Erotic Couplings

Welcome to a New Teacher: Part 6

Julian notices a positive transformation in his significant other.

May 7, 2024
17 min read
double penetrationA New Teacher's Welcoming Pt. 06mmfthreesome
A New Teacher's Welcoming Pt. 06
A New Teacher's Welcoming Pt. 06

Welcome to a New Teacher: Part 6

The primary rule for taking a sick day in a small town is to avoid locations other than the pharmacy, doctor's office, or if absolutely necessary, the emergency room. You don't go to the pub, club, stores, or shore. You remain home or abscond to another town and conceal yourself there.

Instead, I found myself in my shabby hotel room, holding a photo of my former partner Natasha on my phone with the caption "Surprise." The message had arrived merely half an hour prior, and according to my calculations, she'd been in town for about twenty minutes by now. What she didn't grasp was that rather than being at my workplace, I was concealed in my room contemplating Raul and our couplings with Georgie and Erin.

I was compelled to react as if I were at work and planned to meet her later in the afternoon. A brief text was all that was necessary to provide me with several hours of contemplation.

"Hi sweetheart, this is indeed a shock!" I wrote, "Certainly, I'm currently at work; how about we gather at 4:00 PM? There's a pleasant café next to the bridge; they offer delectable pizza. Would that suit you?"

"Sure, could I drop my belongings at your residence?"

Again, I excelled at improvising lies. "Hey, you're in luck; I'm actually going to acquire keys to my flat later this afternoon. Wouldn't it be great if you could help me relocate? Our accommodations are exceedingly scarce in Coolamein."

Luckily, that phrase wasn't untruthful; renting a place in Coolamein was difficult.

She appended a series of kiss and heart emojis and left me dangling for ten minutes before responding with a heart emoji and the line, "Sorry, year 8 have been naughty. See you at the Bridge Bar and Pizza."

I closed the messaging thread, then instantly called Sharon to disclose the scenario. She replied, "You are truly a complete fuck-up, by the way, that should terminate your Georgie and Erin plans, so to speak."

She further suggested that I remain in my room, not even for a beverage at the bar or a grocery trip. "Go nowhere, do nothing until you meet Natasha."

"By the way," she concluded, "Marcus has procured you a dwelling, and it's not Natasha's; it's a six-month lease of a vintage fully furnished house. It's Jenny's friend Emma's home. She's departed for six months abroad."

I relished having my own home, neither did I want Natasha to cherish it. I desired her to depart and permit me to self-destruct or achieve ecstasy, or perhaps both.

However, I also wanted her to adore it. Despite our union ending unpleasantly, I'd grown to miss her significantly since. I yearned for her presence, her jests, and our lengthy conversations about any subject. She wasn't a poor lay, but she was only truly unencumbered after excessive alcohol consumptions.

Neglecting Sharon's guidance to stay indoors, I decided to take a rapid excursion to the nearby bakery and get a pie, a pasty, and possibly a lamington to sustain me throughout the day. In case required, I'd hobble all the way there and back as if I'd sprained my hamstring, however, as soon as I emerged onto the stairway, a familiar voice floated up the stairs.

"Pardon me," Natasha remarked. "I'm sorry but I'm here to see Julian Horneman, is he staying here since I noticed his car in the parking lot."

Beneath a deluge of fluttering butterflies in my stomach, I leaned over the balcony and could view the top of Natasha's head. Her luscious reddish hair was still as enchanting and stunning as it had ever been. Soft, curly, and about two inches longer than when we'd parted ways. I longed to enshroud myself in it.

"I'm sorry," Erika, whom I couldn't see, stated, "But you are?"

"Natasha, I'm, um, Julian's partner."

To her credit, Erika flawlessly joined the ruse.

"Oh," she said, "The celebrated schoolteacher, Julian?"

I noticed Natasha's throat move with a nod.

"Yeah, yep, we all know Julian, he's quite a guy. He was instrumental last night in our predicament."

Natasha's head nodded, and I made a decision to dial Erika on the pub's phone.

"Yeah, I suppose so," I said, "I didn't notice. He occasionally rides his bicycle to work."

The phone began its lifesaving ringing behind the bar, and I stepped away from her earshot.

"Yes, I suppose so, I didn't notice," Erika said, and I quickly scuttled out of earshot.

"Can you please step away for a moment?" I heard her ask, her voice somewhat bizar finale stereo. "Federal Hotel, this is Erika speaking."

"It's me, Julian, I'm currently upstairs. Please don't tell Erika that I'm here."

"Table for four at seven tonight? Let me check. I'll put you on hold and switch phones."

The line went dead before I heard her pick up the phone in the kitchen once again.

"What the hell?" she exclaimed. "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"I'm certain I did," I thought back to our conversation at the bar the night before. "I'm pretty sure I did."

"No, you fool, about her coming to see you."

"I had no idea. She sent me a text message this morning."

"So why are you here?" She asked.

"I'll explain later," I responded cryptically, "Just tell her that I found a place to stay and tonight is actually my final night here."

"That's a bunch of crap," she retorted.

I had to temporarily pause before responding, "Well, actually, I've found a place for six months."

This seemed to surprise her.

"Where?" She inquired.

"I have no idea. The agent merely called me since someone had left the country. I'm supposed to check it out tonight."

There was a silence on the receiver following that.

I only heard her breathing before she voiced, "Where exactly?"

"I don't have an idea, the agent just called me because someone had decided to go overseas."

That was it. No response except for the sound of the phone being set down in the kitchen. Unsurprisingly, my anxiety spiked, and I stealthily made my way back, as quietly as possible, to the stairwell.

"I'm sorry about that," Erika announced as she reentered the audible range. "We're seriously pressed for time at the moment, are you looking for work?"

"I'm unsure," Natasha chuckled, "That will depend on the way things unfold over the next few days."

"Why?" Erika asked. "I'm sure Julian will be delighted to hear from you."

"I'll tell you, but let's keep it among the ladies," Natasha sighed, "There was another guy I was seeing, one of his buddies."

Erika's response was "Whoa," and I leant over the railing, hoping she would look my way.

I caught a glimpse of Erika spotting me, but Natasha turned her head towards me just as Erika deflected with, "Does he know?"

"I don't believe so, it had been going on for a while."

I was dumbfounded. So this was why she didn't want to come, she was seeing one of my friends! The issue for me was figuring out which one.

"So what occurred, why are you here today?" Erika inquired.

It astounds me how some individuals will unload their personal chaos onto a complete stranger.

"It was all really messed up, it had been simmering between us for a while. I was completely confused."

"Name him, name him," my mind implored. "Was it Ben, Alastair, Trent, Mike, or Jack?"

"Well, confusion, that's all part of the package, let me tell you," Erika remarked. "Look, tonight's his final night here because he's finally managed to find a nice place for six months."

Natasha nodded. Clearly, she was tearful.

Erika redirected the dialogue in a direction I hadn't anticipated.

"Julian and I had quite a chat last night after his shift, he's still a little puzzled concerning your situation."

There was a lapse before Natasha said, "Please do not disclose anything, but there was another guy I was seeing, a family friend of his."

Just as Erika said "Whoa," I leaned over the banister and spotted that, for a brief moment, Erika had noticed me. Coincidentally, Natasha was about to turn her head in my direction.

"Does he know?" Erika inquired. "Julian?"

"I don't believe so, it had been going on for a while," Natasha replied, her voice muffled by her tears.

Was it Matt McRae - Old Double Beef with Cheese, Macca? The weightlifting slowpoke from our school years with access to illicit substances?

Or was it Alastair, the gawky redhead with freckles the size of a penny on his face?

Or was it Trent, the suspected gay Kiwi?

Ben was ruled out because he was in the army, having been posted to Townsville for the past six months.

Or was it Jack? But he was in a steady relationship with the incredibly attractive Amy...

I almost raced down to comfort her, but luckily Erika wrapped her arms around her once more. While she was embracing her, she looked up at me and mouthed the words "F*** off." and took Natasha into the bar area, making it impossible for me to understand anything she said afterwards.

I stepped out onto the balcony again, and about twenty minutes later I noticed Natasha's head crossing the road, making her way toward the bakery where I also planned to visit.

"Hey!" Erika shouted from down the hallway. My eyes drifted toward her silhouette, which was both enticing and intriguing.

"Explain yourself," she demanded, maintaining an oddly calm tone. Knowing I had to lie, I responded, "I'm taking a sick day because, well, I'm exhausted after last night's events."

"If I'd known that, I would've joined you this morning for round two," she said with a grin.

I almost retorted with "I see where your daughter gets it from," but held back. Instead, I questioned, "Who is it? Which guy has been sleeping with her?"

Showing me a mysterious smile, she answered, "That's the type of thing you'll have to find out for yourself."

"Damn it," I muttered. "You women!"

I revealed that I'd be meeting Natasha at 4 PM and she admitted, "You'll be in for a shock. And by the way, I need you for work tonight. I'm sending my annoying brother to Melbourne, so I'll hand off responsibility to the other girls."

"Okay," I shrugged, trying to sound casual as she continued. "I'll get the girls to take care of things, since there aren't any major events booked."

A smile curled on her lips as she added, "If she tells you everything that she shared with me, you're a lucky guy."

And sure enough, I was startled by Natasha's confession later that afternoon.

I arrived a bit late and saw her sitting alone in a remote corner of the cafe, a half-empty bottle of white wine in front of her. When she recognized me, her smile and mine were genuine, and we hugged, ignoring the whispers from other patrons. Letting go of her slim waist, we sat down and engaged in meaningless conversation.

Eventually, I made my move.

"So, Natasha, what brings you here? I've been giving it some thought, and the only reason I can think of why you didn't come see me is because there was someone else."

Admittedly, I was lying when I said this, but the emotion in my voice was convincing. It never crossed my mind that it could be another woman.

Natasha grew silent under the weight of her secret, finally mustering the courage to divulge what happened. She confessed that it was not Jack's friends but Amy, his girlfriend, who started it all.

Her revelation was both shocking and fascinating, as this changed the whole story.

"There's something else I should tell you, though," she began, looking in the direction of approaching footsteps.

I turned to see Erin, Georgie, and another lovely girl in work uniforms approaching me. They all wore big smiles on their faces.

"Hi, Mr. Hornyman," Georgie said. "Are you going to introduce us?"

"I'm doing great, thanks girls. This is Natasha," I introduced.

The three of them waved at her and she did the same.

"These are my most competent students and school captains, Georgie and Erin, and their friend...Kim."

Erin corrected me, "That's Kim."

"Oh," I exclaimed with perhaps excessive enthusiasm. "The elusive Kim. Your girls always talk about her."

"Are you working tonight, Mr. Hornyman?" Erin inquired with an irresistibly seductive grin. "Because we missed you today."

I quickly covered up, saying "I had training today with Mrs. Hogan and other teachers from the region."

The three of them waved and headed off, leaving Natasha and me with a shared image of the four of them, completely naked, surrounding me.

"Stay away from them," I joked, referring to his students who were still in school.

Her admission of being bisexual opened up a world of possibilities.

"Amy and I were at her place, you know, having fun when Jack and one of his workmates, Brett, dropped by."

Natasha recounted how Amy had orchestrated the entire event as a way for Natasha to get over me leaving. She divulged every detail about how she was fucked by two guys simultaneously with Amy being present in their secluded spot at the cafe.

"It was quite intense," she whispered. "And with Amy there as well..."

"I must say, Amy is your most attractive friend out of all," I interjected.

This comment immediately lifted Natasha's spirits. She smiled and inquired, "Do you really think so?"

"Absolutely, I'd often pictured doing her," I replied, which made us both chuckle.

By this point, I was quite aroused, and her sharing such explicit details with me allowed me to disclose my activities after leaving Sydney. However, I abstained from disclosing them.

Natasha, who used to be innocent, had transformed into a sexually adventurous woman in a short time span, and I found this intriguing.

As she finished emptying the bottle into her glass, my phone buzzed in my pocket. "What's the plan?" Raul messaged. I almost typed, "Teaching you how to use an apostrophe and a question mark!" But believed it could wait. Instead, I glanced at Natasha and wrote, "Meet us in Room 101 at the pub in about 30 minutes."

In reality, it took just 20 minutes for us to both be naked, and Natasha was eagerly sucking my cock down her throat. This was most likely due to the experience she gained from Jack and Brett.

To make things easier for Raul, I left the door unlocked, and maybe for the girls too.

"Oh my God, yes," she exclaimed, "This feels so good, fuck me, baby, fuck my pussy." Feeling surprised by this newfound sexual confidence, I laid back on the bed facing the door and Natasha jumped on top of me, swiftly and effortlessly moving her wet, tight vagina down my dick.

"Oh my God, yes," she repeated, "That's so good, fuck me, baby, fuck my pussy." Her red hair covered my face and her pink nipples beckoned to be sucked. As I sucked her right nipple into my mouth, she moaned in delight before I spread her ass wide and slid a finger into her ass, which entered without any resistance like before.

"Yes, oh God, yes," her groaning increased, and I expedited my pace. When I performed rapid thrusts into her vagina, she had a more pronounced and louder orgasm.

"Fuck, fuck, faahhhkkkk," she screamed, "Yes, oh God, yes." I could feel her pussy tighten around my dick and her ass shrink around my fingers as the orgasm coursed through her.

Just as we were nearing the climax, the door opened, and Raul stood there, smiling like a smug cat. Thinking he wandered into the wrong room (and possibly with the wrong women), he was initially confused before Natasha, unhindered by her ecstasy, protested.

"I'm sorry, mate, wrong room," she said, her rhythm not disrupted.

Raul laughed and replied, "Not at all, right room, but wrong woman."

"What?" I blurted, laughing too. "Tash, this is my friend Raul. Raul, this is Natasha."

"Is she your girlfriend?" he inquired. I nodded affirmatively.

Natasha remained unfazed, not attempting to cover herself, and continued to enjoy the aftershock of her orgasm by gliding my still rigid penis inside her.

"Why is he here?" She questioned.

"I invited him," I answered nonchalantly, "As you may find surprising, I'm not the only one who's had a lot of fun since I left Sydney."

Natasha gawked at me, "So, there are two of you?"

Raul spoke up before I could reply, "Nope, but we enjoy keeping the lonely ladies of the town companied."

"Both of you, together?" she queried.

The situation was on the verge of change. I experienced a moment of anxiety, but once Natasha once again held my dick in her grip and asked, "So you're alright with this?" I realized that our relationship was on the path to recovery.

"Yeah, man," I croaked, "Tell Raul to undress."

Natasha watched Raul intently as he took off his shirt and reduced his shorts before kicking them away. Her eyes were glued to the bulge in his underwear showing the outline of his enlarging cock. She advanced as he did towards her and licked her lips in anticipation of what was coming.

When Raul slowly pulled his cock out, Natasha moaned with sexual desire as she offered it to her eager, whorish mouth.

"That's it, honey," I said. "Suck his cock." She looked at me for a brief moment and, when she saw my genuine approval, she became even more intensely engaged.

Raul held her head and guided it down onto his cock, and she squeezed mine as she did so.

"Oh fuck yes!" Raul exclaimed in delight, "That's it, you beautiful woman, suck my cock."

I stood up next to Raul and watched in shock as she aggressively took his cock down her throat. At the same time, she pumped mine. Not to be left out, she quickly turned her head back towards mine and deeply throat-fucked me. When she had reached the end, she looked up at me and smiled.

"I'd say that we're okay now, don't you agree?" I said.

In response, Natasha started pumping my cock with her mouth and all that could be heard was "Gulp, gulp, gulp" as she did so. I noticed that when her head moved forward, her hand grasping Raul's cock also did.

Bands of spit and pre-cum stretched from our cocks to her mouth as she rapidly went between the two.

I lay back on the bed and pulled Natasha towards me so she was now facing Raul. She groaned with pleasure as my penis slid into her very wet vagina and she even started rubbing her clit as soon as I was inside her.

"Suck my mouth," she ordered Raul, who immediately jumped onto the bed and got on top of her.

"Yes Ma'am," he said, to which she responded "Gulp, gulp."

She then used one hand to stabilize herself and the other on her clit. Raul held my cock, his balls, and the back of her head in one hand while the other grabbed her hair.

She began to speak in a gibberish, giving the impression that a pornstar had taken hold of her soul.

"Oh my god, I need this, this is fantastic, my cunt, oh, my cunt, yes fuck me, fuck my mouth."

She then threw herself onto me and I could feel her vagina clenching around my penis.

"My turn to fuck her," Raul suggested.

"Yes please," Natasha begged and got onto all fours.

I moved to the end of the bed, where her head was, and initiated the face fucking once more. I even kissed the slut as Raul fucked her anus. Once more, the long strands of spit hung from her mouth, and when she retreated from me, I noticed a saliva beard had formed on her chin.

She then slid towards Raul and licked her juices from his cock before lying on her side, offering her vagina back to me.

Raul was perfectly fine with this and he simply continued to orally pleasure her while fondling her breasts.

"You didn't tell me your girlfriend was such a great fuck."

"I was hoping to keep that a secret," I replied.

"I have another secret," Natasha said. "Do you want me to reveal it?"

"Hell yeah," Raul replied on my behalf.

She got me to sit back on the bed and when she turned around again, I was shocked to see that this time it wasn't her vagina that encircled my cock, but her anus.

"Wow," I cried out, "Since when have you done this?"

She didn't answer, as Raul kept ramming his dick down her throat.

"Gulp, gulp, gulp," she said between bites.

"Lick my pussy," she asked of him, which he fulfilled.

As soon as he sucked her clit into his mouth, she uttered screams of ecstasy that pierced my eardrums.

"Oh Christ Almighty," she yelled, "Oh yeah, baby, lick it, fucking lick my clit."

She appeared to be possessed by somebody else at that point. It seemed like a porn star was now in control of her soul, and I didn't care.

I was confirmed in my suspicion when, as Raul was fucking her anus and rubbing her clit, she pulled my penis from her mouth and uttered, "Let's both fuck her together; it'll be the first time."

"Really?" I said, startled.

She laughed and said, "What do you think I am, just some slut?"

With that, she climbed on Raul and indicated her anus to me.

I spat on my penis, rubbed it around my tip, and effortlessly slid it back into her anus.

"Ugh!" She could only manage that as we remembered our sexual escapade with Gill. For both Raul and me, pleasing women in any way they desire is something we're accustomed to.

"Oh my goodness!" she gasped, "They said it'd be intense, but I had no idea...oh my'd be this fantastic."

Her statement was true. It was truly great. Having my lover penetrated by two cocks was even better than any of the other sexual encounters I'd been a part of since arriving in Coolamein. Except for maybe Erin and Georgie. I absolutely wanted to sleep with them again.

I could sense my balls starting to prepare themselves, and that reverberating sensation in my penis revealing that I was about to climax. To complement this extraordinary turn of events, I thought a facial would be the perfect conclusion.

Natasha, on the other hand, had another agenda. For so long, she knew I was close, and she gently pushed me aside and flipped herself off Raul.

"Not so swift, big guy," she said to me. "We still have the whole night ahead of us, right?"

"Well..." I said, not too keen on this return to regular discourse. "But I must be at this new location soon to meet the agent."

"The agent?" Raul enquired with a mischievous expression. "The husband of your head teacher?"

"Exactly," I replied with a wink that Natasha undoubtedly noticed.

"Then let me guess," Natasha requested, "You fucked your head teacher?"

"Of course," I said. "One in the morning, in fact."

Natasha was silent but stared back and forth between Raul and me.

"Now then, Raul, you need to sensually fuck her," I instructed him, "You're leaving tomorrow, which is rather sad, so fuck my girlfriend passionately tonight."

"Leaving!" Natasha retorted miserably.

"Alright," I said. "Let's relish it while we can."

I rose from the creaky mattress and Natasha leaned against the wall, spreading her legs apart as she did. Her pussy had been meticulously trimmed since our previous encounter, and as she fingered her opening she urged Raul, "Lick it."

He plunged down between her legs, and her head banged against the wall as he set to work. I stood up on the rickety bed, positioned one leg over her wriggling torso, and started to slap my penis on her face.

"I suppose you've become somewhat of a cock whore when I was gone," I teased. "She'll fit right into Coolamein, won't she, Raul?"

"Si," he said, "That's precisely why I'll be back to fuck her some more."

Natasha couldn't reply because I had my penis deep within her throat.

"It's time for you to screw her now," I instructed Raul.

Raul, still on the floor, pulled her towards him, and without much difficulty, his penis effortlessly entered her vagina.

"Fuck my cunt, fuck my pussy!" she exclaimed.

I repositioned myself next to her in the spooning position, and I felt how easily my cock slipped into her. Raul ascended next to her face, and she enthusiastically sucked his penis whilst he held the back of her head and thrust his pelvis.

Natasha had no idea about the signal Raul exhibits when he's on the verge of climaxing, and nothing could prevent him from doing so.

"This is it," she was the only warning she received. Raul's penis exploded in her mouth, forcing her to quickly withdraw, allowing the rest of his load to paint her face, and landing dangerously close to me.

While Raul was still benefitting from the night, I decided it was the perfect time for a double facial. I removed myself and, even though Natasha objected, I crouched over her face and sent a load into her mouth. The sight of her lying there, her legs spread, her vagina wet and well-fucked, cum dripping from her mouth and her entire body glistening with sweat, I knew that everything was finally right in my life.

Raul wasn't quite finished for the night, and when he questioned me about the house, I checked my phone.

There were three messages from Marcus and one single one from Sharon, all inquiring about my location. The most recent was from Sharon, just five minutes earlier. It was a map pin.

I replied that we'd arrive in approximately 15 minutes. Upon which she responded, "Is Natasha with you?"

I responded with a mischievous image of Raul having his member wiped clean by Natasha.

Sharon retorted with a snapshot of a large gathering of people by a pool.

"Cool! The Boat Club is spontaneously throwing a goodbye party for Raul, so don't keep 'em waiting," I exclaimed, feigning anxiety. "Let's make like lightning and go ASAP."

"But can't I spend some time here?" Natasha lamented. "It's Raul's final night, wouldn't you want to stay a bit longer?"

"Put on your clothes, c'mon!" I instructed as I put on my shorts. "We have to meet with the realtor."

"May I at least have a shower first?" Natasha pleaded.

"Not right away, just pull on that dress and have a bath at home. There's even a pool there," I suggested.

Raul picked up on the situation and said, "Yeah, it's difficult to find a decent home in Coolamein, so better not waste time."

Five minutes later, after Natasha had a brief stint in the toilet, the three of us were on our way to one of our most memorable events – a Boat Club orgy.

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