Adult How To

Visiting the CEO Ch. 02

Jack goes to the house ... what is in store for him?

May 2, 2024
20 min read
Visiting the CEO Ch. 02jockstraptwinkmale prostitutiondaddiesbossarabgay bareback
Visiting the CEO Ch. 02
Visiting the CEO Ch. 02

Visiting the CEO Ch. 02

I sat outside of the drive leading to the house at which I had been instructed to arrive. I wasn't familiar with the owner, but my boss, Mr. Roberts, had provided me with the address and requested my presence by 7 p.m. It was about a quarter past.

I had received an email the day prior, at the office, addressed to my work email account. I hadn't recognized the sender, and recognized an attached file. We'd been warned countless times not to open spam emails at work. I'd never encountered a spam email at work before, so I recalled the warning. I deleted the email and moved on. The email subject line read, You need to see this!

Mr. Roberts summoned me to his office the following day after hours. Somebody in IT had also been alerted to the email and had sent the attachment to the CEO. The attachment was a video depicting a party I had attended the night before. In the video, I had a blindfold on while being fucked by three men (only two of whom I knew), fisted (this was my first experience with it), and finally, all three men ejaculated on my face. Mr. Roberts berated me despite my claims that I hadn't opened the email, downloaded the attachment, or was aware of the videotaping.

Mr. Roberts informed me that my job was not in jeopardy as a result of this, then handed me a slip of paper with an address and instructed me to be there.

A few minutes later, I drove up to the front door. It was a fairly large house with a circular drive. I parked in front of the door and approached, ringing the bell. When the door opened, Mr. Roberts stood there. I always considered him a handsome man, particularly in his tailored suits at the office. Mr. Roberts was around 6'1" and slender, perhaps 175 pounds. I believed him to be in his forties. In his polo shirt, I could see hair on his chest. In contrast, I was 5'8" and 135 pounds, and twenty-four years old.

"Hello, Jack. Thank you for coming tonight." He guided me into his house and led me into his study, which was to the right of the entrance. "Would you prefer a drink, Jack? A vodka and tonic? Please have a seat." He pointed to a couch near the side of the room. I hoped the vodka and tonic would calm my nerves.

Mr. Roberts walked to his desk and pushed a button that I assumed was an intercom. "Would you bring us a drink? My guest will have a vodka and tonic." He didn't need to specify what he was drinking.

Mr. Roberts sauntered over and settled on a chair alongside where I was perched. Then he said, "Let's be straightforward, Jack. The third guy in the video you viewed the other day was me."

This piqued my interest.

"I want you to know that I enjoyed that evening, and I'm hoping you did as well."

Shortly thereafter, Jeff, Mr. Roberts' colleague at work, entered, wearing an outfit reminiscent of Chippendales dancers: bowtie and all. If Jeff approached me in a bar, I'd certainly be interested in listening to what he had to say. The prominent bulge in Jeff's jockstrap intrigued me. Jeff handed me my drink first, then presented a glass to Mr. Roberts (I surmised it was straight whiskey), and sat on the other end of the couch.

Mr. Roberts took a sip of his drink and then inquired, "Did you enjoy that evening, Jack?"

I was certain of my response, considering my recollections of the situation from the previous day. "Yes, Sir. However, I'm still unsure about the fisting."

"I'm glad you provided an honest response. Thank you for that."

Mr. Roberts took another drink, and I followed suit. Jeff remained silent, and when I glanced at him, I noticed he was completely hairless and had a six-pack. From my observation, I deduced that Jeff stood at approximately 5'10" and weighed roughly 180 pounds of muscle. Jeff offered me a smile.

"Are you fond of the outfit Jeff is wearing, Jack?"

"Yes, Sir. It makes him appear as though he could really be one of those dancers."

Mr. Roberts smiled. "You're correct. He does have a spectacular physique. I would like to see you dressed similarly. Is that something that would appeal to you?"

Looking back at Jeff, I realized that I could never have such a body. While I might have a smooth chest and abs, I didn't possess the muscle development that he had. I took a sip of my drink before looking back to Mr. Roberts. "I could never have that kind of body, Sir."

Mr. Roberts chuckled, and this time it was Jeff who spoke. "Thanks, Jack."

I glanced at Jeff and grinned at him. Mr. Roberts continued, "Who knows, Jack? We'll have to see about that, but I'd still be interested in you wearing that outfit. Tonight, I'm hosting a small gathering, and I was hoping you'd serve drinks for me and my guests. If you agree to do that, would you wear an outfit like that?"

The memory of the previous Thursday night flashed through my mind. "Only serve drinks, Sir?"

"That's completely up to you. All of my guests tonight are important members of the local business community. Some of them might want more services than just drinks. If you're willing to provide those additional services, that's your choice."

"How about if I say no, will it affect my job?"

"Not at all. The fact that you work for my company is just a coincidence. If I hadn't recognized you as one of my employees, I would've come up to you myself rather than sending David to invite you."

"Do you know David?"

"Indeed. He's my nephew."

Taking another sip of my drink, I considered the situation. I'd abstained from eating before arriving, unsure of what would transpire. More alcohol might not be the best idea at this point. "Could I have some water, please?"

Jeff set his drink down and quickly left the room. He returned a short time later with a chilled bottle of water and an empty glass with ice. He opened the bottle and filled the glass, then handed it to me.

Mr. Roberts then told me, "You'll earn $500 for your services tonight, Jack."

The news stunned me. I nearly choked on my sip, and lowered the glass. "Am I a... prostitute?"

Mr. Roberts' expression remained unchanged. "Not quite. You'll be an employee for the evening, paid for your services as a waiter. However, if you agree to any additional services, some of the guests may also leave a tip for you."

I was trying to manage my finances, with rent and bills due. My car was approaching its tenth birthday, and it probably wouldn't survive much longer. I desperately needed the extra money.

"I'm not forced to do anything I don't want to do, right?"

"Of course not. You're an employee, not a slave. Just remember that all transactions tonight will be in cash, so you won't receive a W-2 or 1099 at the end of the year."

"What do I need to do?"

"You need to follow Jeff and let him help you get ready. Your guests will be arriving around 9."

"Ok. Thank you, Sir." I stood up and looked at Jeff, who stood up as well. "Let's go," Jeff said. He led me up the stairs to a large bedroom. "Place your clothes on the bed," he instructed me.

As I removed my underwear, Jeff said, "We'll have to shave you. Follow me."

Jeff led me into a massive bathroom that exceeded the size of my bedroom and bath combined. He began removing my pubic hair and underarm hair before checking my ass and legs. "You're clean," he announced before walking me back to the bedroom. "Try on this uniform," he said, presenting me with my outfit.

"Did you bathe before arriving?"

"I did," I replied.

As I slipped on my uniform, Jeff asked, "What's your pant size?"

"Size 30."

Jeff retrieved my uniform and held it up. "Here, try these on." He gave me a pair of pants that fit perfectly. "Next, let's find your shirt." He helped me put it on, then asked about my waist size. After measuring me, he returned with a shirt that was almost the same size as my pants. "There we go," he declared, zipping me up.

"Have you cared for any other guys at parties?" I inquired.

"At these parties, I'm versatile. Some guests enjoy the feeling of a large cock breaching their asses. If you'd like, you can try me out."

"When are you free?"

"Maybe next week. I'd enjoy sharing an evening with you as well. I prefer fucking twinks."

Jeff leaned in and kissed me on the lips as he shaved off the last bits of hair from my body. When he finished, he said, "You're ready. Shower and change into your uniform."

I returned to the bathroom, showered, and switched outfits. Jeff had me follow him downstairs, where he inquired about my meal situation. When I expressed my uncertainty, he offered to pay for my dinner before the gathering.

"No, that's not necessary," I replied, realizing that this might not be the only job of this kind.

"Nein. Ich war zu unsicher und wieder weißte ich nicht, was zu erwarten hatte."

Jeff laufte zu einem Telefon am Nachttisch und drückte ein paar Knöpfe. "Könnten Sie mir einen Milchshake hinauf bringen?" Er fragte mich, ob ich Chocolate, Vanille oder Erdbeer wollen. Er erhielt meine Antwort und transferierte sie an die andere Seite der Leitung.

Während ich mich kleidete, erzählte Jeff mir, was zu erwarten war. "Es werden 20 bis 30 Personen sein, und außer dir und mir werden 3 bis 4 weitere Servierer dabei sein. Es gibt Aperitifs und du gehst mit einem Teller dahin. Wenn ein Gast nach einer Ergänzung seines Getränkes fragt, bringst du die darauf nach."

"Keine Frauen?"

"Nicht diese Nacht, oder mindestens ich glaube nicht. Ein paar der Männer bringen ihre Ehefrauen manchmal mit. Sie zeigen aus, dass sie sich an Inzest-Fantasien ergötzen. Wenn es Frauen gibt, kann ich versichern, dass sie heiß sein werden."

Gleich dann ereignete sich ein Knopfdruck an der Tür, und eine junge Frau kam herein mit meinem Milchshake. "Jack. Dies ist eine der Küchenbedienerinnen. Ihr Name ist Karen. Es gibt viele Leute im Küchendept tonight. Wenn ein Gast etwas aus dem Küchendept verlangt, finde Karen und sie wird sich um das kümmern."

Karen lachte mich an und sagte, "Nice to meet you, Jack." Sie übergab mir den Milchshake und sagte, "Lass mich wissen, wenn du etwas anderes brauchst."

Jeff fragte mich, ob mein Auto draußen geparkt war. Ich nickte. Jeff fragte mich nach meinen Schlüsseln und gab diese an Karen, bemerkend, dass jemand das Auto hinterherbringen würde, um die Schlüssel im Küchenbereich zurückzulassen, wenn ich bereit für den Heimweg wäre. Karen nahm die Schlüssel und ging weg.

Ich trug einen Schluck des Gemüses und fragte, "Gibt es weibliche Servierer?"

Jeff antwortete einfach, "Nein."

Jeff weistete auf eine Paar Stühle an einem Fenster hin und sagte uns, uns zu setzen. "Ich würde nicht verwundert sein, wenn einer dieser Herren sich an dich wandt, um zu Hause zu gehen. Das ist völlig auf deinen Willen an. Außerdem werden sie euch möglicherweise ihre Telefonnummer verlangen, damit sie später zusammenkommen können. Wenn jemand dich zu Hause nimmt, längst du Paul oder mich benachrichtigen. Ob du gehst oder nicht, ist dein eigenes Geschäft. Wenn dir jemand deine Telefonnummer verlangt, lass ihn wissen, dass er dich über Paul kontaktieren muss. Die Party dauert wahrscheinlich bis um 1 Uhr. Wenn du vor dieser Zeit wegzugehen die Erlaubnis bekommst, finde Paul oder mich und benachrichtige uns."

Als ich mit dem Milchshake fertig war, führte Jeff mich in eine der Küche und commandierte mir, wo ich meine Schlüssel aufnehmen könnte am Ende der Nacht. Auf dem Weg in die Küche trafen wir an einen schwarzen Mann, Jamal, der ebenfalls ein Servierer sein würde. Jeff kommentierte, dass Jamal bei den Gästen wegen seiner Anziehungskraft bei denen, die sich für den Anus zu interessieren waren, sehr beliebt ist.

Nachdem wir die Küche besucht hatten, brachte Jeff mich in den Prunksalon und führte mich moderne Hotel-Liegen my introduction zu der Barmann. Nachdem wir weiter gegangen waren, ließen wir die anderen Servierräume treffen. Pete, Jim und Tony ähnelten Jeff oder mir, obwohl ich der kürzeste von uns war.

Jeff sagte, die Gäste würden sich bald einsammeln. Wir gingen auf Stellung zu der Haustür. "Sie sollten durch den Empfangsanfang gehen und zweimal zurück, dann verbleibe hier mit mir. Er wird dir beim Führen der Servicetätigkeiten durchführen."

Schon nach 5 Minuten hatte das Glockenzeichen gedrungen. Zwei Herren standen am Türgriff, als sie aufgeöffnet wurde. Jamal machte die ersten im Zug.

"Hallo Mr. Johnson, Mr. Carson. Es ist schön, Sie wieder hierzusein."

"Jamal. Es ist immer eine Freude, Sie zu sehen."

Während Jamal die Tür schloss, bemerkte ich einen Mann, der mich direkt ansah. Jamal gab es in die Richtung des Küchenbereichs heraus und gab den nächsten an, um sie nach der Hauptgemeinschaft zu leiten.

Ich war am Schluss an der Tür und als ich sie öffnete, traf ich einen mittelgroßen, dünnen Herrn, der mutmaßlich in seinen 50er Jahren war. "Gutenabend, Herr. Ich heiße Jack. Ich leite Sie zu der Feier hin zurück."

Ein großes Lächeln zog sich über seine Gesichtszüge, als er ins Haus trat. Er stellte sich vor. "Hallo Jack. Sorry man" Seine Kleidung war etwas klein, aber er schien überschäumend. "Haben Sie noch eines für mich, Jack?"

"Wenn Sie mich folgen, Mr. Patterson, ihrem Weg zeigen."

Während ich my second traf die Herren an der Tür. "Hallo, Mr. Patterson. I'm Jeff. Wie geht's dir?"

"Ich gehe gut, Jeff." Er sah mich über und fragte "Einen dumpfen Schwarzen nennen Sie eigentlich, oder...?"

"Jamal ist negro."


The trip wasn't long, but it was noticeable that I was new. I directed Mr. Patterson to the bar, where he ordered his drink. Jeff soon arrived with some snacks and asked me to return to the doorway. As I strolled away, I overheard Mr. Patterson tell Jeff, "That handsome young man looks available tonight."

I didn't catch Jeff's response, but I'd learn later that he was instructed to inquire about my availability once the party reached its peak.

The next person I approached was a large black man, standing close to 6'5". He didn't appear ripped or overweight. I recognized his name as Carter Jenkins. If my assumption was correct, he was a retired football player from our local team.

"Please, follow me, Mr. Jenkins."

He guffawed. "I'll be delighted. I'd love to check out your backside as you walk."

I smiled, leading him back to the bar. Jeff arrived once more, inquiring if I should go fetch more food. "There's no need to remember everyone's name, Jack. No one expects that of you."

We strolled the room, placing our food trays before new guests. Jeff introduced me to those I hadn't met yet. "Keep in mind, if you wish to go upstairs with someone, you'll need to visit Paul first. They'll talk a bit before allowing you to leave."

Jeff and I walked to the first pair of visitors. Mr. Johnson, one of the first guys I encountered. "Please, follow me Mr. Johnson."

He chuckled, "Can't wait. I'd enjoy watching your rear end stroll away."

I grinned and led him back to the bar. Jeff joined us, asking if I'd like to head to the kitchen and gather more nibbles. "Plenty of men have asked about you, Jack. You could be quite occupied tonight."

"How is Mr. Johnson in bed?", I inquired.

"Haven't been with him myself, but many of our guests have."

I glanced back at Mr. Johnson. He was a little shorter than me, and in his mid-50s, not muscle-bound. I surmised his age to be around 55.

"Jeff, has Mr. Jenkins been here?", I inquired.

"No. Don't ask guests about their professions."

Surveying the room, around 20 men and one woman gathered. Jeff informed me I could serve the Carlisles a few appetizers and polish their drinks. Mrs. Carlisle found me lovely, tugged her partner's arm and whispered in his ear, who also glanced in my direction before returning to his conversation.

"Alright, Jack, I'm letting you go on your own. Should you have any questions, approach me, Paul, the servers, or even the bartender." He nodded at two men talking to the Carlisles. "Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle look occupied now. After their conversation ends, Mrs. Carlisle will seek you out. "

With an eager breath, I approached them. "May I offer you a hors d'oeuvre, and refill your drinks?"

Mrs. Carlisle accepted one with a smile. "Thank you...?"

"Jack, ma'am."

Mrs. Carlisle glanced at her husband and the man she spoke to. "No refills for us, Jack."

She led me away from them. "Do you play with men or women?", she queried.

A multitude of expectations hadn't prepared me for this question. I hadn't had intercourse with a woman since my girlfriend broke up with me over a year ago. However, the desire to be with one still lingered within me. "I'm bi, Mrs. Carlisle."

She smiled, "Perhaps I'm the reason for your hardness."

Blushing, I nodded. "Indeed, ma'am."

"I adore watching my husband have sex while being pleasured."

"That sounds intriguing, Mrs. Carlisle."

As the two men continued their discussion, Mrs. Carlisle promised to find me when it was over.

During this exchange, I felt rather excited and was aware of my growing erection. Mrs. Carlisle noticed and smiled again. "I'm glad I'm the cause."

"Indeed, ma'am."

"Thank you, ma'am. That would be great." She allowed me to continue. I spotted Mr. Johnson observing me. As she exited, Mr. Johnson approached me.

"Hello once more, Jack. Are you solo now?"

"Yes, Sir. Would you care for a canape or require a refill?"

"In fact, Jack, I desired that we move upstairs. Could you accompany me?"

"We should locate Mr. Roberts first, Sir. Then we may ascend."

Mr. Johnson's expression brightened. "He's conversing with another man near the bar. Why don't you deposit your serving tray in the scullery and join me there."

"Yes, Sir."

Although Mr. Johnson wasn't my first preference for a companion tonight, I wasn't certain that Mr. Roberts would endorse my rejection, and Jeff had counselled starting with Mr. Johnson.

After setting down the tray, I joined Mr. Johnson. Mr. Roberts was talking with another man, and it seemed we were set to wait our turn. Mr. Roberts looked at me and uttered, "Jack. Would you go alongside Tony by the steps while Mr. Johnson joins us there."

"Yes, Sir." I turned and walked away. I met Tony. He inquired, "With whom are you accompanying?"

I pondered over the correct etiquette and relayed it to him.

"He's a suitable person. He won't waste time, and he offers substantial tips."

I then understood that I was being sold, and Mr. Roberts had likely hired me out as a pimp. I required the funds, and even if my derriere could provide the means, I was going to attempt it. An additional man approached, conversing with Mr. Johnson, and Tony followed him upstairs. After some time, Mr. Johnson proceeded towards me and escorted me to "my chamber."

When we reached the room, I prepared to rotate and face him, but he seized me and embraced me so that my back was facing him. He leaned over and kissed my neck, before commencing to massage and tweak my nipples. I was aware of his stiff phallus beneath his trousers. He humped me energetically. Following a number of minutes of this, he asserted, "Strip the jockstrap off, Jack, though retain the collar."

I stripped off the jockstrap and disposed of my footwear. Simultaneously, Mr. Johnson was stripping the bed of linens. "Rest prone, Jack."

I assumed the command referred to the bed, so I arose, lay down on my back, and positioned my head beside the pillow. Mr. Johnson lifted my legs and moved me in a manner that was perpendicular to my initial position. He lifted my legs and his head dove toward my derriere. Despite the multitude of ass-eating I had experienced previously, Mr. Johnson appeared especially eager as a rimmer. He engaged in this action for at least ten minutes.

Upon concluding, he stood up. "Disrobe me, Jack. While I was removing my coat and shirt (no tie), I kneeled down, unfastened his belt, and eventually stripped his pants. I observed that his feet were not sweaty, so I kissed each of his feet after removing a sock. Prior to removing his remaining sock, I raised his boxers. I beheld a six-inch phallus of moderate girth. I directed my gaze upward and stated, "May I please, sir?"

He uttered, "Please."

I enclosed him in my mouth and endeavoured to induce him to climax from the blowjob. In less than a minute, he pushed me off, announcing, "I am prepared." He returned me to the initial position on the bed.

He ventured to the nightstand and obtained a bottle of lube. I swear it wasn't there when I was altering my attire. He smeared lube on my rectum, using one, then two fingers, before he lubricated his member. "I've been anticipating this since I spotted you at the entrance, Jack."

I lacked a reply to his disclosure and didn't believe he anticipated one. Consequently, I flashed a grin, but was unsure why. Suddenly, I had not anticipated his frenzied behavior, so I stared at him in amazement. He began to hump me fervently. After some time, he disengaged and propelled over me, spraying his seed over my face. He then inserted his cock back into my mouth.

When he hadfinished, he said, "Gosh, Jack. I hope you'll stick around." He got up and I heard water flowing in the bathroom sink. I think he was washing his manhood off. When he returned, he stated, "If you decide to stay, Jack, you'll make a lot of money. I'm a Certified Financial Planner. Once you're prepared, give me a ring, and I can help you invest your earnings. Paul can assist you to reach me."

I was utterly stunned. Then he added, "Take care of yourself, Jack. I deposited some sperm on that collar. My apologies." Leaving the room, he departed.

I promptly took a shower, searched the drawers for a different collar (found one), replaced my jock strap and shoes, and left the room. When I left, a young woman was standing outside my door. She went inside the room. I assumed she would straighten up the bed. If I was a prostitute, I seemed destined for a high-end profession.

Returning downstairs, I encountered Mr. Roberts once more. "Should I prepare a meal for you, Gentleman?"

He inquired, "I have another demand for your services, Jack. Are you intrigued?"

"Definitely," I replied.

He led me to a different location and introduced me to Mr. Mahmoud. He was an Arab, surprising me since I've always presumed they were highly unfavorable of the gay community. He was a tall man, hence all the others were likewise. He was taller than 6 feet and slim. Apparently, he didn't need to talk further with Mr. Roberts, as we headed up the stairs.

As we arrived in the room, Mr. Mahmoud started undressing and instructed me to also remove my clothes. I stripped down and looked at him. Like I previously mentioned, he was slender, though exceptionally hairy. Protruding from his crotch was an 8-inch cock with a somewhat ample girth, and it was uncut. I haven't experienced many uncut cocks, but I have met some.

I got down on my knees and he stepped forward. I raised my gaze to him and said, "May I, Sir?"

He merely nodded. I reached up and started licking his cock. I moved the remaining foreskin back and licked the head and the first few inches. Then I sensed his hand on my head, understanding I was to go deeper. Eventually, his cock entered my throat, although I couldn't quite swallow it all.

I spent 10 minutes sucking his penis, then he picked me up and hurled me onto the bed. He took me from behind. This was not tender lovemaking. It was just raw sex. It's actually how I favor it. Following 10 minutes, he had me ejaculating. As I've noted before, this was my most cherished sensation. I nearly fainted, but he held me up and continued to employ my ass. It took another 5 minutes, yet he was ejaculating deep within my anus.

When he concluded, he departed the bed and entered the toilet. I heard the shower switch on and he called to me. I walked in and he asked me to clean his back. Afterward, he requested I wash his front. Before exiting, he thanked me. I discovered an enema syringe on the counter and decided to cleanse myself before returning downstairs.

Afterward, I dressed and descended again. I didn't observe her, but I had to assume the young lady would be rectifying the bed once more.

I found Mr. Roberts once more and he remarked, "The Carlisles desire your companionship, Jack. Do you require a moment to rest?"

Of course, I was not intending to forgo a session with Mrs. Carlisle. Mr. Carlisle was an attractive, well-built guy, so I had no objections. "Could I have some water first, Sir? Then, I'll be all set."

Mr. Roberts grinned and withdrew from my presence. I moved towards the kitchen for the water. I gulped down half a bottle, placed it back on the counter, and returned to discover Mr. Roberts conversing with the Carlisles. As I neared them, Mrs. Carlisle offered me a kiss on the lips. In her heels, she exceeded my height, hence she had to crouch slightly to do so. She removed my collar, then requested I take her attire off.

I repositioned behind her and unfastened her dress. As I was doing so, she removed her shoes. Upon removing the shoes, I discovered she was approximately the same height as me. I peered over her shoulder and witnessed Mr. Carlisle undressing. He had his coat and shirt shed. It appeared he had spent time in the gym. Moderately hairy. Roughly six feet tall and had a fine set of pecs. I grinned at the sight, and he returned the expression.

I assisted in removing Mrs. Carlisle's dress. She was devoid of a bra or panties, but had on a garter belt with stockings. She turned to confront me and towed my face towards one of her breasts. My former girlfriend, Kim, had a 33B cup. I was not well-versed in breasts, but Mrs. Carlisle was considerably more ample and fuller. If she wanted me to suck on her breasts, I wasn't about to object.

I observed Mr. Carlisle moving behind me and felt his hands on my posterior. He removed my jock strap. I could not turn to see him as Mrs. Carlisle had my head tightly attached to her right breast. Her breast was massive, overflowing in my mouth. As Master began rimming my anus, she prompted, "Did you douche after the last fella, Jack?"

I rose my head to answer, "Yes, Sir." Then she steered me to the left side.

I felt Mr. Carlisle's fingers penetrating my anus, then he asked us to relocate on the bed. Mrs. Carlisle reclined on her back and had me resume licking her nipples. I was bent over, and Mr. Carlisle started licking my anus. I believe he realized he wouldn't require preparation at this time. He just reveled in the pleasure of anilingus.

As he did this, Mrs. Carlisle raised my head and inquired, "Do you know how to eat a pussy, Jack?"

I'd performed this task many times with Kim, even following my climax with her. I think she was capable of obtaining orgasm from my actions, although she left me. "I'm not highly experienced, Ma'am."

"Address me as Mistress, Jack. And you can refer to my husband as Master."

"Yes, Ma'am. I'm sorry. Yes, Mistress."

She showed a wide smile. "Are you intrigued by BDSM, Jack?"

"I've never been part of it ... Mistress. I find it difficult to cope with pain, though."

"It needn't incorporate pain, Jack. I partake in gentle bondage. I'd appreciate it if you were bound and teased for several hours. Will you be interested in that?"

"Quite honestly, Mistress, if it was you binding me, I'd be."

Her smile heightened from one hundred watts to two hundred. "Then let us witness how you perform with eating me out. Don't be concerned—I'll inform you if you need to modify your actions."

Master had begun lubricating my anus. I caught a glimpse of him, noticing he possessed an attractive seven-inch penis with a large set of balls.

Mistress gathered a couple of pillows and placed them under her rear for simple access to her pussy. She nodded her head and I dived in. In my experience, I'd previously enjoyed three women's orgasms through oral. I suspected I was biased by her breathtaking allure, but Mistress was the most scrumptious. She encouraged me to add fingers, revealing her preferences.

While Master was filling my anus, I was being fucked by Mr. Carlisle. Having been impaled by diverse penises, I'd lost count. To be honest, I'd been fucked by a number of dicks. I'd even been double-penetrated twice, but this was the first time I'd engaged in a bisexual threesome. I hoped it wouldn't be my last.

It took another ten to fifteen minutes, but Master finally filled my bowels with his seed. I hoped she hadn't faked orgasm. Mistress came twice.

Master said he'd go take a shower and we could converse.

Mistress lay down beside me on the bed. "Do you know what a cuckold is, Jack?"

"I believe I do. A married couple has a dominant female who engages with other guys, sometimes with the husband's understanding."

"Well, I have a single friend who relishes such activities. She's looking for a partner who'll serve as her cuckold, not seeking marriage, but she'd like to have a man residing at home to appear married when she brings guys home. She yearns to stymie them from moving in with her. She trusts a make-believe husband at residing home could resolve that issue."

I simply stared at her. "Are you serious?"

"Seriously. She is confident that the majority of men would agree to clean them afterwards, possibly stroke them before, and she wishes to locate a man that could fuck her cuckold."

I've viewed numerous cuckold porn films. "Would I regain her after the man left?"

Mistress laughed. "You'd have to consult with her?"

"I'd likely need to discuss this with Mr. Roberts."

I'd take care of it. If required, I could put Paul in the position of a bull. That would probably make him pleased.

The first thing that came to my mind was whether he would enjoy fist-fucking me in front of her. Something never discussed in the porn I watched.

Master exited the bathroom, dressed in a towel. "The bathtub is ready for you now."

Mistress brought me to the bathroom and made me clean her. After they departed, I showered once again, then returned downstairs.

When I encountered Mr. Roberts, he mentioned Mr. Jenkins desired to take me home for the night. "How are you, Jack?"

"Since I wasn't drinking, I'm holding up okay."

"Do you want to accompany him?"

I'd linked up with a black guy before and found it satisfying. "I don't want to let him down, but I believe I can do it a few additional times."

"Excellent. Go get another bottle of water, then head upstairs and obtain your attire, but keep your uniform on. He'll transport you back to his residence and either have you return here tomorrow or organize a taxi for you."

"Thanks, Sir." I left to gather my water, then my outfits. I discovered Mr. Jenkins waiting for me by the front door.

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