Celebrity Sex Stories

What We Have to Lose

Johnny Cage fucks Kenshi before they go to war.

May 2, 2024
17 min read
mortal kombatopen relashionshipfightingbarebackpolyamorouschokingrough sexkenshijohnny cageslow burnWhat We Have to Lose
What We Have to Lose
What We Have to Lose

What We Have to Lose


As the people of Earth prepared for the worst, they formed alliances to ensure victory against Outworld in the upcoming war. All former allies were contacted and asked if they would join the fight. Every human volunteered, but there was still a sense of unease lingering in their hearts.

One of these volunteers was the talented swordsman, Kenshi Takahashi, who considered his clan's training dojo his second home. He spent hours training, and one night, he invited a friend to practice with him. After a tiring session, Kenshi sat cross-legged, attempting to relax by taking deep breaths.

Kenshi had known for some time that another war was coming. With so many forces uniting to defend their homes, it was likely that conflicts would arise. He knew he wouldn't be the only human fighting for Outworld, but a lingering fear told him that they might not prevail this time.

"Fancy a drink?" Johnny Cage, a well-known actor and producer, held out a bottle of ice-cold water to Kenshi. However, Kenshi declined. Johnny took a swig himself and swallowed with a showy bob of his adam's apple. He placed the bottle against the wall.

"I reckon it's time to head back," Johnny said.

"Not just yet. One more round."

"That's exactly what I was afraid of," Johnny groaned.

"We gotta make the most of the time we have left to prepare."

"Like I've been telling you," Johnny sighed, rolling his eyes with a sly grin. "You act like I'm afraid of Havoc and his men."

"You shouldn't underestimate them," Kenshi barked.

Stretching out on the floor, Johnny wore a pair of glittering blue boxing shorts with "Cage" emblazoned on them. Leaning forward, he touched his toes, struggling to reach his ankles.

"You're treating me like I'm some kind of weakling," Johnny commented.

"I'm not thinking about anything like that."

Starting to stand up, Johnny looked at Kenshi intently. "You're letting that event ruin your view of me," he guessed. "I've noticed you seem different since we returned."

"I'm just serious about the situation we're in."

Recognizing Kenshi's fake formality, Johnny raised an eyebrow. "You think I'm going to die."

"No!" Kenshi hissed. "Don't say that! I don't want you to get hurt again."

"Do you think I'm not capable?" Johnny challenged, rolling his eyes. "I've been in the entertainment industry my entire life. I know when someone doesn't trust my abilities; they'll push me to my limits, hoping I'd quit. Do you think I'm that easy to break?"

"This isn't a test of your will. I just don't want you to get hurt."

Grandmaster Liu Kang contacted the humans and asked them to visit Outworld to discuss their battle strategy with Empress Mileena of Edenia. Kenshi and Johnny traveled through the portal, taking part in the meeting. However, as soon as it ended, Empress Mileena's kingdom came under attack, leaving everyone scrambling.

You should have paraphrased the story so that it reads like this:

A war is happening on Outworld, and every Earth-dweller is gearing up for the worst. To ensure victory, friendships are being revived. People are being rallied to join the fight. Kenshi Takahashi is one such person who feels the gravity of this situation. As he sits in his clan training dojo, he considers it his second home, having spent numerous hours perfecting his swordsmanship.

In his head, he can hear the cries of the innocent from before. The grueling battles and subsequent losses haunt him. But Kenshi knows he can't shy away this time. He has to protect those who are unable to protect themselves. It's in his blood.

His friend, Johnny Cage, offers him a bottle of water to quench his thirst. Disregarding it, Kenshi takes a deep breath instead. He knows they both have a lot at stake in this upcoming battle. He's not going to let fear ruin his training session.

"Fancy a drink?" Johnny quips, waving the bottle around.

"Nah, I'm good."

Johnny opens it himself and drinks, making sure to let his Adam's apple bob as a showy gesture. He places the bottle near the wall, then sighs. "Time to head back to my place."

"No, we still have one more round."

"Oh joy," Johnny mutters.

"We must make the most of our time before the battle begins. We can't afford to slack off."

"You think I'm afraid?"

"Not at all, but we shouldn't take this lightly. You can still get injured."

"I'm not afraid of Havoc or his men."

Lying down on the floor, Johnny stretches his legs out, donning a pair of glittering blue boxing shorts with his last name embroidered on them. He leans forward, trying to touch his toes, but he can just barely reach them.

Teasingly, Kenshi scowls, "Not even close."

Earlier, Grandmaster Liu Kang had invited the humans to go to Outworld, where they could consult with Empress Mileena regarding their battle strategy. Kenshi and Johnny travelled through the portal and attended the meeting. But when it ended, they found themselves caught in the middle of an unexpected attack on Empress Mileena's kingdom. Everyone was thrown into chaos.

Kenshi proved his strength in battle with the assistance of Sento. However, he later discovered Johnny in the grips of Havoc. The actor's face had lost its flamboyant glow due to the lack of oxygen. His legs stopped thrashing the moment Kenshi saw him, indicating that both will and spirit had vanished. Havoc's disfigured mouth twisted into a repulsive grin, knowing he could take the lives of two men with one more squeeze. But Havoc was caught off guard when a set of large fangs tore into his shoulder. He roared in agony and released Johnny.

Syzoth was the one that had bitten into the foe, digging deeper as he was thrown around. Havoc couldn't escape with his remaining crew members.

Johnny was taken to a private room in the palace. Kenshi would check on him every hour until he awoke. Kenshi's hearing had improved due to his blindness, proving beneficial in combat, but not when listening to his friend's strained whimpers. The comedian hadn't uttered a word since the incident, which was a sharp contrast to his usual chatterbox demeanor.

"I'm not a damsel in distress," Johnny remarked, "You're pathetic for thinking I'd go down so easily."

"Your himbo persona would be more tolerable if you'd just sit back and pretend not to care," Kenshi responded.

"You could make love to me as a start," Johnny suggested.

"Geez, Johnny..."

"We've got all the time in the world," Johnny teased, "I know you've been celibate since the last battle. You've rejected every come-on I've thrown your way. You know how much it hurts to be ignored like that?"

Kenshi let out a big sigh, recalling the time when Johnny had a day off work but spent it naked. At one point, the blond had agreed to meditate with his roommate, but due to his obscene meditation technique, his glutes would mysteriously arch towards Kenshi. The signature move of "Yoga Butt Out" was a clear invitation.

"It's not about you, Johnny, it's about the war. We can't afford to waste time on fun."

"A virgin?!" Johnny's eyes widened, "No time for fun? Having fun keeps your spirits high!" Kenshi felt his skin prickle and sweat trickle down his back at the mention of the incident that took place in Outworld. On the other side, Johnny kept blabbing.

"Apparently, I'm too weak for you," Johnny said, "So, you didn't notice me? I assumed you would have some reaction by now. You should've seen the way I played dead."

"I didn't assume you were weak," Kenshi exclaimed. "I was in shock, not knowing how to save you."

"So, you were there?" Johnny's tone softened, "I was unsure because Syzoth told me about your friendship, and I hoped you wouldn't abandon your friend in a time of need."

"Damn you, Johnny, why do you think you're going to die? You survived Armageddon and that ridiculous 'Armageddon: WW3' movie! You're more durable than anyone else!"

"But you seem to have forgotten. You keep expecting me to die because I appear fragile. That was why you weren't there at first."

Johnny was upset that Kenshi underestimated his power due to his appearance. He had faced death more times than anyone in Hollywood, and had lost a lot of close friends. Kenshi should know better than to doubt his resilience.

"I've never thought you were fragile," Kenshi reiterated, more determined but now close enough to wrap his arms around Johnny, "I didn't know what to do, Johnny. I couldn't save you."

"Look at me!" Johnny demanded, "I'm not giving up! I can still save lives, even if I'm being restrained."

Kenshi felt himself growing aroused, surprised at his response. Though they hadn't been this close in a while, their training exercises made them more intimate.

"Dammit..." Kenshi couldn't help but pant in arousal.

"Don't feel bad about what happened," Johnny stated directly, "I'm just going to get myself into more trouble, and you'll have to get used to it. I can handle myself, but in case I don't, at least I've lived a pretty awesome life- wouldn't you agree?"

Kenshi didn't want to argue about not continuing the fight. It wasn't his responsibility to limit another man's actions, especially when it's a brave one that could save a timeline. And besides, nobody bosses Johnny Cage around, except in bed.

Kenshi's expression remained stoic, which annoyed his friend. Johnny has seen that face too many times before. "Alright, one more round!" the blonde threw his hands in defeat, "Under one condition..."


"You don't even know what I'm going to say!"

"You want me to fuck you. It's not a difficult guess."

"We don't have to do it all the way, but my ass is lonely. If I can just have a little good lovin' then I promise not to complain on the ride home!" Johnny is a pro at begging for sex, just like he's pretending to be a suave alpha male in all those romantic chick flicks. It's amusing to Kenshi, but it also makes his shaft stiff. No matter how much he tries, the swordsman has desires as well.

With all the chaos going on, and Syzoth being absent to attend to his people, it's been hard to get in the mood. But Johnny's pitiful face was so adorable, Kenshi decided to at least wipe it off with a kiss. He'd do anything to make that son-of-a-bitch happy. The actor did invite him to stay in his home after all. He mentioned it was to have some extra cash flowing in, but the affluent guy was already loaded. Additionally, the way Johnny cared for Kenshi's needs demonstrated that he had a sense of caring.

Not to mention, these unusual circumstances are a nice distraction from Johnny's separation. He got divorced when things returned to normal - as normal as it could be - and the night of its finalization, he drank by the pool, washing his tired eyes with whiskey swigs.

Johnny could be an asshole, but he was Kenshi's asshole. The type of asshole that was made to be bent over and spread. One who could take two cocks at once, as he found out almost four months ago. The man enjoyed sex, but he enjoyed making people feel good even more. He'd do anything to make them feel good.

Kenshi grabbed Johnny's face and brought him in for a deep kiss.

"Wow," Johnny said when they pulled apart, "I finally got to you, huh?"

"Not exactly. Get in position."

"Yes, Sir!"

They both planted their feet firmly on the training mat with their arms raised. When the round started, Johnny got ready to catch Kenshi with a right hook right to his ribs - knocking that authoritative expression off his face. Sexy as it may be, Johnny had forgotten how dazzling Kenshi's smile was. He missed that grin.

The actor puffed his chest out and advanced forward. The resentment behind this punch was going to make a mark, and a wicked part of Kenshi delighted in that. But the image of Johnny's sparring partner vanished just as he was about to make contact, and his world spiraled. Kenshi dodged the move by shifting to the side and allowing his friend to tumble.

"Nice one, Smartass," Johnny said as he tried to get back up, "Is this how you treat the Most Sexiest Man?"

"The fourth sexiest man," Kenshi hovered over, "Third runner up." Now that reminder made the celebrity grumpy. Kenshi guided his hand to Johnny's erection and held it gently. He then kissed the back of his shoulder, "Let me hear you. So I know you're still with me," Kenshi whispered. Johnny snorted underneath, trying to turn his head to look at the Asian man who he knew must've looked like such a dom in the position they were in.

It was infuriating not to devour him during the sex strike, with his toned physique and all. That pelvic line begged you to come near and devour his prize. Kenshi was never seen with an unkempt face; he was meticulous about shaving his beard and mustache to a light bristle, which felt delightful to Johnny's skin as he rubbed himself against it.

"Ohh yeah, that's a good itch!" Johnny felt sharp scratches tickle between his cheeks. Kenshi had lowered down to the celebrity's rear and pried between it to loosen up the hole with his tongue. While pushing back, the blond moaned, "Go deeper. More to the left!"

Ordinarily, managers dictate orders, but Kenshi was thankful for it. It aided him in concentrating on pleasing his partner. His hand was still stroking his friend's erect member, as he pressed his face closer; his sharp nose touching Johnny's anus, taking a whiff of his exclusive cologne. "Mmm, you definitely want this behind," the celebrity breathed ecstatically when Kenshi removed his hand from his dick to spank him. His hand hit him a couple more times before sinking its fingernails into the muscular buttocks. Kenshi's cock became harder with every detail of Johnny's moans; the low cracks of his voice added to his grunts, which filled the room. Kenshi was simply hoping Johnny would reign in his dirty dialogue; Kenshi acts based on his ideas rather than roles during sex.

"You're about to cum on this floor, you animal!"

There's no way Johnny would cum so quickly; not with their history together. Both with a limitless civic guy and two thick dicks, their sensitivity had been eradicated. Thus, Johnny's endurance could last longer than a tongue in the anus.

Kenshi replaced his tongue with three fingers, deftly weaving them around the twitching entrance, "Shoot onto this floor, or you'll be sorry."

"You're not helping...talking like that."

"You must maintain your calm. Don't yield to temptation this soon," Kenshi added three fingers, "Or you'll miss out on something more significant."

"I get it...This is all a metaphor for not surrendering, isn't it?" Johnny teased, "Keep your composure? Don't give in to desire? All signifying remaining strong in combat and not considering it concluded before it's finished. You're still holding back from me, buddy, and I'm not a fan."

Kenshi detached his fingers, "...No. That wasn't what I meant at all-"

Suddenly, his world shifted as Johnny wrapped a leg around his chest and tossed him to the ground. Kenshi let out a startled cry, and still grinning, Johnny discarded his shorts to the side - leaving him completely naked. He perched on top of his rival victoriously.

"Seriously?" Kenshi was unimpressed by Johnny's sneak assault. He had consented to letting Johnny undress him, and now they were both nude.

"I'm just f*cking with you, but I did mean that last part," Johnny ground his cheeks against Kenshi's protruding penis, "You're holding back," the brunette positioned Kenshi's erect phallus beneath him, pointing it into his expansive orifice. "So, I'm in control now."

Kenshi found the impatience humorous and decided not to resist.

"Go ahead. Prove who's boss."

No other words necessary; the brunette slid down Kenshi's rigid staff. He moved slowly, despite his inner thoughts urging him to conquer Kenshi. Johnny heaved a sigh inch by inch, the cock plunging deep within. Before he realized it, he was fully seated on the warrior's lap, and when he looked at Kenshi, he could see the slowness had an impact on him.

"You're ready to climax already," Johnny smirked, "You're gritting your teeth. You do that a lot when you're close."

"Shut up," Kenshi contemplated the organs spilled over bodies at Armageddon. The viscera popping out of stomachs, the agonized moans as their spirits departed from their living flesh. Not at all appealing but the intent. The somber thoughts helped control Kenshi's excitement. Johnny examined Kenshi's face and noticed when the man's mind drifted away. The brunette lifted his hips up and plummeted them down, pressing against Kenshi's mouth. Kenshi had no intentions of slipping away. After waiting so long, he wouldn't give in to Johnny.

"Cum all you want," he rocked his pelvis, "I know you need it after containing yourself from me. How virtuous of you." Johnny leaned over and seized Kenshi's wrists to the ground, his hips continuing to radiate. "You know, maybe I'll die. 'Cause your penis is shredding me. It feels larger than usual...Say it again how you need me."

Johnny was aware of the words exiting his lips, and he couldn't reset them. His words pleased Kenshi.

"I'm not trying to flatter you or anything," Kenshi responded, "But our fates are inexorably intertwined to succumb to destruction now. It would be unlucky to perish. Who else would pay for the house?"

"Wow. Well played, Bard of Avon," Johnny sneered, "Treat this seriously. I won't let you up until you do."

He acknowledged the words rolling off his tongue, disliking himself for it, but he acknowledged its effect on Kenshi.

"Uh, huh." Kenshi surprised Johnny with a sudden move, causing Johnny to lose his balance and drift from Kenshi's cock. The force of the push forced Johnny onto his back, and Kenshi assumed a higher position. After settling himself, Kenshi slid inside Johnny and spread his legs apart to penetrate him deeply.

"Focus on how you distribute your weight. You made it too easy to knock you over."

"Don't change the topic!" Despite being angry, it was difficult to be mad when Kenshi took control so passionately. [Johnny watched as Kenshi grooved his hips into him, hearing the loud slaps as his balls collided with his stomach. Kenshi found his sensitive spot, so Johnny no longer cared about asking questions.

Their bodies were filled with lust that had laid dormant for a long time; it felt like a swarm of butterflies crashing at once and forming a tight knot in their stomachs. Neither man realized they had been without speaking and just releasing their frustrations for weeks.

Now, Kenshi was certain that Johnny was approaching his climax. Johnny had thrown his arms over his head, and his erect nipples, ready to be imprisoned in metal clamps. His back arched, and those lovely blue eyes were rolling beneath their eyelids.

But the most telling sign was how Johnny wouldn't stop talking.

"Ah, yes, baby. Yes! I needed this. Drive deeper into me. I'm yours. I'm about to cum. My cock is so hard. It's going to explode. I've never felt so good. You're stretching me out. Oh my God! Fuck! Kenshi, baby, I'm about to-" Kenshi closed his friend's mouth with his hand. This was a common occurrence whenever they had sex - Johnny preferred to have his mouth occupied, whether it was with a hand, a cock, a pussy, or a ball gag. But a spark of creativity came to Kenshi's mind, and he pulled away his hand.

He brought the hand to Johnny's throat. This wasn't a new fetish for them, but given the situation, it might have been too soon to indulge. Maybe he'd push Kenshi too far, and they'd return to living like nuns. Johnny eyed his companion, wondering how he'd react to the idea.

It would be a lie to say Kenshi considered stopping, as Johnny's suggestion triggered him. Memories of Havoc flooded Kenshi's mind - the unstable assailant who threatened Johnny's life. Kenshi couldn't understand why his friend would suggest choking him after what had happened. It's like the celebrity to push people's buttons, never knowing when enough was enough, but then Kenshi considered the possibility that Johnny wanted to remind him that being choked was something he enjoyed when it was performed by the right person. Or maybe Johnny was a jerk. In any case, Kenshi's desire had become so strong it overpowered his anxieties.

Kenshi's fingers squeezed around Johnny's neck, silencing the man forever. The fighter's eyes rolled white, and his throbbing cock struggled to stave off cum. Johnny, the legendary actor, wasn't meant to be treated like a fragile figurine. He refused to relish the life of a sedentary, admired individual. He needed to mingle with people, bask in luxuries, and most importantly, engage in rough sex with his best friend whenever he desired. Kinky choking wasn't a taboo for Johnny, even after his trauma, because Johnny refused to let it define him.

Kenshi placed both hands on Johnny's neck, increasing the pressure. Dreams of Havoc evaporated as Kenshi's primal impulses took full control. He drove relentlessly into Johnny's sweet spot, continuously penetrating him like they used to be. Their connection brought tranquility to their failing relationship.

A soft squeak emanated from Kenshi's grip as Johnny's body shuddered. A torrent of cum sprayed onto Kenshi's stomach. It was ceaseless, and once he cummed, a pool of semen formed on his stomach. Johnny's climax tightened his anus, pushing Kenshi over the edge. Kenshi gritted his teeth, unloading his load into Johnny's ass.

Johnny could not open his eyes from exhaustion, but he could feel Kenshi's hands withdrawing from his throat. Immediately following was a soft whisper.

"What? Repeat the...question."

"You're so out of it." Kenshi felt regret for the red marks he left on Johnny's neck, but Johnny needed a moment to return to consciousness. When he did, Kenshi removed himself from Johnny's ass and retrieved tissues in the bathroom to clean up the mess.

Once they had cleaned up and changed, the pair headed to their car to return home. It was then that Kenshi said, "I never explicitly expressed my thoughts. Do you still want to know what I believe?" Kenshi had been holding back earlier, not wanting to get emotional during their intimate encounter. But now that they were both physically relaxed, he felt it was appropriate to share his feelings.

"Sure," Johnny replied, gripping the steering wheel, "I'm all ears."

"Honestly, I never thought I'd develop a liking for you when we initially met."

"Not much of a surprise there."

"But I'm happy to have been wrong. It's been nice having you as a friend. And our other companions have been great too. We've got quite an extensive network of support, like a second family."

As they drove away from the dojo, Kenshi knew that almost all traces of evidence would be gone. Johnny had almost all the responsibility with the clean up, so any missed cum stains shouldn't cause any issues. "I don't want anyone to perish, but you are particularly a welcome addition to what was previously an average life. Things were so monotonous before all this. I didn't think I'd enjoy being thrown into all these intense experiences...But can you tell I'm rambling?"


"Ha, thank you." Kenshi leaned against the window, "If anything were to happen to you, I'd be utterly devastated. You've been a significant addition to my life, and my world has changed tremendously. Losing you would mean the end for me."

Johnny gripped the wheel tightly, his jaw clenched as he listened to Kenshi's words. They stirred something deep within him. "I can't let you die, so I'm going to work even harder than before to prevent it. If you plan on working out with me, I urge you to stepped up as well. We're a team, and we'll make it out alive as long as we act like one."

"I intent to do so."

"What I said earlier was not meant to belittle you. I simply wanted to express my gratitude for being alive after that fight. If you were in my place, you wouldn't want to be coddled either."

"I understand that."

"Try and consider this: I love you, Johnny. I won't be able to live without your presence. Seeing your face everyday brings a light into my life I never knew was possible. I need you around, but I'm not sure what else to say."

Johnny slowed for a red light. "I understand the emotion behind your words, but anyone could have been in that situation." He could feel his blood pressure rising. "While we were fighting that monster, Havoc was almost like a monstrous Frankenstein. I held on long enough to survive. You may not realize it, but you're not the only one who needs protecting. You're not alone."

"That wasn't the intention. I wasn't trying to coddle you."

"Then, let me be the one to apologize and say: Do not die because I love you. I need you in my life. How can I go on without seeing your magnificent face every day?" Johnny was rarely open about his emotions. However, the more he practiced, the easier it became to decipher them. He knew that Kenshi was in love with him, and it made his heart flutter. Was this a good thing? He wasn't sure.

In trusting Kenshi, Johnny made a decision. The risk was great, but he wrapped his arms around Kenshi and pulled him closer. "I need to be punished for my insubordination," Kenshi's suggestive comments were far from perfect. But they were enough to give Johnny an erection.

The light turned green, and Johnny pressed on the accelerator, "If you want to show your remorse, then I'll be happy to make you my concubine. When we get home, I want you to strip naked."

"I'm more than willing to provide you with satisfaction."

Kenshi smiled at Johnny's witty comment, "Now I'm looking forward to your punishment." The rest of the drive was warm with anticipation of what awaited them at home.

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Source: www.nice-escort.de