Celebrity Sex Stories

Treasure Hunt Adventure

Online script for voiceovers - encountering lovers through M4F.

May 7, 2024
9 min read
first timemdommale audiomale audio script(Audio Script) Scavenger Huntm4fpublic sexscriptaudio script
(Audio Script) Scavenger Hunt
(Audio Script) Scavenger Hunt

Treasure Hunt Adventure

(SFX: lively hotel lobby)

(Thinking to self, impatient) What's taking so long? She landed 90 minutes ago and hasn't checked in yet. I've been occupying this bar stool with a view of the front desk for two hours now. This bartender has been chatting my ear off since I sat down. I hope she's okay... oh, there she is! That's my cue.

(To the bartender) Can I close my tab?


Yeah, I just had the one whiskey.


It was pretty nice, I don't typically drink sherry cask. It went down smooth.


Is it a local distillery? I need to grab a bottle before I head back upstate.

(Thinking to self) Hmm, maybe I can take her there for a tasting while she's here. That could be romantic, right? Maybe a picnic afterward. I keep one eye on the front desk and see she's finished and heading up to her room. I reserved both of our rooms on the same floor. I'd never assume she'd share with me; I want her to have her own safe space if we don't hit it off. (Laughs) Is that even possible given how much we've been talking for months now? We've been virtually inseparable. What's taking this guy so long?

(To the bartender) Can you charge my tab to room 201?


Thanks, dude! It was fun chatting with you while I waited for her.


Yeah, she just checked in and is on her way up.


Sure, I'll bring her by later for a nightcap. You can be part of our first date story. Take care!

(Hides behind a large potted plant)

(Thinking to self) Good thing for big potted plants; I can stay hidden while she heads out on the adventure I planned. I've got a gift bag and a handful of wildflowers waiting for her in her room. Convincing the front desk staff to put it in her room before check-in was a pain in the ass, but it's worth it. She's been sharing with me this fantasy about public playtime, and I've got an amazing idea. I told her about it, and she can't wait to experience it. She's been texting me non-stop for details, but also asked me to keep it a surprise. she can be so mischievous sometimes, though... I can't wait to.

(Turns the vibe on low and watches as she flinches unknowingly.) She knows I've got to be close for the vibe to work and spots me. She starts searching for me. I duck further behind the plant, hoping we don't have a "Suddenly Seymour" moment. She stares around the lobby with a huge grin on her face, realizing I'm not within her view.


(Thinking to self) I'm pushing out the hotel door, making my way out onto the street. (SFX: street noises) I pull my sunglasses down and walk toward the subway station, hands in my pockets. I see her a block or so ahead of me, reading the first clue: "A foot-long sandwich or a ride underground. Go where both can be found." Not exactly my best work, but the subway entrance is by a Subway. (Laughs) Must stay fresh.


(Thinking to self) I spot her stopping near a building and pulling out her phone. I hide around the corner and turn the vibe on, increasing the intensity. I peek through a window as she presses against the wall, tilts her head back, and bites her lower lip. I make sure no one's paying attention and wait as she reads her phone and starts texting. [

(Sfx: cell text indicator) I take out my phone to check the message, lowering the volume back to one. She inched away from the wall slightly as she continued to gaze at her phone. She had written, "Where are you? I can feel you, but can't see you!" I quickly responded, "Oh, but I can see you. I love how that flush of color appears on your cheeks." Her head swiveled from side to side, searching for me as she knew I could see her. I typed again, "having fun, honey?" She replied, "Yes, it feels so good, and I feel naughty." I entered the key phrase, "sunshine" and sent it to her. That was our code word to inform her I was about to get closer to her, but she wasn't permitted to detect or focus on me. I watched as she deposited her phone in her bag and descended the escalator to the subway.


(Narrating/chatting to myself) (sfx: escalator sounds) I hung back a few steps, gazing over the side of the escalator to ensure she wasn't violating the rules and peeking. I observed her buy a ticket and head to the platform. I moved through the crowd, remaining a safe distance behind her but guaranteeing I would board the same subway car. I observed her enter, heading to the distant corner with her back to the other passengers. I moved closer behind her, trying not to alarm her. We concocted this plan. I leaned near her ear and whispered, "Sunshine, it's me." She smirked, that naughty little girl even smirked.

(Discussing with audience, entertained tone) What's making you smile?


(Explaining/talking to self) Aww... you're just excitedly having a good time. (Whispering into ear, seductive voice, speak slowly) How does that sensation touch your clit? Should I intensify it for the duration of our ride? Do you believe the swaying of the subway automobile will enhance it even more? I'll raise it to level 3.


(Whispering into her ear, slowly) Be quiet, sweetheart. Don't draw attention to us. I told I wouldn't touch you, therefore you have to maintain stability. No, no, no... don't recline against me. Stand upright, honey. Just experience... let your body gyrate to the car's rhythm and merely experience... God, you turn so rosy when you're aroused. It's so attractive, baby, I can see it on your neck. (Breathing hotly) Do you sense me, right there, on your neck?

(Sfx: subway approaching platform)

(Whispering into her ear, slowly) I'll shut off the vibe, darling. I'm vanishing once more... See you at the next spot. (Light licking sound on neck)

(Narrating/speaking to myself) As the subway slowed, I merged into the crowd, exiting the subway first. I concealed myself behind a pillar, observing as she clutched her bag and the area where I licked her neck. Man, I can't wait till I'm able to touch her... till it's me arousing her, not the vibrator. Until she permits me to kiss her and nibble on her lower lip she always bites. I snap myself out of my daydream and ascended the escalator toward the city gardens.

(Sfx: city noises)


(Narrating/speaking to myself) I sent her a brief text, "A ticket is waiting for you at the park entrance." I witnessed her stop to check her phone, a content expression on her face. My secret code provided the exit location, since this was the only city park. I increased the vibe to level 3 once more, this time using a pulsating rhythm. She shivered, her body began to sway. As swiftly as I turned it on, I turned it off. She pouted... my girl actually pouted.


(Sfx: gentle brook)

(Narrating/chatting to myself) My favorite times to visit the gardens are in the spring and the fall. The spring blossoms were in full bloom, and the koi fish were swimming tranquilly in the gentle pond. It's peaceful and picturesque here. (Pause, passionate) She is beautiful here. My next hint signals her to the small bridge that crosses the brook leading into the koi pond. She leaned on the railing, checking her phone as I texted her a "sunshine." I positioned myself on the bridge, keeping out of her line of vision. However, this time I let my body come into contact with hers. I positioned each of my hands on her sides of the handrail, and let my chest gently brushing against her back, lightly.

(Sfx: joyful park sounds, fading)

Just whispering in your ear, are you feeling it yet? I'm loving the view I have down your dress. You're like a little cat, rubbing your cheek against mine. (Firmly) Keep your hands on the railing, no touching me. Why? Because one of us needs to stay in control, sweetie. Let me turn it up a bit, to level three.


(Whispering) Why am I teasing you? (Laugh) Because you asked, dear. Have a look over there, there's a couple sitting on a bench facing this direction. Do you think they know what you're doing? That you've got a tickler against your clit, and you're moving your butt against my rock-hard dick. God, you're such a tease... oh, hold on... don't come yet. Let me go back to level two. I just want you on the edge.


(Whispering, slowly) I love this dress, it'll make getting to you so easy later. Have you started dripping down your thigh yet? Do you need a tissue, honey? No, let it drip. I'll lick it up later. No one can see... it's just you and me. Take out your next clue, love... I'll meet you there. Oh, don't grip my thigh so hard... hand back on the railing. I'll give you a little suck on your earlobe to hold you over, baby (kiss, lick) I'll see you at the next clue location. Let me turn this off for now.


(Narrating/talking to self) Keeping my hands off the railing is incredible. All I want is to wrap my arms around her and fuck her from behind... I bet those koi have seen everything. I slip out of the bridge, hiding behind a big bush that she'll have to pass to get the next clue.

I watch as she disappears into the rose garden. I take my time, knowing exactly how to get to the fountain in the middle. Let's hope she gets lost in the maze for a few minutes while I make it there first. I'm in the center of the maze, waiting for her to spot me. Our eyes meet for the first time... she's beautiful. I hit the remote in my pocket, setting it at the highest, level four, and putting it on random. I approach her as she squirms, sitting next to her on the bench. She's struggling to make eye contact as the vibrations cover her body. I lean close to her ear to whisper.

(Whispering to listener) Hi, my love. Why are you gripping the bench so tightly?


You feeling good? Can't sit still? What's it feel like?


Look at you, all squirmy... do you like it when I breathe on your neck with my nose? Hmmm? It's so soft here, sweetie... and you smell so nice.


What kind of underwear are you wearing? Are they wet? Ohhh... I love that moan, sweetheart. Try to stay quiet... are you leaving a wet spot on the bench?


Do you like it when I nuzzle your earlobe? How about my hot breath blowing gently in your ear? You can grasp my arm, darling, hold on tight to me.


Can you tell me if I should lick right behind here? Do you like the slow drag of my tongue down to that special spot on your neck? Your nails, dear, you're digging them into my arm... are you okay?


Do you want me to stop, sweetheart? I don't want to stop... I want to watch you, feel you, smell you as you come...


Someone's getting close, aren't they? Check out your cute little toes curling up in your sandals... your thighs are shaking, baby...


Are you about to come for me, dear? It's about time... I want you to come for me. You've been coming for me on the phone, and now I get to see you, to feel you, to smell you as you come...


Oh, someone's coming. You're squirming so much...


Are you going to give in, darling? Come for me... that's it sweetie, keep coming... trying so hard...


There we go, good girl... let it build... come on, honey... let go... just come for me, sweetheart...


There you go, sweetie... look at you... so pretty... keep coming...

(Pause) [

Hush hush, I've got you. Relax, lean on me and rest. Shhh, you're doing a great job, my dear. Let me help you with that. Level 3... Just breathe. Level 2... It's okay, you're so delicate. Almost there... Level 1... Shhhhh.... Turn it off.


Shhhh, let me place a kiss on your forehead. Rest easy on me. Did you bring your water? Let's take a small sip. My sweet one, you've been wonderful. That was quite intense, wasn't it?

(A few more kisses on the face and cheeks)

Wow, I'm so thrilled you're here. Were all your desires fulfilled? Did you find it satisfying, my love? Let's go to the hotel now. We'll tackle the remaining clues later on. Kisses as the audio fades away.

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    Source: www.nice-escort.de