Erotic Couplings

What Hue Are Your Intimates?

Powerful, raw male homosexual intercourse.

May 26, 2024
3 min read
paulpleasure and paindominateanalWhat Color is Your Underwear?anal sexunderwear colorsemen
What Color is Your Underwear?
What Color is Your Underwear?

What Hue Are Your Intimates?

Paul, the person I consider my employee, clearly derives immense enjoyment and satisfaction from the position he holds in my life.

I've always found the dynamics of dominance and submission present in most relationships confusing. It's a power play where the person with a more assertive personality assumes the dominant role, while the other, who is content to have a more relaxed life, takes on the submissive role. I'm straightforward about the situation at hand. And, given my financial situation, I have the freedom to act as I please.

In my spare time, I enjoy gazing into the distance and musing over how outstanding I am while planning the next enjoyable activity, which is often sexual.

On this particular day, I was pondering Paul's underwear color. From where I'm seated, I can see his entire 170 centimeter frame of sexiness. I scrutinize Paul's shoulder-length blonde hair. Paul is wearing a neat, thoroughly pressed, plain white T-shirt and calf-length loose-fitting blue silk shorts. But what is the color of his underwear, I wonder?

Paul seems to be washing my socks in the sink. This briefly has me questioning the need for a washing machine. This thought didn't linger for long, though.

I feel compelled to take action. We typically engage in some form of sex at least once daily. Today, I feel the urge to venture further into unknown territory. I brazenly join Paul in the kitchen, an early start to our evening activities.

Just humming aimlessly, I loom menacingly behind Paul. I do this for roughly two minutes. I stand unmoving behind Paul, not quite touching him and trespassing in his personal space.

While this ostensibly harmless murmuring served two purposes: I didn't want to startle Paul when approaching him, but I also wanted to extend the anticipation of upcoming physical contact.

After a lengthy wait, I progressed. Unceding, I pushed closer, rubbing my turgid penis against Paul's ass clad in blue silk shorts. I then squeezed Paul's nipples, teasing his taut, muscular chest through his t-shirt.

Paul's sudden intakes of breath could be interpreted as shock, pleasure, or pain. At the time, I didn't care which it was.

Sensing the current proceedings needed heightening, I stepped it up. I quickly discarded Paul's t-shirt, leaving him pinned against the cupboards. I squeezed harder and moved faster and harder against Paul. When I sensed it was time, I eased up, slid my hand down the front of Paul's shorts and grope his already erect cock and testicles. To my delight, Paul was soaked with cum, despite having climaxed.

Having prepared myself with a condom and more lube, I extracted Paul's shorts and underwear (I still have no idea of the color). My efforts to remove these garments were somewhat hampered by their soaked state and the wetness clinging to Paul's legs.

Paul gained a momentary reprieve as I applied a fresh layer of lubricant to my condom-covered, throbbing penis and the opening of his anus.

The game of penetration had been initiated, but the rules were already firmly established. I inserted the tip of my penis against the entrance to Paul's anus. After minutes of gentle pressure, I was finally, fully inserted.

I paused. My ability to refrain and delay gratification is quite astonishing. I inhaled his hair's perfumed fragrance and snuggled my chest against his back before starting to thrust. The cupboard banging noise intensified as our passion continued to surge.

At this moment, Paul was being forcefully fucked in the anus.

My thoughts returned to the activity at hand, and the rhythmic thumping continued. I noticed Paul's labored breaths and loud exhalations as he clung for dear life. It felt as if I was inflicting harm while satisfying my desires. The delicate balance between pleasure and pain was once again evident.

My typical gradual progression and build-up to orgasm didn't unfold as expected. Abruptly, my condom filled up with wave after wave of ejaculated semen, which seemed to be unending. Not the standard closing act for me, yet incredibly gratifying.

Paul disappeared towards the shower, and I returned to the sofa to gaze vacantly into the distance.

I never did discover the shade of Paul's undergarments.

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