Celebrity Sex Stories

Who Wanna Be a Bimbo? Ch. 15

Rich, spoiled, young man with ultimatum from his step-mother.

Jul 17, 2024
46 min read
bimboficationoralWho Wanna Be a Bimbo? Ch. 15cum swallowinganalchastityfeminizationlatextransformationshemalepublic
Who Wanna Be a Bimbo? Ch. 15
Who Wanna Be a Bimbo? Ch. 15

Who Wanna Be a Bimbo? Ch. 15

A spoiled brat. This might have been the most accurate description of Taylor. At the age of twenty six he certainly was no longer a kid, but his lack of responsibility, discipline and a general immature behaviour put him in that category. Taylor was the youngest child of an extremely wealthy man. He never knew his mother and had experienced no real upbringing. He was raised by wealth and a throng of compliant servants; he had never heard 'no' in his entire life. Unsurprisingly such life had made him selfish and arrogant.

Taylor was not bad looking, even if a bit effeminate. His father's luxurious mansion included a gym and a pool, so the young man remained in decent shape. He never developed a muscular physique though, his body remained slender and ironically only his ass grew thick. Taylor had a pretty, although androgynous face and medium length blonde hair. Both features only increased his overall effeminate image, but that did not bother the young man. He was fully confident in his heterosexuality and no-one dared to make fun of him, because of his father's wealth. Taylor had the best proof of his masculinity between his legs; his penis and his testicles were as large as his libido was high. He had a new girl every month, sometimes even two at the same time.

Taylor's la dolce vita ended when his father remarried. His stepmother was much younger than his father, only a few years older than the youngest son, but surprisingly was not a stereotypical trophy wife. Abigail, because that was her name, was intelligent, decisive and could persuade her husband to do anything she wanted. One of those things was giving her complete control of the house's budget. Suddenly the unemployed Taylor became financially dependent on his stepmother and she was not keen on supporting a lazy parasite playboy. The young man had never worked in his life and possessed no employment-worthy skills. Abigail was aware that Taylor would not be able to find a job, but she was not cruel, so she came up with a proposal. Her stepson would participate in the Who Wanna Be a Bimbo show and win as much money as he could. Abigail would then double his prize, but from that point onward he would have to pay rent, if he wanted to remain in the mansion. Taylor could not come up with a better idea to earn a lot of money quickly, so he reluctantly agreed to the proposal.

The young man knew the show well. He watched it regularly and loved to see the participants being transformed into sexy bimbos. He tried to prepare for the quiz, but unfortunately for him, he had never been forced to actually study or to even methodically perform any tedious tasks. Thus Taylor was simply unable to properly learn trivia for the show. He might have been relatively intelligent, but had never actually learnt how to use that intelligence in practice.

Taylor did know how to look good though and could be quite charming when he chose to. For the show he put on a casually elegant outfit, consisting of navy blue trousers and a white shirt; both were tailored specifically for him. He combed his hair diligently; he knew that women loved his hair, some even envied him for its thickness and natural colour, and he wanted to make the best appearance possible. Taylor entered the stage with a confident step and a charming smile on his face.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Frank Trustworthy. Welcome to Who Wanna Be a Bimbo! Today with me is Taylor. Do you wanna be a bimbo, Taylor?"

"Hello, Frank," the contestant replied in a friendly voice and a charming smile, "It's a tempting offer, but I've been told that I'm pretty enough already. But there's never enough money, so the choice is obvious."

"Are there no transformations you find attractive?" the host inquired.

"Hmm," Taylor pondered theatrically, "I've always been curious how it would feel to have actually long hair, but I could never find the patience to grow and groom it. Body hair removal sounds quite convenient... Oh! And there's muscle INcrease transformation, isn't there?"

"There is one, indeed."

"Then it's number one on my list. I work out regularly, but somehow my muscles just don't want to grow."

"The more mistakes you make the greater your chance for these transformations," Frank said with a wink.

"Ha!" the contestant laughed, "you're technically correct, but winning money is still my priority."

Taylor was being friendly and charming mostly for practical purposes. He was aware that the quiz was easier, at least mentally, if you had the audience on your side. He could be manipulative when the circumstances required it, but he also genuinely liked the show; although he preferred to watch it from the safety of his living room chair. Seeing how the dumb bimbos get publicly humiliated was highly entertaining, risking becoming one - not so much. Right now he tried to make the best of the situation.

"Ready to begin?" Frank asked.

"Sure," Taylor replied with fake confidence.

"Draw the categories then."

"Alcohol, European Cities, World Capitals, Sort, Recognise Weapons and Military Vehicles,Milestones of 20th Century, Dogs, Eurovision, Geometry, Bard of Avon, Solar System, European Countries."

"Do you like them?"

"Yeah, they should be easy," the contestant lied. He was painfully aware of his own inadequate preparation, "all, apart from the Geometry," he joked to bolster up his own confidence.

"That's a common opinion," the host replied, smiling, "which category for the first round?"

"World Capitals."

This was one of the few categories in which Taylor managed to actually learn something. He knew, or at least he thought he knew, the capital cities of many of the larger or better known countries. He hoped that there would not be any minor, more obscure states among the questions.

What is the capital city of Brazil? Initially the contestant wanted to answer Rio de Janeiro, but then he realised that it was not among the possible answers. But Brasilia was and that was his choice. Correct. What is the capital city of Ghana? Ehm... Baku? WRONG. What is the capital city of Chile? There were two answers that sounded Spanish, but one of them was Buenos Aires and Taylor knew that it was the capital of Argentina. So he chose Santiago instead and it was Correct. What is the capital city of New Zealand? Taylor had read about it, but forgot the answer. Fortunately for him there was only one name that sounded English. Wellington. Correct. What is the capital city of Sudan? Maybe Banjul? WRONG.

"Two mistakes, Taylor," the host exclaimed, "a decent start, if you want to become a bimbo. Draw two transformation cards."

"Corset and Sex Change."

"Sounds like a perfect start!" Frank commented, as the audience clapped enthusiastically.

"No, thank you," Taylor replied drily, clearly not sharing their enthusiasm, "I don't mind the corset, but I want to remain a man. I want to discard the Sex Change," he stated firmly.

"Draw two new cards then."

"Waist Narrowing and Body Hair Removal."

"There you go! You have one of the desired transformations already. And imagine how slim your waist is going to be with the narrowing AND the corset."

"I believe I am slender enough, but I guess I have no reasons to complain," the contestant replied, in a somewhat resigned tone.

"Exactly. Into The Chamber you go."

Taylor was seriously stressed out when he initially drew the Sex Change, even though he could discard that transformation. Apparently his self control was not as effective as he liked to believe. Ultimately the three transformations were not bad, even if the corset sounded a bit odd. If the future transformations were equally harmless, Taylor hoped he could avoid the worst kinds of humiliation the show had to offer. He calmly entered the device and closed his eyes. His entire skin began to tingle lightly. The sensation was quickly followed by the feeling of his waist getting slimmer, almost immediately followed by external pressure. For a moment Taylor almost panicked, because suddenly he had issues with breathing, but swiftly everything returned to normal. The itching was gone, but the corset remained; though its presence no longer felt so restrictive. The door to The Chamber opened and the contestant stepped out; he was greeted with a round of applause. On the large screen he saw the results of the two transformations which had focused on his waist. The corset was stylish and fit the rest of his outfit surprisingly well. Tyler did not focus on the style though, but on size. He managed to get an hourglass figure even with his narrow hips, all thanks to the impressively slender waist. The corset was really tight, but not uncomfortable; the contestant did not feel as if his motions or breathing were limited. He admired his almost unreal shape for a moment, until Frank spoke.

"Welcome back, Taylor. I see that you like the result of the transformations."

"Yeah... it's nice," the contestant replied, as he began to walk towards the panel, "and surprisingly comfortable."

"The Corset transformation is more than a fashion statement. It had altered your body as well, although not as significantly as the Waist Narrowing. Wearing tight corsets will restrict your movements only in a limited manner and you'll be able to breathe freely. It's not a return to the Victorian Era and you won't even need to give up any sports."

"That's very reassuring," Taylor replied with a genuine relief in his voice.

"Hopefully it'll boost your confidence before the second round. Pick the category."


Because of his wealth Taylor liked fine alcohols. He was more a snob than an actual expert, but at least he knew something; which was more than he knew about many other subjects. His focus did not change between the rounds, but that did not mean that his knowledge increased, so most of the answers were educated guesses at best.

By US laws, bourbon has to be made from a grain mixture containing at least 51% of which ingredient? Wheat. The moment he gave the answer he knew that it was WRONG. Damn it! It's corn. Too late. Sangria is a wine-based beverage from which country? Spain. Correct. Tokay is a sweet white wine from which country? Hmm... Moldova maybe? WRONG. Kirsch is a fruit brandy made from which fruit? I think it's... plums? WRONG. Slivovitz is a fruit brandy made from which fruit? Plums again? Correct.

"Three mistakes this time," the host announced, "you're making progress. Draw three transformation cards."

"Leg Feminization, Submissiveness, Height Reduction."

"What do you think about them?"

"If Leg Feminization is as smooth as the Corset it should be fine. Height Reduction is bad, but it's not the end of the world. I might've discarded it, if not for Submissiveness, which is awful."

"It's one of the audience's favourites," Frank pointed out.

"I know. I liked it too when I was in the audience, but now I'm a contestant and I hate it. I want to discard it."

"Draw two new cards then."

"Face Feminization and Lips Enlargement."


"Tolerable. Slightly worse than Leg Feminization, but not a reason to panic."

"Enter The Chamber then."

Taylor was not exactly happy with the result, not just because of the transformations. As he had stated they were tolerable, even if not necessarily desired. But each mistake also meant less money and that was a serious concern in the long run. He tried his best not to worry about the future and focused on the task at hand. The contestant entered the device with a neutral expression and closed his eyes. Once again his entire body began to tingle, but this time he felt it in his bones rather than skin. The sensation was especially prominent on his face where two transformations were taking place. The process was intense, but painless and swift. Soon all activities ceased and the door to The Chamber opened. Taylor realised, to his own astonishment, that he was curious, rather than fearful, to see the results of his transformations on the screen.

It was... weird, for the lack of a better word. If given a choice the contestant would prefer to remain unaltered, but his new body did not look that bad. The height reduction was barely noticeable, because the proportions of his body had changed as well; his legs became slightly longer and the torso - shorter. The legs were still covered with trousers, so it was hard to say how shapely they had really become. But together with the slender waist Taylor's entire body had a more feminine appeal, although the effect was quite subtle. Equally subtle were the changes done to his face. Previously androgynous and pretty, with a youthful boyish charm; now it was still pretty, but in a feminine way, which was further enhanced by the full lips. The lips were natural and would most likely look attractive on a male face as well. Overall Taylor looked like a cute albeit flat-chested tomboy dressed in male clothes. Trying to maintain high spirits, he decided that his new appearance was not so bad after all. The audience's clapping confirmed that opinion.

"Welcome back, Taylor," the host greeted, "looking good," he added with a smile.

"Thank you. I'm pleasantly surprised myself."

"Don't you want to show off those smooth sexy legs of yours?"

"What?" the contestant was startled by the question, but reacted with a smile, "no, thank you. I'd rather keep my clothes on."

"...for now," Frank teased.

"Preferably until the end."

"We'll see about that. Ready for round number three?"

"I think so. Let's try European countries."

Surprisingly Taylor felt more confident now than before the previous round. Sure, he was not winning as much money as he would like to, but at the same time the transformations were not as bad as he had feared. He had undergone seven already and he did not feel so bad about his altered body. Maybe he could 'win' this game after all, however vague the term was.

The round required the contestant to point each country on the map which showed Europe with the state borders, but no other details. Taylor had travelled quite a lot in his life, despite his young age, so he knew where some places were located, but he obviously had not visited all European countries. He was able to correctly point out Norway and Bulgaria on the map. He was vaguely aware of the location of Latvia, but mistook it for Lithuania. He then made the same mistake with Montenegro and Albania. Finally he mistook Lichtenstein for Luxembourg, even though these two countries do not share a border.

"Three mistakes again, Taylor," the host announced, "you're on the right path to becoming a bimbo. Draw three transformation cards."

"Fetish: Latex, Sensitive Nipples and Mental Drain. Oh, shit."

"It seems that you don't like some of them."

"Yeah," the contestant nodded, clearly unhappy with the draw, "the audience's favourite," he said in a sarcastic tone, "that rest seems fine, even if a bit odd. But the Mental Drain is basically an automatic loss, so I want to discard it."

"You have the right to do so. Draw two new transformation cards."

"Cute Voice and High Heels."


"Everything is better than Mental Drain. These two seem more intrusive than the previous transformations, so I'm not exactly happy. Especially the voice might be the most impactful."

"You'll make a full judgement once you exit The Chamber. Now, in you go."

Taylor had seen enough episodes of the show to know what the Cute Voice meant, and he did not like it. But he was simply making too many mistakes and the number of minor or tolerable transformations was limited. At this rate they had to run out sooner rather than later, so more impactful ones had to eventually appear. The contestant's spirits sank again when the door to The Chamber closed behind him. He shut his eyes and waited for the inevitable process to begin. Taylor lost balance for a moment, when the heels of his shoes began to grow, but his body was adjusted immediately, so he managed to stand straight. Almost instantly he had a new sensation to focus on - all of his clothes were changing to latex. The contestant had never understood the fascination some people had with that material. To him it seemed cold, sterile and uncomfortable. But now, as his entire body was becoming wrapped in latex, he was slowly changing his opinion. Taylor did not ponder on the matter too deeply, because another sensation caught his attention. His nipples were calling to him and telling him that they really like being rubbed by the latex shirt. He could not focus on that either, because the door to The Chamber opened and it was time to step out. Among all the stimuli coming from various sides the contestant missed the gentle itching in his throat, which by now was already gone.

Taylor found it difficult to focus. Despite the stress he was feeling slightly aroused and the audience was clapping louder than previously. Not to mention the fact that his body was dressed in a completely new material which felt surprisingly comfortable as it was touching his entire hairless skin. At least he did not have the time to worry as he watched himself on the screen. Taylor's initial opinion was that he looked odd. Surprisingly the most noticeable change was not the fabric, but high heels. They not only made the contestant look taller, but also significantly altered his entire posture. His legs looked even longer and his firm buttocks were more pronounced. After a closer inspection Taylor noticed that the cut of his clothes changed as well, albeit the changes were more subtle. He was still wearing trousers, a shirt and of course the corset, but all items were altered slightly to better fit not just his body, but also the features of their new fabric. The final look was oddly stylish, albeit in a kinky kind of way.

"Welcome back, Taylor," the host greeted him, as the contestant finally stopped staring at the screen and began to walk towards his panel, "I see that you like your new outfit."

"Y-yes," Taylor hesitated for a second, "I actually do."

The contestant went silent and froze in place, when he heard his own voice. He had forgotten about this transformation and was now reminded in a shocking manner. He sounded exactly like a stereotypical ditzy bimbo would. A voice that was not only high pitched, but also promised the "best blowjob of your life and you can cum wherever you want," regardless of what the owner was saying. Taylor did not like the sound of his own new voice, but could certainly use that blowjob. He tried to compose himself and once again put on his charming mask. He managed to do that, albeit barely, although he did not regain any confidence.

"Does that apply to the shoes as well?" the host asked. He did not mention the contestant's voice, because he did not need to hear his opinion on that matter, he and the audience simply wanted bimbo-Taylor to talk.

"The shoes?" for a moment the contestant seemed confused. The moment he stopped looking at himself on the screen he forgot that he was wearing high heels; that was how natural they felt on his transformed feet. Then came the 'news' about his voice which distracted him further. "Oh, yes!" he finally realised what Frank was asking about, "sure! They're really comfy. Astonishingly so."

"Would you mind giving us a little demonstration of your newly acquired skill?"

Taylor was fully aware that fulfilling this request was the best course of action, simply for the sake of being friends with the audience. But he also did not find this particular task that shameful. Sure, a man walking in high heels could look weird; the contestant held that opinion only recently. But currently the high heels on his feet felt just right and also strangely empowering. Despite the earlier height loss Taylor was now taller than he had been initially; all thanks to the heels. The contestant's confidence kept coming and going throughout the show; fortunately for him now it was mostly back.

"Sure! The pleasure is all mine," Taylor replied with his charming smile and even managed not to wince when he heard his own voice.

He began to walk towards the edge of the stage. The contestant was curious what kind of skills the transformation had given him. Naturally he had no intentions of becoming a model, but he had to admit that their stride looked incredibly sexy; even though it was rather impractical. On the other hand, why shouldn't he become a model? It was an actual job with a decent pay and nowadays there seemed to be a demand in the fashion industry for men who could walk in high heels. Taylor reached the edge of the stage with a smile on his face. He was walking like a model and could see himself on the screen. His thin corseted waist fit with his motions perfectly. His smile broadened as he turned around and began to walk towards the other edge. As he moved the fabric of his shirt kept gently rubbing his nipples, pleasantly reminding him of his other transformation. This obviously caused him to become aroused. Taylor crossed the whole stage twice before returning to his panel; he was rewarded with a loud round of applause.

"Thank you, Taylor," said the host, when the audience finally quieted down, "we're glad to see that you're enjoying your transformations as much as we do."

"Well..." the contestant replied, blushing, "they're not as bad as I feared. Though I still don't like the voice."

"Ha! We'll make a proper bimbo out of you, don't worry. Ready for the fourth round?"

"I think so," Taylor replied. His smile disappeared, as he was suddenly reminded of his lack of preparation.

"Which category?"

"Maybe European cities."

The standard problems with the lack of knowledge were now joined by a new sensation - Taylor became slightly aroused; his nipples were the source. It was a pleasant feeling and not an overwhelming one, but it certainly did not help in giving correct answers. The category was similar to the previous one, although more difficult, because cities are smaller than countries. The contestant knew the general location of most of them, but pointing them precisely enough was a matter of pure luck. He was lucky enough with Venice and Genève, because they were located in characteristic, easy to find, places. He was not lucky enough with Frankfurt and Zagreb, although he knew where to look for them. He had no idea where Košice could be located.

"Three mistakes once again, Taylor," the host announced, "it seems that you have found your golden ratio."

"Too bad I won't get much gold from that ratio," the contestant replied with a sour expression.

"But you'll get exciting transformations! Draw three transformation cards."

"Double Breasts Expansion, Double Height Reduction, Catsuit. Oh dear."

"Just like I said! Exciting, aren't they?"

"That's one way to put it. I'm wondering whether discarding any of them is worth the risk?"

"You don't like them?" Frank asked innocently.

"Catsuit should be harmless. Double Height Reduction is awful, especially since I already had one. Boobs..." Taylor paused and pondered for a moment, "ahh, fuck it!" he finally said in a resigned voice, "at least I'll be able to play with my own tits. I want to discard the Height Reduction."

His announcement was rewarded with an applause; apparently the audience also enjoyed boob-play. Especially since it sounded like a really hot promise when said out in his cute voice.

"As you wish," the host replied, when the clapping quieted down, "draw two new transformation cards."

"Fetish: Chastity and Pretty in Pink. Oh, shit!"

"It seems that you'll get something fun instead. The audience loves pink as well."

"The colour doesn't bother me, the fetish does."

"You'll learn to love it. Trust me. Now into The Chamber you go."

Taylor was proud of his penis and aware of his libido. The prospect of having his large cock locked in a cage seemed grim. He found it hard to understand how someone could actually enjoy such a predicament. He suspected that he would find out sooner rather than later. He entered the device in a sour mood and closed his eyes. The Chamber began to work its magic almost instantly and the contestant clearly felt the changes being done to his body and his outfit. All of them, apart from the colour, were relatively serious, so it was impossible to miss them. Finally the process ended and the door opened, so Taylor could step out and check himself on the screen.

The audience was cheering loudly and the contestant quickly realised why. He was barely able to recognise himself. The person on the screen no longer looked like a man and, while he still had certain deficiencies of femininity, the sight was certainly hot. The contestant was wearing a tight pink latex catsuit which clung to his hairless skin perfectly. Its tightness was further enhanced by the corset which now also turned pink; so did the heels. Taylor might have lacked feminine curves, but the audience could now finally admire how long and shapely his legs looked. But the part which attracted the most attention was certainly his chest. Double Breast Expansion sounds big, but in his case it was growth from nothing, so he ended up having B-cups. His chest was not too broad though, so the new breasts looked proportionally sized, especially since the tight catsuit was tailored to flaunt them. Even the relatively short hair no longer created the impression of a tomboy. Taylor had never wanted to be that kind of hot, but the image turned him on nevertheless, which reminded him of the fourth, 'hidden' transformation. There was a sizable bulge at his crotch, hidden under latex, but clearly noticeable. It was not his large erect penis though, but the outline of his chastity cage. Taylor was becoming aroused and that feeling only increased his discomfort. But... it was an oddly pleasant kind of discomfort. The contestant wanted to be released and allowed to cum, but at the same time he craved to be kept locked, teased and denied.

The applause finally stopped, but the contestant kept admiring himself on the screen. Frank let him do that for a moment, before finally speaking.

"It seems that you like your new self as much as the audience does."

"I'm... not so sure about it," Taylor's hesitation was genuine. He was slowly becoming overwhelmed by all the transformations and new erotic stimuli.

"You had promised us to play with your boobs," the host said with a devious smile, "I'm sure you'll enjoy that part even more than the audience."

Taylor had not exactly promised to do that. He had merely stated the possibility of playing with his tits and not even necessarily during the show. But this was not the court of law and he was not in a mental shape to remember his exact words. Most importantly he actually WANTED to play with his new breasts. Just like every guy Taylor loved boobs and the fact that they were on his own chest was not discouraging at all. Without replying to Frank's words the contestant raised his hands and gently grabbed his breasts. Even that gesture caused the audience to cheer loudly. But it was not their reaction that encouraged the contestant to continue; his nipples were. They were already erect because of his initial arousal, the soft touch through the latex fabric was enough to send jolts through his body; he needed more! Taylor squeezed his breasts lightly and moaned in pleasure at the sensation. The sound was highly erotic in his new high-pitched feminine voice. His grip became more decisive and soon he was groping his boobs possessively. His girly moans became louder, especially when he started rubbing his nipples through the catsuit. Self-groping naturally made the contestant a lot more aroused, which in turn prompted his penis to become erect. Or at last it tried, because chastity prevented that. The inability to get hard was uncomfortable, but nonetheless HOT, as odd as it may sound. The cock's tender flesh straining against the cage also turned Taylor on, thus creating a feedback loop. He was quickly learning what it meant to have a love-hate relationship with a chastity fetish.

The contestant played with his breasts for quite a long time; not many women would allow a man to grope their boobs for so long. After the initial cheer the audience went silent, so they could enjoy Taylor's moans. Eventually the contestant released his breasts and put his arms down; he was rewarded with an enthusiastic cheer.

"Thank you, Taylor," Frank said when the audience quieted down, "I told you you'd enjoy it even more than us," the host grinned.

"You were right," the contestant replied in a breathless voice, his face flushed with excitement.

"I'm glad to hear your confirmation. Are you ready for the fifth round?"

"No," Taylor replied with a lustful smile.

"I don't know what to do now. The contestants are supposed to give an affirmative answer," Frank said and the audience laughed.

Taylor joined them in laughter, then replied:

"After all those transformations I don't think I'll ever be actually ready," despite his words he managed to somewhat compose himself, "by that I mean fully comprehending the questions and giving correct answers," it was quite impressive that the horny contestant managed to form such a long sensible sentence. But his bimbo voice took away most of its seriousness.

"That only means you'll become an even better bimbo!"

The audience cheered at Frank's remark.

"I've had enough already," the contestant replied, "I hope for lucky answers and even luckier draws. Let's try Eurovision."

Taylor had watched the contest quite a few times. Most songs were lame, but overall the show was oddly entertaining; probably because of the competition. The problem was that he could not match the winners with the dates, so once again his answers were educated guesses.

Which country placed last at the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest? United Kingdom. Correct. Which song won the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest? If I Were Sorry. WRONG. Which country won the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest? Ukraine. Correct. What was the name of the artist that placed last at the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest? Levina. WRONG. Which country placed last at the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest? United Kingdom again? WRONG.

"Three mistakes again, Taylor," the host announced, "you picked the golden ration over the gold."

"It was not exactly a voluntary choice," the contestant replied, but did not look too upset. More like someone who had accepted his fate.

"Neither will be the drawing. Draw three transformation cards."

"Hips, Expansion, Bisexuality, Sexy Nails."

"Do you like them?"

"I'm not sure. Hips and nails seem tolerable. I have mixed feelings about bisexuality. Though at this point I guess I might as well double my dating pool. I don't want to risk drawing something worse."

"We're glad to hear that you embraced your path to bimbofication. Into The Chamber you go!"

Taylor was not resigned to his fate, that would be an inaccurate description of his state of mind. He had simply accepted the fact that the price for victory would be much higher than he had initially anticipated. The possible prize, on the other hand, would not be as high as he had hoped. The only way to fix the latter and improve the former was to give correct answers, and at this point he was unable to do that. He entered The Chamber hoping that during the remaining two rounds he would simply be lucky. The contestant closed his eyes and almost immediately felt his hips expanding. That was the only transformation he could actually sense occurring. Soon the door opened and he could see the results on the screen.

The camera initially focused on the lesser of the two physical transformations - Sexy Nails. They now had the same shade of pink as the catsuit. They were also visibly longer, but fortunately not obscenely long; Taylor should be able to use his phone without twisting his fingers at odd angles. The camera zoomed out, so everyone could see the other, more prominent, transformation. The contestant's hips were noticeably wider and more feminine, although not yet as round as a fully developed woman would have. But together with the narrow, corseted waist they created an attractive image of slender femininity; the catsuit naturally was adjusted to Taylor's new shape. The audience expressed their appreciation with a round of applause.

"Welcome back, Taylor," Frank greeted him, "your two physical transformations look really good on you, don't you think?"

"They do fit with the rest nicely," the contestant admitted not-so-reluctantly.

"Wouldn't you like to test the third transformation?"

"Test it?" Taylor asked, but then realised what the host was suggesting, "oh! I think I know what you mean. And the audience would really like it, right?" he looked directly at the people in front of him.

An enthusiastic cheer was their answer.

"Trust me," Frank said when the applause quieted down, "just like earlier you'll love it even more than the spectators."

Taylor indeed trusted him and was excited, rather than fearful, when he remembered what other contestants had experienced after the Bisexuality transformation. He could not hold back a smile when he saw another person enter the stage. He obviously remembered her name - it was Jasmine.

She was tall, muscular and curvaceous, her skin was dark and she had a seductive smile on her face. Her height was enhanced by a pair of incredibly tall stiletto heels, so despite the fact that Taylor also wore heels she was several centimetres taller. Jasmine had firm round buttocks and large, almost equally firm breasts, her lips were big and soft. Just like the contestant she was also wearing a latex catsuit, but hers was transparent, giving a perfect view of her dark skin; it made her look even more nude than if she was completely naked. It also offered a perfect view of her proportionately large penis; the cock was semi-erect and pressed by the fabric against her abdomen. The audience greeted her with a loud cheer.

"Hello, sexy," Jasmine greeted the contestant with a seductive smile.

She approached him slowly, swaying her round hips to the sides. He watched her, mesmerised. Taylor had never been in a serious relationship with anyone, but he had a lot of experience with women. So when Jasmine walked right up to him his instincts took over. When she leaned in for a kiss his lips were already halfway there to meet hers. It was the first time he was kissing with a woman taller than himself, but that did not discourage him in the least. Their lips locked in a passionate kiss and their tongues began to mingle inside of their mouth. They both reached out with their arms and explored their latex covered bodies; ultimately their hands ended up groping each other's buttocks. As their bodies clung closely to one another their breasts were pressed tightly as well. Taylor could feel that Jasmine's boobs were much larger than his. He not only craved to touch them though, a part of him was also jealous! Just like their tits, also their cocks were pressed against one another, separated by two thin layers of latex. But while Jasmine's became erect swiftly, Taylor's could only strain against its cage. The pair's kiss lasted until they both ran out of breath.

The contestant's face was blushed and he could not find any words to speak; that did not stop him from acting upon his lust though. He reached out with his hands and grabbed Jasmine's breasts.

"Go ahead, sexy, play with them," she said and smiled encouragingly.

Her words only emboldened Taylor, he began to grope her boobs possessively with both hands; the audience cheered with appreciation. Jasmine pushed her chest forward and let the contestant play with her body as much as he liked. Taylor spent as much time groping her breasts as he had done earlier with his own. He did not fail to notice that her penis became fully erect and it was even larger than his own. His cock remained small and locked, though it kept straining against the cage even harder now.

Taylor eventually released Jasmine's breasts, but he was too horny to finish the encounter just yet. He leaned for another kiss and she eagerly accepted his lips; it was just as passionate as the first one, although slightly shorter. Their breasts once again were pressed against each other and their palms explored one another's bodies. When their lips parted the pair was rewarded with another round of cheers. When the audience quieted down Jasmine said in a sultry voice:

"It must be quite tight for you down there. What would you say to a little bit of release?"

Taylor had enjoyed being horny and loved being teased, but if there was anyone who could grant him the best kind of release it was certainly Jasmine.

"Yes! Yes!" he nodded his head enthusiastically.

The woman squatted down in front of him and reached out for the zipper at the crotch of his catsuit. She opened it carefully and gently took out his caged penis; the chastity was obviously pink. She fondled his hairless swollen testicles for a moment, then kissed the tip of his locked cock. Her tongue went through the small opening at the front and touched his struggling tender flesh; Taylor moaned loudly in response.

"There you go," Jasmine said in her sultry tone, "this should do it for now," she stood up, but remained close.

The contestant groaned with a mixture of arousal and disappointment, but did not protest.

"See you later, sexy," the woman said in a voice which promised many wonderful things. She then turned around and began to leave the stage; once again she walked slowly, swaying her hips to the sides. The audience clapped until she disappeared behind the stage.

Taylor watched her the whole time, he was still breathing hard and his face was blushed. The zipper at his crotch remained open and the pink cage hung outside. He had to admit that it was no longer THAT tight once she took the chastity out from under the catsuit. Of course it did not reduce his arousal in the slightest. Frank had remained silent throughout the entire encounter and spoke only when Jasmine left. He decided that no commentary on recent events was necessary, so he simply asked:

"Are you ready for round number six, Taylor?"

"No," the contestant replied with a lustful, dreamy expression.

The host smiled in response and continued:

"Which category?"

"Milestones of the Twentieth Century."

The contestant still tried to comprehend the question and find the answers in his memory. Unfortunately he was simply too horny to focus properly, so he had to rely on his luck instead.

In which year the People's Republic of China under Mao Zedong was established? In the same year The Republic of China relocated to Taiwan. 1949. Correct. When was the Prohibition in the United States enforced? 1930. WRONG. In which year the Boeing 747 had its maiden flight? 1975. WRONG. In which year the First Indochina War ended and the Algerian War began? 1963. WRONG. In which year Leonid Brezhnev died and Yuri Andropov became the leader of the Soviet Union? 1982. Correct.

"Three mistakes once again, Taylor," Frank announced, "draw three transformation cards."

"Fetish: Oral Sex, Penis Reduction, Lips Colour: Pink."

"What do you think about them?"

"The lips are fine. I have so much pink already that such a detail won't make a difference. I would gladly discard oral sex, but Penis Reduction is much worse. My cock might be locked in chastity, but that doesn't mean I want it to get smaller. Especially since I'm sure that the cage would become tighter accordingly. I discard Penis Reduction."

"As you wish. Draw two new transformation cards."

"Hips Expansion and Breast Expansion. Wow!" Taylor's reaction was one of shock, not necessarily of appreciation; he did not seem upset either though.

"A worthy trade!" the host grinned, "I'm sure the audience appreciates it as well." A short applause acted as a confirmation. "Go into The Chamber."

Taylor of course knew what would be the immediate consequences of the Oral Sex transformation; he had seen enough shows to remember all the blowjobs. If not for the Penis Reduction he might have discarded the other transformation. Might have, because he was no longer so certain about it. He was sure that he would be sucking Jasmine's cock and even now, before the transformation, he was eager to do it. The only downside of giving incorrect answers was a smaller prize at the end. The more times he got transformed the less frightening other transformations seemed; even the more extreme ones. The contestant calmly closed his eyes and experienced his body being altered.

When Taylor exited The Chamber the camera once again zoomed in onto his lips. They not only had the same shade of pink as the outfit or nails, they also seemed to have grown slightly and gained a more girly appearance, although that change was subtle. Taylor's face became even sexier and more feminine, with a strong 'cocksucking bimbo' vibe to it. He could not see his whole body yet, but the audience was cheering enthusiastically; clearly they liked what they saw. The other two transformations were a lot more prominent. The camera zoomed out only partially and moved down to show Taylor's breasts. They were a solid cup-size larger and not only looked significantly bigger, but also FELT heavier. The contestant was aware that his back had also been altered to compensate for the additional weight. The camera again zoomed out slightly and moved down to exhibit Taylor's wider hips. He might not be able to challenge JLo in that contest, but now the shape of his entire body was undeniably feminine; a perfect hourglass figure that many women could envy. The camera finally showed the contestant's whole body. The audience eventually went silent, so Frank could speak.

"Welcome back, Taylor," the host greeted, "you're becoming a better bimbo with each passing round. Do you like your new body?"

"When you phrase it like that I can't really say 'no', can I?" Taylor was teasing Frank, but in reality he DID like his body. Although he would never have imagined before the show that he could harbour such feelings.

"You definitely can't," the host replied with a grin, "and I have a proposal for you that you can't refuse either. Ready?"

As Frank asked the question Jasmine entered the stage. Taylor smile wide and replied in a lustful voice:

"Oh, yes! I'm ready," he agreed eagerly, even though the host did actually make any proposals yet.

Taylor almost jumped to meet Jasmine halfway. It was pretty obvious that he was driven by pure lust, but that was exactly what the show was about. The pair greeted with a kiss; it was even more passionate than previously, but shorter. After all, the contestant's mouth was supposed to be used for something else.

"I heard you're ready sexy," Jasmine said, when their lips parted, "and I see that you're really eager."

"More than ready," Taylor replied with a grin.

He had never felt that kind of desire in his life. He was incredibly horny and craved to have his cock released; even a blowjob from Jasmine would be a dream come true. But his penis remained locked which, paradoxically, was fine as well; the entire arousal was transferred to his new oral sex fetish. The contestant craved to suck Jasmine's cock even more than to get a blowjob himself.

Without additional prompt Taylor got onto his knees and carefully released Jasmin's penis from her catsuit; it was already semi-erect. He wrapped his lips around its head as if he was dying of hunger; but of course instead of biting he began to suck it eagerly. The transformation had given the contestant his desire and certain abilities, but he would need to learn the techniques on his own; for now he made up for any deficiencies with sheer enthusiasm. In Taylor's eager mouth Jasmine's penis became fully erect in no-time. He was so focused on his treat that he did not even notice when two men brought a small bed on wheels onto the stage.

"Get up, sexy," Jasmine interrupted the blowjob when the men immobilised the wheels, "we'll continue in a better position. You need to show the audience the full range of your new talents."

Taylor did not want to pause the blowjob, but if Jasmine said the change was for the better, he trusted her. He followed her instructions as she guided him onto the bed. The contestant laid on his back with his head hanging off the edge. That part of the bed was specifically designed to support the neck and increase the comfort in the unusual position.

Jasmine's penis was already fully erect and decently lubricated; as soon as she approached his face, Taylor opened his mouth eagerly. She aimed her cock properly and slowly pushed it into his mouth. The contestant might have undergone the transformation, but he still did not fully know how to use his skills, so being careful was a sensible approach. Plus it looked really good on the camera. Centimetre by centimetre Jasmine's huge penis disappeared inside of Taylor's mouth and throat. He lay calmly and motionlessly, he only held his breath once his throat was blocked. The audience enjoyed the spectacle in silence. Jasmine did not stop until her large testicles were lying on the contestant's nose. His own cock twitched in its confinement, the testicles hung beneath it, full and swollen. She held her penis inside of his throat for a moment, then withdrew it carefully; the audience rewarded the first deepthroating attempt with applause. Jasmine gave Taylor time for a deep breath, then pushed her cock inside once again; slightly quicker this time. Once it was whole inside she leaned forward and grabbed Taylor's breasts with both hands. She squeezed them softly a few times, before withdrawing her hips. Jasmine once again gave the contestant a moment to breathe; she did not release his breasts though. They were firm but soft, and while the latex shaped them to look even sexier, it took away none of the softness. When Jasmine fondled Taylor's boobs she also rubbed his sensitive nipples through the fabric. Once she withdrew her cock the audience could hear his pleasurable moans. That did not last too long though, because she soon shoved the penis back in. Jasmine continued to rub Taylor's breasts, her touch soon became more decisive and turned into groping. The additional stimulation caused his penis to twitch more often, it was also leaking precum heavily. Jasmine also began to move her hips faster, making sure to give the contestant time to adjust. She made sure to leave him enough time to breathe, but gradually kept increasing the pace, until it became an actual facefucking; Jasmine never stopped fondling Taylor's tits.

After some initial cheering the audience went silent and simply enjoyed the show. The contestant remained mostly motionless; despite the abilities he had gained thanks to the transformation he still had to focus to be able to comfortably deepthroat a penis as large as Jasmine's. Her playing with his boobs did not help in that regard, but he managed not to gag, which was an achievement not many could perform. She fucked his face for a few solid minutes before finally ejaculating; she did not cum into Taylor's mouth though. Instead she withdrew her penis completely, placed her testicles on his lips and shot a voluminous load onto his latex-covered tits. As the torrent of semen flew onto Taylor's chest he kept sucking on Jasmine's testicles. He was still incredibly horny, but making Jasmine cum was a very satisfying experience, even though the physical aspect of the satisfaction was not complete. That was not the end of the show yet though. Once the final drop of semen dripped down onto the contestant's chest Jasmine helped him to stand up. She then licked her own cum from his latex covered breasts and finally snowballed it into his mouth. He still had not fully calmed down after the face fucking, but he eagerly accepted her lips and the reward they carried. This was followed by a long, sensual kiss during which the audience cheered enthusiastically. When their lips parted the pair remained standing close, staring into each other's eyes; they were both breathing hard. Precum from Taylor's penis was still leaking, now dropping onto the floor. Finally Jasmine said:

"See you later, sexy," she winked and turned around.

Once again she left the sage slowly, swaying her full hips to the sides; the audience cheered her out. When she disappeared behind the scene and the audience went silent, Frank spoke.

"I can see that you're not ready for the seventh round, Taylor, and I can't blame you for that. But you'll still have to pick the category and pretend that you're answering."

The audience laughed, but the contestant needed a few moments to fully calm down. Or rather to stabilise his breath, because his horniness was not going anywhere and his focus would not return any time soon. Finally he said:

"Recognise Weapons and Military Vehicles."

Taylor was shown photos of various military equipment and his goal was to pick the correct name from four proposed options. He was not a military enthusiast, but he was familiar with the most popular names; some of them had appeared in movies or TV shows. Unfortunately he was unable to recognise any of them in the photos. To him all the tanks or jet fighters looked the same. So once again he had to rely on his luck, but this time he had less of it; he managed to guess the correct answer only once.

"Four mistakes this time, Taylor," the host announced, "you managed to make some progress at the last moment. This is the penultimate draw, so make sure that it's something sexy, exciting or both. Draw four transformation cards."

"Butt Expansion, Mascara, Breasts Expansion, Fetish: Anal Sex. Oh, wow!" Taylor sounded genuinely excited, but he was so horny that he would most likely get emotional about anything.

"An amazing set, don't you think? There's the sexy and there's the exciting."

"Yes," the contestant replied with a lustful smile, "I love them all."

"Then into The Chamber you go."

Before the show Taylor would consider the 'sexy' transformations as barely tolerable and the 'exciting' one as completely unacceptable; he would discard it without hesitation. The New Taylor was horny AND locked in chastity, he craved sex in any form, regardless whether he was on the giving or receiving end. The memory of getting face-fucked by Jasmine was still fresh and almost as pleasant as the experience himself. The contestant hoped that she would come again and fuck his ass. When the door to The Chamber closed behind him he closed his eyes and enjoyed having his body transformed.

When Taylor came out the camera focused on his eyes, as was its custom. The mascara looked sexy, of course it was mostly pink, and it added another small layer to his feminine appearance, with a distinctive bimbo flavour. The other two physical changes were not at all minor. The camera zoomed out partially and moved down to exhibit the contestant's breasts. They were noticeably bigger, D-cups on the larger end of that cup-size. Their mere sight and the additional weight on Taylor's chest turned him on, but in his current state most things had that effect. The camera paused for a moment so the audience, as well as the contestant, could admire the sight, then continued its path downwards, to his buttocks. They had been relatively thick and properly firm even before the transformation. Now they had gained volume and lost none of their firmness. Together with the wide hips they greatly contributed to create a gorgeous hourglass figure. Of course the catsuit had been altered as well to further enhance Taylor's assets. The camera finally zoomed out, as the applause was beginning to fade away.

"Welcome back, Taylor," the host greeted, "I believe that the audience will agree with me that you have become the perfect bimbo."

A loud cheer confirmed Frank's assessment.

"Thank you," the contestant replied, to his own astonishment he was a bit shy and did not know how else to reply to the unusual compliment. Fortunately the host quickly came to his aid.

"Wanna show us that you also ARE the perfect bimbo?"

"Yes!" Taylor replied enthusiastically, "yes, I do!" even without any detailed explanation he already knew what kind of demonstration was expected of him.

Jasmine's appearance quickly confirmed his suspicions. She was wearing the same latex catsuit as previously, but the crotch area was already open and her huge penis was dangling between her legs. Two men walked behind her pushing a sex swing.

"It seems that you can't have enough of my, sexy," Jasmine purred in a sultry voice.

"Can anyone?" Taylor replied with a lustful smile.

No more words were spoken, because their lips locked in another passionate kiss. While the pair kissed the sex swing was set in the middle of the stage. The contestant craved to suck Jasmine's cock once again, before trying out his new fetish, but unfortunately the show had a limited time frame. When their lips parted Jasmine guided Taylor and helped him assume the position on the swing; this time it was something resembling doggy-style. His belly was suspended on a wide, relatively comfortable canvas, the rigid corset came in handy, because it improved the stability; there was also extra support for his arms. The contestant's legs remained on the floor and were spread wide. His torso was parallel to the ground which let his breasts hang down; the catsuit held them in place, but they were large enough to jiggle with his every motion. His chastity cage was already exposed, but Jasmine opened the zipper further to gain access to his anus. Before proceeding to the main dish she reached down and cupped Taylor's locked penis; she also fondled his swollen balls. He moaned softly and the microphone was able to catch the sound. Jasmine was not done with the foreplay yet though; she let go of the contestant's testicles, leaned forward and grabbed his large breasts. She began to fondle them softly and rubbed his sensitive nipples through the latex; Taylor's moans became more audible. Finally Jasmine released his breasts, straightened up and lubricated the tight orifice diligently, then swiftly stroked herself to an erection and lubed up her cock as well. She then aimed it at the contestant's waiting hole and pushed inside carefully; she was rewarded with another moan.

Just like with the oral transformation Taylor already had the ability to accommodate Jasmine's size, she simply wanted to be sure that he became aware of it, before she began to pound him more vigorously. Her entire long penis smoothly disappeared inside of the contestant's ass. She slapped his both buttocks before withdrawing, she stopped when only the fat head of her cock remained inside, stretching his sphincter. Without delay she shoved it back in, faster, though still carefully. Jasmine grabbed Taylor's hips for support and swiftly reached the desired pace; soon she was fucking his ass hard and fast. His breasts were bouncing in rhythm with her motions and so was his locked cock. The camera made sure to poke into all those places and show the sight on the large screen. Taylor was not overly vocal, but every now and then an audible moan escaped from his lips. He was enjoying the experience tremendously and it did not matter that he would not be getting any release himself. Jasmine's penis was hitting Taylor's prostate at just the right angle; that part of his body was also more sensitive and erogenous thanks to the transformation. He was getting all the satisfaction he needed just from being fucked in the ass. Although the lack of his own orgasm meant that his arousal would not be going anywhere.

Jasmine maintained a fast and steady pace, but occasionally she would slow down or pause. She used these moments to either slap his buttocks, fondle his caged cock or grope his breasts. She did not change her position, but made sure that her motions were deep and forceful. After a few minutes Taylor became so horny that he was barely aware of his surroundings, he did not even hear the occasional cheers coming from the audience. All that mattered was the diving Jasmine fucking his ass and playing with his body. That state continued for ten more minutes, before she finally shot her second load that day. This time she did not pull out and ejaculated deep inside Taylor's ass. Before withdrawing she slapped his firm buttocks one last time, fondled his balls and groped his breasts. Only then she pulled out her penis and assisted the contestant in getting off the swing. The pair shared a sensual kiss, while the audience cheered loudly; her semen soon began to ooze out of Taylor's ass.

"See you later, sexy," Jasmine said when their lips parted and she slowly left the stage.

Horny Taylor hoped that it would be sooner rather than later, but he was vaguely aware that the show was slowly coming to an end, so it might not happen at all.

"A marvellous performance, Taylor," Frank said when the audience quieted down, "I'm sure you enjoyed it even more than we did. Or would you prefer to take your chastity cage off?" the host asked in a teasing voice.

"Ehm..." the contestant still found it difficult to think straight, "yes and no," he finally replied, "I'd love to cum, but I like being locked and teased too."

"That's the beauty of the chastity fetish. But I have more important news for you," Frank made a short pause.

"Congratulations, Taylor," the host continued, "during the quiz you managed to give fourteen correct answers and thus gathered 700000 points. Now in the Final Round you'll get the chance to convert these points into money."

Frank continued to explain the rules, but Taylor barely listened. Not only because he was so horny; he actually knew the rules, because he had watched the show numerous times. Despite his arousal he also understood that his only way to win anything was to maximise the chances of being lucky. That was why he knew he had to split the point.

"Draw the categories," the host finished.

"Animal Taxonomy, Roman Provinces, Egypt, Conan the Barbarian, Manga."

"How do you want to do the Final Round?"

"I want to split the points into three equal parts."

"Which category first?"

"Roman Provinces."

"Roman province Pannonia included which present-day country?"

"Slovenia maybe?"



"The Suez Crisis (the Second Arab--Israeli War) was an invasion of Egypt by an alliance of Israel, the United Kingdom and France. Despite their initial military success, heavy international pressure from the United States and USSR led to their withdrawal and Egyptian political victory. The Suez Crisis happened in which year?"



"Conan the Barbarian."

"Conan was born in which fictional realm?"

Taylor had not been lucky so far, but surprisingly this time he actually knew the correct answer.

"Cimmeria!" he exclaimed enthusiastically.


"Two final mistakes, Taylor," the host announced, "you managed to turn one third of your points into money and thus won 233333 dollars. But before you claim them, draw two transformation cards."

"Cum Addiction and Screamer. Sounds kinky."

"It sure does," Frank replied with a grin, "you'll soon learn how much, but first enter The Chamber."

Taylor was no longer afraid of kinks and fetishes, he had learnt to embrace them. He was not exactly happy with his prize, but it was something, he did not lose the quiz completely. He entered the device calm, horny and... hopeful. Both transformations were mental and fully sexual in their nature, which meant that there was a chance he would meet Jasmine once more. The process itself was swift and the contestant did not even sense anything. Soon he was out and, for a change, the camera was not zooming in onto any particular part of his body.

"Welcome back, Taylor," the host greeted him, "throughout the whole show you've been transformed twenty eight times and managed to win 233333 dollars. Do you want to claim your prize right away or would you like to test your two final transformations and perform for the audience one more time?"

Taylor was not expecting to be asked, he was certain that such performances were unavoidable; in any case he was eager to try out his new transformations. He was not aware of the fact that, by asking, Frank wanted the contestant to publicly admit that he had embraced his new bimbo self. Unsurprisingly, Taylor did exactly that.

"Yes," he replied, overcoming his astonishment, "sure, I'd love to perform."

"We're happy to hear it."

As Frank spoke, Jasmine entered the stage. Once again she was accompanied by two technicians with a sex-swing, but not only them. Behind her a dozen naked men also walked onto the stage. Taylor was astonished by their number, but if they wanted to gangbang him, he would not protest. Also a completely new thought appeared in his mind, something he would not even contemplate in the past. The more men fucked him the more semen he would get to swallow once they climaxed.

The naked dozen did not approach him though; Jasmine did and they kissed, while the technicians set up the swing once again. Jasmine directed the whole scene, she guided Taylor onto the swing and helped him assume the position; it was missionary this time. The men remained in the back and kept stroking their penises. The contestant noticed that, while their cocks varied in sizes, their testicles were really impressive. Once Taylor was lying in the swing comfortably Jasmine reached out and grabbed his breasts; she squeezed them softly and ran her fingers over his erect nipples. The contestant moaned in response; the volume of his own noises surprised even him, and that had been merely a gentle caress. He realised that the Screamer transformation delivered exactly what its name promised. Jasmine squeezed his boobs a bit harder, producing another loud moan out of his mouth. She let them go, but then moved between his legs and fondled his swollen testicles. Taylor once again became vocal and a careful listener could distinguish between these two tones. But even a less careful one would have no doubts that he was hearing a horny bimbo being sexually pleased. The contestant loved the teasing, just like he had stated earlier, but he craved to feel Jasmine's gorgeous cock inside of his ass once more. Finally she obliged him, after properly lubricating his hole and her penis. When she smoothly shoved her cock into his waiting hole Taylor's groan was even louder and at the end reached an even higher pitch.

Jasmine wasted no time on being gentle and began to fuck Taylor's ass hard right from the start. His moans quickly turned into high-pitched cries, their rhythm matched her rapid motions. After some initial cheering the audience soon went silent and simply enjoyed the perverted symphony. Taylor soon forgot about the presence of the dozen men who kept stroking their cocks vigorously. Even though it was her third round Jasmine had the necessary stamina to fuck the contestant as long and hard as it was necessary. The anal pounding was even more monotonous than previously, but Taylor's ecstatic cries made up for any deficiencies. He seemed to never run out of breath and his mouth never went dry; the contestant kept crying out loudly in his cute bimbo voice. Jasmine's shoves were forceful enough that his breasts were once again bouncing rhythmically. She needed as much time as previously to reach her orgasm, but this time she did not ejaculate inside Taylor's anus; instead she pulled out and walked to his face. He opened his mouth eagerly and grabbed the fat head with his pink full lips. With a few swift strokes Jasmine climaxed and shot her load into the contestant's thirsty mouth. Her third cumshot was not nearly as voluminous as the previous one, merely a few drops, but Taylor had no reasons to complain. As soon as he swallowed, the naked dozen, about whose presence he had forgotten, approached them.

The men kept masturbating and soon all ejaculated into a large bowl. Their testicles proved to be as full as they were large; when they eventually finished there was easily half a litre of semen in the bowl. Jasmine helped Taylor get off the swing and guided him onto his knees; he obediently complied. She then took the container and slowly poured its content into the contestant's wide-opened mouth. The audience cheered wildly at the kinky spectacle. Jasmine and Taylor both made sure not to spill a single drop; in the end he even licked the bowl clean. The men left the stage, but the show was not over yet.

"I think you deserved a little reward, sexy," Jasmine purred.

She instructed the contestant to lay on his back and then raise his buttocks up; he had to support his full hips with his arms. His caged penis was hanging down and pointing at his face. Out of nowhere Jasmine produced a key and carefully took the chastity off; Taylor moaned loudly with pleasure. In a few expert strokes she made his sizable penis fully erect and did not need a lot more time to make him climax. The contestant ejaculated straight into his own mouth. After a few rounds of constant stimulation and arousal his load was truly voluminous, but in his position he was unable to catch and swallow everything. The only reason his moans and cries were not louder than previously was because of his difficult position. Jasmine kept stroking his penis until the last drop fell down. She then helped him to stand up and licked the remains of semen from his face and chest.She did not swallow any of it though, but snowballed everything into Taylor's mouth during their final kiss. The audience cheered wildly. Taylor was completely dazed; he remembered kissing Jasmine, but everything that came afterwards was a blur. The host was talking, the audience applauding, someone took away the sex-swing, but the only detail which he remembered was that he left the stage holding Jasmine's hand.


Taylor managed to win over 200,000 dollars, which was a lot of money; plus his stepmother promised him to double the sum. But even then almost half a million dollars would not allow him to maintain the kind of lifestyle to which he was accustomed, especially since he would need to pay rent to be allowed to live in his father's mansion. Even despite the considerable prize Taylor still needed a job and he was aware of it. Fortunately for him his stepmother stepped in once again (pun intended); she had the perfect kind of job for him - camwhoring. Despite its vulgar name it was tailored for someone like him (pun intended, again). Taylor already had some recognition thanks to his participation in the show, so they had to strike the iron while it was hot.

Abigail even agreed to become his manager. First she contacted the agents of Who Wanna Be a Bimbo; as always they were more than happy to continue the cooperation with their former contestants. They agreed to film several videos with Taylor and Jasmine as the main stars, and a few other participants of both sexes. Taylor would not receive any money for the videos, but would have the rights to post, and benefit from, their cut versions on his social media channels. Who Wanna Be a Bimbo in turn would promote said channels for an agreed duration of time. Parallel to these efforts Abigail took a marketing expert from her husband's company and had him create Taylor's online presence; using both free and paywalled sites. If Taylor wanted to have a serious income, and he did, he could not be a simple freelancer with a 4K webcam. He needed a studio, a photographer and a cast of co-stars. He was not competent enough to organise it himself, but Abigail turned out to be astonishingly resourceful. Taylor only needed to be the star and for that he had just the right character. His new look, skills and fetishes quickly made him very popular.

Technically he was still a man and he had no intentions of changing that; for personal and practical reasons. There was an abundant supply of female camwhores, but there were not many gorgeous, truly feminine femboys. It did not hurt that said femboy had a long list of kinks and genuinely loved them, not merely acted for the camera. Abigail played one more important role in Taylor's life - she was his keyholder; that arrangement had financial consequences as well. Having his actual stepmother as keyholder sold really well among the incest-loving crowd of the Internet; even though the two of them never conducted any sex-related activities together.

Abigail managed to find quite a few co-stars for Taylor; men, women and transsexuals. Those with penises were well-endowed, those without could use a wide variety of strapon dildos or other sex toys. Every scene was filmed professionally from at least three angles and each video was accompanied by a set of photos. Running such a channel was not cheap, but Taylor quickly became the most popular femboy on the web. His popularity even challenged some of the top female camwhores.

Especially popular were the scenes of his release from chastity. Abigail analysed how often they should occur to be the most profitable; ultimately she settled on three weeks. She also made sure that these were big, spectacular events. There were always at least two or three participants who would fuck Taylor's brains out, before his cage was finally removed. But he would not cum inside of any of those participants; after all the first cumshot after such a long break would be the largest and the most impressive one, so the audience needed to witness every drop. Taylor's cumshots were always properly directed, he was always positioned in a way that offered the camera a good angle on his penis. Moreover he could not ejaculate just anywhere, because later he had to lick everything clean and swallow every drop. Taylor was usually sucked or jerked off, but these ceased soon before the cumshot. What did NOT stop was anal sex; whether it was a dildo or a real cock, Taylor had his ass fucked until the last drop of semen left his testicles. His ecstatic moans and cries were loud and genuine, he could easily put the best pornstars to shame.

After the "Release Performance" Taylor spent the whole next day cageless; Abigail had a way to financially benefit from that as well. Her stepson had a truly sizable and shapely penis; femboy lovers all around the world were happy to see it put to action as well. During that day they filmed and steamed scenes during which Taylor was the one doing the fucking or having his cock sucked. However and wherever he ejaculated though he always ended up swallowing his own semen. In most of his scenes Taylor performed wearing latex outfits, usually catsuits, but not exclusively. But his audience was diverse and there were fans of other fabrics as well, so every now and then Taylor wore clothes made of different materials, like nylon, leather, spandex or even satin. Of course the colour pink was dominant, but Abigail decided that some elements of his wardrobe needed to break the uniformity of colour; white and black were the most common choices.

The sex-life provided by Taylor's work was a bit too regulated and not spontaneous enough, but he loved his job nevertheless. He also appreciated Abigail's support and over time they created a unique bond, although there still was no familial love between them. Ultimately Taylor had a job which satisfied all of his fetishes and provided him with an astonishingly high income. He became a complete bimbo and an almost insatiable slut, but he also lost his arrogance and stopped being a useless parasite. In the end Who Wanna Be a Bimbo had another happy ending.

  1. Despite his new transformation, Taylor remained confident in his heterosexuality, attributing his effeminate appearance to his large penis and high libido.
  2. As part of his transformation, Taylor was hesitant about the 'Fetish: Latex' card, but agreed to keep it, as he was aware of his stepmother's fondness for latex clothing.
  3. Taylor was surprised to discover that the 'Cute Voice' transformation was less daunting than he had anticipated, finding that he actually enjoyed the higher-pitched tone.
  4. Taylor'sstepmother, Abigail, was delighted with his progress on the show and encouraged him to embrace his feminization, particularly the 'High Heels' transformation, as a means of boosting his earning potential.
  5. Taylor was faced with the 'Chastity' transformation, which shocked him initially, but he agreed to undergo the transformation, feeling that it was a necessary step in his journey towards becoming a successful bimbo and fulfilling his stepmother's expectations.

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