Treehouse Chapter 4

Unconventional role-play in a library after a Dungeons and Dragons gaming session.

May 28, 2024
12 min read
roleplayThe Treehouse Ch. 04professorglassesacademiadungeons and dragonsdominant maleoutsidepubliclibrarynerd
The Treehouse Ch. 04
The Treehouse Ch. 04

Treehouse Chapter 4

I was leaving an English class when I received a message that triggered a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

Benjamin asked, "In your treehouse fantasy, there were two men. Would you want to experience that aspect if we could find someone trustworthy?"

I sat on a bench and pondered this for a while. There was a murky pool of guilt inside me that I couldn't see the bottom of. Why would I want another man involved when my needs were satisfied by Benjamin?

Though he had brought up the idea, I was cautious that Ben might judge me or get jealous. I had my own jealous nature, but it could be unpredictable and cause people to act in unusual ways.

The idea of two men sharing and using me was intriguing, but I was apprehensive that I might not understand the value of such an experience until it was too late. Then, I imagined how it could actually play out, not from my perspective, but as a whole picture. In my fantasies and writing, I'd always focused on the men and their sensations, but now I saw my own body entangled and felt a little disgusted with myself.

I thought maybe this penchant was shaped by a skewed self-image, but I still felt ashamed of even considering that there could be another man willing to participate in this depraved scene with me. I was on the verge of tears over a hypothetical question, so I hurried to the library, trying to clear my mind before reaching my destination.

I concentrated on the path ahead as I walked through the most frequently used areas of the library. I eventually reached what I considered the heart of the library, a poorly planned nook of sparsely needed books. Dust covered everything, and the titles didn't seem very captivating, but there was a rectangular space where you couldn't see anything but bookshelves.

There, I sat down and quietly cried. I wasn't grieving or despairing, so when the tears stopped, I felt a little foolish. It was only a question after all, but I couldn't seem to answer it.

As I heard footsteps nearby, I jumped up and prepared to navigate past an inquisitive stranger.

To my surprise, it was Ben approaching. He was wearing a basic dress shirt, slacks, and a pair of striking black and silver rimmed glasses. He mentioned visiting an optometrist and although I felt bad he needed them, they suited him well. "I like the glasses," I whispered. My voice was raspy, betraying my struggles.

"Thanks. I think I like them too, but I'm still getting used to them."

"Find any good books?" I inquired, deflecting the conversation.

"Nope," he answered, wrapping his arms around me.“But I'm glad to see you again. I saw you return and wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm sorry if I worried you. I'm just a bit insecure sometimes, and this is a good place to hide until I remember how to act like a normal human."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Pointers on how to act normal?" I joked. "Sure, I can use some assistance."

"I think you're doing great," he replied while moving his hands to my back. "My worry was what provoked your insecurity."

I took a deep breath, preparing to explain my introspection, so my fearful thoughts wouldn't smolder. He patiently listened while offering physical support until I seemed to have said enough.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with your fantasy, and sharing you for a scene is something I'm open to," he assured me, his hands sliding down to fondle my ass under my skirt. "The challenge will be finding the right person, but I have a couple of candidates in mind if you seriously want this."

Although it created an uneasy feeling in my stomach, I acknowledged that I wanted to indulge my fantasy. "I think I do," I whispered.

He probably won't put everything together right away, and you can always change your mind if you want. Remember, I'm just suggesting it because I want to help bring your deepest desires to life. You don't need to feel guilty. His fingers played around the edges of my underwear.

I said, "thank you, Ben," rubbing his collarbone affectionately.

With a gentle but firm hold, he pushed me against a bookshelf and kissed me passionately.

Breathing heavily on my neck, he purred, "Imagine a professor finding you back here, playing with your cute little cunt. You could get in a lot of trouble if you don't fulfill the professor's dark fantasies."

My mind raced back to something I'd written, and I enjoyed him using it against me even more.

"What do you want from me, sir?" I inquired, lust evident in my voice. He slid his hand beneath my skirt, and I shuffled to make space between my thick legs for him. His touch sent electrical sensations through me.

"I'd like to have everything you've got," he growled, sliding in one and then two fingers inside me. "But I wasn't prepared." The heel of his palm pressed against my clit, creating an exquisite feeling. "I do have an idea though. For now, I'll settle for your mouth, and then I'll take your number. Soon, I'll call you to my office and have you at my complete disposal."

On the verge of losing control, I tried to keep quiet, but I was close to breaking. His hungry gaze, complemented by his new glasses, made his "professor" persona even more potent.

"Will you come when I call for you, sweetie?" He asked, seeming certain that I would certainly do everything he wanted.

"Yes, sir," I gasped.

"Good girl," he praised as he wiped his hand on the inside of my skirt. I clicked my teeth together as I realized I wouldn't be able to pleasure myself any further.

"Kneel for me," he whispered in a low, commanding voice as he unzipped.

Despite the fear of being caught, I knelt down. I took his cock in my hand, licking the entire length with my tongue in one fluid motion before sliding my mouth up and down.

Benjamin was silent but I could tell he was getting closer based on his breathing changes and the way his fingers combed through my hair. I tried my best to contain his entire length and not choke. Maybe I could give him a satisfactory blowjob after all.

As I explored his sensitive tip with my tongue, Ben's grip on my hair tightened. His head was gently pulled forward, forcing his entire shaft down my throat. His grip was then replaced with a harsh one as he moaned quietly, loading his release down my throat. I cleaned him off before standing up and looking up at him with pride.

Ben had a slight smile as he helped me up.

"How was your professor?" I inquired, almost whispering.

"I thought you were impressive, but it's made me even more eager for our next encounter." His words were slow and sensual, with a half-closed gaze.

We made sure our clothes were in the correct spots. Ben winked as he led me out of the library. I felt that everyone surely knew what just happened, and it caused me to blush.

It appeared that the "professor" episode had come to an end for now, but I couldn't shake the thought that he might surprise me again.

The cafeteria was fairly quiet, and Ben's friends were there. I wasn't very familiar with them, but so far they've been friendly towards me. A few of the regular cafeteria group were also part of the D&D group, and Ben suggested that I might want to join their game.

"This is perfect timing," said Peter, the gangly guy with cropped brown hair. "Lucas' campaign is winding down, and Ben will be running the next one." Lucas, with his almost black wavy hair and well-groomed beard, smiled calmly.

"You can check out one of our games to get a taste of what we're like," Lucas suggested.

"Thanks. I'll do that," I replied, feeling grateful that I could witness their game before fully joining. I was intrigued by how animated everyone was when talking about their characters and the game, and I couldn't help imagining the dark, kinky professor version of Ben ravaging me at swordpoint.

A short while ago, I found myself nestled on a spacious green sofa in Ben's apartment, idly perusing his supply of tabletop role-playing game manuals. Meanwhile, Led Zeppelin's more apparent homage to J.R.R. Tolkien echoed throughout the kitchen as Ben readied a bowl of chilled potatoes. The afternoon had been leisurely, but my thoughts began to murmur with excitement as I envisioned our friends' arrival.

Despite not yet taking part in the proceedings, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of unease; after all, I was set to spend the night solely as a witness, with little understanding of the tale thus far. Ben had shared some insights, but the full picture was largely beyond me.

When Katie and Sam entered, I was only marginally familiar with them. They kept to themselves, encapsulating an air of quietness that was intriguing more than imposing. With Lucas, Peter, and Cassidy in tow, the company took its seats and commenced the setup of their gaming quarters.

I observed their assortment of tools attentively. Lucas' setup, predicated on wet erase, appeared more straightforward than others. The ulterior utilization of this technique impressed me. The ladies - Katie, Sam, and Cassidy - had fashioned unique character sheets along with images of their avatars, while Peter relied on digitally mutable notes and images. Perceived as the caretaker of his friends' gaming sessions, Ben boasted a three-ring binder with sections effectively tabbed. It was refreshing to note each player's bespoke tools.

Though I struggled to decode the subtleties of the ongoing narrative, I found myself fully immersed in Lucas' recount. As his descriptions painted the tale, my gaze flitted between him and Ben as he shouldered the pivotal role.

The climax of the evening rendered Ben and me wired with pent-up energy. While it wasn't a necessity to role-play at that moment, residual tension permeated. We were struck by the prospect of observing showcased glimpses of a beloved, yet illicitly lusty rogue by the name of Vic.

"Have you ever marveled at Vic's daily life unlatched from the campaign?" Ben inquired. Though it was evident that the character hadn't shared intimate details with us, unspoken desires simmered within me - I desired to hear what the off-the-record excitement offered.

"A fair bit, in truth. I adore how Vic portrays a host of captivating scenes. There are moments that are simply ill-suited for group play, but I've fancied them nonetheless." Ben's eagerness to delve further brimmed with uncontainable enthusiasm, though I was unsure where to begin the dialogue.

"So, does Vic hunt for intimates in every town he visits?" I questioned, hoping to seize details of a romantic connection. Given that the character soaked up the spotlight, I hoped he hadn't imagined someone strikingly unlike me.

"He wouldn't be averse to commitment provided someone won his heart. Ultimately, he's enamored by the adventure of discovering a new romantic interest. Vic hunts diligently for lovely people, knowing how to entice them with a calculated charm." My heartbeat quickened at the subsequent zest - it felt like there was more to come.

"Is he a confidence trickster type who convinces them with his compliments before taking them to bed?" I wondered, caught off-guard by Ben's sensuality.

"He might," Ben ventured, "but his technique isn't so shallow. Depending on the individual, Vic understands how best to respond and guide the pursuit of seduction. On the rare occasions when a person is disinterested, he'd only regard this as 'simply unachieved.' Out of the multitudes captivated by his appeals, few fail to succumb to his wiles." Ben's smile slightly revealed his innate mischief.

"So, yes, he immaculately home in on beautiful, horny people and lavishes them with flattery until things reach a satisfying climax?" Upon further prodding, I found myself eager to delve deeper.

"Sometimes, but only when the conditions are right. However, lest I leave you in suspense, let's engage in a vivid role-play. In this scenario, you're an apprentice, either magical or craftsman, relaxing in a fantasy tavern. From what I've said about Vic, would you fancy becoming enchanted by his presence?"

"Indeed! Why not? The whimsical thought of me as a wizard's apprentice mesmerized by Vic's charisma is captivating," I flippantly asked.

"A brilliant concept. Set within a tavern in a fairy-tale realm, you've entered after a long day at work." Ben prompted. "What have you done since procuring your drink? Perhaps you're glancing around," he suggested.

"Perhaps the wry wizard's apprentice, a mead in hand, would now browse through a dog-eared souvenir, the notebook lending the guise of casual people-watching?" I pondered aloud. My eyes were upon Jude - who, in Ben's vision, was the bawdy rogue - though I earnestly struggled to conceal my impatient gaze.

So Vic spots you sitting by yourself and notices your eyes dart towards him a few times. After considering his options, he saunters over to your table. "Fancy some company, miss?" he asks.

"That might be a nice change," you reply, fidgeting with your notepad. 'I'm Claire," you offer.

"I'm Vic," he replies, flashing a slow smile. His hand engulfs yours, squeezing gently. He takes up residence on the couch. "Do you often spend your nights alone in this tavern?" he inquires, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"I suppose I have," you admit, envisioning a different version of yourself frequenting this establishment. Vic nods, eyeing you from head to toe.

"You're a bit lonely and bored with your life, eh?" he muses, making your eyes widen. "Sorry, I can be a little blunt. Please tell me to stop or correct me if I'm being offensive."

"No, you can continue," you say.

"So you come here, hoping to mingle with interesting people," he continues, paying close attention to your reactions. 'You're shy and don't have the nerve to approach anyone, so you just observe and wish for someone to make your life more exciting." There's a moment of intense eye contact before Ben heads to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of dry cider, serving as a stand-in for Vic's ale.

Settling back down, Vic takes a swig before speaking again. "Of course, you're here for the people. Since you've been ignored, you observe and make up stories about strangers based on their appearances and mannerisms."

You look down, feeling exposed despite having shared that very sentiment moments before.

"Though that's just the surface layer," Vic says, lifting your chin with his finger. "Do you ever question what you truly crave from these chance encounters? Is it just stories about far-off adventures or do you sometimes fantasize about what it would be like if one of those strangers found you attractive?"

This wasn't the type of conversation you expected while chatting up a stranger in a bar, but it exhilarated you. His insightful remarks left you feeling vulnerable, but also understood. "Well, I enjoy passing the time and secretly wonder about lifestyles different from my own." You reply, trying to maintain a safe distance.

Vic nods, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Naturally, you note someone like me at the bar and imagine me recounting my risky escapades. I've been to exotic places, experienced thrilling adventures. Perhaps you fantasize about a narrative involving intrigue, like the time I joined a cult to steal a powerful artifact. That story involves seduction and death, which I wonder if you might've skipped over in your head."

"You genuinely seem like someone who could both tempt and terrify," you respond, stepping out of your comfort zone. "By the way, who did you seduce?"

Vic grins lasciviously, "The cult leader's daughter. She was the easiest target and the quickest route to win their trust. Also, she enjoyed the idea of my having control over her, so she aided me in my scheme."

He catches your eyes biting your bottom lip and chuckles into his drink. "Do your daydreams consist solely of daring exploits or do you fantasize about strangers having a physical connection with you?" He asks in a low voice, his gaze intense.

"Sometimes," you whisper.

He polishes off his drink and fixes you with his gaze. "Ready for some fresh air?"

Vic/Ben takes your hand and leads you to the back door. The cool night air rejuvenates your skin and recharges you. You gaze at the treehouse with a smile before closing your eyes for a moment. It wasn't too difficult to imagine a narrow veranda in the place of the latticework.

You look at Vic, feeling a bit nervous all of a sudden. "Warning: naive apprentice about to fall prey to the mysterious seducer?"

He pulls you close, making you look up at his face. "That's what you envisioned when you saw me?" His eyes appear shrouded in menace.

"Oh, yes, that was my fantasy," you admit.

Vic is deliberate and cautious as he moves you backward, but the experience feels slightly precarious. Your butt hits something before you find yourself perched on a counter. Vic's arms encircle you, trapping you. He melds into the shadowy darkness cast by the moonlight. Your heart races from the combination of nervousness and excitement.

"So, will I discover you aroused beneath your skirt?" His hands are already on your knees, spreading them. "Now, hold still and let me explore," he demands.

You gasp as his hands move aside your underwear and make contact with your core.

"Imagine you've seen someone on the street and wished they would do something like this to you," he teased, his fingers moving inside me. I could barely moan. I couldn't even imagine how badly I wanted it.

Ben pulled out a familiar shiny object from his pocket. It broke my concentration for a moment, but without it, I'd have been terrified soon. "Sorry. It's a magical object," Vic laughed.

Suddenly, I was slammed into a different reality, feeling every inch of that reality as he stepped inside me. "Wow, I can't believe I found such a treasure," he grunted. "It almost makes me feel bad for all the guys who would have had you if they'd known how easily you could be had."

I tried to muffle my moans, afraid someone would hear and come to my rescue. Each of his relentless thrusts made my struggle only harder. When I lost the battle and couldn't hold in my cries anymore, Vic pressed my head against his chest. My breath was stolen, my body convulsing on his large shaft. I bit his shirt as he continued to plough through my waves of pleasure and kept pounding.

All thought had vanished from my mind, but my eager hole was responding when I heard him say, "I need to cum inside you." My body ached for every bit of pleasure left in his climax. I shivered and purred, my muscles still quivering around his now softening member.

We eventually made our way back inside, cleaned up, and fell into bed. Benjamin held me close and I heard his soft voice as I drifted off. "I think you'll see Vic again."

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