Group Sex

Untreated Longing

An unforeseen outcome emerges from a casual incident.

May 31, 2024
9 min read
car sexfunnyUnrequitedbffscute

Untreated Longing

Aiden wasn't surprised to see his friend Hanna's name pop up on his phone. They chatted about everything, including potential romantic encounters. However, anything related to sex was strictly off-limits. While driving home from work, he answered the call and put it on speaker.

"Aiden! I need you to pick me up!" he heard Hanna crying.

"What's wrong? Did your boyfriend hurt you?" Aiden asked, both furious and worried. He wasn't a fan of her choice in bad-boy boyfriends.

"No! Nothing like that. I just went to surprise him, but when I peeked through his living room window, I saw him having sex with another woman," she explained, sounding shaken.

"I'm going to give him a piece of my mind!" he threatened.

"You will do no such thing!" Hanna demanded through her tears.

'I really don't want my best friend fighting on my behalf. Even if it is to protect me,' she thought, feeling frustrated.

"Come pick me up. I'm too upset to drive myself home," she requested.

"Okay, okay. I'll be there in a few minutes," he promised.

Hanna's tears stopped when she saw Aiden's car pull up to the curb. 'He's here. He's going to make everything better,' she thought with joy.

Slipping into the passenger seat before Aiden could even remove his seatbelt, she instructed, "Drive me home."

"Whatever you need," he agreed.

The two drove away, leaving her sorrow behind.

"That cheating scumbag didn't deserve you," Aiden commented.

"I'm not a trophy to be won," she retorted angrily.

"I didn't mean it like that," he apologized.

"I know you didn't," she replied, still calm.

Without taking his eyes off the road, he reached over and squeezed her shoulder.

"You'll get through this and find a man who'll treat you right," he comforted.

His hand grazed her breast. 'Oh my god! What did I do?' he thought, horrified.

His arm quickly went back, afraid of what he'd unintentionally done.

'I've never done anything like this before,' he fretted.

"I'm sorry!" he said, genuinely remorseful.

"It was an accident," she replied.

She sat silently for a moment, thinking about her next move.

Aiden became uneasy, feeling like he needed to say something. "The last thing you need is some guy groping you after such a heart-wrenching experience," he offered, trying to provide comfort.

"You are not just some 'guy'," she corrected. "You are my best friend."

"This is the hardest thing I've ever done," she thought, contemplating the next step.

"Pull over to this lookout point and turn off the car," she instructed.

He followed her command, even though he knew what was coming next. Turning off the car, he waited for her response.

'She's going to unbuckle her seatbelt and then just walk the rest of the way home and never want to speak to me again,' he thought, preparing for the worst.

But as she unbuckled her seatbelt, she didn't get up and leave. Instead, she turned towards him.

"Look at me," she commanded.

When he hesitated, she turned his face towards her.

"Stop apologizing," she scolded.

"Why did you break up with my friend Bethany?" she suddenly asked, surprising him.

"Umm...what?" he questioned.

"You had so many things in common. You had chemistry. You loved watching all those terrible movies together." she reminded him.

"I only watched those movies for the humor," he defended.

"I loved it when you made me laugh so hard I cried. I would never trade those times for anything in the world," she shared.

"She said to be quiet because she was trying to watch the movie," he added.

"Any other reasons you randomly called her and said 'it's not you, it's me'?" she questioned.

"Or why none of your relationships ever last," she continued. [

"Or because the sex was great—and you missed out on that?" she added, but decided not to reveal that last piece of information.

"I only watched those movies to laugh at their badness," he replied.

"So what's stopping you from having chemistry with Bethany?" she probed.

"Or with any women," she added.

"I don't know. Most of my relationships never lasted," he said. [

He tried to downplay it, "I just didn't vibe with anyone."

She gave him a piercing stare. "Give me the real explanation. Otherwise, I'll be even angrier at you," she demanded.

She was small in size, but had an intense personality. This was something he admired about her. She didn't let anyone mess with her.

He quivered under her firm glare. It was an uneasy 30 seconds for him. Still, she didn't relent.

"It's because…none of them...," he admitted the biggest secret.

Her eyes widened at this massive revelation. She straightened up in the passenger seat.

"You're going to leave now, right?" he asked dejectedly.

"I'm not going anywhere. And you're not either," she countered.

She pulled out her iPhone and began typing. "I saw you cheating on me. It's over!!! And, block," she said out loud. Declaring what she was typing was one of her quirky habits.

She chucked her phone over her shoulder into the back seat.

She faced him with an expression he'd never seen before. One of hunger.

"When you grabbed my breast, I didn't feel violated. I felt the opposite. My heart started racing. I could feel my temperature soaring. I craved more intimate touches," she confessed.

"What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

These feelings burst forth during that innocent mistake. Feelings that she hadn't known she had. One she had suppressed.

'He's my best friend. A big brother type. I can't have these desires,' she considered in that moment.

"I'm not the chubby, goofy kid you met in high school anymore. Neither am I the skinny, nerdy, girl," she noted.

"I'm a grown woman now. And you're a grown man," she pointed out. 'A very grown one, according to Beth,' her filthy mind added.

This time she did move. He was surprised when she crawled over her seat onto his. She took a sitting position on his lap facing him. Her legs found purchase on the sides of the driver's seat. Enough of a grip.

"What are you doing?" he seemed nervous.

"What I should've done a long time ago," she insisted.

"Now, kiss me you idiot," she instructed.

"Well, that's kinda…" he started. He was interrupted when she leaned down and pressed her mouth forcefully onto his. A passionate kiss ensued.

After what seemed like a minute, she released her hands from around the back of his head and retracted.

"Wow, that's what I needed," she confirmed.

She removed her shirt, then her bra. Both joined her phone in the back seat.

For the first time, Aiden had an unhindered view of his friend's breasts. "So that's how they look?" he commented, amazed.

"Do you like them?" she teased.

He nodded.

"Do you want to touch them?" she proposed.

"This is all happening so quickly," he hesitated.

"That wasn't a request," she said seriously.

"But if we do this, it'll change everything about our relationship," he warned her.

"I hope it does," she confided.

"Now, grab my tits!" she commanded.

She leaned back a bit to give him space. Hesitantly, his hand cupped each breast.

"Now squeeze them!" she commanded.

He did as instructed. A surprised sigh escaped her mouth.

"I want you to rub my nipples with your thumbs," she continued.

With more confidence, he did as she asked.

She began to moan loudly.

After a few minutes, she declared, "I can't handle this anymore."

She used her arms to push his hands away. She reached down and pulled his pants over his shoes.

"Don't you want to wait until we get back to your place?" he inquired.

Raising her skirt, she moved her panties aside and lowered herself.

"No," she gasped while his head penetrated her.

Her arms wrapped around the back of his head once again. Having a hot bath? Join us at for some more fun!

"I love to caress your boobs while gently sipping my tea**," they'd often joke. But now it was real, and it felt so good.

She smiled contentedly. "Ah, that felt amazing," she said delightedly. "Now, let's do it again," she added eagerly.

She sat up slightly before lowering herself onto his lap more rapidly this time. She rocked her hips back and forth on his erection until her legs trembled. Eventually, she stopped. It was time for a change of pace. Leaning back on his arms, she started to use her hips to move up and down. She let out a deep breath into his ear with each thrust. He enjoyed the sensation. After 10 minutes, he could no longer hold back.

"I'm cumming," he warned her.

"About time," she responded tiredly.

Feeling him finish inside her, she made a few more movements before he lost his hardness. She remained on his lap, taking deep breaths, exhausted yet pleasure-filled. She gave him a final kiss before moving to the passenger seat.

He started the car.

"Wait," she said.

She climbed between the seats to the back to retrieve her bra, t-shirt, and phone.

She changed back into her clothes and reclaimed her seat. Both of them had taken the time to adjust their clothing.

"Alright, now you can take me home," she instructed.

When they arrived, she didn't step out of the car. She was mulling something over.

"If I go inside, my ex-boyfriend might show up," she mentioned. "He knows where I live." She considered her options. "But he doesn't know where you live," she concluded.

"Alright," he agreed.

Excited, she leapt out of the car and sprinted into her apartment. She returned 15 minutes later carrying a backpack. She placed it in the backseat.

When she got back inside, he looked at the bag. "This looks like more than a simple overnight bag," he noted.

"I'm planning on going on an adventure," she joked.

The car became stuck at a railroad crossing, adding an additional 20 minutes to their drive home. They pulled into his driveway. This time, she jumped out of the car and waved him on.

"I've never seen her this excited about anything," he observed.

He walked toward her. "Are you cold?" he inquired.

"Far from it," she smiled.

He opened the door, and she rushed into his home. She stood in front of the couch. "I want to have sex again," she admitted. She dragged him toward the couch.

"Give me a chance to recover," he pleaded.

"Alright. We'll watch one of your ridiculous movies first," she negotiated.

She went to select a movie. "The Invasion of the Giant Houseflies" began playing. She sat next to him, resting her head against his shoulder. She let out a contented sign.

He laughed at the stupidity of the movie. "They should have used a giant fly swatter," he quipped.

This earned a chuckle from her. However, she soon sat up. "You don't need to keep me entertained with your jokes," she pointed out. "Just be there for me," she pleaded earnestly.

He agreed, "I can do that."

She returned to her spot. By the time the credits rolled, she was sound asleep on his shoulder. He gently picked her up at moved her to his bed.

She awoke suddenly. "Sex now?" she offered.

He told her, "I was just going to put you to bed."

"Great sex helps me fall asleep," she countered.

She pushed him back onto the couch. "Pants off," she instructed. She loomed over him.

"Will you ever let me be on top," he asked.

"Maybe," she teased.

Aiden woke up the next morning, alone, lying in his bed. He thought to himself, "Of must have just been a dream." He stood up, intending to make coffee to wake himself up.

"SEX TIME!" he suddenly heard Hanna yell from the hallway.

She ran towards him, leaping on top of him.

"Hanna?" he mused, confused.

She rushed towards him. Her arms and legs entwined around him, resulting in a fall onto the bed beyond him.

She settled on top of him. Her expression sported a playful glint.

"Fine. If we're doing this, I'll be the one making the decisions this time," he declared.

"Whatever you want, bud," she laughed.

She delighted in his pull, then upended them both. Leaving her under him and him above her.

"I feel like I've created a monster," he announced.

"Grrr... Awww!" she exclaimed in her soft voice.

Hanna and Aiden occupied chairs opposite a long-time acquaintance at an upscale eatery.

"I can't believe you two have finally acted on your feelings!" exclaimed their friend Becky with approval. "How long have you been a couple?" she inquired.

"March marks our 20th anniversary," Hanna radiated.

"Amazing! How have you managed to stay together for so long?" their former-twice-divorced friend asked.

"Pals can be the best lovers," Hanna affirmed.

"It's getting late," she grinned. "We need to head home. Tonight's movie night!" she shared in on the private joke.

"Movie night - every night!" Aiden chimed in. "Sometimes, it's even during the day!" he concluded.

They paid their bill and left their perplexed friend behind. Becky watched them behave like passionate college sweethearts as they made their way to the car.

The realization struck her suddenly."Ah!" Becky gasped as her face reddened.

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