
What Occurs in Las Vegas

A man reveals recently developed sentiments to a longtime buddy.

May 13, 2024
16 min read
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What Happens in Vegas
What Happens in Vegas

What Occurs in Las Vegas

Some guys booked a table at The Cosmo Bar on the upper level of a ritzy resort in Sin City, Vegas. They had played golf all day, so they were tired. Nonetheless, Fred desired to have a blast, hence, decided to go partying whether the others joined him or not.

Bill and George were less keen on joining Fred on his night out. Bill was preoccupied with his wife, Kate, and was missing her a lot. George was going through something that he didn't wish to share just yet. Fred sought to have fun, and was prepared to converse with chicks as he habitually did.

The trio sat at a snug, low table next to two ladies. They sported a similar appearance yet none of the guys could infer how they were related. Fred figured the glasses worn by one woman may have been messing him up.

At first, the lads politely glanced over at the women beside them and nodded. Nevertheless, communication was inevitable. The tables were minuscule, low, and private. Fred's power of attraction pushed him to engage in conversation with the women casually, laughing effortlessly and speaking with care, not being creepy. It's challenging to maintain a positive approach in such scenarios; a mishap with jokes, awkward giggles, lingering with stage fright, or acting tail-wagging like a nuisance could easily place you on an anus's radar.

And these two women have already had a perturbing individual admiring them for thirty minutes before Bill, Fred, and George showed up. They were cautious and prepared for a nuisance, yet Fred's nature and demeanor won them over.

"I'm Fred," he shared. "This is Bill and George."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Esther, and this is my sibling Susan," Esther revealed.

"Where are you ladies from?" Fred asked, lolling back in his chair.

Mark conversed with Susan casually, regularly checking on his phone to show his picture with his wife on their wedding day. Mark was palatable, but not too encouraging and Susan relished this interaction more. When she mentioned her husband residing in their suite, Mark thought he could chill out, but then he started wondering if they were swingers, which he hastily suppressed.

George sipped on his martini morosely, leaving the party twice to wash his face in the bathroom. He didn't plan to come out tonight; Fred had invited him, and then Mark decided to be a part of the party. George had planned to have one-on-one time with Fred to discuss matters; without Mark there, he believed he could talk. However, Fred was flirting with Esther, and this infuriated him.

George had been unaware of his feelings the entire day, while watching Fred swing his golf clubs. It wasn't uncommon for him and Fred to golf together. However, this time, he was struck by how good-looking Fred was. At first, he dismissed it as one of those observations you make, but it didn't stop there. This gradually developed into an obsession.

As he sat in the golf cart, he sensed a gnawing ache in the region between his legs. He hastily shifted his perspective to stifle the hardness he felt growing in his pants. He feared both Fred and Mark would detect any wetness on his clothes. He could tuck it up and be careful or let Fred's conversing cause another erection. At these thoughts, he grew hard again, and he reclined into a stall to hide. He undid his pants, removed them with his boxers, and leaned back trying to be discreet. The waistband of his oldish boxers rubbed on his hardness in an uncomfortable manner.

Hesitant to make a decision, he played with himself to calm his nerves before returning. To his surprise, he grew harder, considering how Fred was talking. He meant to hide it by tucking it up, but a mix of perplexity and nervousness might cause an erection. When he noticed Fred smiling, his penis stiffened further, and he hid inside a cubicle to contemplate.

He could quickly relieve himself and move on from the situation. But the risk of getting caught was there, and public masturbation was frowned upon. So, after considering his options, he decided to take care of it quickly before heading back to the table.

His penis glistened with pre-cum, and he used the moisture to oil himself up. He gripped himself tightly and moved his hand up and down, thinking about Fred. It didn't take long before he had a rock-hard erection. He tried to be quiet, knowing people could easily pass by the bathroom. The feeling of impending orgasm was growing stronger. In just a few minutes, he could feel his body tense as he experienced an intense surge of pleasure. He stood up quickly and aimed for the toilet, a muffled grunt escaping his lips.

"Excuse me," a man's voice sounded. "Everything alright in there?"

"Uh, yeah, just finishing up," Aaron stammered.

Swiftly grabbing some toilet paper, he cleaned himself up and the liquid on the seat. He wiped his hands and straightened his pants, flushing the evidence away.

"Sorry," he said as he exited. A janitor was standing there, watching him for a few moments.

"Don't worry," the man said. "I won't tell anyone." Aaron, now at the sink washing his hands, felt his face getting hot.

"What?" he asked.

"I saw what you were doing in there," the janitor said. He mimicked the jacking-off motion with his hand. Aaron felt embarrassed.

"I...I don't know what you're talking about," he said. "I was taking a shit."

"Yeah, I know," the janitor chuckled. "My lips are sealed." He started mopping the floor as Aaron left the bathroom.

Taking a deep breath to clear his flushed face, Aaron returned to the table. His friends were chatting and drinking. The woman with glasses seemed disinterested, though she politely asked Mark questions to keep her companion engaged with Fred. Aaron sat down next to Fred again. Fred turned to Aaron for a moment.

"Hey there," Fred said. "I got you another drink." Aaron glanced at the glass in his hand, feeling a hint of envy.

Mark glanced at his phone and tapped his foot against Fred's. Fred looked up at him, then motioned to the door with his head. Aaron looked at Fred before noticing the disappointed expression on his face. Fred looked around for their waitress and pointed her over.

The women continued their conversation while drinking their cocktails. The check was brought, and the three men stood.

"Nice meeting you two," Fred said, waving goodbye. "Be safe!" Mark waved and Aaron rushed out of the bar.

"What happened, Fred?" Fred asked, bewildered. "You wanted me to come out. No one forced you."

"I know! I thought I wanted to come out too," Aaron explained.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna head back a little early," Mark said. "I'll see you both for breakfast tomorrow."

"Cool, man," Fred said. "Wait a minute..."

Aaron considered if he could be honest with Fred. They had drunk a few martinis and been drinking all day while golfing. Perhaps he could make it seem like he was just drunk if the conversation went south. He didn't feel completely drunk but not completely sober either.

"Hello?" Fred asked.

"Um, I just..." Aaron trailed off, gathering the courage to speak honestly. "I want to be alone with you."

Fred paused, surprised. "We just came from somewhere," he replied.

"I mean someplace secluded," Aaron explained, his voice growing firmer. "Just you and me." Fred considered before stopping just off the walkway beside the slot machines.

"What do you mean?" Fred asked. " everything alright with you?" Fred stopped walking, momentarily upsetting those following behind him.

Fred and I strolled together, keeping an eye on our surroundings as we walked. "Maybe this spot?" he suggested, pointing to a cozy, almost deserted bar near some poker tables. I agreed and followed him up the stairs.

Once we reached a suitable table tucked away from the bar, patrons, and foot traffic, we both sat down. I had noticed this spot as we entered, and it was where I wanted to be.

Fred fetched us each a vodka martini from the bar. After placing them on the table, he sat next to me rather than across because of the confidential nature of our conversation. He was eager to understand what was going on with me. I had been acting strangely since the afternoon.

"So, what's the deal?" Fred inquired. I took a cautious sip of my martini, using it as fuel for what I was about to reveal. I had decided while he was getting the drinks that I would just tell him the truth - no games.

"While we were playing golf today, I was..." I paused. "I was noticing you in a different way," I continued.

"I hope you were, you were keeping score," Fred joked, and I found myself smiling along with him.

"Yeah, I was. But I mean I was noticing you in a different way," I repeated. I took a deep breath and then proceeded.

"I noticed that you are a very...appealing person. Not only physically, but you're charming, successful, and funny." I stopped there and took another sip from my martini. I couldn't help but stare into it. Each time I looked up at Fred, my voice would vanish.

"Um, thanks," Fred responded. Aaron felt a cold knot of disappointment in his stomach.

"I didn't know you were...that way, man. Perhaps I should have noticed, but I didn't," Fred confessed.

"I...don't know if I'm that way," I clarified. "I know I'm attracted to you."

"Right now?" Fred asked, surprised. "After all these years? Knowing each other's families, spending all this time together, wouldn't you have noticed it sooner?" he questioned.

"Everything has a starting point," I responded. "Why does it have to be far in the past? Couldn't then be now?" I said, staring at my drink.

Fred pondered my words for a moment, feeling irritated. Then he decided to let go of his irritation. There was a question now, so he needed to decide if he felt the same way and if he was honest, he couldn't give a definitive 'no'. Perhaps that irritation came from him not wanting to reject me.

"Just give me a few seconds," Fred requested, leaning back in his chair. Our glasses were empty, so he wanted another one desperately. He took my glass and his own, glancing over at Aaron before moving away.

I chugged some water, waiting for Fred to return with our drinks. From the bar, he ordered two more martinis and two waters. The bartender poured the waters and made the drinks while Fred brought them back.

I gulped down some water. Fred watched me sitting at the table by myself, wondering what was going through my mind. Meanwhile, the bartender continued to pour our drinks.

"So, if I'm curious, what were your plans?" Fred inquired. My eyebrows rose momentarily.

"I hadn't considered it," I admitted.

"Really? You would've been so worked up if your plan had fallen apart," Fred pointed out. I understood his argument. I had imagined countless scenarios during my shower time after our golf match.

"Well, I wanted to talk to you about it first," I explained.

"Okay, so what did you hope would happen after you confessed what you felt?" Fred asked directly. I considered his question, acknowledging that I had indeed thought about what would happen.

"I hadn't considered that," I admitted. "What did you have in mind when you considered me?" Aaron inquired.

"Well, just give me a bit. I'd like to think this over before answering," Fred replied, his eyes searching mine.

It was true that I had imagined various outcomes since exiting the golf course. We had both retired to our rooms before meeting up tonight, and in my room, I'd thought a lot about what could potentially happen between us.

"Well, I wanted to discuss it with you first," I said.

"You know," said Aaron while observing Fred taking a sip of his water and licking his lips. "I was hoping for some mutual chemistry. Perhaps a...kiss or something...a little bit more." Aaron spoke just above a whisper now.

Fred leaned in to hear him. All of a sudden, Fred made a decision, he leaned closer to Aaron, licked his lips one more time, and planted a soft kiss on his mouth.

Aaron gazed at Fred as he drew back. He hesitated simply for a moment more, then leaned forward and kissed Fred. Fred had not expected to enjoy this as much as he did. He wasn't anticipating disliking it, just a touch of indifference. However, as Aaron continued to kiss him, Fred experienced himself reacting.

He placed one hand on Aaron's leg and the other on his neck as he reciprocated the kiss. Gradually, he parted his lips and delicately explored Aaron's lips with his tongue. Aaron opened his mouth and the two men kissed intensely, tongues winding around one another's mouths.

A warm rush of passion coursed through Fred, and once more, he was startled by the intensity of his emotions. His kiss intensified and became fervent, and Aaron reciprocated his feelings. Fred pulled away momentarily. His cheeks were flushed.

"We can't do this here," he mentioned. He chugged down the water. Aaron experienced a brief moment of shame.

"Why not?" inquired Aaron.

"Since" Fred replied. "If you're in for what I'm planning to initiate, we'll need more privacy." Fred strolled to the bar and covered the tab. Aaron trailed behind him, grinning like an imbecile.

The group had chosen to remain in their hotel that evening, thus there wasn't a long distance to travel. However, Fred discovered he couldn't control himself anymore. He never believed he'd be as turned on by a man as he was by women. But as Aaron stood in the elevator, leaning against the wall, casually resting his hands on the railing, he couldn't help himself. He approached him, hoisted his face, and kissed him on the mouth.

Aaron, taken aback once again, reached for Fred's hips and leaned beneath them. Fred kissed his cheek, jaw, and neck savoring the scruff he felt there. He shifted his attention to the other side of Aaron's neck, kissing and licking down to his collarbone. He pressed his body against Aaron's, and he could feel a sturdy lump against his own erection. The elevator beeped, and Fred lazily glanced up. They were on their floor. Aaron gulped again as Fred lightly bit his neck. Fred left the elevator.

Fred led him to his room and tapped his key card. His penis was partially aroused, creating a tent in his slacks. Intentionally, he hung the "Do not disturb" sign and locked the door. He faced Aaron and pushed him against the wall, passionately kissing him. Aaron gasped and kissed him back, frantically unbuttoning his shirt.

"Inform me if I get too rough," Fred said while pressing his erection against Aaron's. Aaron exhaled, "Okay." The exhale sent another surge of excitement through Fred, and he pressed his hips against Aaron once more. Fred yanked Aaron's shirt off, and Aaron had no hesitation left; his cock was rock hard and dripping in his pants - he knew exactly what he yearned for. His mouth caressed Fred's chest, giving attention to his nipples.

Aaron stretched out his hand over Fred's pants and stroked his member. A moist spot showed on the slacks and Fred grunted as Aaron administered an energetic rub.

Aaron tugged up Fred's waistband and disengaged him from his trousers. His cock sprang free, still concealed by his boxer shorts. Aaron had never given a hand job before, but it couldn't be too challenging. He understood what he favored; he would simply do his best.

He licked along the base of the shaft up to the tip, evoking a sigh and groan from Fred. Fred's fingers interlaced in Aaron's hair as he softly accepted Fred's tip in his mouth. It was a significant size and he questioned if he'd be able to fit it all in. He commenced small, licking and sucking on the tip. Fred's fingers tightened in his hair and he groaned and gasped. Sluggishly, Aaron extended his mouth over Fred's dick, taking every inch that he could, running his tongue along the length while retracting, attempting to suck.

"Ugh, damn it," Fred murmured. He started moving his hips slowly to match Aaron's pace. Aaron could feel Fred's erection getting even harder as he sucked on it. Fred's excitement soon became too much to handle and he began to move Aaron's head faster, his hips penetrating deeper. His cock touched the back of Aaron's throat and he gagged, pulling back entirely from Fred's erection.

"Oh, damn it," Fred half-whispered. "Buddy, are you okay?" Aaron coughed a little and swallowed back some bile.

"Yup," Aaron panted. "I believe so." He saw Fred's cock, hard and massive and jerking.

"Sorry, I've never done this before. My gag reflex..."

"Yeah, of course," Fred said. He bent down and lifted Aaron to his feet, his erection still leaking.

Fred leaned in and gently kissed him, his tongue darting in and out of Aaron's mouth. Aaron's stiffening dick dripped as Fred touched his chest. Then, tentatively, Fred moved his hand to his Aaron's throbbing cock. He stroked it several times and Aaron moaned. Fred kissed his neck and caressed his hardening cock, feeling the moisture through his pants.

This time Fred guided Aaron to the bed where he removed his clothes and sat at eye level with Aaron's shivering dick.

"Fred, you don't have to-" Aaron tried to say. Fred shook his head and placed his mouth over Aaron's dick. He took a deep gulping breath and couldn't help but grip the sides of Fred's head as he began to move his mouth up and down Aaron's length.

Fred had also never given a blowjob before but knew the basics of it. He tried to do for Aaron what he had done for himself. He let the saliva in his mouth collect and help him slide up and down the shaft of his firm cock, and soon Aaron was writhing and thrusting vigorously.

"Ahh, fuck, Fred," he gasped. He clenched his hands in his hair and pulled hard. "I'm about to cum, I'm about to cum." Fred moved his head faster, taking in as much of Aaron's cock as he could without hitting his gag reflex.

He felt Aaron's dick harden and ran his tongue along the ridges of his orgasm. Aaron thrust hard, ejaculating in three bursts that sprayed against the back of Fred's throat. The salty taste wasn't unpleasant, and Fred did what seemed logical: he swallowed it all down along with the continued dripping of Aaron's cum from his tongue and his trembling in response to his climax.

Fred's own cock pulsated with anticipation. Fred stood up and trailed his tongue along Aaron's body, kissing his neck.

"I want you to fuck me," Aaron proclaimed. Fred hesitated.

"Are you serious?" he asked.

"Yes," Aaron said. Fred nodded and the two men crawled into bed together. Aaron pulled out a tube of lube and a condom, which he passed to Fred. Fred put the condom on his throbbing erection. He then lubed up two fingers. Fred caressed and kissed Aaron as he gently inserted one lubed finger into his opening. Little by little, he worked the second finger inside. Aaron moaned and groaned as he played with himself.

"Put it in," he begged. His cock was growing stiffer. Fred lubed his own member and pushed the tip into Aaron's tight entry. Aaron gasped but eased as Fred slowly inched in. He kept going slowly, trying not to rush with Aaron's pleasurable feelings overwhelming him.

Finally, after a few pumps, he heaved and growled. He nibbled on Aaron's shoulder, trying to divert his mind from these intense sensations. Aaron moaned again and Fred realized he wouldn't be able to last much longer.

He pumped harder and faster, pushing deeper into Aaron. Eventually Aaron was on all fours and Fred embedded himself within him in a frenzy. He was growling and moaning loudly as he fucked Aaron. He continued doing so until finally, he came hard, cumming in three bursts that splattered against the back of Aaron's thigh. He pumped twice more, aware of more cum dribbling out with each pump.

The two men got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. Once cleansed, they returned to bed together, naked. Fred cuddled up against Aaron and stroked his thigh up to his chest. Aaron pressed his ass against Fred's softened penis and kissed his fingers. Fred rubbed along him and kissed his neck. The two soon settled in to sleep.

The next morning Aaron awoke to Fred's friction against his backside. Fred was awake, kissing his neck, and was stimulating him with his firm erection. Aaron was also erect and moist from his morning arousal, which Fred was joyfully manipulating.

"Hey," Aaron said as he rolled to face Fred. Fred sealed his lips against Aaron's and dove his tongue in and out of his mouth. His hand moved up and down Aaron's growing erection.

Fred switched positions, lying on his back as Aaron brought their lips together and slid his hand down to Fred's excited member. He massaged it, enjoying the warmth and dampness, the pungent scent of sex hanging in the air. He swiped his thumb over the engorged tip of Fred's cock, eliciting steady dripping. Fred moaned and pushed his pelvis upward.

"Ugh, fuck, I'm cumming," he groaned as he pushed his hips up and released his seed on his abdomen. Fred gasped but persisted in stroking Aaron's cock, which was enormously erect.

Aaron repositioned himself on his side and rubbed his penis against Fred's leg. He started to moan as he rubbed his bulging shaft, pre-cum lubricating the surface of the hairy thigh. Aaron arched his back and humped Fred's leg, sensing his imminent orgasm.

"Ah, AH, Fred. Oh god!" Aaron cried out as he unleashed his essence on Fred's thigh. He grinded into the semen a couple of times to allow his jerking shaft to drizzle out the final drops.

"Good morning there," Fred quipped. He gave Aaron a tender peck on the lips and they rose to get cleaned up.

In the bathroom, the two men cleaned up their morning activities. Fred flipped on the shower and swiftly rinsed his hair. Aaron stepped in and joined him under the steaming water, showering each other with warm embraces and lingering kisses.

"We'd better hustle, we need to meet Mark," Fred reminded him while whispering in his neck. He was sadly close to initiating another session.

"Sure, okay," Aaron replied. They exchanged a few more kisses, caressing each other's bodies. They turned off the water and Fred handed Aaron a towel, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hold up," Aaron blurred out. "What's going on? What are we doing here?" Aaron gazed at Fred, admiring his firm physique, his massive erection.

"I don't know man," Fred said hesitantly. "I'm just doing what feels natural to me. I truly enjoyed last night, and I woke up this morning, thinking I was merely still horny, but just now, in the shower with you. Just holding you...Even knowing there wasn't time for intercourse or anything, it felt right. I liked it. I like kissing you." Fred leaned over and gently kissed Aaron.

"Alright," Aaron agreed. "What's next?" Fred hesitated, contemplating.

"Let's not inform Mark. As we only have one day left, it could make the entire trip awkward. But I don't want you to know that I'm not ashamed of what occurred. If I thought he'd be alright, I'd tell him, but I sense he'll require more time. Therefore, let's seem natural and then we can devise a strategy later."

"Yeah, do we really need to?" Aaron pondered.

"What do you mean?" Fred probed. "If you want this to be a thing, we can't neglect to communicate about it...You realize Fred is the kind to detach after one night of sex. Couples, one-night stands, whatever, right?"

"Sure, I mean, I just didn't expect you to feel so strongly," Aaron said.

"Well, I may be wrong. However, I realized something. I fucking like you. I want to be with you, I want this to be a thing. I'm just as surprised as you are," Fred admitted. Aaron paused before responding.

"I fucking like you too. And I love fucking you. So, let's give this a shot," Aaron grinned. Fred returned the grin and pulled him in for a kiss, hugging him tightly and massaging his butt. They were already running late for brunch.

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