Celebrity Sex Stories

Unveiling Amanda Ch's Dark Side in Chapter 4

John and Amanda's relationship deepens.

May 10, 2024
14 min read
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The Darkside of Amanda Ch. 04
The Darkside of Amanda Ch. 04

Unveiling Amanda Ch's Dark Side in Chapter 4

The phone jolted John out of sleep. He picked up the device from the nightstand next to the bed and heard a voice on the other end. "This is John." he answered after a few seconds. He listened intently, nodding and agreeing to whatever the other person was saying. "Will do. We'll be on our way shortly."

John placed the phone back on the nightstand, turning to his partner, Amanda. "You wear me out," he mused, rubbing his eyes. "Can't believe we've only known each other a few days and we're already doing it every day."

Amanda smiled and snuggled up next to John, her knees pulled towards her chest. "I'm glad. I'm ready to keep you wearing out." She didn't want to say it again but losing John was not an option.

John grinned, fondly stroking her hair. "I'm not going anywhere," he assured her. "And I'm looking forward to discovering more about your 'freaky side,' as you call it."

"I'm scared you'll tire of me."

John hugged her, turning her head so he could deepen their kiss. "I won't. Just know that as long as you keep me satisfied, I'll keep satisfying you." He explained as he released her from his embrace. "Get dressed. We need to go get your car. Charlie's fixed it."

"How much did the repairs cost?" Amanda asked as they drove in silence towards the garage.

"Don't worry about it." John responded, gazing straight ahead. "I told you I've got it taken care of."

"I know you're not expecting anything in exchange, but I just feel like I owe you something."

"No owing here. I was just helping out a friend. And I know parts aren't free."

Amanda's expression revealed her skepticism, but John adjusted the rear-view mirror to look at her. "I'm serious. I don't keep tabs on this sort of thing."

"So you would've done it just because you like helping people?"

"Yeah. And besides, this is exactly why they made cops with benefits." John winked and glanced at her. "So you could date us if you needed a free tire rotation or something."

"Ah, okay." Amanda chuckled nervously. "But anytime you need, I'll be here for you."

"Thanks." John said, stealing another glance at her. "I'd appreciate a few favors in the future."

"Favors?" Amanda raised an eyebrow. "What kind of favors?"

"Well, there's a restaurant called Johnny's Chophouse. They have some of the best steaks around. How about taking me there tonight to repay me for fixing your car?"

Amanda's smile lit up her face. "I'd love that! When do we leave?"

"How about I pick you up at 5?" John suggested, parking in the garage's lot. "I'm sure you're a regular there."

"I'll have to ask the boss for a night off." Amanda replied, the excitement evident in her voice. "That's when we're usually open to the public."

"I'm sure I can help out with that." John said, undoing his seatbelt. "I'm friends with Johnny's manager."

"Great!" Amanda's eyes lit up. "I'll talk to her, and I'll be ready for a good steak there this evening." She smiled, her thoughts straying to their last encounter. "Is there anything else I can do to show my appreciation?"

John paused, letting his eyes run over her tight jeans and low-cut blouse. "You can start by treating me like a piece of meat, like a toy who's yours to play with, a slut you want so bad."

Amanda was momentarily taken aback, but then understood. "Y-yes. That's what I want. Just what I need." She bared her heart to him, the dark side of her sexuality needing to be indulged. She longed to give herself to a man who could see beyond her reservations, someone willing to tame the beast within. Losing her previous partner because of it left her terrified of being that person again. But John's affirmation filled her with a newfound confidence. "I'm not afraid of losing you. I'll think of ways... to keep you satisfied." Her voice trembled.

John stared at her, wondering at the depth of her words. "So your walls are down and you're openly admitting what you want?"

"Yes," she affirmed, biting her lip as she felt John's gaze on her body. "I really, really want to please you."

John cupped both of her hands, pulling gently. "I'll be patient. But you may need to be prepared for some surprises, especially when I do this." He let go of her hands and started the car. "You wanted a slut. Tonight we'll dip our toes into that water."

Amanda closed her eyes, eager and nervous to explore her own sexuality, to let it all out.

Amanda interrupted him before he could finish. She firmly gripped his hand. "No! No! Don't think that," she begged. "You're the best thing that's happened to me," She briefly paused. "Ever! We're not moving too fast for me. I can't think of anything I've ever wanted more than I want you."

John held onto her hand tightly. "Okay. So be it," he considered. Pondering a moment, he thought, "It's Friday. Johnny's will be filled tonight. I'll pick you up at 4:00. We'll have an early dinner." He beamed at her. "Then I'll take you home and see how the evening progresses." He knew what she desired and longed for. He wasn't certain if his heart was prepared for another committed relationship. And that was the direction he saw this heading. "I've got a couple tasks to complete. I'll fetch you at 4:00." He debated telling her to wear something provocative. But he refrained. She still carried a career as a 3rd grade school teacher, and he didn't wish to threaten her job simply to scratch his own cravings.

John followed her into the office, settled his affairs with Charlie about the fixes to Amanda's car, and then witnessed her leave, along with Charlie. "Wow! Stunning woman," Charlie commended her. "I take it she's a friend?" He inquired, grinning at John.

John smiled as he retraced his steps towards his truck. "You could designate her as that."

John sipped on a Corona while seated at the bar, replaying the events of the past day in his mind. It was his preferred biker bar in the area. Since it was still just midday, there weren't many patrons. The majority of them looked to be visitors.

"So, what's the crisis you're resolving this time?" Gina, the bartender, inquired as she wiped down the bar next to him. In her early 30s, Gina had a history full of hardships, reflecting in her appearance. Having worked there for close to five years, she had grown to understand John. They'd shared some significant moments between them. She and John had moments of intimacy over the years. Nothing seriously long-term, rather just rough, passionate, senseless sex between adults.

The first time they bedded, Gina had climaxed multiple times, resulting in John being given an open invitation whenever he desired a partner. An offer he took her up on multiple occasions. She was stunning with a pair of phenomenal breasts, knowing how to utilize them magnificently. The two shared an agreeable FWB relationship that neither desired higher than that. And, obviously, her ample cleavage promised superb tips from the male clientele.

He merely smirked at her. "That apparent?"

Gina nudged the bar before him. "The only time you visit here at this hour is when you're puzzling something out." She indicated towards her mind. "Thus, who is she?" Gina inquired, her tone laced with humour.

John chuckled. "You can be quite the... rudimentary choice at times?"

Gina leaned toward the bar, her breasts even more evident due to her standard, low-cut top. "I'll be your choice anytime you wish." She whispered softly, making sure not to draw attention from the other patrons. Their banter was typical, and both seemed to delight in it.

He simply chuckled. "She's a fourth grade school teacher over at the elementary school. Lovely lady. However, she has some peculiar concerns." John slowed his words, careful not to disclose any further details about Amanda. While he believed Gina might be a trustworthy confidante, he didn't wish to jeopardize Amanda in any way. He had trust in Gina. But... "Exceptional lady. I'm simply trying to determine the ideal approach to address her issues."

Gina's expression saddened. "Looks like you're losing your... recreational buddy?"

John laughed. "Far from it. Just a few matters to sort through."

As Gina leaned back against the bar, John noted the disappointment in her eyes. "It's fine, dear. I'll have her back."

John discerned a melancholic emotion emanate from Gina. "Please, baby. You're not going to disappoint me."

John held her arm, attempting to ease her feelings. "Don't fret. She'll not disrupt me. If anything, I'll be the one dismantling her." He cited with a smile.

Gina clasped his hand in hers. "Well done, my dear. Go ahead, subdue that woman. Claim her as your own. Give it to her with passion and show her who's in control. If she ever fails to satisfy you," She smirked. "Remember where I reside. In fact, if you ever desire a threesome, feel free to inform me. I haven't engaged in one for quite some time."

"I know where you live." He thought about teasing her back. "And I know how you like it." Taking another gulp of his beer, he continued.

Gina laughed. "You rascal! You know how to perk me up, don't you?"

John leaned towards her, fixating on her chest. "I certainly do. And the next time I do this, I'll push that button until you're yelling my name." He eased off his bar stool and moved away.

Gina giggled as she hollered at him. "You would love that wouldn't you? Hearing me say your name."

"You can yell my name, Gina." One of the locals at the end of the bar commented.

"Oh bugger off, Frank. Run along home to your wife and have her cry out your name." Gina countered, never removing her attention from John.

Frank simply chuckled. "She yells my name all the time. But it's not the same."

'She wants to be subjugated.' He pondered while driving to the hardware store. 'It's a dominance issue. But it goes much deeper than that. She requires that feeling of being degraded and embarrassed. This isn't within my skillset. I suppose I'll have to elevate my approach. That'll be a challenge for me. But, damn, the thrill when she reacted to the rough handling. Wow, that was invigorating. Hearing her. Watching her body respond. Comprehending she wants it, requires it, yearns for it. Hell yeah! I'll raise my game, John. This craving is worth it.'

'I do sympathize with Gina. We once shared some great times. A threesome could be enjoyable. What the hell am I contemplating? Maintain absolute focus, John.'

John drew up to Amanda's residence just prior to 4:00. He disliked tardiness. Amanda welcomed him onto the porch as he arrived, as if she'd anticipated his appearance, which she had.

John stopped to survey her figure. "Shit!" All he uttered while taking in her appearance. Amanda was wearing a light blue dress that wrapped completely around her body. The deep V-neckline further emphasized the seductiveness of the woman in the attire. The fact she was also wearing open-toed high heels just accentuated her sensuality. John had always been prone to being drawn in by high heels on a woman. His preference for such footwear was an impractical choice, yet it never failed to impart an aura of sexual desire.

Amanda spun, cognizant of the impact she was having on John, and delighted by this. "Do you appreciate it?"

John simply snickered. "Obviously, dumb question. If I weren't so famished, I'd remove that from you right here and then seize you where you stand."

Amanda breathed shallowly, reliving the vision in her mind. "Oohhh. Yes, please!" Her voice resembled a plea.

John enveloped Amanda in his arms and locked his lips with hers. As they savored each other's bodies, their tongues danced together, both becoming more aroused by the second. "Let's acquire some food before I reconsider my position." John gasped.

"Alright," Amanda uttered breathlessly. "I procured some dessert to devour after dinner."

"Screw that." John said matter-of-factly. He already knew how he wished the evening to unfold. And it did not entail indulging in a shared beverage and a crumbly treat. "You come home with me tonight. And tomorrow, you're residing with me." He helped her to his car and aided her inside.

"Thank you, gallant knight." Amanda complimented him.

"Don't refer to me as 'kind sir.'" John chuckled. "In public, you're my lady. In private, you'll be my plaything. Is that unambiguous?"

Amanda sensed her arousal escalating. "Yes!" She gasped. "But it's an expression I want no other way."

"I understand." He grinned. "I'm getting to know your necessities. And they're not unwelcome."

"Does this disturb you?" Amanda inquired, concerned that he might at some point abandon her.

John broke into a smirk. "No. No part of you terrifies me. It's myself I worry about."

The two friends traveled in silence, each immersed in their thought. John directed his car to Johnny's Chophouse parking lot, then guided Amanda out of his vehicle. Upon entrance, the manager - Maggie - greeted John cheerfully.

"Hey John! It's been awhile since your visit."

"Hey Maggie. Yeah, it has. But I came ravenous. Maggie, meet Amanda. Amanda, Maggie." The two women shook hands.

Maggie scrutinized the seating arrangement, "Place them in the back corner booth." She instructed the hostess. "Have a good meal, and don't delay your next visit, John." She winked playfully at John, knowing John always liked her banter. Maggie, although happily married, found herself relishing in the playful flirtations.

John's mind wandered to Maggie's flirtations, imagining her on other occasions, but he's never engaged with a married woman before, and he wasn't about to start with her. Despite her allure, he murmured, "No chance!"

They took their seats and scanned the menu, waiting for the server to serve their beverages. "I suppose you prefer wine with your meal?" John asked, puzzled by Amanda's request for merely water.

"I do enjoy a glass of wine with dinner, but I've decided to shed a few pounds. My physique in this dress was unflattering, so I'm aiming to decrease my size."

"You seem to be beautiful already, but if you intend to cut down, I'm all-in. Although be cautious not to lose anything from the upper half."

Amanda's cheeks grew warm, unaware of her reaction. Their playful banter steadily transpired during the meal. "I can't promise that. I'll try my best." She flashed a faint smile. "I'm about to purchase a health club membership."

"Waste of cash. I'll supply you with everything you require in my garage; Elliptical, treadmill, weights. If I don't have what you need, I'll get it."

A grin spread across Amanda's face. "It appears as if you're aiming to keep me close."

"Loud and clear," John replied.

The server returned with their drinks, her glass of water and his Corona.

As the server stepped away, Amanda started unveiling intimate confessions. Temporarily forgetting that John had no intention of mentioning the ghastly night twenty-seven years ago, she revealed her secret desires.

"I don't understand why I'm haunted by that night. However, recalling that night brings me the most exhilarating feelings. I realize how strange that comment may sound." She dropped her eyes, self-shaming.

John quickly intervened, "Hold up! No more traumatic labels. His opinion is obsolete."

"It's been difficult. Years of helplessness." Amanda appeared worried she had upset him.

John responded warmly, "We'll address that." A possible police officer mentality arose, "Just recalling the details, were there around ten to twelve people? Anybody who stands out in your mind?"

"I attempted to block the details, but I feel like there were about ten-twelve of them," she closed her eyes, reliving the horrifying memory. "They continually raped me, mocking me, spitting on me. Various positions, they fucked me. "

"Do you remember their appearances?" John, interrupting, questioned.

With a fury replacing her tears, "What's the purpose?" She exclaimed. "I no longer wish to report the incident. Time has passed, and I assume it's too late. Plus, they're likely well-off. They'd employ expensive attorneys to portray me as the slut."

Her anger slowly transformed to sorrow as more tears formed. "It's not beneficial."

Amanda took a sip from her glass of water and relaxed. Then she reached over to grab John's hand, saying, "I'm truly content with what occurred 27 years ago. I can't change it, so trying to pursue those men would only cause me to relive it. However, publicizing this would be a problem." She paused, thinking, "In a twisted way, I've gained back control by reliving it in my mind for my pleasure. Does that make me appear sick, or what?" She asked, sarcastically.

"You sound like a survivor." John answered softly. Despite his desire to seek justice by taking legal or financial action, he decided against it. "I'm not trying to push you back into that event. My instinct as a cop wants to punish them for what they've done to you, make them suffer."

As Amanda gripped his hand tighter, she said, "Thank you for taking care of me. The more you look after me, the more I yearn to care for you." Amanda hesitated, unwilling to admit her growing feelings. "Things are moving too quickly. I'm fascinated by the connection we've built. It's new and overwhelming."

"I feel the same way about you. I'm also starting to comprehend you and your reasons for wanting to relive that dreadful evening." John hit a nerve, especially when he noticed that Amanda climaxed through recalling the trauma, "Or maybe not. Perhaps this is something you'll always experience."

Tears began to form in Amanda's eyes once more. "I'm afraid of becoming a freak for life."

John remained silent for a few moments before replying, feeling his anger rise. "I'm not certain which man was more responsible for your torment. The multiple assailants who sexually violated you, or your incompetent ex-husband for convincing you of your abomination. The only thing I abhor is bullies."

The server arrived at their table with their dinners on a tray and a folding stand in her other hand. She served them their meals, ensuring they had all they needed, and then withdrew.

"You're not a freak," John continued their conversation as he started cutting his steak.

"I recognize I'm repeating myself, but I'm terrified that my," Amanda tried to find a different word to describe her requirement, "my kink will drive you away. As I become more acquainted with you, the more I yearn for your presence in my life. Most men can't handle that. They can't stand me."

"You don't frighten me in the least. Nothing about you scares me." John contemplated his following inquiry. "But I need to know something crucial. How do you want me to treat you on a frequent basis? I'm not seeking approval, I'm seeking clarification."

Amanda's arousal heightened as she confessed her desire to John. "I want you to treat me with the utmost force and intensity. I want you to make me feel like my sole purpose is to satisfy every wicked whim of yours. I want you to make me feel powerless. I want you to make me feel like a possession. I want you to degrade me." She hesitated as she thought about how her words sounded. "I understand it makes me appear seriously damaged. I can't articulate it. I merely crave that feeling of losing control and worth as a woman in my mind." Amanda glanced at John. "I've come to that realization now. And that isn't frightening to you?"

John smiled at her. "No. You don't frighten me. What frightens me is myself."

"What do you imply?"

John looked at her with some hesitation, slightly embarrassed to discuss his thoughts. "I felt aroused by your reaction as I became rougher with you. It was an incredible high. What worries me is losing control with you and possibly harming you. Furthermore, the pace of everything is concerning."

Yeah, that terrified me a bit as well. I guess we should tone things down a bit. Let's just date like friends for now.

John leaned closer towards her. "Forget that! After experiencing you, I intend to relish you for an extended period. Unless you tell me otherwise, I'm set on enjoying you for a very long time."

Amanda smiled, all the while sensing her body reacting. "You'll never hear me utter those words." She chomped on her steak before voicing her final need. "But I also need to feel loved." She added, struggling to hold back her tears.

John paused, his gaze fixated on her across the table. It was irrefutable that Amanda was a complex woman with some dark desires. Yet, within that complexity and those dark desires, a woman that he was growing more and more attached to was forming. "What if I've fallen in love with you?" John blurted out. Their relationship was evolving so rapidly, as if it weren't in their hands anymore. It was like a swimmer trapped in a rip current, being drawn further away from shore. The harder he fought it, the further he was taken away from safety. "For years, I've been with women for nothing more than casual sex. In the words of Bob Seger, 'I used her, she used me, but neither one cared.' No longer am I that way. No longer with you."

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Source: www.nice-escort.de