
Well-Behaved Female

She had previously abandoned the church, yet her desire to contribute remained strong.

May 20, 2024
5 min read
submissiongood girldenial
Good Girl
Good Girl

Well-Behaved Female

Bari was raised in a devout evangelical community, fully devoted to serving the Lord and being a virtuous Christian woman. She expected to marry a pious man one day and serve him, but before that could happen, she discovered leftist politics and polyamorous relationships, which completely altered her course.

Bari relished her new life outside of the church. She overcame the guilt of sinning and discarded the patriarchy. However, something was missing from her intimate interactions. This wasn't evident until she fell in love with Zed.

For Bari, falling in love with someone like Zed uncovered her need to serve – to please the other, to become who the object of her affections desired. She hadn't fully internalized this concept yet. During her first several relationships, being who the other "nice hippie guy" wanted meant simply being herself.

Zed was brought up without a prominent faith and had never experienced religion. He encountered the idea of being worshiped early in his adult life when he began dating a woman who made it clear that she wanted him to command and control her, specifically for his desires.

Since this relationship, Zed has been searching for another person like her lover from the past. He occasionally wondered if she was a singular occurrence. But meeting Bari reassured him that people could indeed have such emotions – the deeper the affection, the more they desired to serve.

When serving God, a devoted Christian, such as a nun, generally abstains from worldly pleasures and places their love for God above earthly desires.

Bari rarely referred to Zed as God, and Zed didn't typically address Bari as his subject. He referred to her as "a good girl."

Being a good girl in this context became crucial for Bari's existence. Zed appreciated the worship, but he contemplated whether this behavior was unusual.

They frequently feared that their routine might become mundane, but after many years, it never did. Each ritual became a sacred rite within their tiny sanctuary – their bedroom.

Zed had decided long ago that in any situation where he was to be worshiped, this would begin with fellatio. So it was.

This action established the dynamic. Between Bari's legs, emptiness. Between Zed's legs, Bari's head, her mouth swollen.

Zed tried to speak loudly enough for Bari to hear him clearly in that position.

"You're such a good girl."

Zed attempted to utter this phrase loud enough for Bari to hear it correctly, considering her ears somewhat distant from his mouth.

There was the typical ritual of Bari mounting Zed's knee, simultaneously continuing her fellatio. In their unique language, her wetness on his knee indicates the pleasure she derives from fulfilling his desires in this manner.

And then, the familiar phrase elicited by Bari's ritual movement, mounting Zed's knee while eating him.

"You're such a good girl."

As with the religion she had grown up with, words could possess intense meaning when spoken. She felt like she was being baptized every time he uttered these affirmations.

When Bari performed oral sex on Zed at the start of their usually lengthy evenings of worship, she strived to do so with a certain enthusiasm communicating her devotion to his pleasure, her readiness to forego her own, her willingness to sacrifice.

Perhaps this evening would differ – perhaps the fellatio would be so exquisite that the evening's rituals would dwindle, culminating quickly in a torrent of fluids in Bari's mouth.

Usually, intercourse followed the fellatio, as regular as a sermon after organ music.

In whatever position Bari found herself, she liked to adjust herself in a way that allowed Zed to enter her as deeply as possible. This sometimes caused discomfort, yet it also often prompted those words of approval.

"You're such a good girl."

Regardless of the night or the number of times they worshipped, in any position – some more than others – the in-and-out motion would drive Bari to a familiar point near her orgasm, where she would cease moving or suggest Zed might do so. Every denied orgasm became a sacrament, an offering, similar to a kind of chastity.

"You're such a good girl."

Those words consistently followed each averted orgasm, a reward that frequently spurred another one.

After a while, it took a significant amount of time before the edge subsided, enabling Zed to thrust again before pushing her to the next orgasm. Bari grew more reliant on these recurring conversations during those pauses.

"Why did we pause?" Zed inquisitively questions, almost as if he lacked comprehension.

"I was about to reach climax," would be Bari's foreseeable response.

And if she could manage to compose herself enough to speak words of dedicated self-deprivation without the words themselves causing her to reach the peak, she could possibly say, "but virtuous women refrain from such pleasures."

"Is it difficult to be a virtuous woman?" Zed might inquire.

With all the expected consistency that Zed would request this query, the variance was in the timing. The response could differ heavily based on when the question presented itself.

Bari would occasionally grapple with this query, but yearned to answer "no, it's not tough to be a virtuous woman."

Once Bari's body stiffened from restraining herself from climaxing multiple times, becoming increasingly tense with every resolution, she recognized that more admiration was incoming.

"I adore your rigidity," he declares. "You're such a virtuous woman."


Despite the fact that Zed relished each moment of these evenings, in contrast to Bari, he would frequently feel calm, occasionally approaching the point of slumbering. They both realized that he was allowed to doze off, awaken, and do whatever he desired.

However, if the intercourse persisted, accompanied by the usual tantalization of Bari's immensely swollen vagina, Bari would eventually approach the most sublime of moments, where any movement would likely induce a series of orgasms.

"You are such a virtuous woman," Zed would always state at this instance, consistently. He would also likely utter, "exquisite."

At this critical moment, posing the inquiry to Bari if it's challenging to be a virtuous woman would elicit a "yes," if she was capable of speaking at all.

Yet, no matter how long it may take to reach this junction -- this moment of decision for the performer -- it's at this instant when something significant will occur.

Bari comprehends the typical narrative. Zed would want to advance. He'd disregard her pleas to desist. She'd strive to relax, avoiding an orgasm by doing so, but this never endures for long, and soon she'd find herself discharging one after another.


When Bari's tension reaches a climax during evenings when Zed feels it's time for the worshipers to be reborn, he might involve her in a recurring conversation that follows an identical pattern.

"Where should I ejaculate?" he inquires.

On the instances when they reach this phase subsequent to an evening of keeping Bari in the vicinity of the edge, with the surges of pressure she had been withholding pressing upon her inner thighs, her wish to please the demands of her body collided with her longing to be a virtuous woman. To add complexity, Zed would frequently still be inside her whilst asking the question, precipitating challenging answers for Bari. Eventually, she manages to articulate her response.

"In my mouth," she whispers, yet clearly.

Uttering those words of self-denial inevitably instigates an increase in arousal between Bari's legs, necessitating Zed to withdraw incredibly cautiously to extract his penis from her exceptionally taut vagina.

When Zed overcomes the twinges of remorse from being so abusive, he finds this act of removal highly stimulating -- more so when accompanied by the knowledge that he would soon be enveloped by another equally welcoming opening.

As Bari is consumed by fellatio once again, Bari assumes a position that resembles a 69 on the evenings when Zed feels particularly domineering, with Zed observing her vagina shine and undulate to the rhythm of her heartbeat.

With each pulsation, her vagina slighty swells, as if to communicate with Zed, begging to offer herself for him to partake in her hunger.

As he ejaculates extensively into Bari's fervent mouth, he observes her vagina pulsate more vigorously. The glisten intensifies, and a drop of fluid drips from her clitoris, like a tear.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de