Celebrity Sex Stories

What Happens in Wakanda

Susan Storm and T'challa once went skinny dipping.

Jul 4, 2024
8 min read
reed richardsinfidelityblondemarried womansusan stormwakandablack pantherflirtationWhat Happens in Wakandaskinny dipping
What Happens in Wakanda
What Happens in Wakanda

What Happens in Wakanda

Note In Marvel Knights issue Four Susan Storm Richards and T'challa shared a midnight, moonlit skinny dipping experience. This tells the true story that the comic refused to reveal.


My biographers and publicists at that huge media conglomerate specializing in tales about myself, and my superhero brethren claim that nothing happened. I understand their rationale. Their target audience, even after the blockbuster movies remains focused on kids. They try to be family-friendly. Sometimes they overdo it, other times, situations that might be regarded as awkward are swept under the rug. I know politics inside and out, and because of that, in public, I put up with their charade that nothing happened when Sue Storm Richards, the invisible Woman herself, and I went skinny dipping one romantic moonlit night in Wakanda.

I respect Reed Richards, there aren't many cats that approach my intellect and gift for invention. He is also one of the few men who can occasionally beat me in a game of chess. I'd invited him and his associates to Wakanda for a scientific conference for the super elite. Hush-hush science that would give us the edge against Galactus and the Skrulls, the Dollmaker, and, of course, Doctor Doom. Hey, they have scientists teaming up for them and pulling their resources, it just makes sense that the forces of good do the same thing. What is it those American football coaches preach? The best defense is a strong offense, or vice versa. The point remains the same.

In any event, Reed showed up with a new and promising device that was sure to revolutionize the superhero game IF he could get it working consistently. In theory, it was brilliant. On paper, it was flawless. In reality, it worked maybe three out of every two dozen times it was tested. As I and the others explained, "Reed, it's brilliant but unreliable. I certainly wouldn't trust my life to it.'

You don't tell Reed Richards no. He became all defensive and stalked back to his cabin in a huff carrying the device. He would prove us wrong if it killed him. Now, I admire that tenacity, but obsession is never good. Especially if it distracts you from what is really important, family, friends, and spouses. And when your spouse is Sue Storm, you really should not allow yourself to be distracted.

If there is anything of Reed Richard's universe that I envy, it's his bride. Not only is she beautiful, but she's also intelligent, funny, has a bubbly personality, and is the strongest member of the foursome. Yeah, I know, cliché -- huge black guy aching for trim blonde, white babe. This was more than that. I'm a king. I have never endured a shortage of women. Women of every shade and persuasion pass through Wakanda. Sue Storm is not a babe you glam to in passing! This was only her second or third trip to my kingdom. Her lovely blue eyes lit up at the wonders of Wakanda. My country is beautiful in so many ways, the pure clear rivers, the phenomenal landscape, the exotic wildlife. Everyone says its romantic. I could tell just by looking at Sue earlier in the day that she wanted, indeed needed Reed to look after her in a husbandly way.

Now, I can't attest to the exact nature of the conversation that went down in the Richard's cabin, but I have a very good idea. I do know it was 12:06 A.M. when Sue Storm stormed out of her cabin. How do I know the exact hour and minute? No great mystery really, the entire compound is surrounded by security and surveillance cameras. Not that you or I, or even the most gifted electronic engineer would notice. In keeping with my kingdom's tradition of camouflage, every camera, every microphone, every bit of surveillance was built into the trees, the leaves, the grass. Only my experts know where they all are. The compound was under surveillance because Wakanda could afford no accidents befalling this collection of brilliant minds.

Sue had not left her cabin to talk to her brother, because Johnny had made it very clear that he intended to prove just how much hot stuff he was to the local ladies. I'm sure some of them found his frat boy persona endearing. At the very least, they'd humor him for a while before letting him flame out and return to his cabin alone. As for Ben Grim? Earlier in the evening, he had gone drinking with some of my generals. One of them bet that The Thing could not successfully wrestle a rhinoceros. Tanked to the gills, they had some private drive them in a jeep out to the jungle to rustle one up.

In any event, from the control center, I watched an angry Sue Storm take a hurried lap about the compound. Calmer, back where she started, she stared at the crystal clear and inviting river. The moon was nearly full. I had an excellent view. Sue looked around, seeing no one, and blissfully unaware of the cameras, she began to strip off. I could lie and tell you that I darkened the camera at that moment to preserve Mrs. Richards's modesty. In the comic books that's exactly what I would have done. It's details like that that truly make comic books fantasy literature, not trivial details like Superman being able to fly! No, I paid rapt attention as her spectacular body came into view! Long shapely legs, flat toned belly, blonde, thatched nest, prominent breasts with light brown areolas and chance pink nipples, killer butt, angelic face, the cascade of straw-yellow hair, and that alabaster complexion went all over! I was in instant undeniable lust!

She looked around a second time before stepping into the water like some sea nymph. This was too good an opportunity to pass up. Reed is a good friend, but Sue is... Quietly I made my way to the riverbank. I was naked in seconds. While Sue was facing away from me, I slid into the water and said, "Behind you!"

Sue turned; her eyes grew large. She hastily determined that no indelicate parts of her were open to my view before smiling and waving at me. That was all the invitation I needed. The comic book has the general gist of our conversation. In is Sue and I flirt but she's a married woman and I'm a king with responsibilities and nothing happens. That's the canon. If you folks that collect the comics are satisfied with that B.S. I won't dissuade you. As for the rest of you? What really went down you ask?

After exchanging pleasantries and mutual, "Funny meeting you here!" Our conversation turned serious.

"I love Reed but sometimes he makes me so furious!"

"How so?"

"Oh T'challa, your country is so beautiful. It might be the single most romantic place Reed has ever taken me."


"Yes, science conferences and seminars tend to occur in boring hotels in boring landscapes, in inclement weather. Wakanda is like paradise or Eden if mankind had never been kicked out."

"Why thank you, Mrs. Richards."

"When have you never not called me Sue?"

"Thank you, Sue."

We trod water for a moment or two.

"Anyway, tonight, Reed wanted to only focus on his damn invention, again! I packed this sexiest black nightie..."

Her mouth dropped open and her eyes grew large.

"I'm sorry. Too much information!"

"Oh, that's all right. If you don't mind my saying so. Reed is an idiot for ignoring you."

"You can say that again. Some nights he makes me regret saying no to Namor."

"What's the story between you two, the real one, not the story the conglomerate prints."

She paused for a moment before giving me a look of sincerity.

"That's complicated. I did things with him a loyal wife shouldn't."

"You mean?"

"Not quite. I took my clothes off and gave him a blow job in exchange for him promising to not pressure me any further."


"The King of Atlantis is a man of his word."

"I assume Reed doesn't know."

"He doesn't, though if he found out, I'd wonder if he'd care!"

"Now, Sue, he loves you!"

"I know, but I really needed to talk to him after that. He listened, but I could tell his mind was lost in some math equation! I wanted to pour my heart out to him about how conflicted I was. He needed to take me in his arms and banish the Atlantean from my mind. He tried, sort of."

"Surely, he sees to your needs?"

"Oh, yes, when he does, it's incredible. His cock can expand inside me! My God!"

I must say at this point, I was glad that the river was keeping my raging stiffy out of view.

Sue flushed crimson.

"I'm sorry. Too much information again. You are so easy to talk to T'challa."

"I enjoy talking with you too, Sue."

"You're so thoughtful. Like that kind note, you sent after I escaped from Doctor Doom after he held me hostage for two weeks."

"It was the least I could do. That must have been awful."

"You don't know the half of it. He found a way to neutralize my powers, stripped me down, and collared me."

"Like a dog?"

"Like a slave!"

"My God!"

"He had a whole training regime laid out. I was to be Doom's love zombie. He slipped up though, and I managed to regain enough of my powers to flee. Some nice and rather cute cops found me naked on the street. One of them was a fan of our comic book. They found a blanket for me and called Reed. We kept the details out of the papers and off television.

"I imagine that it was pretty horrible."

"The worst part was seducing him so that he would let his guard down. I did some disgusting things, but they worked. He's pretty hideous out of the armor but his manhood is honestly impressive as I imagine yours is T'challa."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You are one incredibly handsome and powerful gentleman. I mean you are a king, you are an enlightened ruler, you are a superhero, and you seem to be big everywhere."

She winked at me and giggled.

"Best not be starting something, you don't want to finish!" I warned her.

"Who says I don't want to finish it?"

"Pardon me?"

"T'challa, I'll be blunt. I've been ready to go since arriving in Wakanda three days ago. I'm not getting any younger, yet Reed keeps slipping away into textbooks, seminars, gadgets. What he really needs to do is invent a vibrator that mimics his abilities. He'd be the wealthiest man on the planet!"

"I'm sure I can't compare to Reed in that area."

"Let me be the judge of that!"

I admit, her forthrightness stunned me I treaded water, my mouth hanging open like a stuck fish.

"Race you to shore!" she teased and took off like a shot.

I'm no fool. I swam after her and caught her just as she was leaving the water.

It was fast, it was furious, it was incredible! She alternated between sweet kittenish mewing and loud groans reminiscent of a puma or other big cat. For a moment, I was afraid the noise of our lovemaking would disturb the compound. Apparently, it merged flawlessly with the sounds of the jungle. I will never forget it, nor will I ever see reason to regret it.

We helped each other into our respective clothes. Kissed a final time and headed off in opposite directions. I doubt Reed even noticed that she was gone. I do hope however that his wife's incredible grin and her newly effervescent attitude at least caused him pause. Perhaps his obliviousness is a gift from a source from beyond. All I can conclude is that they are still together, and Reed treats me no differently than ever. Clearly, Sue never told him about our midnight rendezvous. In closing, I will borrow a phrase from another famous realm. What happens in Wakanda stays in Wakanda!

  1. Despite the media's claims of nothing happening between Sue Storm Richards and T'challa, I knew differently based on the surveillance footage at midnight.
  2. I couldn't help but notice the flirtatious tone in Sue Storm's conversation with T'challa, especially when she mentioned the sexy black nightie she packed for Reed but didn't end up wearing.
  3. When Sue Storm revealed her past indiscretions with Namor and the promise she made him, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Reed Richards and the situation he was in.
  4. The black panther's kingdom of Wakanda had truly enchanted Sue Storm, who found it to be the most romantic place Reed Richards had ever taken her.
  5. As T'challa and Sue Storm swam in the moonlit river, their conversation turned serious, with Sue expressing her frustrations with Reed's obsession with his inventions and his inability to fully connect with her.

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