Adult How To

Tommy can Fix My Laptop

An 18-year-old neighbour guy knows computers.

May 2, 2024
19 min read
analTommy can Fix My Laptopgaymmmature manoralfirst timeseduce18 year old
Tommy can Fix My Laptop
Tommy can Fix My Laptop

Tommy can Fix My Laptop

I reside in a mid-sized city. I've lived here my entire life, with the exception of the years I spent studying elsewhere. I'm a 48-year-old man with a regular income. I'm not a perfect specimen, but I'm still quite noticeable. I stand at 181 cm (5ft) and weigh under 90 kilos (200 lb). I have short, light brown hair and a trendy stubble. I wear glasses and have never worn contact lenses. Some say my glasses make me appear smart. Who knows.

My job consists of sitting in an office and attending meetings. I talk and consume coffee. Admittedly, too much. I practice yoga and fitness boxing. If I didn't exercise, I'd definitely be rather plump. I eat whatever I like, typically something fatty or sweet. I quit smoking years ago; it was the best decision of my life. I have no children and live alone. I relish my lifestyle as I'm not responsible for anyone else, I don't have to compromise, and I'm free.

I transferred to this district around a month ago. My previous neighborhood was becoming unsettled. There were gangs forming, and it didn't feel secure to stroll the streets at night. It's peaceful here.

The parks are immaculate, the streets are quiet, and the residents are more laid-back and welcoming. The apartment building is a two-story dwelling. The apartments are accessed via corridors on the side of the building. My apartment is on the second floor at the end of the hallway, which is convenient since I have windows facing three different directions.

When I relocated into the building, I observed how friendly my new neighbors were. It felt like a community where people cared about each other. Their assistance was greatly appreciated. Two movers transported everything from my previous home in one vehicle. When my neighbors discovered that a relocation was taking place, they rushed over to offer assistance. Of course, I didn't object. It accelerated the process and I got to know my new neighbors.

Friendly individuals helped me: Ben, an elderly man with a salt-and-pepper beard and occasionally off-color jokes. Anna, a middle-aged, well-endowed woman who I suspected was a lesbian. It turned out she was, and she was also an exceptional person. Jim was a young adult, quite athletic, standing at approximately 185 cm (6.5") tall. He resembled a Greek sculpture.

And then Kirstie, an ordinary-looking woman in her forties. Ordinary in the sense that she blends into the background and doesn't make a lot of fuss. She had an 18-year-old son, Tommy, who was slender and on the shorter side, likely standing at around 170 cm (5.7"). He said he played hockey and had an interest in computers as a hobby. I required further clarification as to what a computer hobby entailed, but in the excitement of it all, I failed to inquire.

Individuals in the building greeted one another, and everyone always had time to discuss miscellaneous matters. It was easy to bond when you felt accepted in the community. I truly enjoyed living there.

A few weeks passed. The weather became summery, with occasional sun and rain. The residents remained friendlier than ever. One morning the sky was overcast, but it didn't particularly bother me. What did bother me was that my laptop was operating slower and finally stopped turning on at all when I arrived home from work. After some deliberation, I decided to seek assistance and called a neighbor.

"Kirstie." The voice on the phone answered.

"Hello Kirstie, it's Ed from across the hall. I've got a bit of a problem with my laptop; it's not powering on correctly. Can you tell me if Tommy is truly as proficient with this equipment as he claims?

"He certainly is; I think so. Today's youth are surprisingly good with these things, and Tommy seems to be more interested than most his age."

"Would Tommy kindly come have a look and see if we can rectify the issue? Of course, I'll compensate him."

"Tommy's not at home; he's probably out playing football with his friends. I'll give you his cell phone number."

"Thank you, Kirstie." I said, adding the number to my cell.

I called Tommy's number several times, but he didn't answer. Approximately an hour later, he phoned back. I informed him of my problem and asked if he could assist. The young man became ecstatic and said he would come over right away to examine the machine. I mentioned that the urgency wasn't particularly pressing and that he could come whenever was convenient for him. It was about fifteen minutes before the doorbell rang.

"Hey, Tommy, you were swift." I said, slightly taken aback.

"I said I'd be right over." He responded, wiping water from his face. The rain was still falling. [*?t=k]

"You're honestly soaked. Hold still a sec, I'll grab you a towel. Leave your shoes in the hall." I offered Tommy a towel and he dried his hair and arms. His light-colored shirt was soaked, so much so that his skin was visible.

"Damn, there's rain there. Of all things. "Tommy commented.

"Yeah, you wouldn't believe it. "

"Dude, pull off that shirt. I'll hang it up to dry." Tommy tried pulling off his shirt but it was so wet that it clung to his skin. I told him to raise his hands and I separated them. I hung the shirt on the hanger and Tommy dried his body with another towel.

"Are you chilly without the shirt on?" I asked.

"Not a bit. I'll keep this towel over my shoulders."

"I'll make some coffee, if you'd like. We should take a look at this antique machine first. Sit here at the table." I directed as we walked towards the kitchen. I could secretly eye the boy. His upper body was slim, but you could see his muscles through his wet skin due to sports - even though he seemed skinny.

"You play hockey?" I engaged in conversation, taking a seat at the table with the coffee cups.

"Yeah," Tommy said while he tried to drink from the cup but it was still too hot.

"So what do you do during the summer? sports in the winter seem to be the main thing."

"Not much in the summer, just hang out with the gang and play some computer games."

"You have a fit physique. "I observed and took a sip of my beverage.

"Well yeah." He questioned. We talked about hockey, computers, and other interests of an adolescent boy. Finishing the coffee, we ventured into our bedroom, where my laptop lay on the bed. I followed Tommy, checking out his magnificent body.

"You don't have a proper desk?" Tommy inquired, eyeing the laptop on the bed.

"I hardly use it, so there was no need for a designated one."

Tommy sat down on the ball and plucked the laptop from my hands, opened the lid, and declared as though it were already known information to me: "It's not working, it's the memory. I think the RAM is faulty."

"I see. Is there anything else you need?" I inquired, a bit nervous.

"Just a small screwdriver, if it's not too much trouble."

I grabbed the toolbox and Tommy scrounged about for the right screwdriver. He flipped the laptop over and removed the screws.

"Are you 100% sure you know what you're doing?" I questioned, feeling a bit anxious.

"Very sure. I'm going to remove the RAM and see if the contacts are faulty," Tommy affirmed without glancing my way.

"Let's hope you can get it functioning." I thought the boy might be tinkering for a bit, so I decided to do some chores. I loaded the washing machine and cleared the countertop of any dishes. The bedroom was quiet despite no sounds coming from there. I peeked inside and saw Tommy on his stomach, staring at the laptop screen. A video played where a man was lying on his back on a bed and another guy was seated on top, preparing to take a large dick inside him.

I quietly approached the entrance of the room, not wanting to startle the lad. He was stroking himself as he viewed the video. His hand sped up as the scene on the screen progressed. Now, the man lied beside the younger man, taking both of their dicks in his mouth.

I stood there frozen, unsure of my reaction and Tommy was stroking himself faster, entirely unbothered by what he watched. It seemed consensual for him, he was simply fascinated. The video continued and the man covered the younger man's face in his jizz. Tommy's hand sped up significantly and, on the cusp of losing control, I considered how he'd react to the discovery.

"Did you fix it?" I inquired, peering into the room where a man was mouthing another guy's dick in the video. Tommy panicked and tried to deactivate the laptop, but he could only push it further away. Then he turned my way, his face bright red.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't... it was saved here, and I just somehow opened it... I didn't mean to..."

"No worries, Tommy. Take it slow." I comforted the young man. I hoped he wasn't stunned or appalled by what had just occurred.

"Not really. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"I've never seen anything like this before, not even online. I hadn't even been looking for anything like... like that."

Tommy's remark put me in a tough spot. I could see that he had reacted with intrigue, even excitement. But that didn't mean anything. When you're young, you're incredibly curious.

"Have you never heard that boys can do that to each other?"

"Of course I have. I've just never been particularly interested in it."

"Would you like to watch another movie?" I inquired. I had nothing left to lose, so I grabbed the mouse. Tommy didn't say anything. He looked at me, smiling hesitantly and nodding his head. I contemplated what kind of movie to play. Nothing overly intense. Something more sensual and erotic. The sun was starting to set, and the room darkened. I turned on the desk lamp and clicked to start the video.

I watched Tommy, who was gazing intently at the laptop screen, shutting out the rest of the world around him. He was licking his lips and occasionally emitting a soft sigh. Without realizing it, he was moving his hips against the bed. In the movie, they were taking off their shirts and caressing each other's bodies while still kissing. The younger one was around Tommy's age.

I placed my hand on Tommy's shoulder. It had been a long time since I'd touched an 18-year-old. I moved my hand slowly up and down his shoulder. He didn't resist. I stroked his neck. His hair was boyishly short, and the back of it felt rough. I continued moving my hand up and down his shoulder. He remained silent.

Now, in the video, the guys were lying on the carpet, wearing baggy sweatpants. They had their hands in each other's pants, clearly masturbating. Their bare torsos rubbed against each other, and their mouths were saturated with spit.

I moved my hand down along his bare back. I used my fingers to climb back up to the shoulder and back down again. I did this for a while, and he didn't object. I lightly patted his cheek a few times and stroked his back once more. He turned to me and asked:

"Is it pleasurable to kiss another guy? How does it compare to kissing a woman?"

"You won't know until you've tried," I responded bluntly. I pressed my forehead and nose against his. I gave him a 'North Pole kiss', nose to nose, and murmured, "Would you like to try?" I didn't wait for a response. Instead, I wetly licked my lips and pressed them against his. They were soft. Softer than anything I've ever experienced. He was trembling with anticipation; after all, it was his first kiss with another man. I delicately explored his mouth with my tongue. I stuck my tongue between his and licked his soft lips. I sucked his upper lip between mine and nibbled it gently with my teeth.

Tommy placed his hand on my shoulder. I rolled onto my back and pulled him onto me. The guys in the movie were panting loudly. I reached out with my hand and squeezed his butt; it was firm and toned, as if he were a football player. Our hips were pressed against each other, and I could feel his bulge.

I turned him back onto his side and unbuttoned the top buttons of my shirt, exposing my slightly hairy chest. He looked at me oddly. It was as if he was on something. His hips pressed into mine, and I was amazed. I felt something hard against mine.

"You're rock hard," he said. I can feel it. Is it because of me?" Tommy inquired, even though he knew the truth.

I tapped the bulge in his belly button with my finger. "So are you. Is it because of me?"

We smiled at each other and started laughing. I believe the laughter was mostly due to nervousness.

"Come here," I whispered, pulling him on top of me. We kissed ardently. Our spit mixing and our tongues dancing wildly. I ran my hands over his warm body. He was wearing jeans, and I was taken aback when I reached for his belt. We turned around. I was lying half on top of him, trying to figure out the buckle's mechanism. But it was a very standard one, making it simple to unbuckle.

My hands wandered across your body as well. When we changed positions, I had discarded my shirt, leaving my bare chest pressed against yours. I kissed along your neck and felt your hot breath on my ear. The interaction was tense and sporadic. I unfastened your jeans at the same time, and it wasn't difficult to discern my intentions. I inserted my fingers onto the zipper and opened it gently.

  • Nix... Nax - one tooth at a time.

A zipper's gentle sound reverberated through the room. I moved carefully because it felt immeasurably erotic. The darkness had engulfed the outside world, leaving only a dim table lamp to illuminate the bedroom. Someone peeking through the right window may have encountered an uncommon sight.

The zipper came to a halt. Your pants were as open as possible. I could feel the texture of your underwear beneath my fingertips. I slid my hand just beneath the waistline and touched the pubic hair.

"May I remove them?" I inquired, gripping your jeans. The question gave me a jittery feeling, yet I remained confident as you appeared to relish the moment.

"Hmmm," you murmured, raising your rear end to facilitate the removal of your pants. After some time, your blue jeans lay crumpled at the end of the bed, and I tossed them to the floor.

I stroked your smooth body. Your backside was petite and deliciously round. Your inexperienced fingers fumbled with my belt. The young man was acting of his own volition. It was astonishing.

"Can you do it?" I asked, my lips brushing against yours. I inhaled slightly to loosen the buckle.

"Indeed, I can," you answered, not breaking your lip-lock.

You attempted to undo my belt for a while before conquering it. The clasp landed onto the mattress with a faint metallic clink. The top button of my jeans proved no challenge, but Levi's jeans have numerous buttons. With persistence, though, you unzipped them one by one and yanked at my pants, just as I had done to yours.

A young man endeavored to eliminate my jeans, but I had to lend him assistance. My jeans toppled onto the bed beside you, intermingling with yours. If I had envisioned our pants mingling in my dimly lit bedroom, I would've chuckled at the absurd fantasy, but now it had become a reality.

You were dressed in conventionally styled, fitted cotton underwear. The prospect of touching your underwear felt insane, but so did the opportunity to feel the bulge beneath them. Your manhood was proudly erect; I realized your surprise lover was thoroughly enjoying the moment. Your underpants had a moist spot. Pre-cum, I quickly recognized. That was also a promising sign.You stroked the base of my engorged cock in my boxers. You executed the movement with caution; it presented a novel subject for you.

"Tighten your grip," I instructed softly. You gently squeezed my shaft. "This way," I instructed, squeezing your member. You tightened your hold; it felt incredible. My cock had been gripped previously, many times, but never with such a hesitant, exploring hand, and it heightened my passion, if it was even possible. Eventually, I allowed my hand to glide into your underwear and took your bare and firm dick in my palm. It was a standard size erection.

You mirrored my actions and took my bare cock in your hand. Your hand slid along my shaft, my foreskin allowing for a smooth movement.

"That feels nice," you remarked almost to yourself. "May I view it?"

I was astonished by your request.

"Would you like to remove these?" I asked, gesturing to my boxers.

"Hm," you pondered, considering my question. I lifted my pelvis slightly, and you pulled my underwear down to my ankles. My cock stood erect against my abdomen, and in the dim light, I could see it had swollen to such a degree that its blood vessels protruded. I hadn't had sex in a while, and I hadn't masturbated in a week, so I feared I would orgasm the instant you touched it. Thankfully, I had recently trimmed my pubic hair; an untidy mess might have been inches from your eyes.

"Imagine your friends witnessing this now," you quipped, giggling nervously. My erect member was so large that your fingers struggled to encompass it completely. You stroked my cock, appearing curious.

"Have you had much experience with this?"

"Yes, quite a bit," I declared.

You hesitated, exuding a frightened expression.

"I'm a virgin."

I wasn't taken aback, as many 18-year-olds are virgins, and your awkwardness indicated your inexperience.

"And no women either?"

"Nope," you answered, looking deeply at my cock.

"What's this?" I inquired as I suckled his neck.

"Oh my God... Yes."

"Okay," I responded and planted a wet kiss on his lips.

I turned my body over to place Tommy beneath me. I kissed his ear and descended to his nipples, teasing them with my tongue. First one, then the other. His tiny, erect nipples just above his hairless, flat chest were incredibly alluring, almost stopping my breath. I could have gone on like this for hours, but I knew there were more delectable things to savor.

I lowered my head into the hollow of his abdomen, simultaneously stroking his body with my hands. He inhaled deeply and allowed everything to happen to him with pleasure. I felt something soft yet firm against my chin. I leaned down to kiss the head of his erect cock. Tommy groaned lustfully and wriggled his hips. He drew deep breaths and murmured...


Tommy's hushed voice barely carried through the room. I responded with my lips locked around his cock,

"Yes, Tommy."

"I'm losing my virginity tonight, right?"

"If that's your wish. Then yes."

"I want to," Tommy sighed, exhaling deeply, "I want to."

As I explored his body, my arousal grew.

I touched the base of his weighty cock, right where his testicles finish and the penis starts. I spit on my lips and licked the entire length of the glorious object down to the tip. It was remarkable. I gently squeezed his ball sack, then moved up and down the length of his magnificent member with my tongue. Tommy moved his hips to match my movements.

A faint buzzing sound reached my ears. There was a hint of music mixed in. Tommy placed a hand beneath his bottom and retrieved his smartphone. It had fallen out of his pocket when he was arranging the. He examined the screen.

"Crap," he grumbled in dismay.

"What's happened?" I questioned, watching the light from his device and his slightly anxious face.

"It's Georgie! He's my best friend. I promised to bring him his baseball bat tonight. He left it at my house this morning. I must collect it."

The promise of an intimate encounter turned into a significant letdown. I could only hear Tommy's half of the call.

"Yeah, I know, I know, I'm really sorry, but I can't right now."

"I'm at Ed's."

"He's my neighbor."

"I'm fixing his computer."

"I don't know how long it may take."

Meanwhile, I continued to blow Tommy.

"How so, what do you mean? I'm not out of breath," Tommy went on with the conversation,

"I'm not sounding weird, am I? No, I don't sound weird."

"I'm really in the midst of something important. I can't go right now."

Tommy hung up with a frustrated sigh. I continued playing with his swollen member, occasionally meeting his rhythm with my tongue. I inquired,

"You masturbated beforehand?"

"Yeah..." he groaned hoarsely.

"To climax?"


"That's cool."

I re-engaged his dick with my mouth, but ensured he did not ejaculate. When I sensed he was about to cum, I slowed down. Having this young neighbor learn about male-on-male sex excited me tremendously.

"Would you like to suck me off too?" I asked, instinctively knowing his reply.

"Wow, sure. Can I?" Tommy sounded excited.

I moved to the other side of the bed and invited him to lie on top of me. He straddled me and lowered his backside in front of my face. He grasped my phallus and licked its tip. I was on the verge of madness. A teenage boy was tonguing my dick, and it was no dream—it was happening in real life.

I didn't need to ask him to perform oral sex on me, he had learned from me. His mouth was hot and wet as he began to suck me. I runs my hands over his buttocks until I nestled my face between them. I touched his anus with my tongue and he winced. I did it again, and he mumbled something, sounding as if he enjoyed it.

I pushed my face between his buttocks, pressing my tongue into his anus. It tightened, relaxed, and finally loosened. I inserted my tongue deeper into him. It didn't go very deep, but I continued my efforts. I grasped his erection in my hand and squeezed it, causing him to pant loudly. [End of paraphrasing]

I no longer had my penis in his mouth. He lifted his head and arched his back. He howled like a lone wolf. His ass felt a strong beat, in sync with his stiff member. A young man was experiencing a rough orgasm on my face. His penis throbbed against my chest, and I felt the warm, wet cum spread between our bodies. He pushed his ass toward my face in ecstasy, and I continued to lick it until he finally collapsed on top of me, panting.

Tommy was still holding my erect penis. After some time, he began to slowly pump it before placing it in his mouth. He initially nibbled on it, but I explained how to suck and lick without biting. He was a quick learner, more adept than many I've had oral sex with. I requested that he turn around so I could observe him eating my penis.

It was a miracle that the 18-year-old boy next door was sucking me off in my own bed. He did it with his eyes closed, focusing on getting it right. Then he spat my penis out of his mouth and continued to fap.

"You have a fantastic penis," Tommy commented, admiring my member in his hand.

"You can have it, Tommy," I replied, encouraging the boy to continue his efforts. I told him that I would cum very soon. He swallowed my stiff, hungry penis and started sucking, imitating the way I had sucked him. His tongue moved around the head and then sucked hard, quickly removing his head.

"Holy cow, Tommy. Great!" I groaned, verging on orgasm. "Can I cum in your mouth?"

"Hmm," Tommy responded with his penis in his mouth. I took this as approval. And just as I was about to feel that familiar tickle that precedes ejaculation, I detected a spasm. My penis's tip started to pulse with the imminent release. Tommy expelled my penis from his mouth. The first blast flew high into the air, landing some distance from the bed.

He devoured the first squirt and opened his mouth once more for my penis. Sperm shot out, pulsating into his eager mouth. He tried to swallow it all, but some spray landed on his jaw and my testicles. My semen was on his face and hair. Semen trickled down his cheekbones, and there did not seem to be an end to the flow. My lower half was burning, while the top of my head was almost numb.

The 18-year-old boy was coated in my semen; this scene was probably the most erotic sight I had ever seen. Despite my penis's diminished rigidity, it was still erect in Tommy's hands. A sticky, transparent, glistening discharge was still oozing from the tip, and Tommy licked it into his mouth. The fluid that was intended to create life was now dripping down the young man's face.

"Sex has never been so amazing," I sighed, panting heavily.

"Really?" Tommy questioned, gazing directly into my eyes as he licked me.

"Yeah, I'm not lying, Tommy. Sex has never felt so pleasurable. For one person," I restated. "Do you have to return home at a certain time?"

"I'm an adult! My mom can't tell me what to do," Tommy stated matter-of-factly.

We sat next to each other on the bed, leaning against the wall, sipping Coke. I admired his slender legs and toned thighs as I looked down. His erect member was clearly visible, a little higher, closer to his navel. There was nothing to hide or be ashamed of. I had just had sex with a neighboring teenager, had him eat my ass, and had come in his mouth. I caught a glimpse of my erection.

Tommy noticed my hard-on and looked at me.

"What were you thinking?" I inquired with a smile as he alternated between my eyes and my penis.

"I was pondering what it would feel like..." He said, biting his bottom lip. He grabbed my penis and gave it a squeeze.

"What do you mean?" I wondered, oblivious to his internal musings.

"I was wondering if it would feel nice if I put this in your ass," Tommy stated casually, looking at know, dong.

My heart raced...skipping a beat or two. Of course I wanted to fuck him, I just didn't know how to inquire; Now he was contemplating it aloud, clearly ready to try.

"We can give it a shot, if you're up for it." My heart beat rapidly. Could I really fuck a 17-year-old virgin boy in the ass?

"Alright," Tommy replied with a youthful grin, exuding excitement. "How do you propose we do this?"

"There's a toy in the desk drawer over there. It's similar to a tube of toothpaste, but larger. I pointed at the bedside table. Tommy picked up the tube, which was half full. It hadn't been the first time I'd had anal sex in my bed, but it was the first time with my neighbor boy who was still a virgin.

I slathered plenty of lubricant on the head and shaft of my penis and instructed Tommy to climb onto me. I told him he could insert me at his own pace and stop whenever he felt ready. I scooted slightly forward and aligned my penis with Tommy's anus, which was beginning to open. I heard him grunt in pain, but he didn't stop.

He was quite aroused and relaxed, and the ample lubrication on my penis allowed him to take me slowly and deeper. It produced a scrumptious squelching sound as my lubed penis was withdrawn from his tight anus. He released a sigh as my penis completely penetrated him and moved toward me to kiss me with his rosy lips.

"You're so tight and hot, Tommy; you have no idea how much your entire body appeals to me," I groaned. Tommy continued to kiss me. My cock was now fully inserted in his anus, my hips against his butt as my dick rubbed fiercely against the sensitive prostate in his hole. He swayed on top of me, my penis sliding in and out of his hole. I desired him to feel completely in charge of the thick meat stuffed in him.

I removed him from me. Then I arranged some pillows. He placed his ass on top of them and I drove myself all the way in with one thrust. I began to fuck him with powerful strokes. He pushed himself toward me, and started to moan. I adored the sensation of his tight sphincter and intestines surrounding my horny gay penis.

I grabbed his purple penis and began stroking it as I plowed into his anus. The lubed cock made a delicious slurping sound as it moved in and out of his tight hole. I pushed up against the wall at the end of the bed. This young, innocent neighbor boy was experiencing hard, seasoned dick in his ass without his mother knowing, in the apartment next door.

I was overwhelmed with this thought and couldn't hold back my arousal any longer. My cock began to pulse and release a torrent of cum into the tight ass. Tommy groaned and his anus tightened around my penis. His dick throbbed in my hand and erupted, covering my chest in cum. We experienced a shared climax. I moaned loudly. Very loudly. And so did Tommy. We were both gasping for breath, experiencing the pinnacle of our pleasure, sharing a climax.

Tommy's anus was throbbing and felt tighter still. I continued to push until I had released my seed in him.

We were intertwined and our skin felt sweaty. The room smelled of sex. My bed appeared trampled by a group of elephants. There were wet spots here and there, semen and lube. Their scents mingled with the sweat. Tommy lay in my arms; his body felt hot and delicate. We kissed and embraced.

The sex was incredible, the best I'd ever had. To this day, no one has surpassed Tommy. We developed a strong connection. More than just friends.

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