You Got Mail Ch. 03

This is just a discussion between husband and wife.

Jul 29, 2024
9 min read
femdomloving wivesYou Got Mail Ch. 03
You Got Mail Ch. 03
You Got Mail Ch. 03

You Got Mail Ch. 03

The morning after.

This is just a discussion between husband and wife about the previous evenings events.


"Ok, Sleepy head it's time to woke up."

As I slowly opened my eyes, I could see my wife sitting on the edge of the bed slowly rubbing my chest. I was having a hard time bringing myself to be cognizant of what was happening. It's as though I was drugged.

"Ok, it's time to rise and shine," she said as she started to gently squeeze one of my nipples which brought my eyes fully open.

"What time is it," I asked her.

"It's after 10:00 and you need to wake up so we can have a talk."

"Why aren't you at work, aren't you a bit late?"

"I'm working from home today. I thought it would be good for me to be here when you got up."

"Oh, Ok." I replied.

"So how are you feeling today?" She asked while continuing to rub my chest and occasionally squeezing a nipple here and there. It felt good, I was enjoying her touch. As she squeezed one of my nipples a bit harder this time, she said, "I asked you a question."

"Oh, sorry mistress, I was enjoying your touch."

"There is no mistress here, at the moment. Just your wife wanting to know how you are doing. So how are doing this morning?"

"Oh, my ass is a bit sore."

"Ah duh, I figured that. I asked how you are doing this morning."

"I am good, besides the sore ass," I replied.

"Did you enjoy last night?" She asked

"Hell yeah. That was amazing."

"So, you enjoyed me beating your ass?"

"That hurt, but I loved the whole evening."

"Why?" she asked.

"I guess I like giving up control," I said. "My whole life I always had to be in control, it's nice not having to be. I know that makes me a wimp in most people's mind, but I have always known, that deep down, that I am a submissive. I have always fantasized about being used and even abused for someone else's pleasure. I am sure you don't understand that, for I don't understand it myself."

"Wow, why didn't you ever tell me you felt that way?"

"Because you would think less of me. Plus, I have tried over the years. I always tried to get you to make your slave or your servant or girlfriend, but you never had any interest."

"I could never think less of you. I could never understand why you wanted me to treat you that way and to hurt you. It made no sense to me," she said.

"Did you enjoy last night?" I asked.

"I kind of did."

"Oh, so not really."

"No, I didn't say that, I just can't believe I got so turned on. I know I am not naturally dominate, but I think I can really get into it though. I actually can't believe how much I did enjoy it. I also can't believe how turned on you were. That's the first time you've been that hard without a little blue pill. It was nice to have a hard dick for a change."

"I never thought you had that in you. I never thought I could get that turned on either."

"Well, I didn't either, but I really did enjoy dominating you. I got so turned on while doing it. It was a real power rush." She stopped talking for a moment and then said, "I would never have thought of doing that to you on my own."


"Last night was not my idea, it was someone else's idea. She said if I truly loved you that I should give you what you want. So we devised a plan and I just basically followed the plan."

"So, there was someone else here last night."

"Oh, no. We were alone."

"Well, that's good to know."

"If we continue this though, we won't always be alone."

"What's that mean?"

"Just what I said. If we continue down this path, I am going to involve at least one other and maybe others. This dominance thing is not natural for me so I know I will need help. So, the question for you is, is this truly what you want? If it is, just know that others will know what a sick fuck you are."

"Do you mean that?"

"Mean what?"

"That I am a sick fuck."

"No, I don't really think that, but others probably would."

"So do you still love me?"

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because of me being a sick fuck." I said.

"Of course, I still love you. I don't understand you wanting this, for the most part, but I am starting to. Because I love you and want to make you happy, even if it is in your own perverted way, I look forward to seeing you squirm a bit." She paused for a moment then asked, "Do you still love me?"

"Yes of course I do. Maybe more than ever," I replied. "But if this is something that will ruin our relationship, then no I don't want it. I only want this if you do."

"I believe I do now. A few weeks ago, I would not have said that, but the more I researched the more I came to accept it all. I still don't totally understand why you want to be beat, or why you want to dress in women's clothes, or why you want to be so subservient, or why you would want to eat your own cum, or even someone else's, but if it makes you happy."

"Not sure why I do either other than I am a sick fuck. I guess there is just something wrong with me."

"There's nothing wrong with you. You're a good guy. You're just wired differently than most of the rest of the world. Based on what I have learned over the last few weeks you're not the only one who is a sick fuck, but what I have come to realize is that you are my sick fuck." She paused for a minute and then added, "So, since I do love you, I need to do what ever it takes to be sure my sick fuck is happy beyond his wildest dreams. Is that ok with you?"

"You certainly did that last night."

"You haven't seen anything yet."


"Really!!! You might not be happy with everything we have planned, but then that really doesn't matter does it?"

I was taking a minute to let what she just said sink in. Then I asked, "What if there is something I don't want to do?"

"You always have your safe word."

"Oh, ok."

"Just know once you use it, we are done with it all. We will go back to simply being husband and wife and I never want to hear another word on the issue. Do you understand?" She asked.


"Good, but I don't think that will be an issue, because I saw last night how much of a submissive you are. I think you would do almost anything that we ask of you. Just remember you are a sick fuck, and you love it."

"You keep saying we, who is the we?"

"A friend I made when I was trying to digest everything when I learned about you. She helped me come to terms with it all and she is the one who helped me come up with the game plan for last night."

"Who is it? Where did you meet her?

"You don't know her. I met her online. We've talked quite a bit and we even have had lunch a few times."

"So, she's local?"

"Ah dud, of course she is. If she wasn't local, how do you think we met for lunch multiple times."

"You never told me you met someone for lunch."

"Well, you never told me about any of this now did you," she quipped.

"Oh, that's different."

"And how is that different. You have your secrets and I have mine." She paused for a minute and then added, "You will be meeting her soon. She is going to help me with your training. She even set up Helgas web page for me. She loved the video of you sucking my cock."

"Web page?"

"Yeah, you now have your own web page. It is hosted on a femdom/sissy site that she moderates. It is really quite something. You will have to check it out. You are quite the star, you already have over 1,000 likes my little cock sucker."

I screamed, "You can't do that!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Too late, it is already done."

"What if someone I know sees it?"

"Then you will know that they are a sick fuck also." She started laughing a bit. "I wonder how many of your friends are sick fucks like you. That would be interesting to find out, wouldn't it?"

"Nobody we know can find out!!!" I yelled.

"You need to calm down right now. They will only find out if they are a sick fuck like you or if you disobey me. Anyway, you know you want others to know. You have always wanted another couple to swing with, and you talked often about a threesome, and not with you and two females. I always wondered about that."

"Well yeah I did, but that was just fantasy."

"Are you sure it's just fantasy?"

"Well yeah, I guess. The idea of it all turns me on."

"Well then, it'll be fun to turn your fantasy into reality. That's all I am doing for you, right. Bringing your dreams to life." She pinched my nipple really hard and asked, "So, are you good with my new found dominance or do you just want to get back to our mundane lives?"

"No, I am good with it as long as you are."

"Oh, I am more than good with it." With a big smile she stood up and then said, "Let's get this day and your new found life started. We both have a lot to do, and I have a meeting in 15 minutes."

"Hey, you said last night you have a hot date for tonight. What's that all about?"

"Oh, there has been a change in our plans. I changed that till maybe Saturday night, but that might change too. I just don't want to rush things too much. I just want to be sure everything is just right for your first time.?

"First time!!!!!! First time for what?"

"You'll see soon enough. But if you don't get your ass out of that bed, you'll never get the chance to see?"

With that she left the room. My head was spinning, my ass was sore, and with all this talk my dick was struggling to get hard in my cock cage. I need to get this thing off so I can pee.

As my wife walked back into the bathroom I asked, "Can I have the key so I can pee?"

She chuckled and replied, "That thing, isn't coming off till you prove you can be a good slave and then maybe not even then."

"Oh please, come on take it off will you. You had your fun."

"My fun, I thought this was your fun. Besides, I can't take it off even if I want to."

"Of course you can take it off just give me the key."

"That's no way to ask."

"Please mistress."

"So now you remember who I am."

Please Mistress," I begged.

"Sorry, but I don't even have the key. I mailed it to Elsa yesterday on the way home, "She replied. "Elsa thought that would be best. That way I couldn't feel guilty about not letting you out."

"I just don't believe you did this to me. When will I get this off? What about cleaning my dick? I don't want it to rot and fall off." After a pause I added. "Elsa?"

"Yes Elsa, and I am sure she won't let that won't happen. Besides if it does, it wouldn't be much of a loss now would it. Since it doesn't work most of the time because of your ED."

"But don't you want to have sex again?"

"Who said I wouldn't be getting any sex? I plan on being real satisfied, probably more than I have been in years."

With that I just went into the bathroom and sat down, accepting my fate, at least for moment.

"Weemouse, as soon as you're done I will need my breakfast. Make me something good," She demanded.

"Ok as soon as I get dressed."

"No one told you could get dressed. You will stay naked for the rest of the day. You got that."

"Ok, if you insist," I said sarcastically. And as soon as the words were out of my mouth, I regretted it.

Mistress turned on her heels walked into the bathroom and grabbed a handful of my hair pulls my face up to look at hers that was only inches from hers, "You really are one dumb slave, aren't you?

"No, I am sorry mistress. It won't happen again."

"I am sure it will," she said. "I'll take care of your punishment later. For now, get me some breakfast. You are going to have a long day ahead of you."

"During our discussion, you mentioned someone else being involved in last night's events. Was that from 'You Got Mail Ch. 03' or a different femdom source?"

"In the context of our relationship, I am now largely a loving submissive within our femdom dynamic, thanks to last night's experiences."

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