Gay Sex

Today, You Appear attractive

What behavior will Jack exhibit when left with only boots and gloves?

May 13, 2024
15 min read
leatherbootsglovesYou Look Lovely Today Pt. 03
You Look Lovely Today Pt. 03
You Look Lovely Today Pt. 03

Today, You Appear attractive

... perhaps we should write an additional chapter to the unfinished narrative? Better a little late than never...

Jack hastily made his way back to his office after aiding Christine in carrying some items necessary for her meeting with the contractor. She didn't require his presence at the gathering at present, therefore she sent him back to work. Could it be that he was eager to resume his labor? Or was it not working that excited him but something else? Could there be something in his office that aroused his curiosity?

Indeed, was Jack hurrying to reach his office out of eagerness to work? To return to his desk and operate his computer? Perhaps there was something in his workspace that lured him fiercely? Did he yearn for a sensual experience?

But how would he focus on his duties with this tempting thing in his mind...

In his haste, Jack almost trampled over a coworker and nearly spilled sizzling coffee on him. Why the urgency, maniacal man? Only one thought filled his head: embracing what Christine had left on her desk and beneath it.

Upon reaching their shared space, he felt as if he had traveled vast distances and that the structure in which he labored was gargantuan. At last, he had arrived. He unlocked the door, unlocked the door, and a smile pasted itself on his lips.

'Ah, yes... there are... there are her beautiful gloves and boots. Oh... how stunning they are. Thank goodness she didn't stow the gloves in her purse and leave them behind at the meeting, and that she altered footwear, or rather they adjusted them for her. They wouldn't aid her in the meeting at this juncture... certainly not... definately not... and around me... under me... hmmm.'

Christine, prior to her departure, intentionally change the arrangement of her gloves. They now lay entangled on the table, as if concealing Christine's bare breasts from Jack's ardent arousal, as if she was sitting with legs crossed with her palms cradling her knee. They lured him to touch them, to inhale them, and if he indulged his imagination, perhaps... something more... who knows...

The boots with zippers fastened through and the shafts proud stood upright under the table, as if also voicing their requirements and reminding us that not merely the gloves, but also they maintained a dominant role.

As usual, Jack shut the entranceway and checked if anyone moved in the lobby. The flurry with movement outside the workspace persisted. There were always individuals scooting around, so for now he forfeited engaging in Christine's provocative clothing items as he did not wanted to be chuckled by some unwitting observer. He pondered on the leather adornments again, sighed, and strolled towards his station, cajoling himself through his trousers.

Five minutes elapsed, and the bustle in the lobby was as dense as a busy marketplace.

'Do these people lack work? They roam aimlessly. I must wait a while, perhaps it will calm down in the near future.'

Caressing himself persistently, he waited five minutes... and... total stillness. It was audible in the lobby that multiple individuals were vacating the premises, en route to the meeting in which Christine was also engaged.

'I guess everyone's departed,' Jack pondered, 'but it's prudent to act cautiously. I'll travel through the adjacent chambers first to ensure no one remains.'

Jack momentarily halted his self-satisfying procedure, wandered to the entranceway, and inspected the adjacent spaces by probing each doorknob. Multiple doors were locked, indicating no one dwelled within. And subsequently, he entered these chambers and scanned the area. 'Is anyone home?' He inquired. Each room remained quiet and vacant.

Jack exited the offices and once more checked the lobby. Hesitant to engage in Christine's tempting clothing accessories due to the unforeseen spectacle his boss had prepared for him. As it happened, he was facing a concealed camera, depicting his debauched gestures with unwavering accuracy.

Suddenly, Christine's voice and other female voices erupted from the passageway. Startled by the noises, Jack replaced the glove on Christine's writetop and returned to his area. The sounds emanating from the hallway now heightened, and even female chatter and laughter could be heard. [

'Come on Jack, get yourself sorted out.' He mused to himself as he sat back down. 'When will you ever get past this habit? Playing with a lady's shoes?'

He waited for the whispers and noise from the hallway to die down and thought again:

'Are you usually like this?'s not right...but I can't help it...there's an inner do this, that's all.'

Jack stood up from behind his desk and walked back to his boss's gloves. He picked up the left one with his hand and began stroking his inflamed crotch with it for a bit.

'Yes... now let me fit these on my hands... I've wanted to do this for ages... Would it be okay though? Maybe it's not suitable? These are women's gloves, aren't they? And it's not right to touch them...especially hers. What if I tear them? This leather is so fragile. It's a shame if I damage it...'

Jack slowly started slipping his hand inside the glove. There was almost total silence in the room. Just the sound of his computer fan could be heard, but now you could also make out the subtle, erotic noise of him putting on the glove, as if you were listening to an ASMR video.

And the hidden camera in his notepad recorded everything in high definition. Oh, his boss would have a great time when she came back from the meeting. Plus, who knew what else would come up? It could be a lot of titillating information that could fill up her hard drive!

As the glove covered Jack's hand, he marveled at how well they fitted. 'They're a perfect fit... It seems Christine and I have similar hand shapes... I thought they would be too small for me, but there's still room to spare! I don't have to worry about tearing them.'

He looked at the state of the gloves a few more times. 'Perfect... they fit wonderfully in my hands.' Then he picked up the right glove by its wrist and began to pull it on, enclosing his entire hand in the sleek leather.

He raised his hands to his face and breathed in the scent of leather.

When he calmed down, Jack crouched in front of his boss's boots and examined them. After observing them for some time, he picked them up by the straight shafts and took them off the desk. The boots still stood upright, their leather solid enough to withstand gravity.

Jack took the left boot into his hands and started unzipping it. He halted the zipper and admired the opening. He pulled the zipper back up, enjoying the delicate clicking of the zipper teeth. Finally, he zipped it up again, but this time he did so in a more grandiose manner than before.

'That's probably how Christine zipper her boots when she's putting them on... yes... decisively and without any hesitation... A strong, dominant woman always zips her boots firmly... And she probably does it wearing gloves too... Oh... if only I could set up a secret camera and watch how she zips her boots.' [

If you can paraphrase this, there are some key elements to keep while changing words or restructuring sentences:

  • Jack's self-reflection about his unusual behavior
  • His desire to pull on his boss's gloves
  • The twisted imagination when using the gloves
  • The fetish for his boss's boots, and how he imagines her zipping them up
  • The hidden camera capturing everything.

So, your paraphrasing should include those aspects while keeping the story's tone and style.

'Jack, pull yourself together.', he mused to himself. 'When do you think you'll manage to break your addiction? Worshipping shoes?'

He remained seated for a while, awaiting the quieting murmurs and clatter from the hallway. And then considered:

'Is this usual behavior?...I don't know...but I can't resist it...there's something deeply satisfying...It's not rational.'

Jack stood up, heading back to his boss's gloves on the desk. Picking up the left one, he began to stroke his throbbing groin with it.

'Maybe it's time to see if these gloves feel as great on my hands as well.' He mused before pulling one on. Then, pondering the sensation, he put on the other.

'Wow, they're a perfect fit... My fingers could barely stretch them, but it's not as if I'll damage them. And no one's gonna find out.' He remarked, stroking them close and breathing in their aroma.

While sitting back down, he eyed his boss's boots. He noted the boots' stiffness, ensuring they wouldn't fall with their zippers zipped up.

Taking one in his hands, he unzipped it, the sound of the zipper slightly sexual. 'Shouldn't I respect them being female and owned by my boss?' Another question swirled in his mind. Yet, his curiosity won. Pulling down the zipper further, he reveled in the smell.

A brief and tender zipper session with each boot followed. With boots loosened, he pulled the zippers up, clicking gently. Then he rezipped them, intensifying the zipper sound. 'Probably how Christine zips her boots. Proudly.' His mind played movies, seeing Christine doing so, wearing gloves.

'If only I could watch her zipping her boots with my own eyes.' Jack's silenced imagination completed the narrative.

Jack excitedly brought the leather boot up to his lips and treated it with passionate kisses. First, he covered the toe box, then the vamp, and lastly, the shaft around the entire circumference. After completing this, he lifted the boot even higher so he could see the sole and heel above his head as if his boss was about to step on his face. He then gently planted tender kisses on the sole and finally positioned the heel into his mouth.

He ran his boot back and forth a few times, purring like a cat while seemingly fellating it. Jack felt his erection swelling, so he decided to capitalize on the predicament. Being left-handed, he slithered his gloved left hand to the bulge in his trousers.

He rubbed his hands over the engorged member while the hidden camera filmed the acts. He unzipped his trousers and started rubbing his underwear. When he had reached his peak of arousal, he decided to loosen his belt and pull down both his trousers and briefs. His rigid penis popped out without reservation. While still holding the boot, he rubbed his cock with the vamp, light strokes leaving feint lines on his phallus.

He became increasingly tempted by the idea of abandoning the boots and partaking in some unabashed indulgence with the gloves. He had never tried this before as his wife was not fond of this type of attire, so the opportunity arose.

So, he carefully put the boot back on the desk and wrapped his cock tightly in one hand. He started casually rubbing it back and forth with the other. Over and over.

"Oh, how delightful. If only Christine's gloved hands could massage me," he reminisced, his heart pounding with excitement.

Perhaps his boss would view the recording and allow Jack to fulfill his twisted desires, but they'd have to wait until she returned from the meeting for now.

Jack masturbated hasty strokes in front of the hidden camera. The room had always been quiet, but now the reassuring sound of the computer fan carried with it the audible sounds of the foreskin rubbing against the glans. It took him no time at all to reach his peak.

"Shit! I'm about to come!" Jack hesitated, trying not to let any ejaculate on the gloves. Maybe he could endure it without releasing. "Maybe this is enough pleasure." But, it wasn't. He lost control as his climax consumed him.

Even in his shocked and bewildered state, he didn't notice how his cum splattered out of his body, staining his trousers and the black leather glove. He quickly pulled his hand back to his mouth, his face a mix of awe and horror.

"Damn it! I knew this would happen. I've ruined her gloves," Jack sobbed, realizing his plight. Thankfully, there was no one around to witness his misadventure. "I need to tidy myself up quickly. Christine can return at any time."


It was not long before aggressive noise echoed through the open office door. The distraction was Christine and her team returning from a successful meeting. Her voice was invigorating yet stern, coming from down the hall. Some had already taken leave as the workday neared its end.

Jack's heart started racing at the prospect of spending more intimate time with his sexy, commanding boss. In the back of his mind, he was still thinking of the immoral gadgets he had just used.

"Thank god I managed to fulfill the plan before Christine arrived. Completed." Plus, he was rather alone. No witnesses. Best sex of his life.

Christine continued conversing with the individual Jack almost collided with while pouring coffee, casually grabbing the knob and pulling the door closed, seemingly about to enter Jack's sanctuary.

Jack closed his eyes, eagerly anticipating his lonesome rendezvous with his dominating boss. All the more so knowing that her gadgets had brought him exceeding pleasure moments earlier.

Christine left her colleague and went back into her office, closing the door behind her. Grinning, she looked over at Jack, flashing a flirtatious grin and ran a hand through her hair. Glancing momentarily at her desk, she recalled the thrill of seeing her gloves and boots there earlier before going to the meeting.

“I knew it,” she thought. “The way the gloves are positioned now suggests that only his hands had been on them and he must have been playing with them rather untidily. And what must he have done with my boots? Surely his presence would have left the pair in a different pose from before I left. I can’t wait to see the video from my smartphone to find out what he was up to.”

“My adorable Jack. You were so fixated on my gloves that you didn’t even notice their changed position on the desk. Surely, like me, you can’t wait to find out more about his actions.”

Christine crossed to the desk and sat on its counter, placing her legs provocatively. With a cheeky grin, she picked up the left glove and looked at Jack.

“So, how did you spend your time with the office all to yourself?” she asked playfully as she began slipping her hand into the glove.

“No, I was just going through some concepts ... you know, like we discussed last week.” Jack became self-conscious, trying to answer her offbeat query, awed by the sight of his boss trying on her accessories.

“Ah, the revisions. Of course,” Christine reacted with a smirk, delicately pulling the glove onto her left hand. “Poor Jack, was the office too quiet without your sexy boss? I could tell you enjoyed my absence. I bet you had a fun time here. One that my smartphone, now hidden in the empty binder, would capture.”

Christine observed the right glove, noticing it was clean while the left one appeared dampened and wrinkled. Her eyes gleamed mischievously, seeing vindication in the droplets on her phone. She deduced that the leather of her left glove would need to be exchanged; guilt must have been Jack’s motivation.

“This boring concept that you were working on, was it really the only thing that occupied you? Oh, this glove is a bit sticky as if his fingers were far too eager to grease it over. And why the left one of all? It would have been more obvious to be naughty with the nearest, the right one, rather than the left one.” Christine hypothesized, reaching a casual conclusion. “Obviously, Jack, you were intentionally messy with it, wanking with your right hand and coming on the left glove. What a pervert!”

Christine suggested a challenge. She left the desk and walked over to Jack, intentionally clicking her heels as she did. While sitting on his desk mirror-being her previous action, she looked at him.

“Sorry, darling. Anger is over. Did you occasionally think about me? Do you need permission?” Christine teased, flirting with her employee as she placed the other glove on her right hand.

“Yes, I thought of you... a lot,” he finally admitted.

"That's a relief," Christine replied, softly brushing Jack's cheek. "I’m not angry anymore. In fact,” she stretched her arms, “I'm far too forgiving to blame you for being irresistibly attracted to your sexy boss.”

Christine grinned. Able to think of the story behind the mystery behind the office intrigue, she found the situation perfect. She decided to reveal her thoughts and spice up the scenario even more by punishing Jack. A glance at her phone suggested her course of action.

"I've been thinking about you nonstop, you know?" she confessed as she started putting on her second glove. "Today and yesterday, too. All day in this meeting, I couldn't focus on anything. The guy was talking, but my mind was somewhere else entirely."

"I suppose... everything went fine?"

"Yeah, we've got ourselves a fantastic contract. But let's not discuss work any longer. There are so many more fun and exciting topics to explore!" Christine couldn't complete her sentence, though, because her phone rang.

"The phone? Who could possibly be calling? It's so late, almost everybody's gone home."

"Yeah..." she picked up the white receiver of her black leather phone, her fingers dabbling at the twisted phone cord. "Oh, yes!.... Oh, I forgot... He's already there... Yes... He'll be coming right up. Is it here? I completely forgot about that."

"Dammit, I forgot to arrange for Jack to meet with our contractor. The guy has some technical questions about the contract. Jack's there now waiting. While I was being distracted by my gorgeous Jack here. Oh my, his effect on me is so strong that I can't even think about anything else!"

"Something's going on?" Jack asked, his erection becoming more pronounced in his pants as he stood from behind the desk and approached her.

"Jack, listen," Christine walked towards Jack, glancing at his bulging crotch. "I completely forgot. This contractor needs a few more technical details from you. Please hurry up, explain everything, and then return here to your adoring mistress."

"But you've been with him for a while. So I don't know if it'll take me as long."

"Of course, dear. I'll be waiting for you. While you're gone, I'll just check a few things on the computer. Remember how you always help me with my boots?"


"I'm being serious, sweetheart. When I set my mind to something, I need to get it. And I desperately want those boots. So, you'll always be helping me put them on."

"Oh..." Jack sighed, "I assumed..."


"I thought you were only joking about the boots."

"No, no, absolutely not. My dear woman in charge is quite serious about these boots. And now that I know you're okay with it, you'll be putting them on me regularly."

"Yes, Christine. You are my best and most delightful boss in the world."

"Really? Thank you. And you are my best, most lovable subordinate. It's such a pleasure working with you. And it's also a lot of fun!"

Jack blushed, embarrassed, while Christine laughed. "Really? You think so?"


"I thought you were joking about the fun part."

"No, no. We're talking here, and your task is up there. Time's a-wasting. That guy is waiting and isn't too keen on our services if you don't hurry."

"Okay, I'm leaving now. I'll come back as soon as I can."

"I hope you have productive conversations," Christine said, rubbing his hand with one of her gloved hands. "Jack, you look good today. Christine."

Jack shyly smiled. "I love working with you, Chrisitne," he said before walking out the door. Christine smiled in relief. "Finally, some peace and quiet. Now I can watch this movie. I'm so aroused, almost like I'm about to be seeing his cock for the first time without his briefs or pants on."

She breathed a sigh of relief once the door was closed. "That's right, Jack's gone. Now I can finally relax and watch the movie. I feel so horny, like I'm about to watch porn or something."

Christine strolled over to the window and shut the blinds tighter. She made her way back to the front door, slowly took hold of the key in the lock using the gloved right hand, and turned it around twice. 'Time for a little self-indulgence,' she thought.

Her back faced the door while she leaned casually against it. With a gentle click of her heels, she stroked the smooth door surface using her hands. She caressed the door's surface with her fingertips, as if scratching it. Next, she moved her hands to her thighs, grazing her beige skirt as she traced her fingers along it, her foot remaining planted firmly on the door's surface.

She grabbed the skirt beneath her and pulled it up, exposing her thighs, which were adorned with beige hold-ups. The skirt crept higher, eventually revealing her black lace knickers.

Her digits meandered upward, skimming across her waist and wrapping around her hips. Fondling the fabric of her red satin blouse, her fingers traced the length of her torso, eventually stopping at her magnificent breasts.

She quickly undid the top few pearl buttons, and slid her fingers underneath the fabric, caressing her growing hardness within the supportive cups of her bra. The remaining buttons were swiftly disengaged, exposing her breasts and navel to the air for all to see.

Christine extracted her tits from the bra's supportive cup, and then started massaging her chest with her left hand - the same hand she had only recently used to touch Jack's semen. Her right hand played with her hair, then brought her middle finger to her lips and started sucking it vigorously.

While her left hand never stopped caressing her tits, Christine disengaged her right hand from her mouth and shifted it towards her sex. Her fingers groped through the laces of her knickers, caressing her increasingly dampening flesh.

She was visibly becoming more aroused by the moment. Her fingertips started inching inside her knickers, sliding menacingly closer and closer to her vagina... Oh how she wished she had more time. She had to watch that new porn film now or she'd miss it.

As she continued fervently stroking her tits and enjoying the pleasure her feet were providing, she eventually entered the room and made her way to the shelf where she could reach her secret smartphone. Unfortunately, she would have to stop this little game for the time being. There were other activities demanding her attention.

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