Triple Encounters: Part 1

A youth presents himself for household work to a same-sex pair.

Jun 1, 2024
14 min read
lesbiancaningdomestic servicespankingfemdomMenage a Trois Pt. 01lesbian sex
Menage a Trois Pt. 01
Menage a Trois Pt. 01

Triple Encounters: Part 1

Perched at her desk, Kate Argent angrily snaps a pencil in two. The last few days have been agitating, capping off a frustrating week, as the brewing quarrel she's involved in nears the brink of exploding.

Across from her, Carrie Grant scowls and glares. The women, who are best friends, lovers, and business partners that own and operate a prosperous employment agency for hotel and catering staff located in the midlands, have worked tirelessly all week, placing workers in hotels and restaurants as they gear up for the summer holiday season. Only now have both women been able to set their phones down amidst the rush of phone calls.

In appearance, the two women, on the cusp of their forties, contrast starkly:

Kate is tall and slender, with naturally curly dark hair falling freely around her head, sensual full lips, and deep brown eyes with long lashes that peek out from behind heavy-framed glasses. Her regular trips to the gym have left her with an athletic abdomen, toned limbs, and a shapely derriere. At the office, she typically wears a tailored pantsuit with a white shirt and polished low-heeled black pumps. She's not a fan of heavy makeup, and her nails are kept short and polished.

Carrie stands a few inches shorter, with neatly bleached hair, captivating blue eyes, succulent painted lips, and a sun-kissed complexion. Her body is curvy, though not overweight, and she stays in shape through yoga and Tai Chi classes. She favours skirts and blouses with cashmere sweaters and stylish stilettos for height. Carrie likes to wear lipstick and eyeliner and is fond of getting manicures.

And despite their outward differences, they're compatible on every level: physically, mentally, and professionally.

The pair had found common ground while surviving their childhoods - Kate in a household with a drunken stepfather who tormented her mom, Carrie in a strict religious household where the Church turned a blind eye to child abuse. They had found one another while at university, where they also discovered their sexuality, and the difficult lesbian experience back then only brought them closer together. They found employment in hotel management after graduating, surviving the dominance and sexual harassment of male superiors for a decade before opening their current business.

While most business leaders remained male, advancing age and lingering sexism made their work extra challenging. In their personal lives, they sought to avoid straight males whenever possible.

Their circle of service providers -- hairdresser, plumber, electrician, painter, and builder -- all women, and most of their social circle consisted of females, many of whom were single, divorced, or in same-sex relationships. They share responsibility for their bustling business and relish coming home to passionate lovemaking after a home-cooked meal and a delicious bottle of wine. Housework, though, was a battle that neither was keen on tackling.

After a string of au pairs failed to live up to their standards, this latest candidate's misconduct brought the situation to a crisis point a week ago.

Kate throws up her hands. "Fine, okay," she says, resuming a discussion that was interrupted by phone calls. "I'll admit it - I may have gone a little overboard last week. But come on, she'd been a real nuisance since she arrived, always messing up one way or another."

"Overboard?" Carrie scoffs. "You know, slamming the girl over your knee, jerking down her pants, and spanking her bare bottom with the back of a clothes brush was way out of line. We're lucky she didn't go to the police and sue us for assault. We had to pay her till the end of the month, plus an uber ride to the airport."

Kate shrugs nonchalantly. "She had it coming. It's breathtaking how much I enjoyed it! I don't know what it is about spanking a naughty bum that gets the blood pounding, but I don't regret a thing."

"I know how much you relished torturing her," Carrie admits. "And I enjoyed watching you. If it weren't for some sensibility, I'd have jumped in and helped."

"If I could turn back the clock, I might have," Kate muses wistfully. "In hindsight, it was pretty wild, and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat."

"For weeks, she'd been taking sips of our vodka and refilling the bottle with water. She'd also been using our body lotion and shampoo. Not only that, she never vacuumed under the furniture. She also claimed money from our shopping. She was a total mess."

Kate put up a pacifying hand. "I know, my love. I'll do my fair share. We won't be attending Alli's party tonight. I wish that girl would've just accepted the spanking and improved. We could've both assisted her to be a better au pair and had some fun doing it."

Carrie calmed down and chuckled. "Imagine bottom spanking as a learning technique for housekeeping. That would be hilarious!"

As they prepared for resignation, another voice interjected.

"I'd be glad to work for you."

The abrupt interruption surprised both women. They had assumed they were alone in their workspace, but they weren't. Their office accommodations were subpar: a storefront window overlooking the main street, with a small waiting area at the back. Behind a few artistically arranged potted plants, Kate and Carrie each had a desk with a visitor's chair between them, so while sitting at their desks, they couldn't see who sat in the waiting area beyond the plants.

"Oh, gosh, sorry," Kate said with concern, glancing at his record on her computer screen. "Mr. Oliver! How inconsiderate of us to discuss our personal matters in front of you. The job positions we advertised today weren't of interest to any applicants, but if you'd call us on Monday?"

Tobias Oliver, full name, hesitantly got up. He walked around the potted plants, revealing his presence between the two women's desks.

"I truly meant what I said, Miss Argent," he said politely. "I'd be willing to work for you."

"Oh, that's very kind," said Carrie with a grin. She typed on her computer and discovered the details Kate was checking. "You have a great hotel experience in the North and the Midlands, and we'll find a job for you next week. I don't think we can compensate you with the same wages as at your previous job."

"I wouldn't request hotel rates," Tobias Oliver countered earnestly.

Kate's eyebrow shot up. "What were you hoping for?"

"Your pleasure, including the occasional spanking you mentioned."

The stunned silence in the room was deafening. Sounds from outside - footsteps, shoppers and workers chatting, traffic noise - seeped through the shop door.

"Are you serious?" Kate asked at last. "Did you overhear our conversation?"

"Definitely not, Miss Argent." he replied. "I've always wanted to serve women like you, and when I heard your offer, I couldn't resist."

"If you're trying to seduce us, you're dead wrong," Carrie warned. "We'd call the police in a heartbeat if we considered you a threat."

"I would never consider doing that, Miss Grant."

"Then what are you fantasizing about?" Kate inquired.

"Serving you the way you like to be served," Tobias Oliver replied immediately. "I'd be delighted to devote myself to making your lives more comfortable."

"Are you doing this for food and a place to live, if you mean a 'keep'?" Carrie asked.

"Yes, Miss Grant. And regular discipline."

Kate snorted and said incredulously, "Did something make you think we're sexual deviants?"

"Masochism is a sexual deviation," advised Tobias Oliver. "However, I'm not seeking sexual relations with either of you. I want you to dominate me, and if you desire, I can be kept in a chastity device to ensure that I can't threaten you."

"What made you come to us with this proposal?" Kate wanted to know. "We're not exactly 'sex goddesses', are we?"

"Far from it, Miss Argent," he replied. "But I'm determined to help you."

Carrie and Kate exchanged a doubtful glance before Carrie replied, "I'm afraid we can't afford to pay you more than a modest wage."

"That's alright, Miss Grant," replied Tobias Oliver. "I'd rather work for you than a hotel."

"I'm not seeking a promiscuous, sex-crazed partner, Miss Kate. I believe you're powerful, determined women who understand what you desire. I think you'll have no trouble taking the reins, and I require the authority of females such as yourselves. Eavesdropping on your conversation, I felt we would be compatible, and I'd like to try it out."

"But how can you be certain this is what you genuinely need? Is it simply a transient fancy you'll abandon within a few weeks?"

"I had a similar relationship before. I'd have stayed in it, but the lady I was serving became enamored with a man, and there was no space for me in that connection."

"How lengthy did that last? This relationship you refer to?"

"Eighteen months. Upon leaving school, I signed an apprenticeship and the company arranged accommodations with a woman named Mrs. Stepley, a divorced lady in her thirties. We eventually became entangled, if one could call it that, and she frequently chastised me and assigned me all the chores around the house."

"Did you have sex with her?"

"No, Miss Kate. Punishing me was the sole physical interaction she had with me."

"Did she demand additional compensation for conducting that?" Carrie inquired mockingly.

"Well, she did receive my rent while I was an apprentice, but that's where issues arose. Due to my devotion to her, I neglected my work responsibilities at the company, and they let me go. She then forged a relationship with a man who objected to my presence in the home, prompting them to evict me."

"But what prompted you to enter into such a relationship in the first place?" Kate demanded.

The general would have ousted him from the premises by now, but Carrie and Kate were far from typical. They were open-minded and daring, and this gentleman - he was twenty-seven years old, as per the staff record on their computer, and rather cute in a girlish manner - piqued their interest.

"I've been enamored with spanking since I was probably five or six years old. It wasn't because I was frequently chastised as a child, since my parents were opposed to physical punishment. It was unrelated to sex and became more prominent well before adolescence. I can recall as a six-year-old observing women's hands as they tended to their business, picturing those hands lowering my shorts to administer a spanking on my rear. During my youth, I was enthralled by horse-riding competitions on television, not because of the excellent equestrian performance, but because of the female riders and their dressage whips that I envisioned on my backside. My parents sent me to schools that forbade physical punishment, but that didn't prevent me from scouring historic accounts of Egyptian slavery, the Roman Empire, and the American Deep South, with their frustratingly scant descriptions of how slaves were compelled by the lash. I expanded upon these accounts with fantasies of rods and straps lashing the slaves on their bottoms. It was simply a craving, like how some people crave chocolate, cigarettes, or drugs. Reading or imagining spanking scenes provided me joy, the same way drugs or alcohol may."

"Enough is enough," declared Carrie resolutely. "I truly need to escort you away and remove you from our client list, as your ideas are rather unseemly."

She looked at Kate quizzically.

"Alternatively, we could interrogate you like we would any job candidate. Explain your motives for seeking to be a houseboy, a slave, or whatever else it is that you yearn for. Provide your reasons for us to consider employing you. Then we'll determine the depth of your commitment," said Kate. "Present the reasons for why we should appoint you to that role."

Tobias Oliver had an insatiable fondness for spanking since childhood. He often wondered how he had developed such tendencies but could never discover an answer. It was unrelated to sex and formed well before puberty. As a six-year-old, he could recall observing female hands while they conducted their daily chores, envisioning those hands lowering his shorts to deliver a spanking to his rear. His fascination with spanking heightened during his childhood, and he became fixated on show-jumping competitions on television, not for the intricate displays of equestrian skill, but because of the female riders and their dressage whips, which he imagined as striking his backside. His parents enrolled him in schools that disallowed physical punishment, but this didn't halt him from exploring historical accounts of slavery, particularly in Egypt, the Roman Empire, and the American Deep South, where the scant depictions of slaves being motivated by the lash intrigued him. Proportionately, he elaborated upon these historical records, fabricating fantasies of canes and straps lashing the slaves' bottoms. It was simply a compulsion, analogous to how others might crave sweets, cigarettes, or drugs. Entering the digital realm provided him with access to countless spanking and slavery-related content, which heightened his desires.

A few weeks after moving in, Tobias was in his room, watching a video on his laptop with headphones on, of a boy being caned. When Mrs Stepley entered the room without his knowledge, she was shocked to see what was on the screen. She expressed her disgust and began a conversation with him, during which she told him he was a dirty boy she didn't want in her home. However, she offered to spank him to show him the real consequences.

Tobias had a bendy ruler, similar to a cane, used for drawing curves, measuring thirty inches long and made of rubber or polymer. She lowered his tracksuit pants and used this on his bottom, causing tremendous pain. This was the first time he had experienced spanking, and the experience resonated so deeply with him that he thanked Mrs Stepley and begged her to do it again. Mrs Stepley stated if he gave her the authority to whip him, then he was her slave, obligated to do as she commanded.

From that point on, the next 18 months were the most intense of his life. Mrs Stepley was strict and had him complete all household chores. She enjoyed using the bendy ruler and the wooden clothes brush, and eventually purchased a real school cane. Tobias would be punished for any wrongdoings, and if there were no marks on his bottom, he would be caned just so she could see the weals. He forfeited his job and ceased studying as he preferred domestic work. Yet, Mrs Stepley kept him on, even when he was unable to pay her rent.

After almost a year and a half, Mrs Stepley began dating another soldier. This man found amusement in observing Tobias serving her and witnessing his punishments. When Ms. Stepley proposed moving in with him, she demanded that Tobias be removed.

Since then, Tobias had been working in hotels and restaurants, as he felt his true calling was to be a servant to someone stern and fulfill his domestic tasks, but he found these jobs too impersonal. He wanted a relationship reminiscent of the one he shared with Mrs. Stepley, with food and childcare provided, so he could devote his whole life to servitude. Yet, he was cautious, having learned from the incident with her lover.

Listening to their conversation, he took note of the strong and self-reliant nature of Ms. Argent and Ms. Grant and realized they could offer the firm guiding hand he yearned for. He spontaneously proposed this arrangement, eagerly awaiting their response.

Tobias crafted his proposition into the form of an application and waited anxiously as the ladies read through his offer. He had butterflies in his stomach, fearing they would find it amusing and ask him to leave.

Eventually, Kate commented, "It might work." She looked down at Tobias. "We're not interested in men - we consider them a waste of space. Additionally, if you abide by our terms, we could vent our frustrations with men or at the supermarket."

Tobias replied, "I'd be honored to serve you in that capacity as well."

Sensing her practical side, Carrie made a distinct decision.

"He must sign this paper, of course. And we'll need to draw up an employment contract, 40 hours at minimum wage, so we can register him with the doctor and tax officials. He'll pay us for housing and food from that wage, and we'll put any remaining funds into a savings account for him."

Kate, rubbing Carrie's thigh, chuckled, "As always, the pragmatic businesswoman."

As Carrie looked down at Tobias, she said, "Sign the paper."

Did you catch that last part of my conversation? You're signing up as an employee here, and your paperwork will provide the grounds for your treatment. We'll have you sign something similar every year, to demonstrate your consent to this arrangement.

Tobias nodded in agreement.

In the meantime, Kate was typing away on her computer, filling out a standard service contract. Since Tobias' personal information was already stored, the whole process took just a minute. A form appeared on the printer, and it spit out the signed document.

"Alrighty then," Kate said when Tobias had finished committing himself to service. She wanted to see if his statement had any weight. "Time to take a look at you before we leave. Get yourself completely naked, right now."

Carrie couldn't help but smile when the young man obliged, his naked body emerging from the confines of his clothes. The ladies surveyed him with detached interest.

Tobias Oliver was a handsome fellow. At 5'7", he was just an inch taller than Kate. He had dark hair on his head, but only small tufts of hair elsewhere, surprisingly enough under his armpits and on his genitals. He had an attractive face, too: brown eyes, a slim straight nose, thin lips, and a somewhat weak chin. His body was lean, boasting slender arms, legs, an almost flat stomach, and a rather small chest. But she was glad to find his backside to be well-rounded and firm. His skin was fair, smooth, and free of any warts or birthmarks. His relatively modest penis was standing tall and hard.

Carrie grabbed one of his ears and pulled up his naked form. She glanced at his manhood with a small smirk.

"Look at you, all proud and stuff," she joked.

"S-s-sorry miss," Tobias stammered.

"Don't worry," Kate remarked, reassuring him. "We'll be acquiring one of those cages you mentioned soon. They're fantastic for guys like you. We'll deal with them at home."

Carrie shut her eyes and stuck him forward, so he was exposed from behind.

"Got anything we can use on him in here?"

"Not much of a call for spanking... err... boys around here," Kate remarked, giggling. "Perhaps we'll just give him a little tap when we get home; I have a riding crop that hasn't seen use in a while."

Carrie fondled his backside thoughtfully.

"There's a lot of flesh on him to play with. I'd prefer not to use my hand for such purposes; I'd chick brevity at it."

Kate chuckled. "I completely agree. Might as well bring him home and let him earn his keep. His discipline is his prize, and he hasn't done anything to earn it yet."

Carrie studied his rear end, her eyes happy. "I imagine he'll see it as a prize when I get done with him. He'll serve as a placeholder for every male who irritates me."

Kate glanced at her friend, who grinned mischievously. "Interesting thought... Would we be able to spank him once a day as a part of his salary, or can we give him a beating whenever we please?"

"Fine idea, sweetheart," Carrie agreed. "Are we restricting the intensity of your punishments?"

"No, I just wanted to ensure spanking is included in your offer," Tobias replied quickly. "I don't want to be neglected, and I'm yours to do with as you please."

"You'll probably want to reconsider your attitude once you've been disciplined," Kate warned. "We've got high standards for you."

"Yes, ma'am. Anyone who disobeys will have to I pay the price." Tobias seemed to understand.

Kate raised an eyebrow and lightly kicked Tobias's rear end. "Watch it. You're not parading around in public displaying your equipment. Get your clothes back on."

With that, they left the premises, Carrie leading the way. Tobias attempted to crawl behind her, but she stopped him with a swift kick.

"You're not skipping like that, flashing your private parts in public," Kate scolded. "Get dressed." [It's strange how her voice changes slightly throughout, and "his" gets used when referring to him. The first "you" in her speech feels informal and inconsistent. Maybe it's a dialect thing and it's supposed to indicate a sense of relaxed, backyard informality, like she's chatting with her BFF.]

Hurriedly, Skivvy slipped back into his attire, eager to display his willingness and causing a mess in the process. He mistakenly put his shirt on inside out and had difficulty shoving his feet into the denim legs of his jeans, with the ladies watching, disapproving of their being kept waiting. He haphazardly pushed his socks into his pockets and then shoved his bare feet into his uncinched sneakers.

"If you fall over those, you'll be hobbling for days," Carrie scolded, pointing to his laced-up footwear.

Chagrined, he kneeled to tie the laces, wasting more seconds. Afterwards, they were prepared to set off.

Outside the doorway, the women's vehicle - an outdated Volvo estate - sat idling. Carrie flung open the back hatch, and Skivvy awkwardly crawled out of the back entrance and squeeze into the storage area, before Kate slid the tonneau cover across, swiftly closing the tailgate.

The ladies locked up their establishment and climbed into the car. Carrie smirked at Kate.

"Hope you're prepared for what we're getting ourselves into," she joked. "We've got an actual living male in the trunk of our vehicle!"

Kate shrugged nonchalantly as she confidently navigated the car through the congested weekend traffic.

"We're constantly complaining about living in a male-dominated world. The Patriarchy! Now we have a real live guy in our hands. We're going to utilize him - completely and fully, throughout his entire being." She snickered. "Not just a human being, but a willing one. We'll take excellent care of him and train him to ensure he's still useful to us for weeks to come."

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