" I groaned. My balls felt like they were about to burst.

She still held my gaze, and as I met her eyes, I saw tears forming at the corners of her eyes, ruining her carefully applied mascara. Despite the tears in her eyes and the fact that my dick was almost fully in her mouth, I could still detect enjoyment from her. Her eyes danced with lust and communicated:

Use me. Let me please you. I'm here for you. Take your pleasure from me.

Before, I'd suspected her excitement and flattery were just acts she was performing for my benefit to create a good first impression. Regardless of that, she was starting to make me think she was being genuine. I was starting to believe this ridiculously attractive young woman was already impressed and bewitched by me. Did my recent circumstances have the power to command that kind of devotion?

That I had the kind of authority to elicit this degree of faithfulness from such a beautiful woman I'd only known for a day... that's what pushed me over the edge.

I gripped a handful of silvery-purple hair and thrust, burying my penis completely inside her. I felt at least a third of my penis penetrate her throat. Erin's eyes grew wide, and I heard her choke around my cock as it entered her. Then I felt it pulse as I began to ejaculate load after load of semen into her. I savored the sight of her tears streaming down her cheeks, stained by her makeup, and it made my orgasm even stronger.

I'd climaxed inside three different women that day - my bitch of an ex-coworker, my lawyer, and now my assistant.

Then, she positioned her hands on my knees and inched her way up my legs. After stopping at my crotch, she showered me with kisses on my dick. She subsequently shifted into my lap, where she tongued and kissed, along with moaning, as she traced a route of cum-combined saliva across my neck, jawline, and chin. She caressed my cheek with her tongue and locked lips with me. We were urged to gaze into each other's eyes as our tongues interlocked and she gripped my face in her palm. She then showered me with another passionate kiss on my lips, arousing and moaning as her tongue invaded my mouth. After sliding down the bed with me, we found ourselves level.

Our embrace lasted a few minutes, as we indulged in passionate kissing while exploring one another's bodies. The revelation of a woman who had just consumed my cum ceased to startle as our tongues danced and we rubbed our scantily-clad bodies against each other.

Finally, she retracted her tongue from my mouth and flashed an incredulous smile. "Mr. Upton, what do you think of my performance thus far?"

I took a deep gasp and sidled my fingers through her hair. Dearest Lord, how was I so lucky?

"It was very satisfying," I replied.

She grinned and gifts me another fiery, although brief, kiss before rolling off me and exiting the bed.

I lay down on the bed to observe her. She darted out of sight to fumble for her clothes beyond the bedroom door. Upon her return, she was clothed. She inquired if I could remain for the night.

"I would adore to," I remarked.

"But," she said as she strode toward me dressed, "I must sort some personal matters before I'm able to return to work tomorrow."

I fell back onto my elbows, resting on the bed. "Alright."

"However," she indicated as she neared, fully attired, "I vow that there will be many nights in the future where we can snuggle together." She hovered above me with another arousing kiss, this one possessing the affectionate, contented quality of a partner's kiss, before crouching beside me.

"And countless sleepless nights," she whispered against my lips. "Because we're destined to spend a considerable amount of time together."

"I'll safeguard that," I replied and smooched her back.

She crooked over me and delivered a kiss to the head of my semi-erect penis, uttered, "Goodbye," then strutted off.

She moseyed toward the door and glanced back, "Thank you for the position, Mr. Upton. I honestly imply it when I claim I'm foremost gratified and ecstatic about working with you." She provided me with a flashing grin. After that, she departed, leaving me alone to consider the implications. How would I use my riches? What were Bobbi's upcoming prospects? Was the bond between me and Helen permanent? How long would this sweetheart connection endure? Had I, in fact, become prepared for a relationship?

Perhaps I was not adequately ready for a relationship.

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