Vice President Part 03

V.'s Initial D/s Role: Exploring Rewards and Punishments.

Jun 2, 2024
3 min read
m/fbondagemaledomplaysubmissionV. Pt. 03
V. Pt. 03
V. Pt. 03

Vice President Part 03

An explanation in advance: what's this tomato game? It's my go-to game for a new submissive. Every woman who's played the role of sub went through this game. They all claimed it was impossible. But every single submissive managed. Of course, they needed incentives... 😉

So, here's a description. A woman is naked, with her arms tied behind; I usually bind wrists and elbows in a parallel manner, but a boxtie works too. Optional gagging, but I enjoy hearing her comments. Cherry tomatoes are placed on a table, around her crotch height. About three or four meters away, on the floor, is a wide, shallow plate. Her task is to transfer tomatoes from the table to the plate—using just her butt cheeks. If a tomato is anywhere but on her body, the plate, or the table, she gets zapped on her butt.

Obviously, I adore this little game. It's challenging enough since it requires effort, but it's achievable. It's a bit humiliating, as she's naked and tied. She also learns that failure is punished, while effort is rewarded.

Now, back to Vee... I had her stand up, explaining what I'd just set up and told her what was expected.

● What? Um... Sir, what do you mean?

● Yes, exactly. You get it. Now, I'll be watching you play this game for my amusement. But first, I'll show you how much I enjoy it by giving you an extra orgasm. So, one, two, three... And, oh, five or six has her leaning against my hand and screaming into my shoulder. Fabulous girl.

I held her in my arms for about a minute before turning her around and smacking her butt lightly.

● Get moving, girl. You might be receiving your first fuck very soon.

● Y... yes, Sir

Cautiously approaching the table, she examined the tomatoes for a while before trying to grab one with her butt cheeks. She succeeded! Then she learned she couldn't separate her thighs and had to walk to the plate on her toes and in small steps. She reached the plate when she realized that dropping it in a controlled manner was yet another challenge. It fell onto the plate but bounced out.

● Aww...

● Well, you got a tomato out of the plate. Come here and turn around.

When she did, she felt a sting in her butt from my zapper. She didn't expect it, so she cried out. I love the zapper because it doesn't harm at all—just a momentary shock and short-term pain. It teaches her that there's a consequence for not trying hard enough. I took the tomato she dropped and put it back on the plate.

● OK, carry on. This one's on me.

She continued, picking two more without any issues. The following one, however, slipped out. So, a zap on her left butt cheek had her start talking.

● I'm sorry, I couldn't...

She got zapped on the other cheek.

● Say what again?

This was a clear message for her to focus and stop talking. She picked more tomatoes, but one fell near the plate. She got zapped, and thought about how to pick it up... And she did.

A few tomatoes later, I watched her struggle with the last one. After some dropping/zapping, she successfully moved it. She completed the deceptive tomato game!

● Did you like it?

● Well, not really, Sir...

● Hm. The drops of your own juice running down your inner thighs tell a different story.

I had her lie down on the bed, face down. I tied each ankle to the corresponding thigh.

It was time for her to feel my arousal. Quote

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